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How do "casual" players enjoy the game?


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My biggest problem is the heavy armour hood thing.


Second biggest thing is that I'm not so impressed with the gear design, at least on republic side.


Third: People(jedi knights) are running around in the same gear with a small color change. Maybe there's some different looking gear at 50. But I'm casual, I'll probaply hit 50 some time next year. No different looking robe design for knights.


The gear issue is the biggest bummer for me in this game. If my character would look cool, I could play any character. So now I'm making a dark jedi to fit the gear(hood) look.


tl;dr: Gear look issue


The gameplay is decent enough :)

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Hardcore only means people who's only interest is obtaining the end tier equipment in the fastest way possible and that their play time is typically higher than most. It means nothing more. It universally means that they have less in their lives other than video games. When scheduled play time trumps every other option in live ... there can be no other definition. That is their choice.


It DOES NOT mean: They are better players, they know their class better, they min/max more or they are more competitive. Granted some or all can be true on some cases ... but certain not all.


A casual is basically anything else. It is a term used by hardcore players to perpetuate the importance of their focus on a video game. A casual is anything other than hardcore where time to reach goals is less of a factor. Where life outside of a game trumps game playing. Where making an appointment with friends and family is more important that making time for a raid. Where having friends means they are people that exist outside of the game where you actually meet in person and not simply talk and ever know through vent.


A casual can also be an extreme min/maxer and someone insanely competitive but simply does not feel forced to participate at the end game (yet or ever). An end game pigeon holes you into extremely defined mechanics. There is only ONE best gear set, only ONE most elite end raid or pvp area and typically only ONE best talent build (and/or class for that matter). To participate at the last tier on content means by DEFINITION that you are playing a game %100 designed by the developer. You have no choice. This is not an attractive option for many. Hardcore players often do not realise this. They fail to see that ALL choice is taken away from them and then complain on the forums about as "lack of content" instead of what it really is at a functional level.


Both definitions can be broad, can have cross over in many areas and there is no way to say how a typical "casual" plays. As mentioned above though, it is far far more easy to define the play of a hardcore player.

Edited by Tamanous
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and also if you wear Tionese/Centurian with is technically the first rank of obtainable(supposedly easier...) pve/pvp gear you are looked down upon.


Also if you dont have Valor 60 as soon as you hit 50 lol at that one.



The crowd from WoW is definitely here. Before a new season is about to come out on WoW, if you don't pvp 24/7 and max points so you can buy 4 pieces of the new gear on day 1 of the new season, you're an idiot. God, I love that their community spirit has entered this game! When it comes down to it, they are the idiots. An e-peen will not get you laid.

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It's all about moderation.


All the moderation in the world can't save this game. When you design an endgame that copies WoW (i.e. requiring you to chase the carrot on a stick) AND you do it in an inferior manner, then your game is bound to fail. No matter how casually you play (the game) will change that fact.

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All the moderation in the world can't save this game. When you design an endgame that copies WoW (i.e. requiring you to chase the carrot on a stick) AND you do it in an inferior manner, then your game is bound to fail. No matter how casually you play (the game) will change that fact.



Stop being a doomsayer. The end game like this is the very reason why a more casual players applies moderation. Bioware pushes more content out. Moderation allows the content to be experienced at a rate where there is always something new to experience and it isn't devoured prior to the next content patch.


It is the exact solution to the problem you mention.

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I'm a casual player and haven't hit 50 yet since playing from launch, so still lots of enjoyment there, recently started my first alt so enjoying the new storyline too.


PvP a bit which i do find good fun, even starting to enjoy huttball more, the hardcore PvP'ers whine about the game but it's good fun if you're not fixated on winning and balance.


I expect my next few months might involve a new alt on the imp side, which adds to the enjoyment.


Oh and also levelling my armormech and RE'ing to get the higher class of gear.


That enough for yah? :p The only thing i don't enjoy so much is the space combat.

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I rushed my 1st char to lvl50 (sentinel), but that's because it was over the winter breaks..... so I wouldn't count that as casual.... but ever since then, I have started a new Shadow and just took things slow.


- On weekdays, I tried to spend 2-3hrs of gameplay, and make some progression with the Class quests.


- Doing dailies (yellow space combat, pvp warzone) -- they are really enjoyable.


- On weekends, I try to get the chapter done, and frequent more warzone.


- In between breaks/ tv shows/ meals I'd send my companion to do missions, gatherings, and crafting, and selling them on GTN.


- It's routine, but routinely fun I have to say..... not so much of pressure to lvl-rushing, since I already have a lvl50 char (been there done that). And low level warzone is very enjoyable.


- As for my lvl 50, I use him as resource build up, selling GTN mats, hasn't play him much.

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I wish I could be more of a casual player really. I quite enjoy some of the environments and of course the voice acting.


It isn't that I don't enjoy the story or anything, just that I have a limited amount of time and as I'm trying to enjoy a little immersion in story line I can't help but fixate on that next shiny blaster that is 2 levels away and my desire to obtain it...

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I'm probably the ultimate casual player. But I am most likely not your average player since I am 60 years-old and retired. Maybe play 5-7 hours a week. I might have a 4-5 hour session every couple weeks if I have nothing else going on and it's raining outside.


I do have 7 characters at various levels. I played WoW for 5 years and only had one 85 and that was a DK that I got to start at level 55. To me I enjoy the leveling. Don't PvP. In fact in all the characters in my signature I have never run a Flashpoint, Warzone, etc. Only Heroics I do is when I do them solo.


Yes, I know I am not seeing all that the game has but I really enjoy SWTOR and the part that I do play.


I used the game to relax. Actually probably read the forums more then play because I'm logged in all the time and view it when I check my mail or whatever else I may need to do.

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depends on your definiton of a casual player ? you mean some one that has little time to play? or someone who does not min max or get over invlovled in all the game has to offer ?


casual market is huge, wow tapped it and look where it took them, now with free to play games and you buy content as you go another group of casual players have been tapped..


I think they enjoy the game in thier own way and pay just like the rest of us to play the way they want to.. /shrug

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depends on your definiton of a casual player ? you mean some one that has little time to play? or someone who does not min max or get over invlovled in all the game has to offer ?


casual market is huge, wow tapped it and look where it took them, now with free to play games and you buy content as you go another group of casual players have been tapped..


I think they enjoy the game in thier own way and pay just like the rest of us to play the way they want to.. /shrug


FOR ME PERSONALLY, (and I know that opinions differ on this), "Casual" is a term related to play style, not time played. Someone could play quite a lot and still be casual. Someone could not play very much and be "Not casual." People that are not casual just tend to play more but not a requirement.

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Hardcore only means people who's only interest is obtaining the end tier equipment in the fastest way possible and that their play time is typically higher than most. It means nothing more. It universally means that they have less in their lives other than video games. When scheduled play time trumps every other option in live ... there can be no other definition. That is their choice.


It DOES NOT mean: They are better players, they know their class better, they min/max more or they are more competitive. Granted some or all can be true on some cases ... but certain not all.


I think this is untrue.. Any hardcore player, playing the hours they do and the content they constantly go up against, are far more likely to be better players. They'll know all the numbers and whys. Why x skill is better at y time than z skill etc etc.


In fairness, I'm coming from EQ1 and a top5 server wide guild. And I'd bet my wages that every guildie is a better player than any casual player in any aspect of the game you care to mention.


But then, EQ1 is hardcore compared to say Warcraft. So it's all subjective.

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I'm pretty casual. I manly play my story line and don't go do a lot of WZs. I play on a PvP server and I more enjoy the random encounter while questing and seem to enjoy everything much more when I am just doing my thing rather than looking for that next level or trying to get this or that. I will min/max a bit in theory while at work outside of the game and put it to test when I log in.


Really, this has been a good game for my play style.

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Casual players usually enjoy all the same things other players do.


Let's put it this way... for a very long time, I was considered a hardcore raider. I would spend 12ish hours a week on raiding. I no longer want to devote that much time to raiding? Do I want to still see the operations? Absolutely, yes. I just don't have the need to devote so much time completing hardmodes/nightmares and farming content repeatedly for gear.


I consider myself very casual now because I consider my non-work hours more valuable than I did when I was a hardcore raider.

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When I was a kid back in the 70s, my parents decided to take up bowling. They loved it.


As time passed, they got better and better at it. Eventually, they bowled regularly in tournaments and had a room full of trophies from the tournaments they won.


Then, one day, they abruptly stopped bowling. They quit, gave away all their stuff, and never went back. They started playing softball after that.


Years later, I asked my dad why they quit bowling. I found it odd, because they were so good at it. The following is what he said to me (to the best of my memory):


"When we started we bowled twice a month. We loved it. Every time we made a strike, we'd jump with joy and celebrate. There wasn't any pressure. It was just fun and we loved the feeling of getting that strike. But after a couple years, it changed. We were so good, we didn't celebrate strikes any more. We expected them. Instead, we just got angry when we didn't make a strike. Making a strike was expected, and even a spare was considered a small failure. and if we didn't pick up the spare... well, that was downright unforgivable. We just got so good at it, it wasn't fun anymore. It was just frustrating. We started bowling because it was fun. When it wasn't fun anymore, we moved on."


Casuals - while maybe not as good as min/maxers - just like to celebrate the strikes.


Not sure if that makes any sense, but it's the best description I could think of.

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When I was a kid back in the 70s, my parents decided to take up bowling. They loved it.


As time passed, they got better and better at it. Eventually, they bowled regularly in tournaments and had a room full of trophies from the tournaments they won.


Then, one day, they abruptly stopped bowling. They quit, gave away all their stuff, and never went back. They started playing softball after that.


Years later, I asked my dad why they quit bowling. I found it odd, because they were so good at it. The following is what he said to me (to the best of my memory):


"When we started we bowled twice a month. We loved it. Every time we made a strike, we'd jump with joy and celebrate. There wasn't any pressure. It was just fun and we loved the feeling of getting that strike. But after a couple years, it changed. We were so good, we didn't celebrate strikes any more. We expected them. Instead, we just got angry when we didn't make a strike. Making a strike was expected, and even a spare was considered a small failure. and if we didn't pick up the spare... well, that was downright unforgivable. We just got so good at it, it wasn't fun anymore. It was just frustrating. We started bowling because it was fun. When it wasn't fun anymore, we moved on."


Casuals - while maybe not as good as min/maxers - just like to celebrate the strikes.


Not sure if that makes any sense, but it's the best description I could think of.


Makes perfect sense. I've quit plenty of things I got good at, because they lost their flavor and fun.


I picked up bass guitar in High School. I got really good, played all the time, and in 4+ organizations. After I graduated I stopped playing, because I'd burned myself out.

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When I was a kid back in the 70s, my parents decided to take up bowling. They loved it.


As time passed, they got better and better at it. Eventually, they bowled regularly in tournaments and had a room full of trophies from the tournaments they won.


Then, one day, they abruptly stopped bowling. They quit, gave away all their stuff, and never went back. They started playing softball after that.


Years later, I asked my dad why they quit bowling. I found it odd, because they were so good at it. The following is what he said to me (to the best of my memory):


"When we started we bowled twice a month. We loved it. Every time we made a strike, we'd jump with joy and celebrate. There wasn't any pressure. It was just fun and we loved the feeling of getting that strike. But after a couple years, it changed. We were so good, we didn't celebrate strikes any more. We expected them. Instead, we just got angry when we didn't make a strike. Making a strike was expected, and even a spare was considered a small failure. and if we didn't pick up the spare... well, that was downright unforgivable. We just got so good at it, it wasn't fun anymore. It was just frustrating. We started bowling because it was fun. When it wasn't fun anymore, we moved on."


Casuals - while maybe not as good as min/maxers - just like to celebrate the strikes.


Not sure if that makes any sense, but it's the best description I could think of.


Well put Sir!, and I couldn't agree more.

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I have a 43rd level Op. That's my highest. She usually loiters with Kaliyo, but since she's gone as far as she can there, I've been playing with Raina a bit. Took some time and got her a cool light grey baseball cap and a light grey half shirt with backpack and light grey pants and boots and gloves. Looks pretty cool. Bit different playing with a DPS, but still fun. I haven't tried anything 'serious' with her yet. I mostly use Kaliyo for that.


I'm supposed to head off to Belvas[more/less consonants and vowels here?], but I've been piddling around camping some really low level bosses on some planets looking for some odds and ends on other characters.


I'm horrible at space combat, so I don't do that much yet.


I like to do lots of BT social runs when I can, but it's hard to find a group of people to start plowing through them in an afternoon back to back.


I haven't done an 'on level' flashpoint in awhile. I get nervous (healer) as I start getting to higher levels, like I won't be able to do well, so I don't go. I was kinda hoping 'all' the flashpoints were going to be like BT. That would get me to run them more. But they aren't, though no worries. :)


I have a high teen I run with a friend that just started playing a few weeks back. He's having a good time, though his computer is really struggling with the game. His video card is decent, but the rest of the hardware is really dragging him down, and he knows it. He's used to struggling with performance, he just slugs through it. Mine runs great, btw.


Haven't tried to PvP in this game. Not sure I will. There has to be a fun mechanic or something to usually get me to do that. Like Darkness Falls or Wintergrasp.


I work from home, so I'll login a character and run around and loot some chests or craft or something, then fire up another character and kill a lowbie boss farming for something for a lowbie, or see if anyone wants to do a BT run, then I'll go back to work for an hour or so, then log back in and do it again. Pretty much do that on and off all day.


I guess that makes me casual? I am casual because I mostly 'loiter' and quest and what not, but from a 'time' perspective, I guess I'm 'hard core' because I (apparently) have no social life? :o

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Would consider myself more of a casual gamer, took me 5 weeks or so to get to level 50. I mostly still play because my friends are still playing (some are still levelling). Crafting seems pretty useless (at least Artifice does). Prologue and first chapters of the consular story were beyond terrible. Have done a few space combat missions, but even though I enjoyed Star Fox and Rebel Assault back in the days it somehow doesn't catch me in SWTOR. I play mostly PvP. Should BioWare get one day most of the annoying bugs fixed, I would still say the game will be still about average.
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