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Why do people complain about too many skills?


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Too many skills. Not enough macro.
Preach it brother.


The number of abilities would be feasible if there were some macro solution to decrease the sheer number of keybinds necessary. You can ghetto-rig some macro functionality with various programs to save a few keybinds, but it really needs to be ingame.

Edited by Gerrard_Ennui
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You're a sorcerer. Enough said.


Sorcerers have the least necessary keybinds of any AC, with the possible exception of snipers (I am not high enough yet really to know).




My 50 sorcerer uses approximately 25 keybinds. My operative uses 36. My Juggernaught uses about 30.


Gunslingers / Snipers require a lot of keybinds if you're going to use them to their full potential. You've got all the abilities you're going to be using just for DPS while in cover, your mobile DPS for the times you have to move, about a half dozen short cooldown non-damaging abilities, and then there's the various control abilities. That's before you even toss in relics and adrenals.


Commandos, on the other hand, you can pare down pretty easily based on spec.

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They're generally new to MMOs, or games that allow them to macro their entire rotation into a macro.



I played WoW for 5 years and currently have 64 keybinds on my character. If you use alt, shift and ctrl you can have 60 easily without trouble.



SWTOR doesn't have a lot of abilities at all.





I have zero ability delay.


You still cant put them on screen to click or bind now can you?

Get down your (not so) high horse.

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Gunslingers / Snipers require a lot of keybinds if you're going to use them to their full potential. You've got all the abilities you're going to be using just for DPS while in cover, your mobile DPS for the times you have to move, about a half dozen short cooldown non-damaging abilities, and then there's the various control abilities. That's before you even toss in relics and adrenals.


Commandos, on the other hand, you can pare down pretty easily based on spec.


Sins are the same way. A typical fight for me is (not necessarily in this order:)



Get into position while avoiding AoE, etc.

Cycle through "next target" while alternating Mind Trap if there are stealthers around.

Choose target.

Lay down Mass Mind Control if there are multiple enemies nearby fighting allies.

Overcharge saber

Spike target (possibly Maul, if target is very low on health.)

Voltaic Slash twice




Blackout (for the force regen)

Saber Strike


Maul or voltaic slash twice





And that's if the opponent does nothing I need to counter. If the opponent is casting or turns on me to fight back, or if his buddies join in, I'll be using any and/or all of:




Force Shroud

Low Slash


Unbreakable Will


And if it all goes to crap, taking too much damage, target is getting healed, or whatever, then it may be:


Force Shroud

Force Cloak


Then, of course, I regularly use:


Force Speed

Crushing darkness (to put a dot on stealthers)

Whirlwind (not too often, but occasionally it has a use)

Mind control (single target taunt.)

Lacerate (especially on doors in Voidstar or turrets in Civil War to interrupt multiple people)


Add in a "nearest enemy" and "next friend" hotkey (don't use friend keys too much on Sin) and that's 30 hotkeys that I use regularly enough to have them bound and memorized. That, by the way, doesn't include relics and consumables, which is another 4 or 5 keys. Then, of course, I have my companions skills bound as ctrl+ which is another 8 keys.


We're not talking about a Rift Saboteur who can bind all of his important skills on 6 keys. This game is busy, and while, in a way, I like it, I have simply maxed the number of keys I can bind and effectively utilize in a pinch. It's like this game was written to coerce you into buying a Naga Razer.

Edited by Mannic
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Gunslingers / Snipers require a lot of keybinds if you're going to use them to their full potential. You've got all the abilities you're going to be using just for DPS while in cover, your mobile DPS for the times you have to move, about a half dozen short cooldown non-damaging abilities, and then there's the various control abilities. That's before you even toss in relics and adrenals.


Commandos, on the other hand, you can pare down pretty easily based on spec.


Yeah it really is class dependent.


On my Juggernaut I have a ton of abilities, and I really don't see the point of Savage Kick and Pommel Strike.


On my Merc I just bound my whole keyboard to tracer missile.

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That actually means you're not good enough to know what ability delay is.


I have zero ability delay either. By what standard does one have to be good enough to know what ability delay is? I've healed and dps in Warcraft since vanilla. Heroics and normals.

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I have zero ability delay either. By what standard does one have to be good enough to know what ability delay is? I've healed and dps in Warcraft since vanilla. Heroics and normals.


If you were good enough to have run into the ability delay, you'd know.

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They're generally new to MMOs, or games that allow them to macro their entire rotation into a macro.



I played WoW for 5 years and currently have 64 keybinds on my character. If you use alt, shift and ctrl you can have 60 easily without trouble.



SWTOR doesn't have a lot of abilities at all.





I have zero ability delay.


Well it must be nice to have octopi for hands.


No this game doesn't have to many skills, just not enoughf space to put them.

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Some abilities just needs to go - like Pommel Strike or the other pretty useless one for Sith Warrior's. I dont even have them on my bar and I PvE for most parts!


Macros would be nice, but not critical. I would at most use them for yelling stuff when choking people or make readychecks for when running flashpoints. Even when possible, I was never a fan of one-wonder-macros. Stuff like that disconnects me from the gameplay.


On ability delay, some people get it, some people do not. It very much depends on your connection, computer, ISP quality and probally a bunch of other factors. Calling people bad due to not having it is just stupid and should reward a warning from a mod.


Nietzsche would be having a field day if he was on these boards (and alive for that matter) :D

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My scoundrel doesn't have too many skills, but more quickslots would be nice. Even better would be the ability to directly bind skills to keys without attaching it to an action bar.


While I have many skills, most of them are situational. Some are non-combat, some are cover-only, some are stealth-only, etc. Therefore, the selection of valid and useful skills at any given time is much smaller.


This doesn't count the general skills that everyone has (fleet pass, pass huttball, etc.) which have very limited use (but you still need to have around).


Another thing that might help would be an additional "quest" hotbar, where quest items would appear -- so you don't have to go looking for them and use up an existing quick slot(s). A dedicated meds/adrenal bar might be nice too.

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I've seen people complaining about having too many skills in this game, but on my 41 SI healer, I have been able to separate my DPS /CCs/CCs break to on the left side and all my healing/agro reduction/ slow on the left side, while being separated with 2 vertical empy slots!


Coming from LOTRO, my Runekeeper and Loremaster both haveFIVE FULL quickslots of skills!!


Done anyone else think this game has too many skills/not enough quickslot space?


There are too many that are too similar.


And the worst part is, players aren't smart enough to recognize the situational ones and think they need to use them all, all the time.


Regular questing? You should be using 5 skills max. Raiding? That's where situational comes in.

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I have zero ability delay either. By what standard does one have to be good enough to know what ability delay is? I've healed and dps in Warcraft since vanilla. Heroics and normals.


You have it, you just don't understand it. BioWare wouldn't be working on fixing it if it didn't exist.

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If I could customize my hotbars more I guess it wouldn't be a big deal. However, there are just too many skills that are just slightly different.


When the only decision is use cooldownA over nocooldownB when the cooldown is up because it does slightly more damage, every time, it is not a strategic decision, it might as well be a proc or just raising the base damage.


Strategic decisions like, C does slightly more damage AND has a stun, is fun. Rinse repeat rotation is for apes.

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Too many skills.


Not enough macro.


Plenty of ability delay that never got fixed.


this, too many skills with cooldowns and no macro system = fail... yet if you buy a razor or g15 you can macro them giving those with $ an unfair advantage, especially for classes like OP/marauder that gain tons of dps by having macros.


i like wows dps system since it requires rotations on abilities with no cooldown meaning you dont just spam hardest hitting ability... this game really shows all the things that wow did right... too bad it's a treadmill and im not a hampster or i might play it.

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Too many skills. Way too many. Skills that become available on one type od disable but not another, which in turn depend on having X amount of stacks of a procced buff to be consumed for the effect; all of which depends on having enough energy/rage/force/focus and be in a certain position in regards to the mob before being able to be used.


I'm watching my action bar more than my character or the surrounding environment in combat. I've called it and it feels like "Cooldown Tetris" and it doesn't need to be like that. Some of these interactions can be OK, but they've gone overboard.


They need to consolidate abilities so that instead of needing three buttons and 4 conditions for a final product you need only one or two to get the same effect.


The game should be about seeing the world and cinematic combat, not about triaging icons in an action bar.

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To answer the question in the main topic of this thread, there are a lot of people out there who are bad at having a good overlook of your abilities bar, i for one do not. I like having many skills, oh and heads up YOU DONT NEED ALL YOUR SKILLS, theres like 3 or 4 skills that are more or less useless at lvl 50 unless your playing different roles (dps interrupter or dps solo'er)
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