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East/West or Right/Left?


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Don't assume people who mix right/left or east/west are stupid. There are some extraordinarily intelligent dyslexics out there. Admittedly, when playing warzones, they shouldn't be the designated caller or lone guard on a node.


I use east/west now almost exclusively because of the Voidstar map/coming out of the door confusion. Once in awhile I'll use left/right in Civil War. You would think saying other door would work when you're the only one guarding, but for some reason, it doesn't.

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Well, I have run into a situation with Left / Right just this week.


I used to play on server Firaxan Shark as Imperial. That server used Left / Right on voidstar. It was based on the left / right doors on the map.


I now play on The Twin Spears as republic. This server also uses Left / Right on voidstar, but it is based on direction when leaving spawn.


This had me so backwards until I realized what they were doing.




As for East / West. While I like absolutes, for some unknown reason people today seem not to know their directions. This was a much bigger problem on my imperial than my republic, but it still presents in games today.



I say we give them names to do not apply what-so-ever.


We should have the Bunny Turret and the Tomato Turret. At least then I can't be frustrated when people go to the wrong one.

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Left and right are only absolute when referring to yourself. Five year old children grasp this concept.


This is exactly why I use east/west... when you're on Ilum and the other team attacks your group at central? Do you use up down left and right?

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Left and right are only absolute when referring to yourself. Five year old children grasp this concept.

Except when people say left/right 9 times out of 10 they are referring to the direction from where you spawn. East/West just means I might have to open the map, which I don't have to with left/right.

Edited by Manigma
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With only 3 turrets, names are irrelevant, they're either attacking the one you're defending or they're attack the other one. In 5+ node games, it starts becoming more relevant to have names for each one. But with only 3 it doesn't matter, if they're not attacking mine, they're attacking the other, i don't even need them to call out to know the other side needs to be reinforced.
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Except when people say left/right 9 times out of 10 they are referring to the direction from where you spawn. East/West just means I might have to open the map, which I don't have to with left/right.


Minimap.....and a side of facepalm.

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Well I've gotten creative with calling sides. I never use East West or Left Right. If Im at a side (which I usually am) I'll say the side with me... or without me.


However, when sides are called on my server it's universally, Left/Right from spawn... and that's fine with me.

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I know i used to get confused about this... why? Yes, yes, I'm directionally challenged. But for a decent reason, in my mind.


Up on the lil scoreboard you have on your screen, there is a left icon, middle icon, and right icon. The left icon is the turret on the RIGHT. The right icon is the turret on your LEFT. So when I first started doing WZ, someone would say left, they meant to run left from the dropoff point, but I thought they meant the left-sided icon. So now I know they mean the run-to-the-left turret, and I run there. Now people are calling out east and west, and I have to stop look at the map and make sure I'm going in the correct direction!


But it never fails, no matter WHAT you call out, people always decide to do what they want and ignore the directions. It is uncanny. And it is a shame, because these warzones are only won through teamwork and not rogues. :)

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Civil war: left/mid/right


voidstar: left/right


its way easier than east/west




I always use left/right (left/right/mid for alderaan). The easiest way to think about it is based on the direction you spawn... Which is also the direction you should be facing if your behind is glued to the door as it should be. Alderaan is a little more logical in this manner due to there being a clear indication of left/mid/right points in your UI. (and also, based on the direction you're facing when you spawn). In the heat of the moment it confuses people more to say east/west... they stop... analyze their mini-map. Stopping to think when someone calls for immediate assistance is not good. Only overanalyzers get confused by left/right.

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I always use left/right (left/right/mid for alderaan). The easiest way to think about it is based on the direction you spawn... Which is also the direction you should be facing if your behind is glued to the door as it should be. Alderaan is a little more logical in this manner due to there being a clear indication of left/mid/right points in your UI. (and also, based on the direction you're facing when you spawn). In the heat of the moment it confuses people more to say east/west... they stop... analyze their mini-map. Stopping to think when someone calls for immediate assistance is not good. Only overanalyzers get confused by left/right.



Over analyze something that NEVER changes? Stop to analyze your minimap which also NEVER changes?

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Shouldn't even have to look at that.


That's true but less situationally aware people might need the help and it's right there in easy view. As an added bonus, it's oriented with North at the top. I wonder why?

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This is exactly why I use east/west... when you're on Ilum and the other team attacks your group at central? Do you use up down left and right?


so where the sun rise at alderaan? where does the sun dawns in ilum?

who cares! L/R is the most easy way and only a moron would not be able to figure where L/R are

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Who cars about broke ilum. But in a large map you make landmark references because even east/west is too general.


For smaller maps, well CW has it easy with snow/grass. VS, left/right for me, if you can't figure it out its easy... It's based on the direction you are facing from you spawn point, if its left then its left of the spawn point, zomg its so hard!

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I always assume that left and right correspond to your starting position. Just like in soccer or many other sports, you have left defender or right forward. That way no matter what direction you are facing, you know to go right or left from your star position. If you don't know where you start from, you haven't played enough warzones.


I vote left/right because no matter what people are going to be retarded :D

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