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Server forums?


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I understand everyone's passion here. But you are only just a very vocal Minority. There are a majority of players that don't even read these forums. Or at the very least they don't even make it off General.


If there is a Majority of players that want Server Forums, then so be it. But you aren't even a 100 page thread. It isn't that big of a deal.



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I understand everyone's passion here. But you are only just a very vocal Minority. There are a majority of players that don't even read these forums. Or at the very least they don't even make it off General.


If there is a Majority of players that want Server Forums, then so be it. But you aren't even a 100 page thread. It isn't that big of a deal.




That's actually precisely why there should be server forums. BW claims the reason they don't want to have them is because they will have to moderate a lot more. However, most players don't even go on server forums, and when they do it is to schedule events and recruit for guilds.


BW has this delusion that by opening server forums, everyone is going to flood to them and conspire against BW before they are able to moderate, or something ridiculous like that.


Also, it is really silly of you to say that there should not be an important feature on the forums just because a lot of people wouldn't use it. As dramatic as it sounds, some vital things on servers live or die from the forums. They are the hidden cogs in the machine of the community so to speak.

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I understand everyone's passion here. But you are only just a very vocal Minority. There are a majority of players that don't even read these forums. Or at the very least they don't even make it off General.


If there is a Majority of players that want Server Forums, then so be it. But you aren't even a 100 page thread. It isn't that big of a deal.




On the contrary, YOU are the minority here. Infact, you are only the 2nd person to post on this thread in a non-pro manner.


With that said, if you had taken the time to read the 1st post and all of the information contained you'd find that I noted several times that Bioware had removed several hundred responses from this thread. In reality, there's double the total posts you see here now, half were simpy removed when the issue was first raised during early access.


I understand how you are attempting to look at the situation, however you are simply incorrect. The minority is the "few" who have taken the time to disagree with this thread. I've read through each and every single response here, which is more then I can say for Bioware.


I think we can all agree here that the majority of MMO's features server forums, thus why they should exist here. It's a industry standard

Edited by Vandrel-Blitz
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In response to the suggestions that people start third-party server forums - that is not a solution.


On Jung Ma alone, we have at least four attempts at an independent server forum that I'm aware of. None of them have any activity. We can't even publicize them with no global chat. And I'm sure I'm no exception in not wanting to put too much effort into posting on one if it dies out.


Server forums are critical to the development of a healthy server community. Without a healthy server community, where you get to know each other - including rivals and adversaries - people quit as soon as there's nothing to do in game.


The forum community is the nucleus of the community. It's true that not everyone reads the forum, but everyone does benefit from a healthy nucleus. With a healthy community there's always something to do - even when there's nothing to do. People stick around - even if they stop playing the game for a few weeks - and they haunt the forum, staying in touch, getting motivated to get back in game. Without it - there's nothing.


Without a server forum you can't get to know the different guilds - from their own posts, their events, even calling out and being called by rivals and adversaries. There's no place to discuss server events, or even for guilds to recruit.


If guilds can't recruit and grow - or find compatible guilds to merge with - the server and the game will die. If people don't have guilds, global chat, and forum personalities and issues and memes to motivate them, they'll change servers or quit the game when they get bored. And boredom WILL happen at some point. It's inevitable. That's where the community comes in. It's why people keep playing MMOs much longer than they play single-player games. People keep playing the same damn game for years if there's a healthy community to keep them coming back.


We need Server forums!

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Either side is welcome to use this site for swift sure community stuff. It is more for imperials but everyones welcome got forums to post for swiftsure kins and next week well have a public ts3 launching for swiftsure pvp/pve.


i did try to get the swiftsure.com but taken already i dont see them using it when i go there either = /






feel free to post any events you want to hold imp or rep pvp/pve ill gladly help anyone that needs it on there. Were still working on the site atm we could use any help offered to make it better for both sides. I wont lie though its aimed at imperial side but ill try my best to make it a community site for both im looking into sites to make a better server site atm. This site will always be though

Edited by hargrave
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If they aren't going to create server forums so that some of us can actually befriend and become more familiar with our community.



At least put in a guild system for those who want to manage guilds and some kind of social activity to bring others together aside from pvp and flashpoints/operations.

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Community is not something that stretches from California to Moscow, over multiple continents, time zones and languages.


Server forums are a requirement for guild recruitment, general topics and events per server?

Edited by XaeVinci
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The important of having Server forums is to create a community. Each server should have its on section and sub-section for trading.

I want to get to know people and trade with them.


Can we make a petition to show how many people approve this add-on to what will only make this game better? I am sure this has been tried already but why was it taken down? Can a dev give the public an answer!

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The important of having Server forums is to create a community. Each server should have its on section and sub-section for trading.

I want to get to know people and trade with them.


Can we make a petition to show how many people approve this add-on to what will only make this game better? I am sure this has been tried already but why was it taken down? Can a dev give the public an answer!


I have always been told that mmo fourms are largely ignored by the vast majority of a games subscribers. They either don't care to view/post or don't know about a forum.


I've read that time and again on every MMO fourm I've ever visited both from individual posters and developers.


So....my question is, how are server forums supposed to build a "community", when the vast majority of the "community" either ignore and don't know about the forums?

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So....my question is, how are server forums supposed to build a "community", when the vast majority of the "community" either ignore and don't know about the forums?


We're not really worried about the players who don't use the forums. We're worried about the players who do. When an MMO has several million subscribers, that minority of players who frequent the forums can still number in the millions. That's a lot of players and almost all of those players want server specific forums.


I've been wanting to start posting more to try and make some friends but it's impossible to develop a rapport with people when all the threads apply to virtually everyone in the game, no matter where they are or what server the play on. The Guild Hall is a joke. Almost no one puts the server in the thread title, making the job of looking for a guild on my server a lesson in futility. And wanting to set-up a group in advance for a few flashpoint runs later in the day? Forget it.


The simple fact is, this is the first MMO I've ever played (and I've tried a ton of them) that has not had server forums and the games community is sorely lacking because of it.



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I have always been told that mmo fourms are largely ignored by the vast majority of a games subscribers. They either don't care to view/post or don't know about a forum.


I've read that time and again on every MMO fourm I've ever visited both from individual posters and developers.


So....my question is, how are server forums supposed to build a "community", when the vast majority of the "community" either ignore and don't know about the forums?


Who and where exactly have you seen "the majority" say that MMO forums are ignored?


The facts are plain and simple, there's probably more customer traffic on this forum right now then any other MMO out there. No one can communicate effectively.


I ask you, directly, please explain how everyone is supposed to effectively communicate within the current layout of the forums. Regardless of your personal opinion of who's in the majority, sit back and view the forums as a customer trying to communicate with other players on your server.


The answer to the above is, you can't, period. It's completely impossible to communicate right now without spending hours of your time to scroll through 100's of pages of threads in hopes that you find something relevant to your server.


It's simply not possible right now and it needs to be fixed. If you still don't understand the key points then I ask you to visit other MMO forums, WoW, the old SWG ones, EQ2, etc. and view their forums.....analyse the forum setup and server traffic. You'll find your answer

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This is a tough one. On one hand, I really want to flame the heck outta BW for this, on the other, it seems like they don't care anyway.


I'm not gonna quit playing a game I like just because there aren't server forums. However, I do feel quite offended by their excuses for not having them. Their resoning of not being able to provide proper moderation is absolute bs.


I mean really? You can't hire forum admins? You just moved what is estimated to be over 2 million units at a minimum of $60 a pop. Even if only half of those have subs next month, that's still an additional 15 million in your first month alone. Something tells me you could hire a freakin' army of forum moderators and you wouldn't have to sacrifice your tropical vacation to do it.

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I agree that these forums need sections for each server. That only makes sense to me.


I'd also really like to see a suggestion section where we can post our suggestions for the game. Why not? It would be great to be able to get some ideas out there...


And if it's true that their reason for not having server forums is the admin issue... Well, why not make members of the community forum admins? Surely there are people who would be more than happy to be a forum admin, and would be a fit position for them, too.

Edited by Blue_Leader
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Agreed. Especially for people that love PvE and want to compete for server firsts it would be awesome to know how guilds are doing. And that is easily manegable by server forums on swtor.com to keep track of each other and make a thread about progress.
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