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Just Dinged 50 and tried a warzone..


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How do you have 6 bags waiting for you? I was under the impression that the most you could have when you ding is 1k WZ, 1k Merc, and 1 bag in your inventory already. How many bags do the commendations equate to?


LOL, i personally didn't know that, OR that i could max out merc before 50. I hit 50 with 1000 wz. DOH.

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I'm a new 50 and went to ilum for my first time last night.


All that I saw was two big groups of imps and repubs taking turns killing each other, i'm guessing for valor/dailys/weeklys. It was a huge bummer, serious cheese. Well now I see how a lot of people geared up up so quickly, pretty lame though imo. So I'm getting facerolled by exploiters basically. I took some screens of it. BTW this was on prophesy of the five.


I thought BW fixed the ilum exploit issues a while ago, when i was pre 50, ***?


That's better than my server where emp severely outnumbers republic so they never show up. That reduce the empire to farm armaments in central so you have basically 30-40 emps riding around in a circle farming crates which spawn 3 every 1 minute. Sometimes it takes over 2 hours to get 30 of these damn things. It's maddening to ride around in a circle trying to get these damn things when there are so many people doing so.

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How do you have 6 bags waiting for you? I was under the impression that the most you could have when you ding is 1k WZ, 1k Merc, and 1 bag in your inventory already. How many bags do the commendations equate to?


You can buy 1 unique champ bag and have 1000/1000 wz/merc comms. That's 6 right off the bat. Plus 2 more from the daily and 6 more from the weekly. So many people I know had 14 the first day. Not bad...

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I said I won 4 in a row, they just happened to be my first 4 matches, I lost my 5th and then won my 6th and 7th.


I am also a battlemaster on my main that typically runs with a premade so I know a lot of the people on the server...at least the main regulars. I never thought this was much of an issue so I was curious how I would perform with a fresh 50.


But you weren't a "fresh 50". A fresh 50 is someone with just quest gear and no pvp gear ready to go. They are just starting on the learning curve of pvp and warzones at 50.


You knew what to expect and were ready to go. That's smart, but not the same as someone with a fresh 50. Having BM on your main and running with a premade also means you know the maps like the back of your hand and understand the importance of teamwork, locking down enemy healers, etc..


Again, this isn't a knock at you -- kudos for being prepared -- just a comment that your experience didn't give you a real "fresh 50" situation. If this had been your first 50, especially your first MMO, that would have been much more impressive.

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Not sure how that is an excuse. Every guildie of mine tells all the new guildies to do this. It has always been posted in the forums and I personally gave everyone I knew a heads up from the start of the game. Granted, if you didn't care about pvp before 50 then you wont have the 6 bags...but seriously...6 bags isn't that much of an advantage....3 days advantage tops, assuming you didn't do Illum dailies...technically a anyone unprepared and suddenly decided they wanted to pvp could get 10 bags their first day if the put in the effort.


Its not an excuse. It further highlights the problem. There are a lot of issues with pvp slash warzones and this is another. I am not implying or claiming that its "game over." I'm showing another issue with this game's pvp. Again, the forums are not the be all end all. Many, including myself, often avoid official forums due to how toxic they can get. Lets show it to you another way.


BioWare hyped solo-ability a lot during TOR's development. Its actually not hard at all to avoid guilding completely throughout your progression to endgame. Indeed, guilding is still pretty much just an extra friends list in this game. So once these causal MMO greenhorns hit endgame what happens? Their "dailies" get more substantial and numerous. They also get "weeklies." Even a cursory examination shows the, in general, superiority of pvp rewards to crafting and pve rewards.


Did anything in game tell them they had better stockpile their champ bags ahead of time? Did anything in game tell them that their was no equivalent to "Bolster" in the level fifty tier warzones? There are natural draws for the "casual gamer" to decide they should start queuing for PvP at fifty no matter how much or how little they did it from 1-49. Many have gotten a rude awakening.


You can't start waving L2P flags in their faces when the bulk of their progression experience in this game, up to that point, has been heavily weighted towards not needing to L2P. I'm a relatively open and helpful sort. So I often end up grouping with players that are new to MMO's in general. Again and again I see their attitude about this game take an almost radical turn as soon as they start entering level 50 warzones. Yes for those of us with thicker skins and several MMO's under our belts its no big deal.


For those of us who sharpened our online gaming teeth through shooters like Battlefield and Call of Duty, even calling MMORPG pvp, "PvP," can bring smiles to our faces and incite snickering. That some would actually associate loading up on this game's "pvp" stat, working an imbalanced system, and taking advantage of those with less inclination to do the same as them, with "skill?" :rolleyes:


Quasi-apologies for the rant but its obvious at this point that BioWare isn't going to be challenging Blizzard's dominance of the market anytime soon. Discouraging players from continuing to play due to poorly designed or glitchy mechanics and not responding to exploiting and hacking anywhere near aggressively enough, isn't doing their "settling" subscription numbers any good.

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grats, let's hope you enjoy the mind numbingly boring lolum too and you're set!


It's not boring if you roll with a good republic group and crush bad zergs. Whatchuknowaboutthat? I'm glad to see someone post what should really happen when you hit 50 instead of all the diaper wearing crybabies who can't handle the ridiculously short amount of time it takes to be fully geared.

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Funny how so many people whine about how difficult and impossible it is to do warzones as a new 50, but when someone posts an experience opposite of that he gets trolled.


once in a blue moon you will face an entire team of fresh 50's. this does not make it any better.

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i just dinged 50 last night and got put into a losing warzone where everyone kept leaving. Obviously i lost. The scoreboard was effin ridiculous too.. The repubs had 8 people through the match and there were 20+ imps that had been in the match by the time it ended...


amazing, it's a two way street.

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You can't start waving L2P flags in their faces when the bulk of their progression experience in this game, up to that point, has been heavily weighted towards not needing to L2P. I'm a relatively open and helpful sort. So I often end up grouping with players that are new to MMO's in general. Again and again I see their attitude about this game take an almost radical turn as soon as they start entering level 50 warzones. Yes for those of us with thicker skins and several MMO's under our belts its no big deal.


I'm not saying you don't have any valid points, but where do you draw the line then? People say since this is an alt and I came to 50 "prepared" and knew how to play that I am not classified as a "fresh" 50 so it doesn't apply to me...wouldn't that epitomize the l2p issue?

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I didn't step foot in a WZ til 50 (Valor Rank 1). I had 0 bags waiting for me because I didn't know any better. I got beat up but I BROflexed my way through it and guess what? Two weeks later, I'm fairly geared (580+ exp). Man up or go back to WoW if you think 50 PVP is too hard, oh wait it's the SAME system!...
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I'm not saying you don't have any valid points, but where do you draw the line then? People say since this is an alt and I came to 50 "prepared" and knew how to play that I am not classified as a "fresh" 50 so it doesn't apply to me...wouldn't that epitomize the l2p issue?


Its not a matter of drawing a line, nor should it be.

  1. Increase the pool size though multi-server matches so players on "lighter" servers don't get stuck facing the "six hundred club" over and over again.
  2. Use matchmaking that takes valor and expertise into account when slotting, so those with similar ranks and stats will tend to face each other instead of tossing "fresh" meat into their feeding frenzy.
  3. Let players pick which warzone they are queuing for so they are not being put in one they despise to begin with.
  4. Hell, even include some sort of punishment for those who have no desire to actually contribute.

Most importantly, however, start making serious inroads into fixing the long list of exploits, bugs, glitchy mechanics, and even hacks, involved with warzones and pvp. All of the above is still not going to do much good until BioWare's starts aggressively dealing with TOR's "pvp" problems.

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I didn't step foot in a WZ til 50 (Valor Rank 1). I had 0 bags waiting for me because I didn't know any better. I got beat up but I BROflexed my way through it and guess what? Two weeks later, I'm fairly geared (580+ exp). Man up or go back to WoW if you think 50 PVP is too hard, oh wait it's the SAME system!...


TOR PvP... Hard? No, its not hard. The issues isn't that a MMORPG's PvP is "hard."


Damnit! Got me snickering again.









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I am also a battlemaster on my main that typically runs with a premade so I know a lot of the people on the server...at least the main regulars. I never thought this was much of an issue so I was curious how I would perform with a fresh 50.


I am going to be running into something close to this here shortly, my IMP is decked out but its a IMP heavy server so me and some guildies have rolled some Republic players for PvP and were around 45-47 in level and I am also wondering how its going to be not gearing up with everyone and being the one who needs to aquire his gear.


I am curious indeed, wondering how Ilum will play from the Republic side knowing all the Imps are doing is circle jerking the middle.

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Funny how so many people whine about how difficult and impossible it is to do warzones as a new 50, but when someone posts an experience opposite of that he gets trolled.


wrong. OP is a troll.


well dunno, can you troll a troll?

Edited by Frostbyt
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Hit 50 a few days ago on my Vanguard (already got a Sage to 50) and am seriously disappointed.

- Random groups are still full of utterly utterly useless pvpers. It does not get better after 49.

- Proportion of games where bugs are abused has gone from (at a guess) under 10% to over 60%. In the majority of cases it's being done by BM geared players

- Illum was pretty dull before but was at least quick to do. Now either no one wants to fight because we're completely outnumbered or there is no one to fight. Going around in circles for boxes is just about the most boring, tedious, utterly disgustingly pointless game play I've every experienced in ANY game EVER.

- At the first sign of a loss 2/3 players instantly leave the WZ (from about 1/2 before). So, group with guildmates right? But..

- Now I'm pvping with my guildies I'm realising they'd prefer an easy win to a challenge (SIGH :(). My fault I guess, not really anything BW can do to fix this

- BM dps utterly devastate me. To be fair i had expected this and did go out of my way to get very good crafted gear as a temporary fix. It's just demoralising, has gear progression ever made pvp better? Any suggestions of L2P at this point just translate to "outnumber them" or "run away". Even end-game LOL allows skill to factor more than this


I'm probably not going to kneejerk quit just yet. Realistically though there has to be serious improvement in the community or the gameplay to make endgame pvp worth my time


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Its not a matter of drawing a line, nor should it be.

  1. Increase the pool size though multi-server matches so players on "lighter" servers don't get stuck facing the "six hundred club" over and over again.
  2. Use matchmaking that takes valor and expertise into account when slotting, so those with similar ranks and stats will tend to face each other instead of tossing "fresh" meat into their feeding frenzy.
  3. Let players pick which warzone they are queuing for so they are not being put in one they despise to begin with.
  4. Hell, even include some sort of punishment for those who have no desire to actually contribute.

Most importantly, however, start making serious inroads into fixing the long list of exploits, bugs, glitchy mechanics, and even hacks, involved with warzones and pvp. All of the above is still not going to do much good until BioWare's starts aggressively dealing with TOR's "pvp" problems.


I have always advocated #2 & #4 in your list, #1 and #3 are coming...#3 in the next patch in fact. And yes they need to squash the many bugs and it will be a vast improvement. I don't play on a light server so I guess my experience is a bit different. I can see a light pop server being frustrated facing the same premade...but even then, you should be on their team part of the time if you are queuing up solo as well. A premade can only be made up of 4 people so if those same 4 people own every single match, there are still another 4 people on the team getting a win as well. When people say they lost a dozen matches in a row they must be extremely unlucky. You have a 50% chance of winning any match...at least that is the way I look at it. I don't believe any single person can make or break a match. Unless someone on your team is actively trying to help the other team.

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Funny how so many people whine about how difficult and impossible it is to do warzones as a new 50, but when someone posts an experience opposite of that he gets trolled.


Yes! They troll him because players are stupid!


They usually are ... really stupid!

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But you weren't a "fresh 50". A fresh 50 is someone with just quest gear and no pvp gear ready to go. They are just starting on the learning curve of pvp and warzones at 50.


You knew what to expect and were ready to go. That's smart, but not the same as someone with a fresh 50. Having BM on your main and running with a premade also means you know the maps like the back of your hand and understand the importance of teamwork, locking down enemy healers, etc..


Again, this isn't a knock at you -- kudos for being prepared -- just a comment that your experience didn't give you a real "fresh 50" situation. If this had been your first 50, especially your first MMO, that would have been much more impressive.


Maybe not a typical experience...

but no reason it COULDN'T be...


if people ever came on the forums before they were getting roflstomped, it would probably avoid about 90% of the threads on here

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I have always advocated #2 & #4 in your list, #1 and #3 are coming...#3 in the next patch in fact. And yes they need to squash the many bugs and it will be a vast improvement. I don't play on a light server so I guess my experience is a bit different. I can see a light pop server being frustrated facing the same premade...but even then, you should be on their team part of the time if you are queuing up solo as well.


Yep, I've seen the spawn camps and rofl-stomps from both ends. I don't find either very fun.


A premade can only be made up of 4 people so if those same 4 people own every single match, there are still another 4 people on the team getting a win as well. When people say they lost a dozen matches in a row they must be extremely unlucky. You have a 50% chance of winning any match...at least that is the way I look at it. I don't believe any single person can make or break a match. Unless someone on your team is actively trying to help the other team.


In my experience the lopsided issue has less to do with premades and more to do with expertise. Yes a premade can make it worse but I've seen some truly atrocious premades too. The times premade members get cocky and come out in just their undies are particularly hilarious. They get destroyed in seconds and suddenly decide to wear, at least, most of their gear again.


Now I would admit I've done premades with my guild too. However, I've been very happy with the way my fellows have, to me at least, not appeared to take much advantage of the weaknesses of warzones.


Especially on lighter servers you can get some horrid streaks going. If the six hundred club is rolling that night on one side but not the other? If the hackers and exploiters have come out to play but not in equal numbers? Lets not forget the times the griefers and double agents, you can have toons on both sides on the same server, decide to "flame on" too.


So even a fifty percent chance can be a complete pipe dream, especially on lighter servers and during off peak hours. Yes over the weeks and months it should balance out. However, it sure as hell isn't helping convince that "fresh" fifty to resub for another month. It should be balancing out in days, preferably hours.

Edited by SirRobin
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Funny how so many people whine about how difficult and impossible it is to do warzones as a new 50, but when someone posts an experience opposite of that he gets trolled.


Heh. Baddies will point fingers at anything and everything except themselves. That's why they continue to be...well...bad.


Well played OP.

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