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DOTs and preventing player from capturing point


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Earnestly, I think this needs to be changed and that dots do not prevent players from capping a point. This makes VoidStar and Alderaan such a stagnant affair and plays a huge factor in how difficult it is to capture a point. It is stupid how a single player can defend a point forever with this.


I think the WZs would be more dynamic and more fun if this was changed.

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Earnestly, I think this needs to be changed and that dots do not prevent players from capping a point. This makes VoidStar and Alderaan such a stagnant affair and plays a huge factor in how difficult it is to capture a point. It is stupid how a single player can defend a point forever with this.


I think the WZs would be more dynamic and more fun if this was changed.


Actually it would be more static, not dynamic... Also it would lower the strategy for protecting, making these fight much shorter.

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Noob here when it comes to MMO lingo...but what are Dots? I keep seeing that term.


Damage over Time. Usually dealing with poisons, fire or the likes of.


Edit: also no. Enough with the nerf threads already. What you are asking is to basically remove from pvp some classes entire spec trees.



Please people, really, start to think before you post this nonsense.

Edited by Rehneu
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or even removing the dots from themselves....lol


yeah, i admit i forget it most of the time. during a fight there most times more important things to do in a gcd and when running i'm usually thinking about where to hide :p


but yes, it is helpfull and i admit that i also could use it more often than i do :D

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no, he asking for not allowing dot damage to interrupt tapping. that's something different :p


Of which again, directly affects some class specialization trees all together. Basically saying that the only thing some would be able to do is a pew pew or stabby stabby at best without using their skills.


All it would take to basically remove those players from the scenario then is to interact with the door to place the bombs.

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would be nice to see more sorcerers/sages removing some of the dots of their allys ;)


teamplay could help much :p


Pretty much this. Seems a lot of sages/sorcs and commandos/mercs forget they have a dispel. Scoundrels/operatives do too, but they're not as predominate in warzones as the other two classes and mirrors are.


Purge the dots then cap. It's all about teamwork.

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Of which again, directly affects some class specialization trees all together. Basically saying that the only thing some would be able to do is a pew pew or stabby stabby at best without using their skills.


All it would take to basically remove those players from the scenario then is to interact with the door to place the bombs.


Actually, no it would not....The damage would be done, just when the dotter died he would be able to cap the flag.

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Lol its called dispells. Yes I know difficult concept but I cast purge about 20 times a warzone which is also why I speced into it so I feel taking a gcd to dispell affliction and crushing darkness is a good move. The same goes for the other team if they can't even dispell they don't deserve to cap anything
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If it weren't for the fact that there are classes in the game that can reliably remove those DoTs I'd be inclined to agree. But just as DoTting someone up to prevent a cap is a strategic decision, so is decursing someone so that they can start capping sooner, surely?



What about the little flame turret device? What the heck is that? I can't find it in any classes abilities or a crafted item on torhead.


Basically what I object to is when a guy runs up to a cap point on voidstar, drop a little turret looking device that spews flame every few seconds and then runs off to defend the other door while waiting on allies to show up.


That is complete crap...what the heck is that?

Edited by Pestwulf
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If it weren't for the fact that there are classes in the game that can reliably remove those DoTs I'd be inclined to agree. But just as DoTting someone up to prevent a cap is a strategic decision, so is decursing someone so that they can start capping sooner, surely?


First of all I am pretty sure they are talking about Bleeds. An operative can spam bleed on every single person at a capture point the bleed lasts like 15seconds. An it has no CD. A bleed effect CANNOT be dispeled. So again what they are bringing up is not a L2P issue. It's the fact that the Capture point is right next to the landing point on the side locations so a Operative(FOR EXAMPLE) Can spam dot on up to 5 people at the side base and die. An have enough time to fly back before the DoTs fall off an repeat it.


So not really a l2play issue. More of a Move the Speeder landiing location on the side bases back about 5-10yards and problem is solved.

Edited by Furyofwar
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People need to L2Cleans. Seriously, dumbing down pvp any more would be just stupid.


You need to L2play. You cannot Dispel,Cure,Cleanse a bleed. Any DoT that does "INTERNAL DAMAGE" can not be removed by casting a cleanse/cure or anything spell for that matter.

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I had an ally in civil war yesterday cap the center turret, even though I saw they had a DoT on them.

They were budging/losing health as the dot ticked, I could tell, but their slicing cast was never interrupted.


It's called using a Sorc shield. If you do not take dmg you cannot be interrupted. BTW if his health went down at all from DMG it would of been interrupted. If his Biochem +15% health wore off it would also appear to look like his health was taking damage.


Also if this person was a merc healer. With his shield on he will be able to capture the node while taking damage from DoTs.


But ya ignore all the PvP'ers above saying Cure/Cleanse it only works on "ELEMENTAL DAMAGE" there are many classes that applies DoTs that cannot be removed. They are Generalizing something that works for Bounty Hunters and Sorc/Sages an saying its a L2PLAY issue. When there is about 4-5 Advanced Classes that apply internal damage DoTs.

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It's called using a Sorc shield. If you do not take dmg you cannot be interrupted. BTW if his health went down at all from DMG it would of been interrupted. If his Biochem +15% health wore off it would also appear to look like his health was taking damage.


Also if this person was a merc healer. With his shield on he will be able to capture the node while taking damage from DoTs.


But ya ignore all the PvP'ers above saying Cure/Cleanse it only works on "ELEMENTAL DAMAGE" there are many classes that applies DoTs that cannot be removed. They are Generalizing something that works for Bounty Hunters and Sorc/Sages an saying its a L2PLAY issue. When there is about 4-5 Advanced Classes that apply internal damage DoTs.


Was not aware of the internal damage DoT's, That's my bad, I have not come across a DoT yet that I have not been able to cleanse.


As a result I retract my L2Cleans comment ;)


But I still think DoT's should be able to stop a cap, it's a game mechanic that can be overcome. I can't recall a time we lost because our whole team was Dotted.

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lets just remove all skills and abilities from PVP and stare blankly at one another and take turns capturing


seriously, enough is enough. DoT's are a form of damage, it's no different than someone running up to you and hitting you as you try to capture an objective. Some classes have the abilities to remove negative affects from themselves and others. Game mechanics, get used to them.

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Earnestly, I think this needs to be changed and that dots do not prevent players from capping a point. This makes VoidStar and Alderaan such a stagnant affair and plays a huge factor in how difficult it is to capture a point. It is stupid how a single player can defend a point forever with this.


I think the WZs would be more dynamic and more fun if this was changed.


I totally disagree.


Its good tactics. It also forces you to work as a team, as in focus fire to kill off the peeps dotting you so you can cap.

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