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Something You Need to Understand About Warzone Leaver Penalties


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if they implement a deserter debuff that can potentially halt progress on dailies i dont think the pvp community will be happy. there are a lot of people who suck at this game and they whine about no one wanting to carry them. i hope they add ranked wzs and if they do then they cant come fast enough. im not going to sit through loss after loss because people cant get their heads out of their asses, baddies need to be punished for ruining my gameplay by either playing with themselves or not having anyone to queue with, hopefully the latter. ill probably roll a few more toons and then fantasize about what im going to do with the extra $15 a month while bw caters to the scrubs
There's also a lot of good players who don't wanna sit in a match trying to carry a bunch of idiots
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There's also a lot of good players who don't wanna sit in a match trying to carry a bunch of idiots


If your main goal is winning you are already capped at mediocre.


A good player would use a stacked/hopeless game to look for terrain glitches or try to manipulate the enemy team into doing something stupid so they look like idiots even if they win, or observe what their idiot team mates are doing and try to devise a cunning strategy to make use of their repeated failures to grab a win. Ive personally won warzones in the past just because the enemy team was used to fighting my idiot team mates, let their guard down, and let me ninja soemthing/hold it for a win.


The purpose of playing is to further improve yourself. If you think you are the best you can be already you probably suck and are just used to being carried by a good class/premade.

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There's also a lot of good players who don't wanna sit in a match trying to carry a bunch of idiots


Which is why a deserter debuff isn't needed, its just a band aid attempt at avoiding fixing the real problem, which is:


1. Making better match up systems for queues, based on gear.. objective scores.. win.. or other in a formular.


2. A premade vs premade and pug vs pug, queue system.

Edited by Barzarel
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People leave WZs in order to join another, and another, and another, until they find one where they are sure they will win.


In other words they leave in order to avoid puttingin any effort toward their objective.


Sitting AFK in a corner won't help them achieving easy 3-9 wins a day fast.


Of course some of them will afk/leave but you can't fix morons.

It will at least reduce the issue.

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Actually it will stop them from LEAVING MULTIPLE over and over, so yes its needed....




Or just encourage me to stealth in the corner and go drop some kids off at the pool.


You can't make people stay when they aren't having fun.


I don't mind losing. I mind losing when it is Rep vs. Rep and someone on my side is helping their guild on the other side. I mind losing when after me the highest health 12k vs. a BM (giggle) Imperial Premade. I mind losing vs. 8 Sorcerors.

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If your main goal is winning you are already capped at mediocre.


A good player would use a stacked/hopeless game to look for terrain glitches or try to manipulate the enemy team into doing something stupid so they look like idiots even if they win, or observe what their idiot team mates are doing and try to devise a cunning strategy to make use of their repeated failures to grab a win. Ive personally won warzones in the past just because the enemy team was used to fighting my idiot team mates, let their guard down, and let me ninja soemthing/hold it for a win.


The purpose of playing is to further improve yourself. If you think you are the best you can be already you probably suck and are just used to being carried by a good class/premade.

You act like this game actually takes skill or something. The skill cap to be good in non-rated BGs/warzones is insanely low, basically as long as you're not a keyboard turner/clicker and you actually pay attention to the objective then you're already one of the best pvpers in this game.


And no, the purpose of playing is to have fun. There's nothing to improve upon in non-rated pvp.

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People leave WZs in order to join another, and another, and another, until they find one where they are sure they will win.


In other words they leave in order to avoid puttingin any effort toward their objective.


Sitting AFK in a corner won't help them achieving easy 3-9 wins a day fast.


Of course some of them will afk/leave but you can't fix morons.

It will at least reduce the issue.


It is still a problem rooted in the queue up system, think most with a ounce of logic would rather play through a possible win than quit, requeue, wait and jump again countless of times maybe jumping around different Warzones for 20min or more in a attempt for a easy win.


Problem is just the odds of a actual chance for a win is drastically reduced by fact, the match up system is really poor atm, and allow for premade or overly geared players to easily stomp the opposition, easily getting their wins, while other teams have to endure a painfully grinding exsperience instead, this is part reason this is a problem.


Before premades started getting setup and people had Battlemaster and so on, this wasn't nearly the problem it is now. Don't tell this is a complete coincidence.

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Ive entered a couple of warzones where some players removed their gear as they said it didnt do much good anyway. Sorry, but if there is any good enough reason for any player like myself, who wants to help their team achieve a win, but have to leave a warzone, that is one of them. Typical scenario where a few idiots spoil it for the rest of the team, and this game has idiots in abundance it seems.


TLDR, Some players are mentally challenged, stop forcing us to play with them. But then, a deserter buff is better than watching naked characters roleplay in the middle of a warzone like some kind of noody camp.


Simple fix, when queuing for warzones, players must take an IQ test and scores over 50 are allowed to enter (quite a low figure, but removes half the population of this game it would seem).

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You act like this game actually takes skill or something. The skill cap to be good in non-rated BGs/warzones is insanely low, basically as long as you're not a keyboard turner/clicker and you actually pay attention to the objective then you're already one of the best pvpers in this game.


Good and perfect are an infinite distance apart, its impossible to ever reach perfection.


Your main opponent is yourself, not the other players, you play against yourself, trying to improve. The other players are only there so you have something to play against while improving yourself.


And no, the purpose of playing is to have fun.

Fun is the satisfaction of achievement.


There's nothing to improve upon in non-rated pvp.

You can always improve yourself.

People talk about rated pvp like its not also effected by things like class balance. Self improvement does not depend on class balance because the measure is where you were the day before, not the other person/other team.


Rated pvp and premades is where people who depend on fotm deck stacking go to convince themselves they are good.


When you pug you not only have to anticipate the enemy team, but also anticipate your own teams actions. Thats twice the required awareness and considerations for attempting to play the setup you were dealt optimally.


Thats the goal, playing optimally. Whatever situation you are in, you strive to find the most optimal path. The goal is to look back after the fact and say 'i could not have done that any better'.


If you find yourself saying this often, you are lying.

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Good and perfect are an infinite distance apart, its impossible to ever reach perfection.


Your main opponent is yourself, not the other players, you play against yourself, trying to improve. The other players are only there so you have something to play against while improving yourself.



Fun is the satisfaction of achievement.



You can always improve yourself.

People talk about rated pvp like its not also effected by things like class balance. Self improvement does not depend on class balance because the measure is where you were the day before, not the other person/other team.


Rated pvp and premades is where people who depend on fotm deck stacking go to convince themselves they are good.


When you pug you not only have to anticipate the enemy team, but also anticipate your own teams actions. Thats twice the required awareness and considerations for attempting to play the setup you were dealt optimally.


Thats the goal, playing optimally. Whatever situation you are in, you strive to find the most optimal path. The goal is to look back after the fact and say 'i could not have done that any better'.


If you find yourself saying this often, you are lying.

The **** are you talking about? The point of PvPing is to compete against other players and that's as deep as it goes, there's nothing to philosophize about.
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Nah, though there might be a plethora of reasons for the quitters, the overwhelming majority of them does the warzones mainly for their dailies.


They quit, when they think it will come out as a loss, so they can requeue to get into another game to get their daily done faster.


When deserter gets implemented, the main reason for quitting is eliminated, as they won't be able to fulfil their daily requirement faster by quitting.


Hence they are going to stay to at least gain some valor/comms. They are the people who play for rewards, not for fun, sadly.


To prevent them from afking, we only need a vote2kick feature and all is done. It works in other games and it will work here, too. But if they are there to stay anyway, they might as well participate to gain more valor/comms.


You know...people stuff...

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I honestly don't understand why Completely Fail Groups need to maintain some sort of loyalty from folks that are actually trying to win? I've left warzones where my catalyst was losing 3-0 in the first three minutes while three people in the group were standing in the spawn room talking about cosmetic gear. Why should I get penalized for not wanting to waste my time like that? "Binding" penalities shouldn't take place unless other people in the warzones either:


A) don't also have the option to leave




B) don't have the option to continue the warzone because spots can't be filled due to game-mechanics (which isn't an issue).




C) For the obvious reasons the OP stated.



On the one hand, by choosing to pug (which despite everything is the pvp I most enjoy) I'm agreeing to put up with less than fantastic teammates at times. But like you, I just don't see the point in staying when I know it won't help us win. The people who are mad about others leaving aren't mad because it makes them lose (they know perfectly well they're going to lose anyway). They're mad because people won't stay and be farmed or farm medals as the losing side.


Here is my prediction for what happens if this change goes through with no changes to matchmaking:


Premades and lucky pug groups in a strong team are going to always farm to the max amount possible in the most efficient way possible. Losses will become much more brutal and much more obvious and much less rewarding for the losers (because if you're constantly dead, you aren't getting any medals). People will stop queuing and the same people who wanted this penalty will show up on this forum to cry about queue times.

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Anyone who is saying all the people leaving WZs because of DCs are making excuses. We all know most of the deserters are leaving because their team is losing or they are fishing for an easy WZ win by popping in and out.


A penalty is good for deserters, and good for the non-deserters too.

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I think this should be implemented.


Pre-mades v/s Premades. If you go in with 4 or more players. That is a premade and should have to wait for other premades.


15/30 minute debuff for leavers.

player notification of them being afk. after "X" Notifications you get kicked for being afk and have to wait 15/30 minutes.


Selective PvP...Huttball gets boring seeing the loading screen.


remove medals.

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I understand a penalty is going to be assessed, nothing I can do about that, and I won't get on the forums and cry about it like the people that cried for it.


I think if they're so intent on assessing a punishment for those of us that don't want to waste time propping up poor players (or disconnects, or RL aggro, or bad ISPs, or the multitude of other issues) and try to fix the result of the issue rather than the source, they should allow a full ops group to queue. This way an entire group of like-minded players have the option of playing rather than forcing us to get along.


But then the bads will complain about premades even more.....

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Not being funny, but 9/10 times people leave when it's a lost match now that's not to say anything to do with the score it's that half the team is not objective focused or are doing stupid **** like bashing on a tank when there are 3 healers marked.
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TL;DR, people who want to leave warzones don't give a **** already, so what kind of backwards logic is it that imposing some time penalty on them will make them suddenly care? All it would be doing is removing people from the pool of potential queueing PVPers.





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I understand a penalty is going to be assessed, nothing I can do about that, and I won't get on the forums and cry about it like the people that cried for it.


I think if they're so intent on assessing a punishment for those of us that don't want to waste time propping up poor players (or disconnects, or RL aggro, or bad ISPs, or the multitude of other issues) and try to fix the result of the issue rather than the source, they should allow a full ops group to queue. This way an entire group of like-minded players have the option of playing rather than forcing us to get along.


But then the bads will complain about premades even more.....


Your solution is about as useful as pouring kerosine on an open fire. People often leave because they're getting stomped and they know they can't win. Full premades against pugs will make it much worse even for those of us lucky enough not to always run into the dreaded sync queue premades (I know you all are out there).


How about instead of completely ruining pvp and dooming your premades to eternal queues (because not many pug players will be stupid enough to queue anymore if they know they'll face nothing but full premades) they implement cross server warzones then let the premades have rated games and get you all entirely out of the pug queues?

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If they give penalty for leaving a WZ, they should also give us option before we join a warzone, to chose if we want to join the warzone already in progress, and show us the score, I have no desire, to fill someone's spot on a loosing WZ.

And as said in the post, penalty will only increase que times, if I want to leave a warzone, I will leave even if I get 1 hour penalty, rather then playing with some pointless team.

Edited by Xiaaa
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Just to be clear, putting a penalty on leaving a warzone will not make people not want to leave warzones. If you WANT to leave a warzone rather than sit through it and tough it out, then whatever that reason could possibly be it is a good enough reason.


Unless the penalty was 'Ban for a week' or something that actually prevented you from going and doing other stuff, then it won't stop people from leaving. People will just go and do other **** - quest, craft, goof around, run in circles, bash their heads against walls, **********, roleplay, talk to friends, go afk and get a sandwich, or maybe all of the above. I don't judge.


You just have to understand the only effect that demanding a warzone leaver penalty will have is two things - it will unnecessarily punish people who get disconnected or have to get up because their cat just threw up all over the keyboard, and it will make your queue times (slightly) longer for everyone, since there won't be as many people re-queueing in a timely fashion. The last one there is the most important to keep in mind.


TL;DR, people who want to leave warzones don't give a **** already, so what kind of backwards logic is it that imposing some time penalty on them will make them suddenly care? All it would be doing is removing people from the pool of potential queueing PVPers.


Bump the thread if you agree!


Couldn't agree more, it is not going to have the desired effect people who want a penalty think it will. Sure you may see fewer people leave, but those that want to leave the game are not going suddenly become team players and fight for the cause.

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