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Most embarassing thing you've done in PvP


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Defending turret solo....incoming sweet.. full cool downs relic etc this should be good one vs one...pop relic stim target inc...scratch nose place hand back on keyboard one key off..spend entire fight starting then interrupting my own rotation...fast very embarrassing fight. 0.o Edited by Zekeiele
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Got the ball past the last flame vent, full bar so immune to stuns, pushed down the ramp blew my defensive cooldowns, without thinking hit cloaking screen, facepalmed.


yeah i did this my first huttball i said on vent "this is gonna be like cheating using cloak to score" as my friends shout out "NO YOU *********** IDIOT" its to late and i lose the game for us by 1

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Close game of Voidstar, I see a teammate of mine trying to plant with a single imperial attacking him, so I rush in, already preparing my attacks and then in between figuring that it'll be better to mezz the guy to let my teammate plant. Turns out that I interrupted a mezz that my teammate had just cast, the guy got out of the mezz with a full resolve bar, so then my mezz failed and he proceded to interrupt the plant.
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I think we've all done run around swinging a lightsabre only to realise you're facing the wrong target... and most of us have carefully guarded a turret from enemy forces only to turn around and discover someone just capped it :(.


Mine has to be wandering around on huttball, snared by a bug for 3 minutes.... eventually I discovered that I'd somehow toggled auto-run off and was simply walking :(.

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This one takes the cake....


Standing on the other side of the fire pit in thinking it was safe to pull so instead of taking the extra time to move back 2 steps pull my own ball carrier from 4 people attacking him just to have the fire pit **** his face...


Lets just say he wasent happy with me...

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Tried to make a pass to a friendly target right in front of me because I had 3 enemies incoming who I thought would try to CC me JUST BEFORE THE LINE to score the winning score in Huttball... friendly target decided to force leap right before I passed, and I threw the ball on the ground a few steps from scoring :(
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6) Pass the ball up to a healer at the same time they yank me up

Not embarassing imo, this happens to me all the time, you can't look into ppl's heads...


a) do they have their Pull off CD,

b) do they want to use it on me or not,

c) do they even know they have such an abiiity


I'd rather pass it and have someone past the firepit force speed to the goal line, than standing infront of the pit waiting for a pull that might never happen.

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All of mine are Huttball, as I am just plain bad at it on my Sage unless I get into position and can assist or just run the ball in after a Rescue.


Honest to God the only reason I even stay in Huttball matches now is to laugh at myself for how bad I am at it. A list of my typical screw-ups:


- Knockback the enemy into their goal even with proper positioning...epic fail :o


- Give the enemy ball carrier full resolve while failing to stun him in the fire


- Get passed the ball (as a healer) and get so panicked as I prepare for the inevitable zerg that I immediately pass it...to no one


- Spend half the match using the steam vents, only to get thrown right back into the middle EVERY TIME where I am promptly zerged by the neutral ball scramble :(


I am pretty good at getting ahead of ball and timing a Rescue, so I try to do that as much as I can.


The other two maps I am much more useful :)

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The mistakes I've made are all in Huttball.


1) After running like 4 matches in a row as Frog Dogs - I got placed on Rotworms. I then ran the ball to my own endzone :(


2) Trying to save a score I got postioned sort of at an angle to the enemy, when I tried to force push him off the ledge I tossed him over the goal line :(


I think that Huttball is ripe for mistakes though so I do try to avoid playing it, I also seriously suck at passing the ball - yes it's mapped to my F11 key, but what I find very hard is throwing hte ball while stunned. I'm constantly stunned and can't toss it. I also find the mechanic of throwing stupid.

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Well, I had a bad day at Hutt the other day and thought to this thread... Figured I would own up... I like to PVP with a few drinks in me on most nights and I play fairly well for the most part. The one night I played sober I could not figure out how to throw the ball. I was yelling in chat how sorry I was my pass button wasn't working. Reset my UI several times. Rebound hotkeys. Relogged.... I was so pissed I quit for the night. The next day I thought about what went wrong as I sipped some wiskey and it turns out I just kept hitting the pass button OVER AND OVER AND OVER.... instead of pass click....:rolleyes: :rolleyes::rolleyes:
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I was trying to mark a healer and fumble fingered my targeting so I ended up marking a marauder instead. I was on another player I'd marked the whole time so most of the match was over by the time I realized what I'd done. He was horribly hard to kill, too. Luckily, it was one of those teams that doesn't pay any attention to markers, but I was still redfaced!
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In Alderaan, getting distracted by the fight infront of me and missing the stealther capping right behind me.


In Huttball, trying to pass the ball like 4 meters to the endzone. It got intercepted instead. Should have hit my def CDs.


In Voidstar moving before the cap animation finished completely. Waste of 8 seconds right there.


I've also stuffed up passing the ball up out of the pit a few times, but I blame that on a crappy passing system/camera angles/whatever, cause I very rarely see it work properly.

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