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    Making computer games...
  1. I feel cheated and slighted by Bioware. I preordered the game. I have maintained a sub and have been actively playing and leveling my characters since December. Instead of leveling 1 character to 50 and then complaining on the forums for the past 2 months about lack of content, I instead leveled 8 characters. All of my characters are above level 30. My highest is 43. I am not a loyal customer worthy of getting free game time? Who is loyal then? Oh, those guys who hit 50 in a month and have been the squeeky wheels on the forums since February, complaining about the lack of endgame content! I get it now. Those of us who try to avoid stagnation, get nothing, while those that burn the game up and complain about it endlessly get a bone. Here is a chance Bioware. Drop the requirement for the level 50s getting free gametime and just consider giving it to anyone who has had an active sub SINCE the game launched!
  2. I bought the game via pre-order. I have maintained an active sub since launch. (90 day buys of game time at that) I have 8 characters, all over level 30 on the same server, my highest is 43. I purposely avoided leveling to 50 due to all the complaints about lack of endgame. -- So I do not get any appreciation for my status because I chose not to level the 43 to 50? Whereas the customer who leveled to 50 back in December and has not played for weeks gets 30 free days? -- What sense is there in that?
  3. I think you are reading it wrong. If you level a smuggler to 50, then all your other legacy characters get the Smuggler Kick as an option for themselves. Another stun, would be quite good.
  4. I already have 8 characters, all over level 30. I have no more room to make new ones, or even imps on this server. 16 sounds great.
  5. Just make marks client side only. That way you can mark up all the enemies you want, so you can do whatever you want with those marks. If you give marking to everyone, people will have differing opinions on who should get what mark, marks will get erased, overwritten, griefers will unmark on purpose.
  6. I rolled up into those casinos, thinking I was gonna get some action with my credits. Just to find all the machines non-interactive. How about some slots? How about some multiplayer Blackjack and Poker, or Roulette? There is all kinds of machines in these casinos just begging for minigames that are interactive! Just do it!
  7. Did I lose a year? I know I play a lot of games but I thought this was 2012...
  8. Issue: Character graphics are lower quality in the game world, than in cut-scenes. Reason: According to "StephenReid", excessive Draw Calls, limit what can be rendered. Current solution: Limit all game world characters to low quality graphics, allow high quality graphics on characters only in cut-scenes (where the number of characters on-screen are controllable, thus higher number of Draw Calls can be tolerated by the engine). Suggested solution: Allow the player to have high resolution character graphics on THEIR character only, in the game world. Maintain all other aspects of the current efficiency scheme in other regards. --- What this does, is allow the characters owner to see their own character in full graphics. All other characters in the game world will be rendered normally, with low quality textures. There have been other games that have implemented this solution satisfactorily. The only character most players honestly care about seeing, is their own. If you want to take it a little further, then add the players companion to the list of high resolution graphics as well. Surely the engine can handle, 1 or perhaps 2 characters in high resolution that is client side only... right? This method will do nothing negative to the draw calls restriction on the Hero Engine. It is a suggestion, please consider it.
  9. Well, if that is the case, then I guess that explains it. Still though, it seems like the other characters I have do not change as much visually between game / cut-scene. The security token vendor sold, slave girl outfit almost turns into something completely different looking, color pallet wise...
  10. If you want to see an "alive world", get out of your computer chair... Move your body (using your favorite mode of transportation), to the nearest Wal-Mart. Find somewhere with a nice open view, the entrance area is good, and sit back and enjoy the show. Wal-Marts are very interesting places to see lively worlds of oddities and crazy folks. This game, will never be able to replicate what you can get from a Wal-Mart, so just enjoy what it does offer. -Just Sayin
  11. Hello, Issue: My character looks less detailed, with colors washed out in the game world, when compared to how it looks during in-game conversation cut-scenes. Details: The specific items; I purchased the security vendor slave girl outfit. When I equip the armor pieces, there are two very different looking skins. When viewed from the traditional 3rd person game view, the colors are more pink, and the gold clasps hardly show up. Very washed out overall. The main issue, is there is just no red color whatsoever when in normal view. However, when entering in-game conversations, the art skins really shows up perfect. Nice bright colors, reds showing where they should be. Gold clasps and accessories are all visible on the outfit. Why is this? Why does my character not look this way when playing? Attached is my client_settings.ini file: [Renderer] Buckets = 2 GraphicsDeviceId = 4224 D3DFullScreen = true FullScreen = true VerticalSyncState = false Width = 1920 Height = 1200 WindowX = 0 WindowY = 0 NativeWidth = 1920 NativeHeight = 1200 Graphics_ClipDistance = 0.75 FarClipScale = 0.3371195 SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 1.0 PlantDensity = 60 enableadvenvirolighting = true DebugAdvEnviroLighting = true DynamicLightsLimit = 8 AntiAliasingLevel = 4 TextureAnisotropy = 8 UseMinSpecShaders = false TextureQuality = 0 MeshLODQuality = 2 EnableBloom = true AllowDepthOfField = true shadowQuality = 2 doShadows = true doBlobShadows = true doOmniShadows = true HighShadowResolution = true EnableHighShadowResolution = true EnableDynamicShadowFiltering = true EnableZPrepass = true EnableAccumTrails = true [Game] MoviesFolder = ..\..\Movies SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic
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