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All friends transfering, BW won't let me. Why?


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Why would you guild leave knowing they are leaving ppl they have played with for years behind?


Good point. IF they really are a close knit group, then they would be willing to stay and wait until all the members can transfer. Times like this show how much friends are really......friends.

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I feel for you OP, worst yet to come is once us plyers from the southern hemisphere leave for local servers both Swifture & your server will be in a pretty bad shape population wise.


I think BW should give all players on those server's a transfer, many players chose to play on those 2 servers because they knew they would be high population servers. Come early March that is about to all change, many Aussie's are excited at the prospect of having local pings. In every other MMO we have had to tolerate 180 - 300 latency, double figures will be nice for a change.

Edited by NoxiousAlby
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This does not make sense to me. Why can't anyone choose to go to this sever? Few are going to willingly choose a higher ping time - its not like there would be a flood of people. But for the few like me, who have off playtimes, this is pretty important.


The answer to your question probably lies in this statement.


The ability to transfer to such a server for US residents likely, as you said, is a choice that only a handful of folks would make. I don't know what would be involved (technically speaking) in allowing what you ask, but if it's more than simply "flipping a switch" then the time invested for such a minute portion of the community just wouldn't be feasible. This is just me "guessing" of course, I don't know what's involved. It really is a simple matter to reroll though, and I know personally I'd bite the bullett and do so if it meant getting to play with people that I felt that strongly about playing with.


I played a bit with TOG in Fallen Earth btw, though I never joined the guild...good group of folks. :)

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Good point. IF they really are a close knit group, then they would be willing to stay and wait until all the members can transfer. Times like this show how much friends are really......friends.


I Don't think you realize just how big a deal actual oceanic servers are.


I see US players whining over a lat of 90.


we play on 200-300 at all times. And they're not going to put him on there blacklists there moving servers.

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I am really hoping for an official answer as to why the policy is this way. Because it makes no sense to me, and the consequence is that it splits me off from all the people who play at my playtime.


What gives BW? Why are you needlessly splitting up guilds and communities by such a silly restriction?

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You can understand? Why? There's no good reason that I can see.


You think there's going to be a mass army of US people who voluntarily choose a higher ping?


Same - they said some time ago they were looking at whole of guild transfers, would love to know why they decided not to allow it.

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i had same problem i just rerolled, easy enough to level as the game is just that easy to get equipped up in.


plus the fact that there are two things to do in game .. level or pvp .. nothing else to do :p


Yup, Buddy and I switched servers about 10 days ago and we already 1 planet away from where were were before and have full alt force going strong on new server!


Rerolling in this game is NOT a reason not to switch servers if you need/want to.

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Yup, Buddy and I switched servers about 10 days ago and we already 1 planet away from where were were before and have full alt force going strong on new server!


Rerolling in this game is NOT a reason not to switch servers if you need/want to.


For the fifty billionth time, rerolling the same class(es) from 1-50 is NOT fun for me. If that is BW's only solution, fine - I'll move on to another game. I would like for there to be another option.


It does not matter what YOU find fun or easy. It matters what I do. There is no way I can get back to 50 or close to it in 10 days. You may be able to do that, I cannot. And I have already rerolled once to join The Older Gamers on TJJT server. I'm just not able to find the fun in doing it again.


The reason for this OP is: it does not make any sense that I should have to, and I'd like to know why I am disallowed from following my friends and community when they txfer. Seems like a fair question to me.


All of the responses telling me how I should do something different to get around the problem, don't address my question at all.

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Since BioWare is going to make server transfers possible for the oceanic players, I see no reason why they shouldn't make it also possible for everyone... okay they might be worried what might happen with low pop server when general server transfer becomes possible (but it was their fault in the first place to open too many US servers).
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I fully support allowing those players the CHOICE of transfering to the Australian based servers no matter what country they are currently registered or living in.



cause of low population on gmt+8 time,

BW should provide a free transfer,

reroll just waste our time and money.

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So, they can easily transfer toons from server to server.

BUT they are only going to do it for Aussies at the moment.....

Well that sucks hard, what about the rest of us on dead servers? No love for us, I guess our cash is not as good.

Just allow everyone to move now, hell you can even charge them, but to let only a certain group of players move is going to be the final twist of the knife for some of us.

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I am really hoping for an official answer as to why the policy is this way. Because it makes no sense to me, and the consequence is that it splits me off from all the people who play at my playtime.


What gives BW? Why are you needlessly splitting up guilds and communities by such a silly restriction?


- There is a large number of oceanic players currently spread over multiple servers

- Bioware is about to concentrate that population into fewer servers

- Bioware allowing carte blanche transfers for all players would see many people abandon low population servers because they assume these will be high pop

- These players will make it more difficult for oceanic players

- As is said in every thread about how downtime hits australians particularly hard- the majority should not suffer for the minority.


OP, while I feel for you, I'd much prefer you reroll than us having several thousand americans bombard our servers on the assumption that the grass is always greener on the other side.

Edited by Stealthy_Monkey
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- There is a large number of oceanic players currently spread over multiple servers

- Bioware is about to concentrate that population into fewer servers

- Bioware allowing carte blanche transfers for all players would see many people abandon low population servers because they assume these will be high pop

- These players will make it more difficult for oceanic players

- As is said in every thread about how downtime hits australians particularly hard- the majority should not suffer for the minority.


OP, while I feel for you, I'd much prefer you reroll than us having several thousand americans bombard our servers on the assumption that the grass is always greener on the other side.




You know why its wrong? Because "several thousand Americans" are to going to voluntarily choose a 200ms PING. Only a smaller number of us that want to sacrifice ping so that we can STAY WITH FRIENDS.

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The argument that he should have to re-roll and play for weeks while his friends stay at 50 with their toons is laughable.


If someone wants to transfer to an Oceanic server, they should be allowed to do so regardless of what they chose as their origin country. Bioware is transferring thousands of Aussies but can't bring their friends? Come on.

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My guild is NZ based, but my husband and I and a few co-workers are American, working casino swing shift- our prime playtime is 3AM CST+. Ergo, prime time Oceanic, which is why our guild is based there. It's a group we've been gaming with for years.


We are sick of the server coming down during our prime play times. We've been eagerly looking forward to the official Oceanic release. We don't care that we'll be playing long distance- we did it before, in Warhammer.


We want to play on a server active in our time frame. We want to transfer WITH OUR GUILD.


If we can't? I honestly don't know. I hate to be the kind to threaten to quit, but... it's going to happen to at least some of us, if our guild moves and we're left behind. No one wants to abandon the characters they've worked on. Having to do so would drive at least SOME of them away.


I really don't want that to happen.


It's already been stated that Bioware do their maintenance simultaneously, regardless of zone times. The servers will still come down during prime time. The only advantages to the servers being hosted locally is the latency and new players will go to the Oceanic servers.


I'm on Harbinger and I can see that the server will suffer when the Aussies move off. On Saturday and Sunday, during the day, there are still queues of up to 400 people because you've got the US players logging on for their Friday night gaming.


To the people in EGA that were hating on the Aussies playing on "Their" server. You wanted us to move to another server. I understand you were raging because the queues were 1600+ and hours long. Now you have your wish. Enjoy your empty servers..

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I can understand why they arnt allowing it, but I feel your pain. Good luck to ya :(


You can understand why? Maybe you'd like to enlighten me then as it makes no sense to me whatsoever.


So what that someone lives in the US and chooses to play on the Oceanic servers. Why should that matter to Bioware?


It's not like there would be queues of people waiting to leap from servers in their own timezone to move to another.


Let the guy move. It affects no-one.

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I fully support allowing those players the CHOICE of transfering to the Australian based servers no matter what country they are currently registered or living in.


Agreed. It's stupid to restrict transfers. A lot of us rolled on the "unofficial" oceanic servers just because we have odd play hours and wanted to have people to play with.


Besides... I *like* Aussies...!

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maybe allowing AZ to move is tehr way of rewarding honest poeple , but letting transfer toa AZ server. since you lied about your locations you getting punished,sine they have no way to know fi you telling the truth or lieing..


Uh, try reading again. I did not lie about anything.

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