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Electronic Gaming Monthly gives SWTOR 9/10


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how do you get out of bed in the morning?


I usually roll over, slap the thing that looks like my alarm clock and get up.


I always say it takes a crook to know a crook , I am a professional and I try to live my live above board , Mr.broad stroke.



Most professionals in any given industry won't be the ones brokering deals and engineering contracts. There's nothing about being a professional that is necessarily associated with being underhanded, conniving or outright manipulative.


However, if you're in the aspects of any high-level corporate industry, you're dancing the same waltzes as politicians. You are, in fact, quite possibly involved in actual politics through vehicles such as PAC's and pet interest groups and a'so on, so on, so forth.


Me, I work directly for executives of a certain company that holds near-exclusive contracts over civilian medical staff placement and administration for some branch of some military or another. Very non-specific by legal necessity right there.


If I didn't know how this dance goes, I'd be replaced in five minutes by someone that did. The company I work for plays hardball, but we try to keep as mouch above the boards and on the table as we can too.


None the less, if I didn't know how this dance goes, I'd be a liability. They couldn't trust me to interact with some of the people I interact with daily that are, in fact, every bit as conniving, cunning, manipulative and eager to seize opportunity as often as they can create an opening for it.


I wouldn't be fit to deal with hardly any of the administrations of any of the facilities I work in tandem with; they'd eat me alive and walk all over me like a five cent doormat if they could, and all that's stopping them is that I know the game too. Ain't your granddad's game of poker, that's for sure, but it's still all about basically knowing when to hold 'em, when to fold 'em, when to walk away and when to run.



It's purely naive and uninformed to believe that the quid pro quo standard isn't just that; the standard and heavily leaned-on professional norm; in any case.


I don't even mean that to come across in a hostile manner. I'm certainly no conspiracy theorist; it's just business. Frankly, it's not new business.


And its not merely legal for frequently occuring in the grey areas of legality, or outside legal concern altogether, but most of the laws we're navigating these days?


Designed with the heavy influence, if not the outright pen in some cases (please see NAFTA as a legendary point of infamy), of people that knew, and played, the corporate politics game too.


It goes without question as an almost absolute certainty, to drag it all back to topical relevance, that EA and by inclusion, Bioware, play the corporate politics game.


They'd be shooting themselves in both feet if they didn't. And part of that game is applying the correct pressure, by necessity, to media platforms that help shape public opinion about their product.


That's their money. Let's not pretend for one second that they're not going to do -something-; quite probably perfectly legal and at worst gray-area somethings in the plural; to make sure that their product is presented closer to as they'd like it to be known than not.


Think about it for a bit. Look into it.

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Another paid for review...


Perhaps you'd like to name one aspect of social media that is completely independent? You're one of those people who look at metacritic and swear those numbers posted by haters and people who have never even picked up the game are accurate, aren't you?


A 5 at best? That alone places your credibility in the pot.


Oh well, trolls will troll.

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A lot of people are bringing up the user score on metacritic for swtor. May i ask what's the user score for wow in this case?


Leaving that aside, people should play whatever they like; having fun is all that matters. Don't really understand these wow/swtor financial debates. As long as the game is sustainable it shouldn't matter that one has 11 million accounts ( 2-3 million eu/na ) and the other 500k ( the number for a healthy subscriber base).

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PC Gamer gave it a 93/100


That's one of their best reviews of the year. The critics are definitely in love with this game that's for sure. The critics seriously want this game to be the WoW killer, I can just feel it every time I read a critic review. PC Gamer did a huge spread on it in their latest issue and they even gave space combat a glowing review.


So the critics love it. Time will tell if the average paying customer likes it as much.


Critics rated Age of Conan a 92 on PC Gamer. We all see where that ended up.

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I would have given this game a 9/10 too the first weeks I played it.


But then I hit 50 and realize just how damn boring this game is with everything being ez mode and the world pvp being a sadistic joke.


Now that I've played the game a bit more, it's a 6/10 for me. I would say 7/10 is as high as it can go, anything beyond that is either a paid review or the person hasn't played the game enough.

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Perhaps you'd like to name one aspect of social media that is completely independent? You're one of those people who look at metacritic and swear those numbers posted by haters and people who have never even picked up the game are accurate, aren't you?


A 5 at best? That alone places your credibility in the pot.


Oh well, trolls will troll.


Well, am I a bad person for saying this game's about a 2? I like the sound and the Hoth planet. I hate the clunky combat, the boring snooze-fest storylines, the easy-mode OPs/FPs, the game is one of the ugliest MMOs I've ever seen and it runs like hell. I run Rift at ultra max settings at over 50 FPS... in SWTOR, I'm lucky to get half that in populated areas. In Rift, I can see more people on my screen at 30 fps (upwards of 200 fighting a world boss) than an entire zone's allowable population in SWTOR.


I hate the art design... I think it looks like the Clone Wars animated featurette. I hate the instancing, the space combat, the lazy crafting system, the short time to max a 50 (took me 2 weeks to get full BM + Columni) and I did all this in my first month. I subbed in late December and had a max 50 in full gear by the end of January. I actually missed my unsub date by 1 day... so I can post til Monday :) I haven't played a single hour in 3 weeks.


So, I guess I'm a bad person. I paid good money for the game so I got my money's worth... however, I will not pay for a sub to sit on a station all day.

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The Warhammer and Age of Conan failure was due to a slow response from the dev teams. The games were very entertaining at the begging for 2 new just released mmos ( explains most of the good reviews) but the lack of communication slowly but surely degraded the way the game was perceived and ultimately lead to their demise. Not the case for swtor, so far the devs seem pretty responsive.


Le: still waiting for a response regarding the wow user score on metacritic.

Edited by TobiV
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Well, am I a bad person for saying this game's about a 2? I like the sound and the Hoth planet. I hate the clunky combat, the boring snooze-fest storylines, the easy-mode OPs/FPs, the game is one of the ugliest MMOs I've ever seen and it runs like hell. I run Rift at ultra max settings at over 50 FPS... in SWTOR, I'm lucky to get half that in populated areas. In Rift, I can see more people on my screen at 30 fps (upwards of 200 fighting a world boss) than an entire zone's allowable population in SWTOR.


I hate the art design... I think it looks like the Clone Wars animated featurette. I hate the instancing, the space combat, the lazy crafting system, the short time to max a 50 (took me 2 weeks to get full BM + Columni) and I did all this in my first month. I subbed in late December and had a max 50 in full gear by the end of January. I actually missed my unsub date by 1 day... so I can post til Monday :) I haven't played a single hour in 3 weeks.


So, I guess I'm a bad person. I paid good money for the game so I got my money's worth... however, I will not pay for a sub to sit on a station all day.


in b4 fanboys go 'u have no life thats why you did all in 1 month and are bored now'


they will never admit that this game sucks...

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Now many EA ads were in the magazine?


To be fair, a first month review for TOR should be good. TOR's strength is the first 50 levels. I doubt any of those reviewers made it to max level in the live game before they had to submit their reviews.

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in b4 fanboys go 'u have no life thats why you did all in 1 month and are bored now'


they will never admit that this game sucks...


Obviously people like you are spewing nothing but the truth and the rest are mad "fanboyz". Everybody is entitled to an opinion but the fact that you have to reinforce yours on every thread is a bit worrying honestly.

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I wish a 93% was a good review score for the company I work for.


I work for a satellite TV company, installing satellite systems at customers homes. After I am done with the customer, they'll get a call and rate me from 1-10 on various questions. Then I get an average score from all the questions. But here is the thing, anything 6 and below is an automatic score of zero, so a customer giving me a score between 1-6 is the same as giving me a score of a zero. But I am also expected to have an average score of.... 9.7. Thats right, anything below a 9.7, which is a 97%, is considered bad as well.

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From the reviews I've seen, a good chunk of the 300m spent on swtor went to buying off reviewers.


None of them have anything critical to say at all (not negative, critical). It's all just glowing praise. From the paid reviews you'd think this game was the second coming or something.


Exactly. The reviewers clearly have been paid off, or they haven't played the game more than a few hours.

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maxium pc gave it a 7/10

I thought the review was pretty spot on.


You mean the article that says you get sprint at level 15? When it's 14?

You think they would have caught that before print.....



I am usually happy with MaxPC but the SWTOR review has a lot of mistakes in it and it seemed TO ME that the reviewer didn't really play it that much. IMO

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i CAn be wrong, this is just the opinion of some one in the corner. The game is good, the Stroy is good, the game is also Fun..What it lacks is interaction with people... PvPing as you level was fun in WOW. Ganking someone was fun....there doesnt seem like any appeal to pvp in this game....I hope that will change in the future...

But I also hope there is a player base in that Future....


Eh? Plenty of open world ganking goes on on Tattoine, Alderaan and upwards, on my RP-PvP server. One of the most fun parts of the game, IMHO.

Edited by gurugeorge
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Ugh, I hate when people tried to tout this game as a "WOW Killer". It never could.


Its a totally different genre. Some people like Swords, Shields, and Wizards over Space and Sci-fi.


Heck, even GW2 isn't going to be a WOW killer.


WoW is going to be a WoW killer. The outdated, cartoony graphics and lack of cool new ideas (panda bears ???) is going to slowly kill it off.


Of course it will take a while. They've already lost more players than SWTOR has right now and they're still sitting at 10 million according the the last Blizzard earnings call.

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Everywhere I go, everyone talks about how great the game is. Every review is positive (naturally, they've all been bought off... :rolleyes: seriously, people. Get in touch with reality and listen to yourselves), everyone I talk to in real life loves it, my guild loves it, and almost every forum I go to is full of praise for the game. Everywhere, that is, but on these forums.
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People who think TOR is good haven't done end game yet.


I doubt any of the reviewers hit 50, let alone did any end game content.


It's just like when they let the weekend testers onto the beta forums. Every thread made by a general tester was flooded by fanboy weekenders screaming "THERE ARE NO BUGS BRO, THIS GAME IS AMAZING. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GO BACK TO WOW" and "THE DEVS ARE 3 BUILDS AHEAD OF THIS ONE".


TOR reviews are a joke. At the end of the day it doesn't matter though. This game will fade into obscurity like most MMOs that came before it.


Over hype and under deliver is the name of the game these days for the gaming industry it seems. Have fun with that.

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People who think TOR is good haven't done end game yet.


I doubt any of the reviewers hit 50, let alone did any end game content.


It's just like when they let the weekend testers onto the beta forums. Every thread made by a general tester was flooded by fanboy weekenders screaming "THERE ARE NO BUGS BRO, THIS GAME IS AMAZING. IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT GO BACK TO WOW" and "THE DEVS ARE 3 BUILDS AHEAD OF THIS ONE".


TOR reviews are a joke. At the end of the day it doesn't matter though. This game will fade into obscurity like most MMOs that came before it.


Over hype and under deliver is the name of the game these days for the gaming industry it seems. Have fun with that.


Speaking for yourself? I have done end game and I love TOR.


I played WoW for 1.5 ish years and TOR end game is way better than that.

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Still subbed even though TOR sucks?


I am still on my first (and last) gamecard and still 32 days to play. which i will never do.

I agree Wow sucks now but classic tbc and wotlk it was very awesome.

Edited by Rigota
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