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Server Population is GROWING!


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People love to use this site to bash TOR so guess it is fair game to use it: http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats


Take note of the Population change column. Significantly more +x.xx than -x.xx


No, in fact there are about 80% US Servers with a -


The average + is 0.01, the average - about 0.10


If at all that links shows that the game dies even faster than we thought.


Hehe EU Servers are all -

Edited by Harabek
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People love to use this site to bash TOR so guess it is fair game to use it: http://www.torstatus.net/shards/us/stats


Take note of the Population change column. Significantly more +x.xx than -x.xx


this was originally posted on the 14th of Feb, when I click that link now nearly every one is in negative reds compared to the previous week with the exception of two and the very bottom population servers, which at the tops gained .04?


who knows how accurate any of this, according to this my server had lost the most in the past week at .20. thats cruicible pits where BW placed quite a few top end pvp guilds and the republic side is actually pretty decent.

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Hai guys! I kinda remember fleet having like 20 people beforebutnow when I lookatitagainomg it's higher by like 80 people!!! :o


This is SCIENCE you can't argue wiht MATHS can you MATHS and SCIENCE beats you because yo uare justpeoplewho hate the game and I love it so I am objective!


<3 bioware :D

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Hai guys! I kinda remember fleet having like 20 people beforebutnow when I lookatitagainomg it's higher by like 80 people!!! :o


This is SCIENCE you can't argue wiht MATHS can you MATHS and SCIENCE beats you because yo uare justpeoplewho hate the game and I love it so I am objective!


<3 bioware :D


Does your mum know that you use her computer ?

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Im playing on a Eu Server Forst Claw. Until yesterday there where between 200 and 300 people in Imperial Fleet.


Yesterday on peek times I didnt see more then 126 people in the fleet. It seems about half of the players have left. At least on my server.


I love this game, i will continue playing but im still in shock for lossing half the peeps :(

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The games server populations have stayed curiously roughly the same since launch, with only a minor drop in active players after the first month.




Although the yearly graph shows a drop after the initial surge of players, EU servers show standard overall as do NA servers during their primetime.


I think this game has a stable population that might actually begin to grow once they start actually adding new things. I mean if a good majority of players stayed through the hellhole this game has been and sort of currently is then they'll stay when things get better (IF they get better).


At any rate just looking at a single server doesn't tell you jack about the game's population or health of the player base.

Edited by HavenAE
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The games server populations have stayed curiously roughly the same since launch, with only a minor drop in active players after the first month.




Although the yearly graph shows a drop after the initial surge of players, EU servers show standard overall as do NA servers during their primetime.


I think this game has a stable population that might actually begin to grow once they start actually adding new things. I mean if a good majority of players stayed through the hellhole this game has been and sort of currently is then they'll stay when things get better (IF they get better).


"Note: Values in y-axis DOES NOT represent player count but instead aggregated server-status."


Also, take a look at "yearly" and not at "daily". All curves go down quite a lot from launch to today.

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I love the forums. No matter which post you read there are only two types of people.


1. You have the people who are so in love with TOR / BioWare / Star Wars that they will defend it to the bitter end no matter how bad it is and will still be singing its praises when there isn't a sole in fleet to hear them.


2. You have the people who are bitter and mad because they feel that BioWare took something that could have been great (a Star Wars MMO) and killed it for the second and most likely last time. You could post server populations that were doubling weekly and they would still say the game was failing.

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If the game hits 5 million subs (not what China does), then SWTOR will make more monthly income than WoW.




Can you please explain the math on this one? Last time I looked (about a month ago) WoW still had 10.3 million subs at the same monthly price as TOR.


I'm pretty neutral on this whole topic since IMO this is a single player game, but using this type of math kinda kills my faith in all your post.

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Can you please explain the math on this one? Last time I looked (about a month ago) WoW still had 10.3 million subs at the same monthly price as TOR.


I'm pretty neutral on this whole topic since IMO this is a single player game, but using this type of math kinda kills my faith in all your post.


Not quite. Although I understand your analogy - not every region pays $15 a month, for example I believe Chinese players pay by the hour instead.

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"Note: Values in y-axis DOES NOT represent player count but instead aggregated server-status."


Also, take a look at "yearly" and not at "daily". All curves go down quite a lot from launch to today.



And by that you show more clearly than anything else you have written, that you have no clue what you are talking about.


first of all, the first two weeks of the game were vacation time where everybody who had bought the game had plenty of time to play. After that it was back to work or school so of course attendance leveled off (the graph is showing played time not subscriptions)


Second. EVERY game in the history of (subscription) games, and every game in the future of games, will show an initial drop off in subscriptions. That is the result of people trying to game and deciding it is not for them. This game had an initial retention rate of about 80pct which is excellent though it seems down a bit since then which is still quite reasonable for the type of game.

It is too early to say for certain with the game not even two months old, but it looks like there is a recent slight upswing (that precedes the game opening in asia even, those numbers are not represented in the graph).




I have to wonder why you are so desperately trying to proof the game is failing when every number that can be produced by a reasonably reliable source, shows it is doing just fine. It is not going to replace WoW anytime soon, but it is still the most popular game by far (in the USA and Europe) since the launch of that behemoth.

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I love the forums. No matter which post you read there are only two types of people.


1. You have the people who are so in love with TOR / BioWare / Star Wars that they will defend it to the bitter end no matter how bad it is and will still be singing its praises when there isn't a sole in fleet to hear them.


2. You have the people who are bitter and mad because they feel that BioWare took something that could have been great (a Star Wars MMO) and killed it for the second and most likely last time. You could post server populations that were doubling weekly and they would still say the game was failing.


which I think comes down to


1. people still leveling and playing for the story (and happily pay 15 bucks a month for it, don't ask me why)


2. people at 50, where the story is over and the endgame is a badly designed copy of wow's endgame.

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This is a classic example of tater logic.


Take whatever evidence is given and twist it to suit your needs.


They are also quite fond of changing the rules mid-game. For example:


"SWTOR is failing just wait until you see the huge drop in subs after the free month.


30 days later.


"The first 30 days aren't sufficient to judge by, wait until the numbers in early February."


February rolls around and we get fantastioc OFFICIAL numbers indicating an 85% retention rate and what do the taters say?


Wait until the 6 month mark, Then you can really tell."


It would be funny if it wasn't so damn sad.


Lolololo...this is so very true.


But shhh you're not supposed to call them out on it...they get angry!!!!



Edited by ImperialSun
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Whats pathetic is that you are enjoying the game (right) and are on the forums arguing with us instead of playing the game or doing work at your job or something else


Lol...so spending time on the forums whilst on down time at work or having a few free minutes at home is pathetic?


And yet, you and your troll chums hating the game but STILL spending your time on the forums when you could be earning money, spending time with friends and family etc just so you can bash it? Now that REALLY is pathetic.


Hate the game? Fine

Leave? Fine

Making a leaving post detailing all of the issues that caused to unsub? Fine

Spend weeks / months haunting the forum of a game you hate just to bash it even more and try to put others off playing it?




I think you guys have your priorities all back to front :)



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Can you please explain the math on this one? Last time I looked (about a month ago) WoW still had 10.3 million subs at the same monthly price as TOR.


I'm pretty neutral on this whole topic since IMO this is a single player game, but using this type of math kinda kills my faith in all your post.


It's worth keeping in mind, something like 35 million people have played World of Warcraft, yet it only has 10 million subscribers. What that means is, over the years people have come into WoW, quit, and been replaced. People only play for so long before they get bored, it's only natural. However, the problem that some see is that the current batch of US / EU gamers are being replaced by Chinese gamers, who don't pay the same rate.


The Chinese players pay $0.07 per hour to play, there's no monthly option available, nor can Blizz implement one (legal issues). So what's going to happen as those highly profitable US / EU gamers who are buying vanity pets, paying transfer fees, paying for multiple accounts, etc... get tired of the game and are replaced by Chinese subscribers? Profits are going to drop.


That's not a comment on whether WoW is "good" or not, or whether or not it's "dying". It just means we have seen a history in WoW where it's pretty rare to have people who actually started in 2004 and are still playing. So, if that's the case, then the "next players to quit" are the ones in the US / EU who have been playing the longest, and the players they're picking up now are not paying as much, so, the profits go down.

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(The sarcasm within this thread is obviously too much for some i see....)



From what i have seen, it appears a few EU players have dropped off (many in our guild left and most of those have rerolled on another server or due to faction balance).


I do think the maintenance times are going to prove an issue with EU subs in the short term but obviously thats just my opinion. I would like to see the pop grow.



Only game thats on the short term horizon is secret world and i know i have been watching out for this for so long.. now if only Funcom have learnt from thier mistakes. I cant imagine GW2 will take subs away from other games as many will play that alongside other MMOs with it being no sub.

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