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Are sentinels/marauders getting fixed anytime soon?


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The fact is this class has a VERY high skill cap and if you start to tap into that rarefied realm, you will bust some serious heads.




I have seen a lot of marauders appearing on my server, and I reap them all with my sentinel. I have 25 bound abilities I use almost every match, and I am not even in the top tier of my faction. Great damage, Great speed, Dots for stealtthies, Great interrupts (4 of them), healing from crits, Invisibility for escape or gap closing, 6 second invulnerability, 4 second group stun, group buffs that can win warzones if used optimally.


Very rewarding class to play, but it has a steepish learning curve.


My advice to a lot of new sent/marauder is stop with combat spec, and roll watchman. Night and Day.

Edited by Ravenolf
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Anyone calling for a nerf to sentinel/mara needs to attempt to play one and see how "faceroll" they really are. This class can be incredibly strong BECAUSE it has an INSANELY high skillcap, easily higher then any other class. You cannot do even remotely well at 50 unless you have 25+ keybinds. I couldn't imagine trying to play this class without my razer naga, which has every extra button bound along with 1-9 and a few more on the keyboard.


Oh and try playing huttball with a class without a knockback that is melee.

Edited by Sincos
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Anyone calling for a nerf to sentinel/mara needs to attempt to play one and see how "faceroll" they really are. This class can be incredibly strong BECAUSE it has an INSANELY high skillcap, easily higher then any other class. You cannot do even remotely well at 50 unless you have 25+ keybinds. I couldn't imagine trying to play this class without my razer naga, which has every extra button bound along with 1-9 and a few more on the keyboard.


Oh and try playing huttball with a class without a knockback that is melee.


Word, and QFT!

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Anyone calling for a nerf to sentinel/mara needs to attempt to play one and see how "faceroll" they really are. This class can be incredibly strong BECAUSE it has an INSANELY high skillcap, easily higher then any other class. You cannot do even remotely well at 50 unless you have 25+ keybinds. I couldn't imagine trying to play this class without my razer naga, which has every extra button bound along with 1-9 and a few more on the keyboard.


Oh and try playing huttball with a class without a knockback that is melee.


Try playing any class without a knockback or CC...oh wait, marauder is the only one...and don't you DARE say force choke counts. I love my marauder to death, and the **** train has arrived when i finally get my hands on someone, but those moments are few and far between as I just get dog piled on by everyone and their companions...yes, somehow their companions show up to help kill me in wz's! But, i wouldnt play another class if I had to.


If you can't kite/knockback/stun/interrupt a marauder....ubad.

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I have seen a lot of marauders appearing on my server, and I reap them all with my sentinel. I have 25 bound abilities I use almost every match, and I am not even in the top tier of my faction. Great damage, Great speed, Dots for stealtthies, Great interrupts (4 of them), healing from crits, Invisibility for escape or gap closing, 6 second invulnerability, 4 second group stun, group buffs that can win warzones if used optimally.


Very rewarding class to play, but it has a steepish learning curve.


My advice to a lot of new sent/marauder is stop with combat spec, and roll watchman. Night and Day.


Or annihilation if you're a marauder. It really is the way to go and mara's DO have a HUGE learning curve.

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I feel like this thread is a result of some previous Marauder/Sentinel threads. One person mentions a class being strong in certain situations, and then people start paying attention more-so than normal.


Then by the next day, there are like 3 different threads about that same class on the first page. Even though nothing has changed in the previous days when people were complaining about x class.


But, Marauders melt when focused, as long as they don't have every one of their CD's available. And if they do use them, they'll probably take one, possibly even two of you out before they die. But at least now those CD's are blown.


Luckily for enemy teams, most Marauders get ignored by healers. Mainly because most Marauders aren't that great and healers feel it'd be a near waste of their resource. However, if a good Marauder is being healed consistently, then they will completely destroy your team.

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I think the problem here is that people are so used to facing terrible marauders that they've got no idea what to do against a decent one.



I don't get where this idea of they're impossible to beat 1v1, etc is coming from, on my sorcerer I don't think I've lost to one in a 1v1 yet. They've got some very exploitable weaknesses that people completely ignore.



For one, if he pops rebuke you can throw an 8 sec mezz on him and then he's taking 20% more damage. Don't refresh it every 6 seconds like an idiot.


Two, almost all sents, including the very good ones, open with charge -> overload saber -> Zealous strike. If you can knock them back or stun them in between popping overload saber and zealous strike the fight is going to be 100x easier, then you've left them focus starved and just wasted overload


Three, sentinels are very kite-able, they've got a 50% snare and a charge on a 12 second cooldown, don't stand in melee range spamming force lightning expecting it not to get interrupted. (this is the worst, I see it happen so often it's not even funny.)


Four, when a sentinel disappears, HE'S GOING TO COME BACK! Almost every single time, if I pop force camo, whoever i'm fighting just goes back to whatever he/she was doing before. It's like in those 4 seconds they completely forget I exist.


Five, this should go without saying... but if you ever get hit with a full master strike the door is that way.


Six, after a sentinel pops guarded by the force, you need to play defensively for 5 seconds. Try and kite em, use your knockback that roots for 5 secs and then don't hit them, just don't stand there trying to dps them down wondering why you're only doing 8 damage each hit.




Now, I'm not saying we're not a great class for 1v1s, but this idea that good sentinels are some unbeatable invincible force is absurd, they're just not as easy to kill as bad sentinels.

Edited by Aidank
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Lately it literally has come down to "whoever has the most sentinel/marauders in their team win".


They're too tough, have too many utilities to not die or escape, and they do a crapload of damage, like, really, it's the only class posing any sort of threat in terms of damage in endgame pvp, only shadows/assassins come close.


I don't think that feeling as if your team is at a disatvantage for every dps you have that isn't a sentinel is the way bioware intended their game to be.


Sure in 10-49 pvp there's gunnery/arsenal people 3-4 hitting everyone, then in endgame where it actually counts, this game becomes some atrocious melee centric fest.


To be honest? The more sentinels on my team the worse we do. Why? They are hard to play and most of them suck hardcore.


I am talking about 150 k dmg...


If I see all sages and commandos (dps spec) on my team? I know we are going to steamroll the other team. If I see Vanguards guarding a sage (only heal spec worth a damn) I know we are going to make them ragequit the warzone...


Oh btw. I play a sentinel. They are not lacking in anyway but as far as "auto win"? Hell no. I can count on my hand the sentinels I actually would want on my team in a warzone, and my realm is a high pop pvp server...


Give me a clicking grav rounder over a "decent sentinel" anyday on my team. The exceptional ones? Sure, they are a blast to play with, but they would kick your head in on any class, so what the hell are you complaining about lol.

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Sent/marauders are the real glass cannons in this game. The enemy goes through our medium armor like it's paper usually and the only time I feel competitive is when I've got my CDs up.


Of course, this is against other geared players.


I'm full champion. Many players are not. I crush them pretty easily, but in this case I wouldn't say it's a class imbalance issue but rather a gear imbalance issue.

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Lately it literally has come down to "whoever has the most sentinel/marauders in their team win".


They're too tough, have too many utilities to not die or escape, and they do a crapload of damage, like, really, it's the only class posing any sort of threat in terms of damage in endgame pvp, only shadows/assassins come close.


I don't think that feeling as if your team is at a disatvantage for every dps you have that isn't a sentinel is the way bioware intended their game to be.


Sure in 10-49 pvp there's gunnery/arsenal people 3-4 hitting everyone, then in endgame where it actually counts, this game becomes some atrocious melee centric fest.


Woooot???? Marauders op? O man again one whiner. Marauders are one easy to kill class, we play different game or what. Or simply you cant see sorcerer behind healing marauder or what?? Look, look there is a one!

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....The post you \0/ to actually pointed out that Sentinels are op in the hands of 10% of the gaming populace, kinda like sorcs, or Mercs, or Power techs, or Scoundrels, or Operatives, or Snipers or Gunslingers, or Shadows, or Assassins or Commando's or Vanguards. Yep that poster knows what he is talking about.

Quick hit here, best player in the world playing a DPS Commando can't hold a candle to himself on most other classes. Their entire class relies on the opponent not knowing what they're doing. DPS Ops/Scoundrels aren't notable if they don't outgear you and while Snipers/Gunslingers are amazing at defense, they're extremely situational for offense, one good pull when they're forced to move or stunned without full resolve and they're dead quickly no matter how many cooldowns they've got up. A perfectly played DPS vanguard still relies on a unreliable RNG that can cause them to do subpar damage by no fault of their own. A DPS Assassin can do just about everything a Sentinel can do (effect-on-match wise), but Sentinels do them all better, and stealth doesn't make up for that. DPS Sages can be brutal, but in a pull-happy match that doesn't have many casters, they're not as effective. DPS Guardians... only have a place in Huttball. In voidstar and Alderaan, DPS guardians take a massive hit against experienced teams that don't let them Focus AOE bomb or that cleanse Vigilance's long dots (sentinel's short-Dot form is far better for PvP damage output, because dispels don't cancel out that much damage if they miss the first tick or two).


Hmm, suppose that wasn't quick. I decided to type out a mini-essay rather than just hit on Commandos...


The result of all that hardwork and dedication? This same guy who was QQing up a storm now often (but not always) tops damage charts and will occasionally snag the MVP vote over the top healer.


I busted my ***** getting good. It's not the class that's OP it's that top shelf players can make ANY class look amazing. Sentinel also is a class where if you are lightning fast and can handle 25+ keybinds you have many, many options. If you scroll back a bit on sent/marauder forums all you will see is QQ about how weak we are. Hell there is probably a lot still complaining. The fact is this class has a VERY high skill cap and if you start to tap into that rarefied realm, you will bust some serious heads.

Send me a message a month from now and see if you still believe that they're not close to overpowered. Once the cooldown juggling sets in and becomes natural, it's a whole 'nother ballgame. I started playing Sentinels back when they were truly terrible (August-September), and have had one every build since. I'm to the point know where I just kind of de-focus and let my keys hit themselves, though I admit I still pick up a thing or two here and there, mostly just adapting to things I'm not used to seeing from other classes (had a 3-way spec'd sorc give me trouble a few days back, just drew out a few very long fights between me, him, and a defense juggernaut while my team was at the other door. Poor jugg died more than me and the sorc combined). It's far harder for me to type out some semblance of a rotation or even a priority tree than it is for me to pull of a 1v3, and probably about equal to a 1v4. Ask me a direct question about Sentinels and I've got the answer, but if you want a "how", I'm not really going to be able to provide it. Once you get out of your own way, the class really does have something special. My best advice to you, don't ever start to believe you've mastered everything the class has to offer.


Look at it this way, Rated WZs are on the horizon. Let's assume that it's an 8 man queue, and you're ranked as a team for that bracket, not individually. If the queues went across every server, what makeup would you expect the top team to be? Personally, I'd expect 1 of each healer, 1 Shadow tank, 2 Hybrid Vanguards, and 2 Sentinels. If the role needed is DPS, I don't see any class that does what we do while bringing more to the table. That's where you start infringing on overpowered. Vanguards also get double representation because they're in the same boat and their hybrid spec also synergizes well with Watchman Sentinels. The Shadow tank is there for a very solid combo with the Scoundrel healer, and their high internal/elemental reductions are great for PvP, especially PvP that's heavy on vanguards and sentinels.


The necessary nerfs to Sentinels are hard to point out directly, because of how intricate the class is. They definitely don't need a large nerf, but they are ahead of the pack in value for a DPS slot. Now, there's definitely the argument that they should be, being a pure DPS, but so long as you have the understanding that you're discussing only very good players, there is very little downside to Sentinels compared to the other classes that could take the DPS slot. Now, I love the class as is, but it should be brought in line. And for once, I think the best "nerf" for sentinels is ultimately the easier buffing of the other DPS options. Sentinels are kind of like a house of cards, if you mess with them you can severely gimp the people that are new to the class and/or MMOs and/or bad at MMOs and create a bigger problem than the one you tried to solve.


With the upcoming UI changes that will let CDs flash when available... I think people underestimate how that's actually a buff for Sentinels, though admittedly much more so for those struggling than those already versed in the class.

Edited by Apocalypse-
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Lately it literally has come down to "whoever has the most sentinel/marauders in their team win".


They're too tough, have too many utilities to not die or escape, and they do a crapload of damage, like, really, it's the only class posing any sort of threat in terms of damage in endgame pvp, only shadows/assassins come close.


I don't think that feeling as if your team is at a disatvantage for every dps you have that isn't a sentinel is the way bioware intended their game to be.


Sure in 10-49 pvp there's gunnery/arsenal people 3-4 hitting everyone, then in endgame where it actually counts, this game becomes some atrocious melee centric fest.


Classes arent OP players are OP.

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Sent/marauders are the real glass cannons in this game. The enemy goes through our medium armor like it's paper usually and the only time I feel competitive is when I've got my CDs up.


Of course, this is against other geared players.


I'm full champion. Many players are not. I crush them pretty easily, but in this case I wouldn't say it's a class imbalance issue but rather a gear imbalance issue.


Try playing a DPS Shadow/Sin.

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i play a darkness spec assassin tank in champ tank gear and I beat mar/sents all the time. Not talking about scrubs cuz anyone can faceroll those. You just have to know what their CDs look like and kite/get out of range when they use em. They dont last forever. the fights are kind of long but I havent lost to one yet. They are a pain to kill though. I have been seeing more of them but they are not any harder to kill than a well played <insert class here>. It's player skill. Put a good player behind any class in this game and someone will run to the forums and cry nerf. Edited by AncientForce
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Wished they'd shut the forums down permanently sometimes.


L2P, these are some of the easiest classes to kill. I hope they get buffed tbh, they have very little defense, no Punts, Pulls, or Stuns. You want FPS gameplay, get an Xbox..



I bet umad because they beat you in huttball alot. For that I LOL at you..

Edited by Lectro
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Actually have one. I guess you're right, they are a glass cannon also. But they can escape any fight they choose, which if you ask me is a leg up on the marauder. Marauder's gotta stick it out until death or victory.


But that's if it's not on CD, and if it is then I'm out of the fight for a good 20-30 seconds and then all they have to do is re-target me and burn me down in 2-3 seconds because I can't cloak.



The DPS spec for Assassin/Shadow is borked, that's why you're only seeing the hybrid builds now because you can put up the same dmg but have 5x the defense.

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Wished they'd shut the forums down permanently sometimes.


L2P, these are some of the easiest classes to kill. I hope they get buffed tbh, they have very little defense, no Punts, Pulls, or Stuns. You want FPS gameplay, get an Xbox..



I bet umad because they beat you in huttball alot. For that I LOL at you..



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