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RANK SWTOR against these other 7 popular games...


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Your list is a much better list, although I am sorry to see that COH is so low on your list since that is one of my favorites.


COH (Played 7 years)

SWTOR (Played 2 months)

AOC (Played 5 months - I thought this game was going to be the heat, but Funcom screwed it up)

WOW (Played less than a week - didn't like the cartoon graphics)

EQ (Played less than 1 day, logged in, looked around, uninstalled)

EVE (Played less than 1 day, logged in, looked around, uninstalled)

DCUO (Played a couple of weeks of Beta, Played a day or 2 when it went live, uninstalled)


Oh this one I can do:


COH (Played 7 years)

EVE (Played 3 years)

Anarchy Online (Played 2 years)

SWTOR (Played 2 months - like so far, not sure about end game, but my experience at 2 months compared to many others on this list near launch at two months, justifies this spot)

AOC (Played off and on total of probably 1 year)

Champions Online (played off and on about a year total)

DCUO (Play a few months, got old fast)

WOW (Played a day - didn't like the cartoon graphics)

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Simple task just for fun. Rank the following games from top (best game) to bottom (worst game). I present a list of choices in no particular order... Obviously these are not all MMOs, just gauge it strictly off the amount of fun you had playing each (if you did not play a certain game feel free to simply leave off your list)




Zelda: Twilight Princess

Metal Gear Solid 3

World of Warcraft

X-wing vs. TIE Fighter


Neverwinter Nights 2


Can't really compare these games. So the ranking does not provide any useful info. Someone who will rank a single player game higher than the mmos may just prefer single player games period?


But let's do this silly thing:


Morrowind (a nice, engaging open world with little things to find and a chance to really develope your character. Fantastic for people who like exploring)


X-Wing Vs TIE Fighter (it's a classic and deffinitly does not fit in here, but the x-wing series was pretty important in gaming history)


Neverwinter Nights 2 (an interesting enough story. Affection of npcs meant something as they could abandon you if they did not like you enough. The management of Crossroad Keep added a nice dimension to the game. The first expansion had beautifully written dialogues but was sadly a bug ridden mess. Still very enjoyable. The second expansion tried giving the player a lot of freedom, sacrificing story for it's benefit. The freedom was appreciated though and made it a pleasant experience as well.)


Borderlands (very over the top and politically incorrect, with a story that worked, it allowed for some great time just forgetting about real life for a while. Also, it had Moxxi in it)


World of Warcraft (while the story/lore was just an endless string of pop culture references and attempts at being "cool" and "epic", they did a good work presenting a rich world with limited graphic resources. Exploration was fun and you could find hidden nooks and crannies which allowed people who are able to make their own entertainment when given (the illusion of) an open world thinks to do even though the gameplay got stale)


SW:TOR (other than following the stories there is not much to do. And stories can only last so long. Moreover once disappointed with one, one has to overcome the dread that the others will do the same)



Havent played any new Zelda. Couldn't care less about Metal Gear Solid.

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Oh this one I can do:


COH (Played 7 years)

EVE (Played 3 years)

Anarchy Online (Played 2 years)

SWTOR (Played 2 months - like so far, not sure about end game, but my experience at 2 months compared to many others on this list near launch at two months, justifies this spot)

AOC (Played off and on total of probably 1 year)

Champions Online (played off and on about a year total)

DCUO (Play a few months, got old fast)

WOW (Played a day - didn't like the cartoon graphics)


I can do that one as well


Anarchy Online

Puzzle Pirates


Lego Universe


Auto Assault

Tabula Rasa

Champions Online

DC Universe Online

World of Warcraft

Star Wars the Old Republic

Warhammer Online

StarTrek Online

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Leveling experience:



Guild Wars (Gathering skills/doing the storyline in case of GW since the level cap is so easily reached. I really enjoyed hunting for skills for some reason)



Everquest 2

City of Heroes (too repetitive by mid levels)

Dark Ages of Camelot (when not power leveling it's very grindy and slow)


End game experience:


Dark Ages of Camelot (during it's glory days when there was lots of action)



Guild Wars

City of Heroes (With the recent additions like invention system, incarnate, etc it's alright)



Can't list EQ2 for end game because I never really raided, so my experience with it is too limited.

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Ok ill just think about what I personally have played. I warn you though, my taste in games doesn't always follow popular opinion.




Top 7 MMO comparison:



World of Warcraft




Warhammer Online



Top 7 games of all time comparision


Zelda (Damn near every version aside from Zelda 2)

Final Fantasy 2 (SNES)

Romance of the Three Kingdoms IX (PC)

Soul Caliber (Dreamcast)

Baldurs Gate 2 (PC)

KOTOR (Xbox)

Civilization 4 (PC)




As you can see, TOR is easily my favorite MMO, but no MMO ranks in my top 7 in general.

Edited by Brickabrack
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I can do that one as well


Anarchy Online

Puzzle Pirates


Lego Universe


Auto Assault

Tabula Rasa

Champions Online

DC Universe Online

World of Warcraft

Star Wars the Old Republic

Warhammer Online

StarTrek Online


STO was awesome for that magical ~12 hours where space combat was new and fresh.


Then you beamed down to a planet :/

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Simple task just for fun. Rank the following games from top (best game) to bottom (worst game). I present a list of choices in no particular order... Obviously these are not all MMOs, just gauge it strictly off the amount of fun you had playing each (if you did not play a certain game feel free to simply leave off your list)




Zelda: Twilight Princess

Metal Gear Solid 3

World of Warcraft

X-wing vs. TIE Fighter


Neverwinter Nights 2


Sorry, single player games and MMOs are not comparable.


However, the comparison of NWN2 with the two MMOs is interesting. The Persistent Worlds of NWN2 have a family resemblance to MMOs, although of course with far less players, and more attention to live GM-ing.


My feeling is actually that WoW was a bit of an anomaly and that the future of MMOs is more in providing various niche virtual worlds, that are still quite big, much bigger than NWN2 PWs, but much smaller in population than an SWTOR or WoW.


Again, as with many aspects of MMOs, EVE Online shows the way forward. Game population is anywhere between 20k and 40k in a single shared world that's largely shaped by player interaction. If you added some kind of balance of UGC (user generated content) and GM-led events, I think that's the future. Why reinvent the wheel when something works? Just use a similar template and change the lore and "flavour".


Tech needs to improve a lot before that can happen though, CCP are only able to get away with it because a space MMO is mostly - well, empty space (EVE is ironically, for all its feel of a vast single universe, one of the most heavily instanced MMOs in existence).


Actually I think that Cryptic may yet surprise us all with their forthcoming take on NWN. They've been quietly gaining experience with UGC over the years, first with CoX, then with CO and STO. In a way, if UGC is done right, it could be the very thing that people want out of a sandbox - affecting the virtual world around them in a permanent way.

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Simple task just for fun. Rank the following games from top (best game) to bottom (worst game). I present a list of choices in no particular order... Obviously these are not all MMOs, just gauge it strictly off the amount of fun you had playing each (if you did not play a certain game feel free to simply leave off your list)




Zelda: Twilight Princess

Metal Gear Solid 3World of Warcraft

X-wing vs. TIE Fighter


Neverwinter Nights 2



Just curious, what made you pick Metal Gear Solid 3? Did you think that was the best Metal Gear?


Also I know this is your opinion but Ocarina of Time should be there before Twilight Princess lol.

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World of Warcraft



Neverwinter Nights 2


Though it's not fair really, I'm just bored of WoW. Overall, I think everyone agrees WoW is a better game than SWTOR, it's just that you can only play a game for so long until you need to move on.

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Just curious, what made you pick Metal Gear Solid 3? Did you think that was the best Metal Gear?


Also I know this is your opinion but Ocarina of Time should be there before Twilight Princess lol.


Good question! I almost put "Metal Gear Solid Series" but then I would have had to put "Zelda Series", "Elder Scrolls Games", etc....


I only played MGS 2 and 3. I enjoyed both, but I had fonder memories of 3 and it seemed to be an all around more solid game. 2 is also bogged won with that whole... who the @#%@ is Raiden?! issue

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Simple task just for fun. Rank the following games from top (best game) to bottom (worst game). I present a list of choices in no particular order... Obviously these are not all MMOs, just gauge it strictly off the amount of fun you had playing each (if you did not play a certain game feel free to simply leave off your list)




Zelda: Twilight Princess

Metal Gear Solid 3

World of Warcraft

X-wing vs. TIE Fighter


Neverwinter Nights 2



Neverwinter Nights 2


World of Warcraft (since you didnt name xpacs im going by original)

Metal Gear Solid 3

SW:TOR (If it was a single player it would be at the top for story, its a poor MMO)

X-wing vs TIE fighter


Never played that Zelda, nor do I want to.

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Simple task just for fun. Rank the following games from top (best game) to bottom (worst game). I present a list of choices in no particular order... Obviously these are not all MMOs, just gauge it strictly off the amount of fun you had playing each (if you did not play a certain game feel free to simply leave off your list)




Zelda: Twilight Princess

Metal Gear Solid 3

World of Warcraft

X-wing vs. TIE Fighter


Neverwinter Nights 2


Last imo.

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