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If all you do is PvP why are you on a PvE server??


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I know from first hand knowledge, a player who was once in the guild quit and rolled Imp. He said that around 30% or so found the PvE part boring as all heck and love to PvP. He wanted to PvE and do class quests and they said that they have become a PvP only guild and the storylines suck and they want nothing to do with them.


I know not everyone will agree with me but this is my opinion and my husband's as well. To the person who called me a Troll, nice way to resort to name calling.


trolls gonna troll

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I don't see any use for PvP servers without real in-world PvP mechanics built in. If the game featured some rewards for taking some areas away from the opponent, allowed factions to control areas based on PvP battles and so on, a PvP server makes sense. As it is, the only thing PvP servers have over PvE is the ability to kill enemy players on sight anywhere, which usually boils down to groups riding around farming opposing faction's lowbies.


Short version: there's nothing with respect to competitive PvP that PvP servers have to offer over PvE servers. It's not like you're gonna learn anything about PvP strategies fighting 1v3 battles.

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On my server which is a PvE server there is a Republic guild that constantly do PvP. Very few of them have gone past lvl 35 on thier respective class stories and simply leveled via PvP. If they love PvPing so much why are they on a PvE server. I can not play PvP or my husband and enjoy it due to seeing them always playing as a group in darn near every battleground. I am sick of getting ganked by them when that is all they do. They need to go to a PvP server if they love to PvP so much. It has totally taken the fun out of PvPing for my husband and I.


They PvP on a PvE server because they are a bunch of wusses that love griefing care bears and consider it a big win if the care bears post about it.

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I've played on both server types in TOR. I didn't see a member of the opposing faction until Voss. Being a former EVE player, I am overly paranoid and I'm constantly looking for potential gankers/gankees, but I hardly saw anyone from 1-50. There really isn't much difference between the two in TOR.


PVP happens in Warzones and (kind of) on Ilum. Personally, I only PVP and I play on a PVE server. There is no world PVP so I'm not missing out on much. I could re-roll on a PVP server, but what's the point?

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i'm on a pvp server and haven't been ganked yet and as of yet there is not much of a difference between the two and as many people on here have said if you don't like it dont pvp

they have the right to do pvp only if they wanted to if you dont like it maybe you shouldnt play mmos at all i have played a number of different mmos and this does happen its a factor of playing mmos and did you think that they may have started off being a pve guild pre-launch

and once in game they didnt like the story but liked pvp should they be punished by starting a new char on a new server just to pvp the game would loose more players that way.


thats just my 2 cents

Edited by Diggerjames
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I guess what irks me the most is if they want to PvP so much then go to a PvP server and pvP to their little heart's content. Not doing anything past lvl 30 or so of your class quest is wrong (imo) as well. I feel they are taking the cowards way out by only PvPing in wzs and not going to a PvP server and doing it out in the open.


Dude... No. Just no. Warzones are in the game, if that's how they choose to level, then that's 100% their choice and you have no right to complain about it. PvP servers have no effect on warzones anyway, so perhaps they just didn't feel like dealing with gankers.

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There is very little world pvp even on pvp servers so it doesn't really make a difference what server your on....the few occasions I was engaged in world pvp it was always in unfair situations i.e. I'm fighting a pack of mobs when out of nowhere some nub attacks me part way through my fight and I die because I can't fight half a dozen targets at once or the other scenario is my companion is out doing missions and I'm just out and about solo with no companion out and I get attacked by someone else who does have their companion out, while it's still possible to kill them without a companion they have an advantage over you.
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I pvp a lot...but I'm not into the whole OWPvP thing b/c it usually takes the form of:


1. Ganking

2. Griefing

3. Zerging


None of these are fun for me regardless of whether I win or not. Instanced PvP may or may not be considered "real" by the hardcores, but it's what I like. Plus I enjoy the story/quest lines.

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On my server which is a PvE server there is a Republic guild that constantly do PvP. Very few of them have gone past lvl 35 on thier respective class stories and simply leveled via PvP. If they love PvPing so much why are they on a PvE server. I can not play PvP or my husband and enjoy it due to seeing them always playing as a group in darn near every battleground. I am sick of getting ganked by them when that is all they do. They need to go to a PvP server if they love to PvP so much. It has totally taken the fun out of PvPing for my husband and I.


PvP servers mean nothing and god forbid people actually coordinate in PvP. My suggestion is to do the same thing.

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I guess what irks me the most is if they want to PvP so much then go to a PvP server and pvP to their little heart's content. Not doing anything past lvl 30 or so of your class quest is wrong (imo) as well. I feel they are taking the cowards way out by only PvPing in wzs and not going to a PvP server and doing it out in the open.


The point you need to take in to account here is, its just your opinion. If they want to play on a PvE server thats their choice. I play on a PvP server and have not seen any world PvP at all. I have known people who have not even left the station upon reaching level 10 and not done any class quests at all. That is their choice as well. It's also your choice to stay on the same server as a known guild that PvP's ALOT. Why don't you move instead, that also is your choice instead coming on and whining about others.


You have the choice to PvP or not just the same as every one else does. You also have the choice to do your class quests or not, just like every one else does, just because you feel its wrong doesn't make it wrong.

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On my server which is a PvE server there is a Republic guild that constantly do PvP. Very few of them have gone past lvl 35 on thier respective class stories and simply leveled via PvP. If they love PvPing so much why are they on a PvE server. I can not play PvP or my husband and enjoy it due to seeing them always playing as a group in darn near every battleground. I am sick of getting ganked by them when that is all they do. They need to go to a PvP server if they love to PvP so much. It has totally taken the fun out of PvPing for my husband and I.


so you are saying your husband does a lot of pvp on a pve server but is upset about other ppl forming groups for pvp because its a pve server of a massiveMULTIPLAYERonlineroleplayinggame ?


thats really a pretty stupid post you know ?

please stop wasting forum space, tnx !




@everyone else:

plz stop feeding the troll ! 5 pages long thread about some mental fart someone obviously completely drunk made. ppl we got more serious issues to talk about than this crap.

Edited by Psionic_X
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