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Electronic Gaming Monthly gives SWTOR 9/10


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If youlook at critics reciews for most thing they are totaly biased. Because this hold an EA and Bioware Logo they will automaticaly say this game is awesome.


They obviously didnt play more than 10 lvl of this game, because after that the game is junk. Somone eairler in this post gave it a 5......I say 3 at best and that is generous.

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If youlook at critics reciews for most thing they are totaly biased. Because this hold an EA and Bioware Logo they will automaticaly say this game is awesome.


They obviously didnt play more than 10 lvl of this game, because after that the game is junk. Somone eairler in this post gave it a 5......I say 3 at best and that is generous.



Average meta critic review for dragon age 2 was a 79. What happened there? same publisher same developer same money. ONLY A 79???!?!?!?!

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If youlook at critics reciews for most thing they are totaly biased. Because this hold an EA and Bioware Logo they will automaticaly say this game is awesome.


They obviously didnt play more than 10 lvl of this game, because after that the game is junk. Somone eairler in this post gave it a 5......I say 3 at best and that is generous.


2 out of 10.


Try again.

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Wait its invalid because it was stuffed with zero's? Did you even look at all the votes. There are 24 tens on the first page and 19 zeros. Whos doing the stuffing.


Did you read the comments on the nines and tens? Thats just saying that they are not giving it a true review just like the zeros and ones.


Dont just call it invalid or meaningless because haters gate it a zero, because the fanboiz gave it a 10 for the exact same reason the haters gave it a zero.


But everyone else uses a 10 point scale (1-10). Metacritic uses an 11 point scale 0-10. It takes more 10's to offset a 0.


WoW's latest metacritic user rating is 5.1 so SWTOR is rated higher than WoW. Whoopie!!

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I'm not going to argue about paid reviews but...


The irony of this is that no one reads EGM because it's a horrible magazine.


I find it funny that OP picked one up when they basically said "This game is perfect!"


Also, seems people think others saying it's a "paid" review are refering to "bribes".


If EGM has EA ads in their magazine, EA is paying them.


If EGM gives SWTOR a bad review, EA could easily pull their support.


pretty sure it's not a magazine anymore just a website.


Anyway I remember the GRAND days of EGM back in the 90s before the interent ruled all game reviews.



Back then it was insanely thick. It was so thick they needed to print a second version of the magazine called EGM2.

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i CAn be wrong, this is just the opinion of some one in the corner. The game is good, the Stroy is good, the game is also Fun..What it lacks is interaction with people... PvPing as you level was fun in WOW. Ganking someone was fun....there doesnt seem like any appeal to pvp in this game....I hope that will change in the future...

But I also hope there is a player base in that Future....

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You wish. I read PC Gamer's review and I agreed with it. 93%. You donot like the game and it stands to reason you would give it a negative score..:p


93? Really? People really think that is a realistic score? /shrug


83, sure I would have agreed with that, maybe, but a 93? No, that is an attempt at ensuring future advertising dollars, not a review score. :p

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Metacritic gives it an 85 out of 100 while users give it a 5.9 out of 10.




Yeah, I've taken a look at those user reviews. The points awarded are flying all over the place and given how easy it is o create multiple accounts on that site it wouldn't surprise me if a lot of people are spamming votes there, reading some of the reviews you can also spot more than a few inaccuracies in the statements about the game. In short the validity of that user score seriously compromised.

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Where did I say I did not like the game? 5 is not negative. 5 IS right in the middle.


Five is mediocre, which is not an appealing term when you're looking for a game or a book etc. Even though 5 is in the middle between when giving a score between 1 and 10 it's still a negative score.

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SWTOR a good game?


It... It can't be! It just ... Can't be! The forum Astroturfers keep telling me it can't...


No but all joking aside, many people in these and other forums seem to be on a crusade to convince everyone that SWTOR can't be a good game because it's not the kind of game they like. Seem to be convinced that if it succeeds that they'll never see investors promoting the hard core playstyle they prefer.


At some point you have to stop and realize, when a billion reviews all seem to agree in something they rarely ever do (universally positive reviews), perhaps they might be onto something.


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I agree that it's a fair score and I personally am in love with this game, but the fact of the matter is many of those reviews are paid for by the company in charge of the game being reviewed, or it's publisher. It's pretty simple business and it's done by many, many game publishers.


That being said, I don't think most people decide whether or not to purchase the game on the reviews alone, but seeing positive things always warms my heart.


They are called Advetorials. Even in the Comic Book industry (where I have worked), Wizard Magazine does it regularly. You purchase X-amount of advertising space in advance to spread over Y-amount of time, and they guarantee good reviews of your products.


I have no doubt it happens in the gaming magazines, too. To what extent or with what reviews, though, I cannot say with any certainty.

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I'm well familiar with the DA2 metacritic debacle. There were just as many raging fanboys stuffing the site with 10s as there were raging haters stuffing it with 0s.


Counted them did you? Still that is not the point, when far too many give undeserved scores, be they top or bottom marks it ruins the validity of the generated average score.

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They are called Advetorials. Even in the Comic Book industry (where I have worked), Wizard Magazine does it regularly. You purchase X-amount of advertising space in advance to spread over Y-amount of time, and they guarantee good reviews of your products.


I have no doubt it happens in the gaming magazines, too. To what extent or with what reviews, though, I cannot say with any certainty.


Considering that swtor has so far gotten universally good-great reviews, as far as I'm aware, I think we can dispense with the "paid for review" conspiracy theory.


Edit: not saying you're advocating that view, you only seem to bring it up as a possibility, though many have held it as a given before.

Edited by Runeshard
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I already did quit the game. Haven't logged in in over a week. There's nothing stopping you from logging in, playing, and enjoying TOR, so why are you here?


Careful, that line of thought begs the question of why you are here seeing as you've quit the game already. I'm only pointing this out since you seem to question the right to be here of someone who is still subbing.

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Videogame reviews in magazines/big sites mean absolutely nothing, they are all bought.


Metacritic user score: 5.9, thats from players. Which is pretty bad since players usually over-rate games.


EA almost certainly paid reviewers.


The game has gotten universally good to great reviews, to the best of my knowledge. Are you saying that EA paid for them all?


As for the metacritic score I wouldn't count it as a valid indication, there are far too many giving the game 0s and 10s to make the resulting average trustworthy. As for players over rating games I don't really agree, I've often seen a game get a certain review from official review sites and then get a lower score from players.

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Considering that swtor has so far gotten universally good-great reviews, as far as I'm aware, I think we can dispense with the "paid for review" conspiracy theory.


Edit: not saying you're advocating that view, you only seem to bring it up as a possibility, though many have held it as a given before.


I don't know who buys what. I can tell you from experience that Marvel and DC could put out a stick figure comic and Wizard will give it a glowing review due to the advertising space they buy. The cover of Wizard Magazine, alone, costs $12k to have.


Same is also true of Image Comics in regards to The Walking Dead series.


EA also spends a lot of advertising money on these "top" magazines. So, since I don't follow reviews (I actually don't read any of the gaming mags), let me ask this: What was the last EA affiliated game that those magazines gave a less than stellar rating to?


I see that even DA2 is a 94, in the above link.

Edited by Jumajin
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