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Help with Marauders/Sentinels


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Ran into a Sentinel in world pvp today, granted he outgeared me pretty bad, but I got the impression there was something more I was missing as he drove me into the ground 3 times. My problem wasn't dps (i was able to burst him pretty low a couple times) but rather cc, and the fact that they seem to have more than we do.


I say this because outside of overload (if specced), electrocute, and whirlwind are our only real snares, and i'll be damned if it didn't seem like he broke out of every single one. As for me, after i pop unbreakable will, its lights out for me as i get immediately snared again and bursted down before my bubble is back up on cd.


So, if anyone has any advice as to how to kite a non-retarded marauder/sentinel (force slow is really only useful if you have speed up at the same time, and even then they'll just jump to you and burst you down), I would appreciate it greatly!



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If they root on jumping to you save your knockback. Instead electrocute, cc break and sprint away. At this point they may they may jump to you again. Knockback, kite and you may be able to kill them before their cds are up again. If not well...gl as your cds are longer than theirs.
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marauders and sentinels have too many defensive cooldowns. if they're ready and they want you, they'll get you and there is nothing you can do about it :)


i've got both a sorc and a sentinel, so i kinda know what im talking about.


Dude, if you guys are struggling against a Marauder/Sentinel and claim we have too many CDs, you should probably just quit the game.

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The easiest way to deal with any melee is never fight them fair. Kite them into your allies.


If you have to engage them one on one though, your best bet is to kite them as much as possible. Overload, Force Slow, Electrocute, Whirlwind, and Force Speed are always great ways to create distance. They have 1 or 2 gap closers depending on spec so keep that in mind while evading them. Be sure you know how to deal damage while being mobile (Death Field, Affliction, Shock, Shield, or leftover Wrath procs) and knowing when it's okay to stop and Force Lightning. It's probably not a bad idea to LoS them either if you know they can still charge you. The only things you need to really worry about in terms of their defensive cooldowns are the stealth (in which case you just keep moving towards your allies) and the 99% damage reduction trick in which case you just continue kiting them.

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Dude, if you guys are struggling against a Marauder/Sentinel and claim we have too many CDs, you should probably just quit the game.








That guy was just acting like that so they don't balance his Sorc he plays everyday.

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Dude, if you guys are struggling against a Marauder/Sentinel and claim we have too many CDs, you should probably just quit the game.


This is bull, a well played marau/sentinel is almost impossible to kill with Sorc..! Instead of being a ********, why don't you post something constructive?

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Marauders have ONE CC that we dont get ill lvl 42 period, we have a root that we have to spec into and choke, thats IT, also bindings is a movement impair so you can spec into camo breaking that but we have no extra cc breaker. We do however have 4 defense cds we can cast on ourself and one nerf bat to hit you with for like 5s
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Marauders have ONE CC that we dont get ill lvl 42 period, we have a root that we have to spec into and choke, thats IT, also bindings is a movement impair so you can spec into camo breaking that but we have no extra cc breaker. We do however have 4 defense cds we can cast on ourself and one nerf bat to hit you with for like 5s


Then ur doing it wrong lol a well played sent/mara is a beast only scrubs can't play it as such.

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I play a sentinel and a sorcerer, I dont' think i've ever lost to a sentinel on my sorcerer, and I can usually beat bad sorcerers on my sentinel that have no idea what they're doing.



I'll post a couple helpful tips.



For one, if you can knockback in the same GCD they charge, then do that. Most sentinels including myself open with Charge -> Overload -> Zealous.


If you knock them back after using overload, but before zealous strike then they're going to be focus starved and just wasted overload saber, which is our main source of dmg. From there the only thing a sent can really do is waste force camo and try to reopen but most sentinels will just panic and do something stupid, or let you kill them from range while waiting for charge to come off cd again.


Secondly, whirlwind their rebuke. Rebuke is a 20% damage reduction that lasts for 6 seconds, but is refreshed every time you hit them for up to 30 seconds.


If you can whirlwind them and have their rebuke drop during those 8 seconds, then viola, now they take 20% more damage. - If they trinket then that's even better. Just don't attack them for the few seconds left on rebuke and force em to eat a full electrocute.


Third, Play extremely defensively during guarded by the force. It's a mistake I see so many sorcs make, they just stand there trying to dps through 99% reduction and let the sent wail on them for the 5 seconds. Don't do that. Use force speed, kite em, electric bindings, heal, etc.


Fourth, don't get lazy and let them stay in melee range. For the first few seconds of a fight marauders and sents aren't going to be doing much damage, and then out of nowhere your health plummets, this is because they're applying dots that hit really hard... Don't stand there and assume because you aren't taking heavy damage yet that they aren't doing anything.


In addition to the above, they do way more damage the longer they've been on you due to how juyo form and merciless slash work. The best thing you can do against a marauder is to kite the hell out of them and make sure they don't stay on you for very long at a time.

Edited by Aidank
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I play a sentinel and a sorcerer, I dont' think i've ever lost to a sentinel on my sorcerer, and I can usually beat bad sorcerers on my sentinel that have no idea what they're doing.



I'll post a couple helpful tips.



For one, if you can knockback in the same GCD they charge, then do that. Most sentinels including myself open with Charge -> Overload -> Zealous.


If you knock them back after using overload, but before zealous strike then they're going to be focus starved and just wasted overload saber, which is our main source of dmg. From there the only thing a sent can really do is waste force camo and try to reopen but most sentinels will just panic and do something stupid, or let you kill them from range while waiting for charge to come off cd again.


Secondly, whirlwind their rebuke. Rebuke is a 20% damage reduction that lasts for 6 seconds, but is refreshed every time you hit them for up to 30 seconds.


If you can whirlwind them and have their rebuke drop during those 8 seconds, then viola, now they take 20% more damage. - If they trinket then that's even better. Just don't attack them for the few seconds left on rebuke and force em to eat a full electrocute.


Third, Play extremely defensively during guarded by the force. It's a mistake I see so many sorcs make, they just stand there trying to dps through 99% reduction and let the sent wail on them for the 5 seconds. Don't do that. Use force speed, kite em, electric bindings, heal, etc.


Fourth, don't get lazy and let them stay in melee range. For the first few seconds of a fight marauders and sents aren't going to be doing much damage, and then out of nowhere your health plummets, this is because they're applying dots that hit really hard... Don't stand there and assume because you aren't taking heavy damage yet that they aren't doing anything.


In addition to the above, they do way more damage the longer they've been on you due to how juyo form and merciless slash work. The best thing you can do against a marauder is to kite the hell out of them and make sure they don't stay on you for very long at a time.


^^^ This guy knows how to kill marauder/sentinels


Though i sure do love sorcs who don't cleanse my DoTs and stand there letting me beat on them while my 5 second 99% dmg shield is up because they see me at 5% health and think "oh i got them"....sadly you hitting for 1 damage does nothing and my DoTs are critting healing me for 400 hp a tic and i probably poped a medpac and went from 5% to 30% in 2 seconds.

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You not only can but should always get away from them and don't forget that our root is not affected by resolve, the knock back is but not the root.


Until they have used the 60 sec CD mitigation / used his full 30 fury / used a med pack do not confront, rather run. If that is not bad enough they have an ability that costs 50% hp but reduces all damage taken by 99% for x sec....that's the I win button as people assume they are dead so let them get into melee range and BAM you are dead!


But as a general rule of thumb a Sorcerer will get owned by them if you choose to fight.

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I play both damned good.

And for the record, only a sorc specced deep in to corruption (healing) can dispell a sent/marauders dots.


As for sorc vs sent, sorc doesn't stand a chance if it can't abuse the terrain to LOS and kite.


All you can do is try to focus starve them by instantly overloading after they charge (already posted before) and force them to go invisible.

So thats 1 cooldown gone.


Make sure you don't blow affliction to early, you don't want him dotted till he's blown his 20% less dmg cooldown (rebuke) - You want to whirlwind. (also posted before)

If they break the WW great run like the bloody wind coz the sent will most likely have a full resolve bar if WW followed overload quick, so you can't electrocute just yet


Another thing of note is overload has a 20 second cooldown, charge is 15.

So you will get hit eventually. This is another reason to abuse Line of sight. You want overload ready when they charge you.


One more thing to do is LOS when the sent goes invisible - try to get a small heal off and get rid of your static barrier debuff.


When the sent if below 40%, make sure overload is ready - or even better if he's used CC break on WW, shock - snare and force speed away out of LOS. The 40% mark is ussually when shrouded by the force comes in to play.

Sometimes its better to not use affliction at all - that way you can WW safely and overloads snare will last longer - you've more time to LOS and heal.


In short, know what cooldowns he has up and counter them with yours. Play defensively till you have a clean shot of doing some proper good dmg.

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marauder/sent are the rock to your sissors in this game.


Only problem i see is that sorcs light up with giant "charge me dual saber guy" lightning...repubs mirror "pebble wind" isnt so obvious.


Its much easier on my marauder in huttball against imp than it is to right republic for this reason.


I know is a small thing but its nice to see from across the battlefield without really trying...to know where the sorcs are...since they are pretty easy targets for my marauder. easier it is to spot them the easier it is to charge ect.


nothing put me into panic mode on my sorc more than seeing two sabers commin at me...since i know what is about to happen based on what i do with my main.


You best hope he is a new marauder and doesnt know how to play...or that there are one of the several classes that can stomp all but a pro marauder near you and he goes for him.


Otherwise use that burst sprint try to LOS him and hope he didnt follow you (which he will)

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You could kill Rage/Focus or Combat/Carnage ones perhaps, but you just will never ever beat a good Annihilation/Watchman spec. We're the strongest class in the game imo 1v1.


There was a Madness sorc who kept throwing himself at me during my Ilum pve dailies the other day and he just had no chance. Kinda like the situation you described lol.


I just have far too many ways to stop you from casting on me at range. Many of our cooldowns are quite strong and only on 1min 15s or less cooldown. Only if they're all down can you win, because even with one up I could buy enough time through self heals for the others to refresh.


Just never fight a good Juyo Master unless both of you are healers or you're healer/tank combo. Two dps can also just get rocked.




As to the question specifically of our cc, we don't have much at all. Knights/Warriors are actually the only class without a real stun. Force Stasis is no real stun. So the list is...


- Cauterize snare talent

- Leg Slash

- Awe

- Force Stasis

- Force Leap root


We only have one cc escape like everyone else.

Edited by ShiroRX
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Hahaha wow, well I notice in your sig that you're from Mandalore the Indomitable, so I'm pretty much 100% sure that was me. What I was noticing going on was that you would break my stun, vanish out of electric bindings, and slow wasn't gonna be all that useful for anything unless I was just gonna run the hell away completely. Whirlwind I used on your healing companion, fat lot of good that did. So yeah after reading all these posts I realize I overestimated the number of pure cc breaks you have, but when you're gap-closing cd's are shorter than the ones I use to create space then it doesn't really matter, you're gonna be on me anyway a good part of the time.


I also noticed it looked like you had a BM saber (assuming that's what the black-blue is for republic), and at the time the only pvp pieces I had were cent/champ and none of the main set pieces, so I kinda figured that had a little bit to do with it.


And as for why I kept going after you, tbh it was because I saw it as a rare opportunity to get some 1v1 experience in a game with almost no pvp outside wz's on the way to 50. My sorc is my first 50, and as you can probably tell, prior to this posting I didn't know much about the abilities other classes could throw at me, especially mara/sent. I'd say it paid off in the end, it gave me some actual observations to take to the boards and now people have posted all kinds of helpful tips I've been using pretty well the past few days, thanks guys!


That and it's a game, I mean I want to win like everybody else but I've gotta be having a pretty ****** day to really get butthurt about losing lol. I look forward to seein you out there again man, hopefully things'll be a little less one sided now ;P

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save ur cc's for when theyre close.. save ur sprint if u can for their force camo/sprint..



i find that when i 1v1 a marauder its rain or shine..


i either do everything perfectly and dominate them with still having like 50% hp



or i fked up and i got demolished


its a fine line, and it truly takes skill to beat one. you stationary force lightning crux'd sorcs wont be able to survive




.. let me add though that marauders were buffed over the top..


insane single target dmg, hard hittting bleeds, and a STUPID amount of dmg reduction






i feel proud when i put them in their place

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Force slow and stay with in 10 meters, but not close enough for them to hit you. Laugh at them as you kite them.


Uhhuh, except Annihilation Marauder's charge has a 10.5 sec cooldown and has no minimum range. And any decent Marauder WILL be specced Annihilation.

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Defensive Cool Downs:

1. Overload Electric Binding 15sec

2. Electrocute 50 sec

3. Whirlwind 45 sec

4. Force slow 15sec

5. Force speed 15sec

5. Unbreakable Will 1min


Mobile Offensive Cool Downs:

1. Shock

2. DF

3. Wrath CD or CL

4. Afflic


* Use overload when they leap. Get a distance first after electric binding, Dont hit them yet.


* Only use unbreakable will on choke.


* Purge the dots if he is bleed spec, take note of that white flame (dot) on you.


* Always be mobile and dont be a sittng duck, its like standing on fire


* Recklessness your DF + CL to get a good burst


* Open with Afflic + Slow + FL at max distance 30meters (you can see the the distance figure beside the target portrait) hoping for a wrath and lightning barrage proc. Slow 50% and FL 20%? so they are 70% slowed as well

Edited by Darkzided
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