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Boring Static World of SWTOR


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If you want to see an "alive world", get out of your computer chair...


Move your body (using your favorite mode of transportation), to the nearest Wal-Mart. Find somewhere with a nice open view, the entrance area is good, and sit back and enjoy the show.


Wal-Marts are very interesting places to see lively worlds of oddities and crazy folks.


This game, will never be able to replicate what you can get from a Wal-Mart, so just enjoy what it does offer.


-Just Sayin

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If you want to see an "alive world", get out of your computer chair...


Move your body (using your favorite mode of transportation), to the nearest Wal-Mart. Find somewhere with a nice open view, the entrance area is good, and sit back and enjoy the show.


Wal-Marts are very interesting places to see lively worlds of oddities and crazy folks.


This game, will never be able to replicate what you can get from a Wal-Mart, so just enjoy what it does offer.


-Just Sayin


Im sorry that Walton Mart is a cultural reference you deem worthy of analog.


It's a big beautiful world out there , please dont define it by corporate icon

Edited by Blavatsky
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And with an MMO, the idea is to keep adding additional content and features over time so that there always is something new. It the players aren't happy with the game as it is now, the Devs will fix it and add content/features that the players want. This is the nature of an MMO.


Content and features won't fix the core gameplay though. This game is the same as games have been for over ten years. That's the problem.

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Content and features won't fix the core gameplay though. This game is the same as games have been for over ten years. That's the problem.


what new innovation did you have in mind.


and it has'nt been ten years unless you're including EQ, UO, DAOC.


But these games arent comparable.


understood that some of the gaming community are tired of what they see as same old stuff.


So, what are you looking for?

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what new innovation did you have in mind.


and it has'nt been ten years unless you're including EQ, UO, DAOC.


But these games arent comparable.


understood that some of the gaming community are tired of what they see as same old stuff.


So, what are you looking for?


can't you just be looking for something new?

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can't you just be looking for something new?


Do you expect a business to spend millions on an unproven model with no market research.


What I am asking you IS the market research and it may in fact be sourced from forums like these.


If you know what you want state it.


Otherwise what you are saying is.


I dont know what will make me happy but find it and give it to me


the tiddlywinks you are willing to invest dont afford you this luxury

Edited by Blavatsky
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what new innovation did you have in mind.


and it has'nt been ten years unless you're including EQ, UO, DAOC.


But these games arent comparable.


understood that some of the gaming community are tired of what they see as same old stuff.


So, what are you looking for?


Something that breaks from the current mold. GW2, Tera, TSW all seem like steps in the right direction, though maybe not far enough. I wouldn't mind seeing something similar to how Dark Souls plays. It would have to be altered for an MMO of course, but actually having reactive gameplay would be pretty enjoyable. The difficulty also needs to be ramped up significantly, in my opinion. The way current MMOs are offer no real sense of accomplishment for overcoming any task. Ultimately, I'd just like more depth.


Or perhaps something so radically different that people would call it insane. Whether that's a mix of a FPS and what we have now, I don't know. My point is, just break the mold.

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Do you expect a business to spend millions on an unproven model with no market research.


What I am asking you IS the market research and it may in fact be sourced from forums like these.


If you know what you want state it.


Otherwise what you are saying is.


I dont know what will make me happy but find it and give it to me


the tiddlywinks you are willing to invest dont afford you this luxury


Sure, they do it with movies all the time, why can't they do it with games?


I don't want to tell them what game to make, I want them to make a good game.


Just like I don't want to know how a book ends before I even buy it.

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these guys get paid huge money to design these games.


recycling and rehashing the same old cookie cutter molds sucks.


how about consequence. I know care bears hate consequence though. So instead we have pampered games with pampered ambitions and lifeless backdrops to meaningless substance.




Get creative Devs - or find a new job and let osmeone else get creative

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This type of game development is very much like movie development. It is unlikely a studio is going to pump out a ton of cash to build something like this unless it is relatively safe paint-by-the-numbers result. This is the reason virtually every big budget movie resembles every other years big budget movies.


Unfortunately this game is more Phantom Menace than New Hope right now. It seems to have all the pieces but missed the innovation like the first Star Wars run, has little Bioware magic in it and feels uninspired. It is a good game that is judged on nearly an impossible standard. However, I doubt it will ever reach Baldur's Gate, Mass Effect or Kotor cult status. Hope I am wrong though!

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Rofl. Well, all of this is suddenly moot for me. Had to cancel my account and not likely to be able to renew it till may. My computer died in a fire. Literally (PS shorted and caught fire, burned the MB, vid card, and toasted my HD). And it's going to take me that long to rebuild it lol.


My laptop can't handle SWTOR (it's ancient) so.... Ya'll enjoy the game. Hope to see you in May. Just try to remember folks. We all have different opinions and views. Just because you don't agree with someones view, doesn't mean their view is wrong, it just means it is wrong for you.



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Hmm this bit about the animals is probably true, hadn't really thought about it that much.


I mean in a way it isn't anything big, but WoW and LOTRO both have some animal behavior, from pathing to basic herding etc, maybe that gives the impression of more "life" to the world idk.




LOTRO did animal behaviour quite well.


A lot of SWTORs are turrets effectively, guards you can sort of understand, but even they should have some sort of idle behaviour.

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If you want to see an "alive world", get out of your computer chair...


Move your body (using your favorite mode of transportation), to the nearest Wal-Mart. Find somewhere with a nice open view, the entrance area is good, and sit back and enjoy the show.


Wal-Marts are very interesting places to see lively worlds of oddities and crazy folks.


This game, will never be able to replicate what you can get from a Wal-Mart, so just enjoy what it does offer.


-Just Sayin


Why do people insult their own intelligence by making this silly argument? No one is asking for a real life simulation here. I have been saying in the thread that there have been videogames out there with worlds that feel very vibrant and alive, moreso than TOR's, and I would like to see some more flavor and "life" added to it when the more serious issues have been resolved. That's it.


Also... Really mate? Wal-mart? There are so many beautiful, interesting places on our planet and you bring up a corporate megastore as an epitome of liveliness?

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If you want to see an "alive world", get out of your computer chair...


Move your body (using your favorite mode of transportation), to the nearest Wal-Mart. Find somewhere with a nice open view, the entrance area is good, and sit back and enjoy the show.


Wal-Marts are very interesting places to see lively worlds of oddities and crazy folks.


This game, will never be able to replicate what you can get from a Wal-Mart, so just enjoy what it does offer.


-Just Sayin



/double facepalm

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Online gameplay purely to screw pirates. It is NOT AN MMO.
I wouldn't have bought it. That simple. If this was just KOTOR3 with enhanced online capabilities, I never would have given it the time of day.


Or at the very least my expectations would be radically different. I do enjoy SPRPGs, but can't see myself paying a subscription for one.


Gameplay and graphics is dated.
That never actually bothered me. There are many advantages to opting out of cutting edge modern graphics.


i.e. in TOR terms, 2-3 more generic planets a month, but with a full story, +1 chapter. 10 more levels. etc.
Good luck with that. This game might survive if they can get a solid monthly content release cycle going, but I wouldn't expect much.


Person-1 = I love TOR’s Story.
Person-2 = The story sucks.


But, it does seem that no matter what I post, in any thread, the only response is “MMO = gameplay + endgame”
Because it's true. You're describing a subscription SPRPG with frequent content updates, online only for anti-piracy; that could be a great model, but it's not a good MMO. Edited by Ansultares
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The sad thing is that most people are making excuses for what is obviously and seriously lacking. Be it because of design or budget, I believe this is one of the major flaws of this game...


No it's not "people making excuses", that's a divisive, tendentious statement.


It's just that different people are into different things, yet a game like this has to appeal to all of them.


Yet a company will specialize in, or be better at, some things, and not so good at other things. e.g. Blizz's speciality was always gameplay, less so story. BW's speciality has always been immersive VO-d stories, less so gameplay.


Broadly, there are several general motivations for people playing MMOS - to socialize, to compete and achieve, to be immersed in a story or a virtual world, or some combination of these, with a weighting towards one or some of them.


Factor in also relative wealth, different ideas of what "good" or "fun" mean, etc. The result is: some people genuinely do like the game as it is, some people genuinely do like bits of it, some people genuinely do hate bits of it, some people genuinely do hate all of it.


Another way of looking at it: there's a tension in MMOs between "viritual world" and "game", and a related tension between "realism" and "abstraction". In a way it's just an accident of history that virtual worlds have grown up under the shadow of games. Maybe one day they will diverge enough to be truly separate things.

Edited by gurugeorge
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It is also way too clean :)

City's are spotless.. not one smudge anywhere.. it freaks me out..

There are no wind.. no old newspapers flying around. No birds flying around.. nothing is moving (that there are no birds are probably a good thing, or they would drop their dropings all over dromund kaas and the cleaner droirds would be in a frenzy)


It is just too static and clean.. planets have no day and night cycle.. its day all the time and the sun never moves... the shadows are the same and did i mention that everything is spotless.. the people who designed this world must have dust on their brains


The twin suns on tatooine does not drop twin shadows.. the shadow does not come from any sun.. but a spot in between them (go figure)


The world is just boring, spotless and with no interaction.. what so ever!


I dont like it and i hope they do something about it!

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Add day night cycles maybe different for each planet


Add non flagged hidden quest givers


Add weather events


More critters


Make quest with roving heroic pats and groups that will pwn you solo if you engage them


Add some regular level pats


Have more NPCs respond if you click on them


Add more crew skill loot nodes in the world PVP areas


Allow more gear appearance customization


Create small dynamic event zones on each world


Make travel between planets less cumbersome


Allow customization of player housing

Edited by Itukaaj
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"Cake for you, kids!"

"Yay! but where is the candle?"

"Erm, Sorry dear, i forgot to buy, let me grab some fast."

"Here is the candle. Cheer!"

"But where is Justin Bieber decoration on the cake? Boohooo!!!"


In short, dont expect you would get a 7 years contents of WoW right of the bat from a 2 months MMO, it will not ever happen in any MMO. :rolleyes:

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