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This game has broken my heart.


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I was looking forward to this game for so long. I ordered the Collectors Edition the day it was available. I gave everything I had in that "other game" away, swearing to never go back.


The journey to level 50 PvE story wise was amazing. Everything after has been nothing short of a disappointment. Raids are just "ok". The PvP is the worst I've seen in any game I've played since I started with MMOs in 1998.


My guild raids 2 days a week and my plan was to pvp the other days. I've gotten 6 pieces of champ and 6 centurion, Valor rank 45ish. It's a terrible grind and nearly no fun at all. Takes 2 or 3 days to complete a pvp daily with the aweful win/loss ratio.


We can't all be in magical pre-mades and I'm nearly always #1 or #2 on charts.


I'm working on my 3rd level 50 now but for what? So I can go through the same disappointment over and over and over?


I don't know what you have to do to fix the pvp in this game... Premades in their own bracket? Battlemasters+ in the own brackets? Cross server Random ques?


Something has to be done ..... I mean - jesh , none of the friends I started with even bother logging on anymore.


I'm a grown man, but this game is destroying any desire I have to play anymore.

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The writing was on the wall well before launch.


I ordered the cheapest version, I rolled republic so I'd be the underdog, I always thought I'd only get about 2 months fun from the game due to it being gear grind instanced endgame.


move on, wait for the next one, put this in the nostalgia pile of "it had potential but..." that all old jaded mmo gamers carry around with them.


I'm still waiting for ultima2

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Tera shall save us all


Good game, and frankly if this game doesn't buck up its ideas soon i'm out of here too, end-game content is impossible to get into unless you have 130+ rated equips, guilds are good but only if they're BIG (Talking 50+ people on at peak times here).


PvP is becoming a joke with everyone rolling hybrid sages/sorcs and surge maras/sents, glad that mercs got a surge nerf, but it wasn't enough, they needed to nerf the base damage of "win missile".


And this is coming from a guy that has a 50 merc, it does way too much damage, especially for those stacking surge.


So there you go, lots of memory leaks and forced ctds and frankly, if it carries on like this, i'm gonna preorder for tera beta and wait for the launch.

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I generally feel the same way as the OP, however the game is still young. 2 months isn't enough time for me to make a decision and to say the game failed/succeeded. I may have more patience than a lot of you becasue I started playing the game because of the story and being set in the Star Wars universe. I didn't play it to get awesome PVP (that's what my 1st person shooters are for and League of Legends). If the game gets to the point that the PvP is good, then that's great. 2 birds with one stone.


Once I get to valor 60, I'll do maybe one of my daily's each day, but I'll start rolling alts to get all the story lines. Once I have played all the classes and experienced the story, then I'll move on to something else. I'm anticipating that the Devs will get their ducks in a row by then. (10 months or so)

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I generally feel the same way as the OP, however the game is still young. 2 months isn't enough time for me to make a decision and to say the game failed/succeeded. I may have more patience than a lot of you becasue I started playing the game because of the story and being set in the Star Wars universe. I didn't play it to get awesome PVP (that's what my 1st person shooters are for and League of Legends). If the game gets to the point that the PvP is good, then that's great. 2 birds with one stone.


Once I get to valor 60, I'll do maybe one of my daily's each day, but I'll start rolling alts to get all the story lines. Once I have played all the classes and experienced the story, then I'll move on to something else. I'm anticipating that the Devs will get their ducks in a row by then. (10 months or so)


The game is "young" only after launch. However, the game had as much time as it wanted to be in a beta phase and fix all the annoying bugs in the game. Instead Bioware and EA launch an incomplete product and expects players to pay to play a beta. So please, quit trying to shove the "It's only been 2 months" B.S. down our throats. That only works for class balance and obscure bugs, as well as problems with new content. Extra people zoning into wz's, lag when there are 40-80 people pvping on ilum in one area, and a plethora of other bugs should have been taken care of long before the 2 months.

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It had a rushed launch due to monetary/greedy reasons and it shows. That's all there is to it.


Sadly in this day and age people don't wait till it gets better because there's plenty other options out there even without paying a premium AAA subscription. Maybe 10 years ago it would have been a long lasting game.


Still, it was worth the money I gave for it. Been doing storylines and the odd pvp for the last month, I now have money again in my gaming budget to move on to something else when I feel the time comes.

Edited by Maruchani
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8 people in this thread are bad and dont have friends to que with, srry yall MMO means grps with communication are key, im sorry u guys wont be around for free valor anymore, oh well guess ill just have to compete against people that actually possess skill, /shrug.


oh and L2P, cuz im sure ur gonna have the same problems in the next game you play.

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I'm still loving the game.


I can understand why people who only like PvP may not like the game. Not sure why those guys are not playing Warhammer... that's a PvP game.


This game is going strong for me because I still have 7 stories to finish.


PvP grind is PvP grind in any game, so that's not what sets this game above the others for me.


If anything they made getting PvP purples too easy. People are getting to 50 and just grinding PvP till their eyes bleed. Many of the PvP guys skipped every flashpoint in the game and most of the planetary content.

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8 people in this thread are bad and dont have friends to que with, srry yall MMO means grps with communication are key, im sorry u guys wont be around for free valor anymore, oh well guess ill just have to compete against people that actually possess skill, /shrug.


oh and L2P, cuz im sure ur gonna have the same problems in the next game you play.


1 person in this thread is happy with a shallow grind being passed off as endgame?


how's that carrot taste?

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The game is "young" only after launch. However, the game had as much time as it wanted to be in a beta phase and fix all the annoying bugs in the game. Instead Bioware and EA launch an incomplete product and expects players to pay to play a beta. So please, quit trying to shove the "It's only been 2 months" B.S. down our throats. That only works for class balance and obscure bugs, as well as problems with new content. Extra people zoning into wz's, lag when there are 40-80 people pvping on ilum in one area, and a plethora of other bugs should have been taken care of long before the 2 months.


I'm hardly shoving anything down anybody's throats. I'm simply defending that the PvP element of the game isn't the only thing the game has to offer and it was obviously not their main priority when developing the game. I think the rest of the game is great. It's the first time that I've actually cared about quests and what not. I'm in a guild where most of the people rushed through leveling to hurry to the end game. Now they are quitting and complaining that the end game isn't up to snuff. They admitted that they didn't care about the story and questing and all that, so I consider that self-inflicted wounds.


One question for you - Were you aware in the last phase of the beta that these issues still existed? If so, why would you then purchase the game if those issues bothered you so much?

Edited by Woocam
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I loved the move to 50 but at 50 there was no thought process at all every game underestimates how fast people will reach 50 and this one did it by a long shot there bugs are crazy I was so happy to play starwars but the pvp is a nightmare, classes like inquisitor dominate everything and theres so many things that just have no real sence in existing. I would be surprised if the boxes that give you 15% expertise did anything honestly. Ilum is so boring its like a waist of my time to play it. The daily and weekly is the only real reason anyone even goes to it. There was no thought process in voidstar, if two really geared teams meet each other than no one goes anywhere and you just have this long 15 minute battle at the start of the wz that gets boring and dule very fast. Huttball is the only real contribution to the pvp that makes it interesting and even thats ruined by lack of fair gear progression between ilum and the republic. You just end up having the empire no matter what time of day always over power the republic and the empire is just left wandering when they will get a thrill from the fight other than just hoping for a real challenge. The pve is good but its not enough of it and after a while its to hard to find a group cause the restriction on lock out is to heavy, and lack of means to get people together is making it hard to want to keep playing. The ease of access is nice but half the time you find youreself stuck on the main ship with waiting with no real view to look at.
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I think the problem is how quickly people leveled up and got to end-game. Then how quickly you move through the end-game. People who play 15+ hours a week are going to get sick of this game much quicker than people who play maybe 5 hours. This game caters well to the "casual" player who still hasn't hit level 50 with 1 character. It still takes about 72 hours of game play to get to level 50. For a normal single player game, that's a good amount of time.


I'm personally leveling other characters. While you're correct that there's not much to do at level 50, I know it'll take me awhile to get level 50 on all the classes. Then when there's more content and some bugs are ironed out, I'll have a ton of options!


Plus, SWTOR is giving me the chance to play Skyrim, Kingdoms of Amular, and some console games I haven't been able to get to yet, instead of focusing ALL my gaming time on one single MMO.

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The tears...


THE TEARS!!!!!!!


Seriously. It's YOUR $15/month, and if you are disappointed, there is a variety of other things to do other than SWtOR. You can go to the game-who-must-not-be-named, since that's what everybody who hates SWtOR goes to. You can wait patiently for the "WoW Killer" Guild Wars 2 (But that nickname gets thrown around too often). You can go on a nostalgia trip and buy a bunch of old games you enjoyed as a child/adolescent. You can even just stop playing altogether.


My point: Unsubscribe if you're disappointed.

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I'm still loving the game.


I can understand why people who only like PvP may not like the game. Not sure why those guys are not playing Warhammer... that's a PvP game.


This game is going strong for me because I still have 7 stories to finish.


PvP grind is PvP grind in any game, so that's not what sets this game above the others for me.


If anything they made getting PvP purples too easy. People are getting to 50 and just grinding PvP till their eyes bleed. Many of the PvP guys skipped every flashpoint in the game and most of the planetary content.




What this guy said. The end PvP experience isn't the focus of the game. Play a PvP game if that's what people care about so much. I basically treat it as a glorified RP game. I have 7 stories to finish as well. If people don't like the story and PvE experience, then I can honestly say that this game will never satisfy you and you should move on. No MMO is going to have great PvE and PvP, and have no bugs. Just not going to happen. If you think it will in this day and age by any gaming developer, then you're mistaken and need a reality check.

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My guild raids 2 days a week and my plan was to pvp the other days. I've gotten 6 pieces of champ and 6 centurion, Valor rank 45ish. It's a terrible grind and nearly no fun at all.


As somebody who played Aion for a very long time, your complaints about "grind" in SWTOR make me laugh. Seriously, getting gear in this game is an extremely fast and easy process.


Takes 2 or 3 days to complete a pvp daily with the aweful win/loss ratio.

We can't all be in magical pre-mades and I'm nearly always #1 or #2 on charts.


Here's your problem - being #1 on charts means absolutely nothing, while helping your team to get the objective is what counts. There's nothing magical about pre-mades, what exactly is stopping you from forming one with 3 other players?


I'm working on my 3rd level 50 now but for what? So I can go through the same disappointment over and over and over?


Here's another problem - you spend time on leveling alts instead of farming valor for your main. Technically, there's nothing wrong with that, but you can't expect gear to magically fall from the sky into your main's inventory while you're busy playing an alt.

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As somebody who played Aion for a very long time, your complaints about "grind" in SWTOR make me laugh. Seriously, getting gear in this game is an extremely fast and easy process.




Here's your problem - being #1 on charts means absolutely nothing, while helping your team to get the objective is what counts. There's nothing magical about pre-mades, what exactly is stopping you from forming one with 3 other players?




Here's another problem - you spend time on leveling alts instead of farming valor for your main. Technically, there's nothing wrong with that, but you can't expect gear to magically fall from the sky into your main's inventory while you're busy playing an alt.


Another person that gets it...where do we get more of these guys?


I can't wait until a year down the road when a lot of what's a problem now gets fixed and people forget about all those bugs. A polished game with fun PvE, PvP, and end game at release simply doesn't exist, hasn't existed, and won't exist anytime soon. People just need to appreciate the good things about the game and hope that the bad/mediocre things get addressed before you get sick of the good things. If you are sick of the good things already, then this game obviously isn't for you and you should move on. You won't be missed.

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When I first started playing the game I was concerned about the lack of end game content...I'm a big advocate of sand box type games, not so much theme parks. But now that I have hit level 50 I feel there isn't enough time in the day for me to do all that I want. I honestly could spend the whole day in ilum with a couple buddies looking for sith to murder. Ilum is a little bugged I will admit too much lag when too many people are in one spot and the imbalance of faction is lame...but with people trading it has become a lot more fun to fight the other groups of players who want to fight legitimately.


I do both my dailies and have no problem getting them done in one day. Then I move onto hm flashpoints for the pve gear and also the crafting material. I'm trying to get purple schematics to make some godly stims for my guild. Then when I have time I'm trying to lvl my alt only lvl 21 sage, I also would like to try and level a sith jug but my republic chars keep me too busy. I guess I'm just a competitive person I wanna have the best gear and be tough to kill...I enjoy the grind and really enjoy oppening a bag and seeing a battlemaster token. If you are a casual gamer you should have no complaints about getting wrecked in a wz imo...you don't go to the gym and pick a fight with the biggest yolked up fool there cuz you would get ur *** kicked..well pretty much the same principle here wanna be able to beat everyon in a wz then group up with good players and get better gear

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