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Everything posted by Jandor_Ziska

  1. In Alderaan, getting distracted by the fight infront of me and missing the stealther capping right behind me. In Huttball, trying to pass the ball like 4 meters to the endzone. It got intercepted instead. Should have hit my def CDs. In Voidstar moving before the cap animation finished completely. Waste of 8 seconds right there. I've also stuffed up passing the ball up out of the pit a few times, but I blame that on a crappy passing system/camera angles/whatever, cause I very rarely see it work properly.
  2. Yeah, I also spend a lot of time attracting attention with my grenades and getting focus fired to death. Because I'm so squishy I'm an attractive target for kill-hunters, I get that. I also get that when I'm getting hit the ball carrier/actually useful players aren't, but still... it really isn't fun. Anyway, I can't wait to never play huttball again with my slinger. The map is a lot of fun on my Guardian but.
  3. my issue with gunslingers is how ineffective they are at Huttball. Sure, I usually get the highest damage in HB, but as far as actually helping the team score or defend? I'm worse than useless, cause my nutkick fills like 80% resolve. I have one useful tool, legshot, which I can occasionally use to root the ballcarrier over the fire. Apart from that, all I can do is try to focus fire the healers. It's frustrating how class dependent that map is. Like, every AC is good for something in Voidstar or Civil War, but HuttBall really leaves gunslingers and sentinels out in the cold.
  4. yeah, having to root while wounding shots channels is a PITA too.
  5. here are images showing what I was talking about. Here is me hiding on Alderaan. I can see any incoming enemies, but they can't really see me until they're right there. http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n28/TasmanS/hidingonAlderaan.jpg Here is me capping the bridge on Voidstar. You can see a teammate of mine doing the same, but he/she is far more exposed and more likely to be knocked off the cap. http://i108.photobucket.com/albums/n28/TasmanS/cappingbridgeonVoidstar.jpg Hope these help.
  6. In Alderaan: If defending the Left or Right cap: a good place to hide is to sit yourself on one of the the ramps. You'll still have great visibility for any incoming players, but they won't see you till they're just about there. In Voidstar: When trying to extend the first set of bridges you should position yourself between the large column and the edge of the pit. It is much harder for defenders to knock you off the cap. I'll try to post some screencaps to give an idea.
  7. If you're going to use professional-sports-as-a-metaphor-for-SWTOR-PvP, at least compare say, the NFL or the Australian Football League (salary-capped with losing teams getting draft concessions) with say, the English Premier League (no sal cap, winner gets bigger, losers get relegated). Me? I prefer the NFL/AFL approach. But then I go for Swansea City, so I would, wouldn't I?
  8. Just wanted to chip in and thank the OP for this. I'm really enjoying Warzone PvP at the moment (I just hit 50 so that may change lol) but the PvP section of this forum is super terrible. What, 2 useful guides stickied? And lol at all the posters persisting with the no true scotsman fallacy even after it was pointed out in the OP.
  9. I'm level 44 Gunslinger, pretty straight DF spec. I usually top just over 100k on a good game on Alderaan. Get over 200k on a nice close game of Voidstar, and about 180k usually on Huttball. But those scores all assume a pretty optimal game for me. Often I'm stuck defending the left cap on Alderaan or repeatedly suiciding into a pack of enemies to DOT them up to stop a cap. Or people throw me the $#^$ ball on Huttball.
  10. It depends on the map & situation of course, but as a general guide: Run about like a headless chicken throwing Shrap Bomb, Frag Grenade and kicking fools in the cods. Some tips: Learn to kite. Taugrim's guide to keybindings is absolutely fantastic and made me a much better PvPer. Keep moving almost all the time. Only pop cover in a couple of situations. DOT up as many opponents as you can. Shrap Bomb should be on cooldown. Save Dirty Kick for when you get leaped by a Sith. Kick him in the cods and start kiting away. Don't try and toe-to-toe him unless he's really low on health (this is a rule I always forget for myself). If you're being chased by a melee sith, use Leg Shot to root him, pop cover & hit him with Sab Charge, then start kiting and using Quick Shot to burn him down.
  11. I'm specced almost completely DF, currently lvl 37. When fighting silver or golds in PvE, my rotation looks something like this: Open with Aimed Shot. Then Vital Shot or Shrap Bomb, depending on whether there are adds. Then Wounding Shot. Then Speed Shot/Charged Burst with the spam attack in between to manage energy. If it closes to melee range, I use dirty kick & blaster whip before kiting it. Always keep a DOT up on it, and don't forget to use your defensive cooldowns and medpacks.
  12. NB: I use a pretty standard DF spec. I'm not sure trying to go 1v1 is an efficient use of your time. Your damage comes from AOE DOTs and focused fire. You have a few tools than can help you in tight defensive situations against Juggs, (ie, leg snare, Shrap Bomb with the slowdown, Dirty Kick and the Flash Grenade), so if you're lucky you can kite them for long enough to burn them down. But you're much better off to go where the action is, rather than try to guard or ninja points. Find the main fight, and go from there. If defending & losing, I run about trying to DOT up as many of the attackers as possible. You can do this pretty quickly with TAB targeting, Vital Shot & Shrap Bomb. You'll die, but hopefully you'll have bought an extra 10-15 seconds or so for the team. If the fight is about 50/50 or better, I take a second to find the healers & tanks & start burning them. I find that they often get ignored, and it makes a huge difference. If you are desperate, you can hunker down and go nuts on a single target, but I've found this almost always results in you dying. If there are no healers I usually try to aggro the Operative. I figure if I can get him to blow all his cooldowns to kill me, I've taken him/her out of the fight for a little while. Far better for a DPS to go down than your side's healer. In general, I find I work best if I play as a utility DPS, rather than pure DPS. My job is to help everyone else do their job better. For example, Flash Grenade kinda sucks compared to other classes CC, but it is a great way to peel for friends who are capping, especially in Voidstar, where you often have multiple enemies bunched together coming out of the respawn point.
  13. I just bound 'Cover' to the 'J' key and used the configurator to set the '1' button on my Naga to 'J'. Then 4 to left strafe, 5 to right strafe and 8 to walk backwards. This way all my movement is handled with my mouse hand, leaving my left hand free to hit all the powers bound to keys on the LHS of the keyboard.
  14. What are the best places to scout for Imperial players on Tatooine for some world PvP?
  15. I don't have any specific spot where I habitually root. If I drop into cover, it will be just anywhere to help burn down an enemy engaged with someone else. At the very beginning of Voidstar Defence sometimes I set up my screen just infront of the door controls and pop the blast when I think a stealth character is about to hit me. But apart from that, I think mobility is much more important.
  16. I love DF. Obviously it's a great PvP spec, but in PvE it's pretty awesome too, as long as you think of yourself as a 'Utility DPS' rather than 'Pure DPS'. In FPs I usually protect the healer. I clear trash with my grenades, and any mobs that start attacking the healer gets kicked in the nuts and burst down. Let the Tank & other DPS focus on the big threats. You can also kite like a champion. Leg snare and shrap bomb help a lot here. Also remember the speed boost you get from nut kick, even if the boss is un-stunnable. So yeah, if you look at your role as helping the healer & other DPS do their job, you'll enjoy it a lot more.
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