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I hate Hoth and Belsavis.


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Hoth is really frustrating me - up until now, I've been able to progress pretty well, keeping my gear as up to date as I can afford to, gearing my companions (mainly Bowdaar) from loot drops. Challenging but doable. Orange hat, jacket, gloves, trousers, boots, blaster. Blue of most everything else.


But Hoth? No way! It took bloody forever to get past those **redacted** wampas, and now I'm stuck fighting Gand and having to restart the level from scratch every time I die.


What the **redacted** am I doing wrong? I'm burning through credits on repairs and making no progress.


You might try a different companion. I tend to have the best luck against bosses when using a high single target DPS companion or a healer, unless I'm playing a healer myself in which case a single target focused tank is nice. When using a DPS character + DPS companion I like to order the companion to attack, then wait a few seconds and join in. If I time it right I'll pull aggro off them before they die, then we'll (hopefully) kill the boss before I die. If it's a melee boss then the cheap way to do it is to just use your highest DPS ranged companion and start the fight yourself, then kite him once you have aggro (works best if you have a ranged snare or some KB)... then if the companion grabs aggro turn and shoot nonstop until the boss goes back to chasing you. It's cheesy, but so are some of the bosses, so... :p

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I liked hoth but that could be because of the large group of Chiss there and getting to meet Blizz.


Good old Blizz, I pull him out as a companion now and then just to listen to him talk.


I have to say I have liked all the planets so far, admittedly I tend to do the quests in an area in a loop then shuttle back to hand in. The only one I've ever gone astray on so far is Belasavis and I only did that twice.

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Empire Balmorra is the same way, i hate it. Belsavis is by far the most annoying planet. I won't do anything but the class quests there. I'd rather sit in my ship, and queue for pvp than than do the quest lines there. I did it once, and that was enough. Edited by Hambunctious
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First of all, Hoth was pretty good and felt like a realistic depiction of that world. Along with Alderaan those two were the best-organized and designed planets in the game with reasonable quests and storylines on both.


Belsavis was a bit of a mess, but I don't think it was any worse than the train wreck that was Balmorra (Bug Town, anyone?) or Taris.


Anyhow, all the planets in the game could be salvaged if they were made less tunnelly - remove the cliffs and walls BW!!) - and more dynamic, and if factions could skirmish a little at the borders. Belsavis is actually beautifully designed, with aesthetics that remind me of Willy Wonka in the Chocolate Factory. But like most worlds, it does suffer from crazy mob congestion and a complete lack of dynamic anything, and the storyline is weak on the Imperial side.

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I think Republic Taris is worse. Maps very misleading, frustrating walls a lot. I specify Republic version because we're forced to run around on it as lowbies when it was clearly designed for people who were mounted. And so much... Rakghoul trash... everywhere.


Empire Balmorra was a little less painful, in my opinion, but still up there on the frustration meter.


I didn't mind Hoth or Belsavis too much, but I had been PVPing a lot and generally just did my class quests on those planets, so maybe I didn't get the "full frustration".

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Belsavis is a prison planet. What is there about a prison, with walls, that is confusing? Prisons should have walls.


The thing is, while that might be more realistic and in line with expectations, it's also annoying to play through. Which is bad when it's a game; you don't want an element of your gameplay, such as travel, to be a bother.

Edited by NovaNoir
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Taris is byfar one of the best planets. Its the closest to free a free roam zone. The quests have tons of backstory. The dungeons you have to enter are some of the best.


If anyone played KOTOR 1 they would appreciate this planet a lot. Taris is probably my most favorite planet.

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Taris on imp is fine, on republic its terrrrrible. Oh my goood. And yeah belsavis and the walls everywhere are annoying. Plus the quest trackers sometimes leading you around the corner into the enemy's route sucks. Oh I go here okay...3shot-dead. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu! Hoths not terrible but its up there, most of the planets are pretty wicked awesome though.
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I like Hoth, movie hoth that is. In this game all the planets are on rails with to many mobs everywere

and with no exploration or huge open worlds.Go of the path and die to the wall of doom killing you,cant

remember the name on it.

Edited by Lord_Karsk
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I really do. Hate is too kind of a word really.


I LOATHE these two planets so much! It forces me to PvP for 6 levels straight just to avoid these planets on any alt I have.


Hoth: Biggest planet in the game, least amount of quests out of any planet only quesh rivals for least amount of quests, most traveling involved out of all the planets.


Example of a basic Hoth quest: "Hi there, travel to the other end of the world to kill or loot this thing, then come back to me, yea i know im at the starting quest hub, deal with it"


Belsavis: 2nd biggest planet next to hoth, 2nd most time spent traveling with Hoth ahead of it, enemies on roads everywhere, you cant go from one place to another without clearing waves of trash each time you travel to an area.


Example of a basic Belsavis quest: "Hi there, travel through three sets of different maps, clear the trash mobs that are on the roads to objective, go into this dungeon, go to the end of the dungeon, kill this thing, clear the trash that respawned behind you to get back out, then clear through all that trash again to get to a flight path, die to the elites that are wandering around the roads, feel the lag of the huge guns going off, dont make a wrong turn or more elites will kill you, come back to me, hand in quest, NOW GO BACK TO THE SAME AREA TO KILL THIS OTHER THING"




Go outside IRL. Then come back. Your post is fail.

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well if the missions were all closer together then you would level faster, ever think they spread missions out for the sake of pacing out the levelling process?


I for one hate games when the leveling process is to quick and easy.


I hope that's sarcastic, otherwise that's gotta be one of the most blind statements I've seen in a long while. 10 days casual leveling (3-4 hours in the evening) to hit 50 isn't a long time by any stretch of the imagination.


Hoth I quite liked, yeah there were... inconvenient moments but the planet itself is atleast a wide corridor as opposed to a narrow corridor like Coruscant, my only real gripe is whether or not the planet should actually be in the game. I could never quite understand the point of that cult of half naked people in the ice fortress though, they were... very odd, the only thing that sprang to mind was that it was possibly a jibe at WoW WotLK, maybe just me though lol.


Belsavis I hate, I went through it once, the second time around I just got utterly demotivated by its mindless tedium and woeful use of funnelling through what largely seems to be pointless submaps designed only to impede the players, curiously the prisoners seem to be fine with it. Belsavis seems to be a sort of "gear check" for players tolerance, it's like a pre-50 "can you put up with the repetition?" to prepare you for level 50 grinds and the like of killing the same ol' same ol' over and over again.

Edited by JoanneK
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I really like Hoth. Tattoine too. Nice, open planets you can go for a ride in the wilderness with your speeder and i like that. Alderaan was the one i liked best (i like nature).


I hate Belsavis. I dislike city planets so that means Nar Shadaa, Correlia, Coriscant. I also dislike Empire Taris, too dark.


The rest are fine no sentiments either way tbh.

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