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Why did they even bother with a beta for this game?


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And we are to take your word for it? This game is leagues ahead of any game I have played at launch. You must not remember some of those monstrosities.


bugs at launch =/= crappy foundation/engine/ability delays



Sure, I can rememeber crashes to desktop, and servers being down for days.

I just don't rememeber such half assed gameplay and lag.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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If you want to see how a company should handle a game before and after launch, I suggest you look to Trion with Rift. Smaller budget and they fixed things at a remarkable rate. Not to mention their customer service was outstanding.


Puts BioWare and their budget to shame.


Now here is your basic example of rose colored glasses. I was in Rift beta and release. Their CS was complained about on an hourly basis. People were getting hacked, not all of the "fundamental features" were in at launch, apparently it had/has bugs. It's just like every MMO ever. Rift has come a long way though, so they should be applauded, but they weren't perfect at launch and it probably took them 3 months to get everything right.

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Is that relevant to the topic? And have you played this game? You want to see sterile and boring....


Someone mentioned rift as an example of what to do.


This game has a ton more character than rift. Rift was built from the ground up to be a wow clone and it feels that way. This game feels different and immersive to me. Exactly what I expect from bioware. I feel ole my character matters and I feel like bioware is doing a good job at fixing things.


Rift I tried again last week and couldnt get past how generic it feels.

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Lately its been nothing but damage control for this game and nerf this, hotfix that. Wasnt that what a beta was for? Now i realize problems arise after beta and release can be a different build but it shouldnt be huge differences like we're seeing now.


Not to mention bioware took out a lot of armor sets and other options that it plans to throw into an expansion and make us pay, yet these things were already in the beta.


While fixes are needed, obviously we ALL KNOW that NO OTHER game EVER needs fixes, hotfixes or patching. :rolleyes:

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lol. Am I back in high school? That must be why you keep addressing me.


And I was talking about the beta before you derailed it with your ad hominem spittal.


It's not an ad hominem to point out that you're clueless about software development and fixing bugs. It's a simple fact.

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Games like this are extremely complex. Exponentially more complex than single player games.


They have bugs.


None of which are gamebreaking for me. Sorry to hear you are having issues. Perhaps you would like to join their QA staff if they are hiring.

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And we are to take your word for it? This game is leagues ahead of any game I have played at launch. You must not remember some of those monstrosities.


I agree completely. Here's a recent example: I played STO(2010) at launch, OMG is this game so much better in every aspect of launch than STO was. At least the 0-50 experience here was good. STO had 0 content on the Klingon Side. Most quest were so generic it wasn't even funny. They finally managed to get something good going by opening the quest creation tool to the player base and letting them create quest and episodes.


I have to say I was suprised that this game worked in it's first week at all. All the other MMO launch I've seen that was not the case.

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i have a feeling the only way this game will die is when the Dev's get tired of the always complaining community. not saying its everyone but the majority. theres problem solving and there is complaining.


This game will die (so to speak) when/if it bleeds enough subscriptions that EA does to it what they'd done to their previous two MMOs. One they shut down (Earth & Beyond), and one is a shell nowadays (WAR).


Trust in one thing: if SWTOR looses enough people (by EA's measuring stick, not ours), and I am not saying that it has or will, EA will pull as much money from investing it in as they can and move on to their next, "big thing" in a heartbeat.

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It's not an ad hominem to point out that you're clueless about software development and fixing bugs. It's a simple fact.


You got something to add to the thread? Otherwise, I'll just send you my FB page and you can start following me there?

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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You got something to add to the thread? Otherwise, I'll just send you my FB page and you can start following me there?




No one is arguing other games don't get patched.


We're compaining that these issues were pointed out in Beta and UNLIKE other AAA MMO's, the devs never addressed them, and here we are going into the third month and the same issues persist.


You have no idea what you're talking about. You should stop.

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Nope. But I've played every major MMO for the past 12 years and know when one's a bigger POS than all the others. Times 10 when you consider what they spent.


And I was more than likely gaming before your parents had fully developed reproductive organs. (Yes, I'm 64 years young). What does that mean? Nothing. You're not an expert and neither am I. Comparing gaming resumes is a poor way to measure an EPEEN these days. Just saying ...



Why are you so concerned with how much money was spent on creating this game? Do you have investments tied up into this game? It's not your money that went into making the game, so why all the fuss?


I showed you that the devs have been working on bugs. You laughed it off like it wasn't important. To me, it was very important. It was fixed. Your fix is in the works (they did fix some of the ability delay issues with a recent patch, but it's not completely fixed as I'm sure it takes time to fix it properly. Again, if you're the expert here, why don't you go fix the ability delay bug you are seeing? Some bugs take months to fix, but I'm sure you could do it in a few minutes, right?

Edited by Alkiii
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And I was more than likely gaming before your parents had fully developed reproductive organs. (Yes, I'm 64 years young). What does that mean? Nothing. You're not an expert and neither am I. Comparing gaming resumes is a poor way to measure an EPEEN these days. Just saying ...


I agree, I was mearly responding to teddyboy's blathering. Lesson learned, I'll just ignore him since he obviously has no intention of doing anything other than derailing.



I took what you said to heart, I understand they're working on it. That doesn't mean they've haven't done a poor job, and that's why you have such a large flux of specifically the beta testers who are so disheartened. Again, I'm not ******** on your point, I'm just saying that one example have little bearing on the whole scene.


Again, if you're the expert here, why don't you go fix the ability delay bug you are seeing? Some bugs take months to fix, but I'm sure you could do it in a few minutes, right?


Oh stop it, I never said I could and you know it. Then again, I wasn't paid 300 million dollars to do so. And if I couldn't, then I wouldn't put my name behind it.

Edited by OldBenSmokin
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You'd think they would have prioritized those story bugs we found during Beta that made it into launch. Since this game was all about story, perhaps they should rethink their priorities?

No one said that the product didn't launch with bugs. No one has said that there aren't bugs. The two story bugs that stopped progression took them a couple of weeks to fix. So they obviously were not easy to find/reproduce. Just knowing that there is a bug is actually the easy step. If you can not reproduce then a developer is just shooting in the dark, and guessing at a fix can be hugely detrimental over all. There were also work a rounds.


No human is perfect. Developers are human. Humans make mistakes. Depending on the mistake, it can take a while to fix. Expecting anything else is silly. The fact that BW is actually fixing bugs in as timely a manner as possible is what is important.

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Anyone who was in beta can tell you two things.


You filled out questioners with simple 1-5 ratings.


And you did load testing.


The last two months of beta were nothing but a hype machine to generate interest in the game.


During beta the DEVELOPERS specifically came out and said they didn't care what we said about anything, they just needed us for metrics and load testing. They were going to do the game there way, feedback be damned.


Every single major problem the game has today, was discussed in beta WELL before launch.


Faction imbalance? They knew it was gonna be a problem, everyone said it, but they didnt listen.


No guild banks? We pleaded with them for over a YEAR to make sure that made launch.


All those bugs? Do you have any idea how many times I reported warzone wins not counting?


Or the filter mechanism not working when buying stuff?

Or how HORRIBLE the GTC interface was?

Or the horrible UI design decisions that were implemented VERY late in development?

Ability LAG? Was reported in beta about a BILLION times.

High res texture, the DISABLED in beta and at launch on purpose.


Chat bubbles? Worked fine in beta. But for launch they took them away.


And this is just the things off the top of my head, not counting the loads of bugs that were reported over a YEAR before launch. But it was always like "Oh its still beta, they will fix it."


To be fair they fixed a TON of bugs before launch, but honestly, even with that blog about prioritization it just felt like the development of this game was ALL OVER THE PLACE. Like they had no direction or guidance.


With that said, I still love the game, even if I am getting burned out from rolling alts as the only solution to endgame.

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You have an educated opinion?


How many video games have you worked on? Were you a programmer?


Just a heads up im a programmer and bugs aren't that difficult to fix.


I know when you dont know anything about programming it looks like a bunch of gobldygook but once you learn what it all means it's just like editing a document that your making for work. On top of that you have several other people working with you in an environment like this, and just about every thing that you need to know has been figured out already and is online somewhere.


As a programmer i can also tell you that a big part of being a good programmer is lazyness. this is because you have to make the same program a million times before you get any good at programming things. While i understand that this is a common feature in programmers, it is not an excuse. when i dont work i dont get paid because i freelance now, and i think the problem is that the programmers dont have that threat so they dont dig through the 10 million lines of code(which isnt a big deal when you have well written comments in your code and a find and replace feature.


As far as im concerned 3 months old is not a new game anymore and the excuses are gone. This game should be fixed and i understand that the last 3 months have flown by cuz you've been having a lot of fun(i hope) but thats a quarter of a 60th of your entire life. that means in 160 of those amount of time you will be dead(assuming your the same age as me)


saying "it's a new game it happens" just compounds the problem because you are not only lying to yourself but you're giving excuses to people who are unfortunatly innately lazy and will do anything to avoid a difficult task

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I agree, I was mearly responding to teddyboy's blathering. Lesson learned, I'll just ignore him since he obviously has no intention of doing anything other than derailing.


No, I'm on topic. You're not 'casue you lost.



I took what you said to heart, I understand they're working on it. That doesn't mean they've haven't done a poor job...


I'm not sure where I'm losing you.


You're in no position to evaluate this, and no, playing every MMO since the beginning of time doesn't help.


What would?


Knowing how many bugs were in the game during beta and how many got fixed before shipping.


The prioritization system Bioware uses for these bugs.


Average time to fix a bug.




You don't know anything. That doesn't stop you from mouthing off like you do, then calling someone else a "troll" you simply can't address. It's pathetic.

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Not to mention most of the bugs found back in beta can still be found ingame, lol.


Last time I dropped back into WoW and created a new character on the alliance side there was a glaring bug in the game that I had reported in very early closed beta for the original release. happens all the time. Still sucks, but it isn't out of the ordinary.

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