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Server forums?


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And all of your complaints about the Official Forums is why you should use the Unofficial forums. Use them or not its totally your choice no one is forcing you to use them. Next you'll say "We shouldnt have to blah blah blah they should have all that in the official forums." Well you would think so but they dont so atleast look at the Unofficial Forums where they have server forums and a search function. Some of the Server forums dont have posts but thats because you players need to use the forums before they have anything in them, the posts in your forums are provided by you the players in those servers. There is General Forums, Guides forums, class forums, Starwars forums, Off topic forums where just about anything is allowed, and many other categories. So take a look it's your choice. Links in the Sig.


for every 1 unofficial linked, there's a hundred (exaggeration, i know, but eventually it'll be that way) other unofficial forum.


if it works for you great. grats.. but please understand that not everyone agrees with you, and the people voicing their displeasure here, are the ones who feel official forums are needed.


if you're happy with the unofficial forums, i'd have to ask, why are you here?

Edited by oredith
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so, what you're saying, is that you're exactly the reason why BW thinks server forums are unnecessary..


the irony, it's delicious.


How is finding the stupidity in what some people say deem server forums unnecessary? BioWare Doesn't want anything to do with people on the forums. Have you read anything on General Forums lately? They might as well rename it to General Spam.

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How is finding the stupidity in what some people say deem server forums unnecessary? BioWare Doesn't want anything to do with people on the forums. Have you read anything on General Forums lately? They might as well rename it to General Spam.

and again, you're making my argument for me.


historically, general forums are where the forum trolls hang out. anyone who has more interest than trolling, generally hangs out in server forums and/or class forums, maybe stuff like tank/heal forums if there are those subdivisions.


by not providing those, BW is dumping the non-trolls into the trolls den.


but it's ok, they can search by topic..


oh wait.

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and again, you're making my argument for me.


historically, general forums are where the forum trolls hang out. anyone who has more interest than trolling, generally hangs out in server forums and/or class forums, maybe stuff like tank/heal forums if there are those subdivisions.


by not providing those, BW is dumping the non-trolls into the trolls den.


but it's ok, they can search by topic..


oh wait.


So what your saying is Lets take away the forums people use that legitimately want info and that they should not be concerned about by BioWare, and to toss them in with the trolls where anything goes and their chances of getting relevant info is slim to none?

Edited by DuranuLithdel
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So what your saying is Lets take away the forums people use that legitimately want info and that they should not be concerned about by BioWare, and to toss them in with the trolls where anything goes and their chances of getting relevant info is slim to none?


that seems to be bioware's stance, yes.


it's not what i'm saying, it's what i'm observing. two very different things.


i'm not 100% sure i understood your comment correctly though, since there appear to be some punctuation missing, and/or juxtaposed words, so i'll rephrase in easily understandable bullet type items:


what i am OBSERVING

  • forum trolls galore on general forums
  • moderation in the forum of "we will be locking this thread, please consolidate to ___ "
  • no search function to sort within the generalized (i didn't say "GENERAL", i mean what I say, generalized, as in, generalized guild recruitment) forums.


edit: I wish i did not have to tag :sarcasm: in front of everything I say. I had really hoped that people would be able to read sarcasm in obviously ridiculous comments utilized to point out the equally ridiculous position BW has taken.


for the benefit of the less able, I'll try to use :sarcasm: tags from now on.

Edited by oredith
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I cannot comprehend why in the world they would not want server forums. This is something they can do without much coding. They just have to hire moderators. They are going to lose alot of players who find no community in their servers which is why the game is considered a solo MMO right now. At least i get community with my guild but i have little knowledge of any RP stuff going on outside of guild, do not know who my enemies and friends are really. No way to effectively recruit.


My only hope is the next MMO i go to will learn from this one. You can learn alot from what is done right and wrong.

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My only hope is the next MMO i go to will learn from this one. You can learn alot from what is done right and wrong.


that's the really surprising part, there's no learning needed. it's been done, figured out, perfected.

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have you read their reasoning for it.. it makes total sense, this is a new branch of bioware, they dont have the huge CM team WoW does.. people need to chill its not a game breaker...


BS they have a million+ subs and are gladly taking our money. If they don't have th personnel for the job then they should take some of the millions we are giving them and hire some people to do the job. I don't trust third party sites for this kind of thing so that option is out of the question for me. As someone that loves the social aspect of MMOs and has spent time organizing player events I can tell you that server forums are invaluable tools.


I think it is a game-breaker in some respects. This game already feels like a single player game. This just makes it feel even more like that. Again, why not just remove the server names, replace them with numbers and have us log onto a new one each time we log in. It seems that's what they want. Get in, play for while, get the heck out and make room for the next lemming/gamer to take their turn.

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9 more days, til I scrap the game.


I don't expect the change to come before then.


I'll just reminisce about another MMO. ASBESTOS (guild i'm in) started in SWG ahazi, we moved to WOW Kilrogg. Our guild had several very active server forum members. We were definitely NOT a progression guild. we enjoy the game, we puts around, we make fun of each other.. more than that though, we were a forum celebrity. I don't say that in a gloating way, it was simply that people knew us, some liked us, some didn't. we didn't hold grudges against those that didnt, but we enjoyed the random times when some stranger runs up in game, and strikes up a conversation about some post on the forums.


through the forums, we established close friendship with lots of people, including horde side (we were alliance). enough so that many members of the top progression horde guild rolled alts on alliance side and put them in our guild just to BS around with us.


we were invited to join raids from progression guilds that needed some fillers - something that wouldn't have happened if they had no idea who were were from the forums.


so, I say this with all sincerity - and a lot of people will say that i'm just crazy, no doubt some of my own guildmates (one of whom is the moderator on the SWTOROWNED site) - but this is a bedrock / fundamental issue for me. If i can't make friends on server forums, and be able to communicate cross faction, this game simply is dead to me.

Edited by oredith
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This has to be the biggest shock of all the omissions one would expect from an MMO. Server forums are the best way to set up pugs and get people to actually communicate outside of guilds. Not to mention it pretty much kills any way to get a big World PVP event organized or even just to let people cross faction trash talk each other in their community.


So sad this isn't on the forum sites...that and the lack of moderators talking to gamers as gamers. It just makes a huge disconnect between Devs and players when the Devs/reps never talk to the players on the forums. Closing and consolidating threads don't count.

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An MMO should be what it says on the tin.


A true MMO is designed for social interaction. This is primarily between members of a server to organise events, raids, compare views, tactics and keep score with other guilds. The moderator aspect is frankly something that should have been considered right at the beginning. Lets face it they have taken enough game designers from other MMO's to learn from that.


I would say that this game has a polished storyline, a lot of nice features, good playability but the usual bugs that you expect in an MMO at this early stage which I hope will be addressed as time goes on. There are so many established MMO's out there there is a limited time to compete before people start to return to what they know. Thats human nature.


The problem is that it is competing with many established MMO's that have a lot of features such as add-ons etc and most importantly a "WELL ESTABLISHED COMMUNITY".


If you dont allow that to flourish, your game is dead and you'll be lucky if you recover your development costs. Standing on a legalistic principle regarding forum moderation to maintain an unsatisfactory method of getting people to gel together is frankly suicide.


Corporations like to instill brand belief in their staff with a messianic voracity and often this overlooks the practical elements of developing a product that has to compete in a very competetive market. This can lead to a very blinkered view of comments and constructive criticism from the customers.


I like this game and have played many others including WoW Warhammer and LOTRO, I can bear with the initial problems and hope that sense will be seen sooner rather than later and I will continue with it until unless it becomes a worthless excercise. I like to finish what I start.


If you bring in a new MMO that you want to have a half decent lifespan you need to take all the above into account.


SWTOR may have its game design experts but there are many other experts in this game..... ie the ones who have been playing MMO's for years, have raided end content and know what a game needs to make them tick.


Listen to them...

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I don't agree with Bioware's assumption that +1 or /signed posts are not constructive. How is knowing how many people share the sentiment of the thread not valuable or constructive?


Personally I believe these server forums need to happen and if Bioware truly is open to change then this needs to be addressed. I had no idea they weren't here. I played for a while by myself and then decided to go find some guilds and get involved with my server's community. Boy was I surprised when I found out that the server can't have a community. This is crazy to say the least.


I went hunting for a good third party solution but because there are several third party forums the community for a single server is broken up across several websites. I am completely shocked by the lack of server forums. It seems so counter-intuitive to what BW is trying to accomplish with their game.


I was sad to find that no dungeon finder existed but I could live without that if I at least had server forums. The community is kind of left in the dust on this one it would seem. Sift through hundreds of threads that "might" pertain to my server? No thank you.


I am confident that this will change based on all the feedback provided in this thread but if I reach level cap and too much time goes by without these forums then I am certain I will be cancelling my membership as no community means a subscription is pointless.

Edited by Chevex
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Please please please Bioware, make server forums. The leveling experience was great but now I am finding myself at 50 and having a difficult time connecting with my server. There is no central place to find information regarding the possible guilds on a server, their recruitment status, or what they hope to accomplish in game. I find this terribly frustrating.


Please recognize the social aspect of this game and that it needs development. Server forums and a galaxy wide LFG channel would be two HUGE steps in the right direction. Players need outlets to connect with eachother to play your awesome game. Standing around for long periods of time spamming fleet chat for groups is not fun. Please help us connect better and quicker.

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An MMO should be what it says on the tin.


A true MMO is designed for social interaction. This is primarily between members of a server to organise events, raids, compare views, tactics and keep score with other guilds. The moderator aspect is frankly something that should have been considered right at the beginning. Lets face it they have taken enough game designers from other MMO's to learn from that.


I would say that this game has a polished storyline, a lot of nice features, good playability but the usual bugs that you expect in an MMO at this early stage which I hope will be addressed as time goes on. There are so many established MMO's out there there is a limited time to compete before people start to return to what they know. Thats human nature.


The problem is that it is competing with many established MMO's that have a lot of features such as add-ons etc and most importantly a "WELL ESTABLISHED COMMUNITY".


If you dont allow that to flourish, your game is dead and you'll be lucky if you recover your development costs. Standing on a legalistic principle regarding forum moderation to maintain an unsatisfactory method of getting people to gel together is frankly suicide.


Corporations like to instill brand belief in their staff with a messianic voracity and often this overlooks the practical elements of developing a product that has to compete in a very competetive market. This can lead to a very blinkered view of comments and constructive criticism from the customers.


I like this game and have played many others including WoW Warhammer and LOTRO, I can bear with the initial problems and hope that sense will be seen sooner rather than later and I will continue with it until unless it becomes a worthless excercise. I like to finish what I start.


If you bring in a new MMO that you want to have a half decent lifespan you need to take all the above into account.


SWTOR may have its game design experts but there are many other experts in this game..... ie the ones who have been playing MMO's for years, have raided end content and know what a game needs to make them tick.


Listen to them...


To add, I have seen some other forum posts where a lot of players have taken the initiative to create their own server forums to fill the vacuum that is present on the official forums.


Although I can applaud such initiative, it is actually counter-productive in that it creates a split of players who know where these servers are and those who want more support from the game and havent the time and patience to look.


Bioware maye be encouraging this but I feel that all that will actually happen is that segments of a community will go to their preferred server and not communicate much with others who have chosen a different one. Scrolling though 15 pages of postings to find a one of a few forums for your server is a little soul destroying.


This cant be good in the long term and I dont think that Bioware can stand by and wait for the "survival of the fittest server" when there are not enough means within the game itself to advertise such servers in the first place!!!

Edited by HobbeWan
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To add, I have seen some other forum posts where a lot of players have taken the initiative to create their own server forums to fill the vacuum that is present on the official forums.


Although I can applaud such initiative, it is actually counter-productive in that it creates a split of players who know where these servers are and those who want more support from the game and havent the time and patience to look.


Bioware maye be encouraging this but I feel that all that will actually happen is that segments of a community will go to their preferred server and not communicate much with others who have chosen a different one. Scrolling though 15 pages of postings to find a one of a few forums for your server is a little soul destroying.


This cant be good in the long term and I dont think that Bioware can stand by and wait for the "survival of the fittest server" when there are not enough means within the game itself to advertise such servers in the first place!!!


Official and unofficial forums can coexist just fine. I have seen it happen with my own eyes, sure a couple people here and there will gravitate mainly to one forum or the other, but most will keep their options open and visit both; I believe you are seeing this now, many people that are starting up unofficial forums are spending time in both forums because there is good interaction to be had in both.

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