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Why SWTOR has more potential than GW2 or WoW


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Yeah. After I saw note about world vs world fights I just can't believe how much we will get for one time only purchase. I decided that if they will bring us quality and they will keep their promises - i will buy stuff in their IM for 14$ just as I pay for sub in other MMO.


Not only PVE content look great but also PVP will be just amazing.

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Not saying im gonna like or hate GW2 but im a realist the game is gettin way overhyped. I remember being on these forums b4 swtor came out and it was getting overhyped. the best thing you GW2 fans can do is reserve your opinion till the game is out. i never tell friends to get a game or advertise how great it is without playing it. videos and trailers or even beta testing is nice but it doesnt give you enough info as to how the game will be once ppl get to endgame or have done most of the content. If GW2 is good after i play ill gladly say so if it sucks ill gladly say so but i wont be Guy A and Guy B.


Guy A. Before Release :GW2 is awsome. After: GW2 sucks


Guy B. Before Release : GW2 sucks After: GW2 is awsome

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oh man I feel sorry for blind haters.

Stay in this game for all I care, just don't be surprised when everyone leaves for GW2.

You'll come over eventually becuase you won't be able to help yourself.


They're putting the community back in MMO.


its that gw2 wont have any official forums but otherwise the same posts as yours would appear on that board with the only difference that GW2 will be replaced for some other second comming of jesus game.

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Bioware has to compete with Blizzard. WoW is still a dominant MMO. When WoW becomes less popular in MMO, I think Blizzard would start making WORLD OF STARCRAFT to capture back their MMO players. LOL.


that would be so funny if it was 100% identical to wow in mechanics and dynamics with only different aesthetics:D

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SW is the only reason some small amount of ppl still keep playing this.


I'm not actually a major fan of Star Wars. Never paid directly to see any Star Wars film or bought their DvDs yea the films are good but still.


I on the other hand do love this game, yea it might be because i'm spreading myself out over all my characters but still loving it.


Don't make sweeping statements because people you talk to who have played the game have got bored and left.


Also GW was sh*t I honestly don't understand how its as popular as it is, if it had a sub it would have died within a year.


I hope GW2 releases buggy as hell just so people will shut up about how it is the Cyber-Jesus reborn...

Edited by CptBrit
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Well, everybody knows its true :)

Any decent gamer who is not such an amazing SW fan already quit the game..cause from the game perspective its rubbish.


Speak for yourself. I am not a fan of SWs but sticking with this game and still will when GW2 comes out since it's f2p. I agree with TC, I think this game has some potential given enough time.

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The issue i feel with GW2 is that quests have not only a good deal of lore behind but a real purpose behind your character. GW2 will have lore ofc and they give you a purpose to what zone your trying save etc, but it won't feel the same. Not entirely sure if i like the idea of swapping weapons for different moves set's.
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Their Asia expanse in March is just a rescuing rope for decreasing amount of players.


The only bonus SW:TOR have is - as you know - STAR WARS. It's the name, not the game.


Sorry, but SW:TOR has not the potential - why? Because of it's world design. It's awful.



Please, don't say SW:TOR and GW2 in a sentence, it's an insult for GW2 and their really dedicated producers.

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People that are blindly following GW2 are probably going to be in for a dissapointment. Guild Wars is an amazing game (imo) but it's definately not for everyone. It focuses on skill based PvP, so people that simply enjoy raiding and casual play probably wont enjoy the sequel..


And the PvE quest system, while they make out like it's something new, it's basically the Public Quest/Rift system from WAR/Rift rehashed.


I personally, will enjoy the game a lot if it's anything like GW1, but if you think it's going to be a WoW/SW killer, or even a WoW/SW competitor you'll probably be dissapointed. It's a different beast all together.

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The Guild Wars 2 release presents a win-win situation, for me at least, since I enjoy SWTOR.


If the game is great, well then everyone will flock to it, leave these forums alone, and hell, maybe I'll even try it and get hooked.


However, if it tanks (or doesn't even live up to its hype), I will have the immense satisfaction of knowing that the hundreds of posters proclaiming its superiority to this and every game that has been conceived since the dawn of time, will simultaneously remove their thousands of feet from their disappointed mouths.


I feel sorry for the GW2 development team if they can't live up to the lofty expectations put on them, and I suggest they remove any plans for formal forums.

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Please, don't say SW:TOR and GW2 in a sentence, it's an insult for GW2 and their really dedicated producers.


After all the Hype I saw about GW2 on these forums, I thought i'd go over and have a look at GW2 just to sate my curiosity.


I saw what can only be described as Teemo from LoL in plate armour and thought:


"No bloody chance in hell am I buying this"


Yea WoW and SW:TOR play quite much exactly the same (Though don't care what people say, SW:TORs combat is so much more fast paced, especially as a Knight/Warrior with all the jumping into groups) but fantasy is just way overdone now. I played WAR just because i'm a fan of WH:40k lore and thought "Orks are cool, why the hell not".


Got boring fast. Why? because i'd traded an Axe in WoW for a Choppa in WAR.


Only other MMO that will even interest will be Dark Millenium, from the early videos it looked twitch based. Plus Darksiders was a really good game for a companies first.


So in short, after my very brief stint playing GW1 - which I thought was so much worse than WAR - I'll never buy GW2.


However, if it tanks (or doesn't even live up to its hype), I will have the immense satisfaction of knowing that the hundreds of posters proclaiming its superiority to this and every game that has been conceived since the dawn of time, will simultaneously remove their thousands of feet from their disappointed mouths.


Yea a small part of me wants it to fail - a very small part though, i'm not as vindictive to wish something to fail, or troll games forums I don't like......... - somehow I think all the people proclaiming it to be the game to end all games which NOTHING will match, will go pretty quiet on these boards

Edited by CptBrit
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weird biodrone position in this thread:


"sw:tor is awesome and perfect and could never do anything wrong! I hate how people are saying GW2 is awesome and perfect and could never do anything wrong!"


Now you know how everyone else feels when they read your "I wuv you bioware, whatever thread i am posting in it's not an important issue," spam.

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This "potential" you are talking about was lost the moment they decided to make this a single player game with MMO elements, not to mention buying an unfinished crap engine to run it. For you to see this potential they would have to redo the whole game basically so have fun waiting. I'm just going to stick around for aslong as the game still remains to be even remotely fun but I don't see myself playing this a year from now.
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I mean, "potential" has very wide definition. Star Wars universe has really big potential. But not this game. They blew that opportunity by choosing totally inferior game engine, not able to deliver that universe in any MMO form. This game is nothing more that KOTOR3.


On the other hand, you put GW2 as opposition. Come on, we are talking about most innovative MMO game up-to-date (as we still need to see what will Blizzard create with their project Titan). It really insults comparing SWTOR to GW2. :cool:

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weird biodrone position in this thread:


"sw:tor is awesome and perfect and could never do anything wrong! I hate how people are saying GW2 is awesome and perfect and could never do anything wrong!"


Now you know how everyone else feels when they read your "I wuv you bioware, whatever thread i am posting in it's not an important issue," spam.


Erm i've NEVER seen anyone say this game is perfect, I enjoy it loads - even the PvP - but i'll probably quit after my 6 month sub ends and wait for a bit to come back, as I do with every MMO i've ever played. Just because I really enjoy this game doesn't mean, its the only game i'll play - even though I've played very little else since EGA - Mass Effect 3 will take up a lot of my time until I get all the Achievements, then I'll come back to this.


Most people only "Think" GW2 will be awesome. It doesn't matter how much it "Looks" or "Sounds" awesome, only when its released to the masses will the truth some out.


So yea every post I see that says GW2 is awesome and full of greatness, I hope more and more that it is full of bugs and incomplete content at launch. Just to shut up the GW2 Fanboys.

Edited by CptBrit
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Most people only "Think" GW2 will be awesome. It doesn't matter how much it "Looks" or "Sounds" awesome, only when its released to the masses will the truth some out.


So yea every post I see that says GW2 is awesome and full of greatness, I hope more and more that it is full of bugs and incomplete content at launch. Just to shut up the GW2 Fanboys.



You are incredibly wrong about GW2 launch in 2 ways:

1) RIFT already showed that launch can be perfectly smooth without zillion of bugs.

2) ArenaNet is not some wannabe MMO company. I would definitely put them side by side with Blizzard. Years and years of MMO experience is on their side. Do you really think that next generation MMO from Blizzard is going to have same problems as they had with Vanilla WoW? After a years of MMO experience they had? Not a chance. As the same time this is Bioware's first "MMO". If they survive and decided to remain in this genre, their second MMO will be much better I guess.

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You are incredibly wrong about GW2 launch in 2 ways:

1) RIFT already showed that launch can be perfectly smooth without zillion of bugs.

2) ArenaNet is not some wannabe MMO company. I would definitely put them side by side with Blizzard. Years and years of MMO experience is on their side. Do you really think that next generation MMO from Blizzard is going to have same problems as they had with Vanilla WoW? After a years of MMO experience they had? Not a chance. As the same time this is Bioware's first "MMO". If they survive and decided to remain in this genre, their second MMO will be much better I guess.


What i'm saying is it could happen. Things slip through Q&A, whos to say a load of rage-inducing things won't get into release of GW2?


Bioware is a really experienced RPG maker. They've got more experience with RPGs than Blizzard or Anet has with MMOs - though you could argue that RPG games aren't worked on constantly like MMOs - and yet they allowed a few howlers of dialogue into the ME series.


"Everyone comes with baggage, the problem is finding a matching set" & "Your not alive, not really. Your a machine and machines can be broken!"


I'm sure Bioware didn't want to release SW:TOR with as many bugs as it did but then I think everyone with half a brain cell knows EA pushed them.


Bioware as a company will survive - don't know if you were referring to the Companies survival or just SW:TOR - as it has its hand in a few other things to, ME3 bonus content no doubt, Command and Conquer: Generals 2 (Which looks quite sweet with the frostbite 2 engine) and god knows what else.

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You are incredibly wrong about GW2 launch in 2 ways:

1) RIFT already showed that launch can be perfectly smooth without zillion of bugs.

2) ArenaNet is not some wannabe MMO company. I would definitely put them side by side with Blizzard. Years and years of MMO experience is on their side. Do you really think that next generation MMO from Blizzard is going to have same problems as they had with Vanilla WoW? After a years of MMO experience they had? Not a chance. As the same time this is Bioware's first "MMO". If they survive and decided to remain in this genre, their second MMO will be much better I guess.


I agree with this.

Rift had waiting times on servers in first few days, but who didnt. But from the bugs/issues point of view, it was awesome. At least compared to SWTOR. PLUS they were fixing issues every single day. There was always some patch fixing big/small things and they were getting actually fixed. Not like in here saying they are being fixed with this patch and nothing happens.


Anyway ArenaNet has so much experiences in MMO. I dont expect it to be bug free. No. But I at least expect (and I think im correct in this assumption) GW2 to be on the same lever, or better than Rift was.


Plus to the other guy above, unfortunately RPGs and MMOs are so different in so many ways that having extensive experience from RPG means almost nothing when it comes to making MMO game. MMOs are about communities, which Bioware and EA fails to understand. However ArenaNet and NCSoft know this very well and thats where GW2 is heading..to create massive MMO community.

Edited by Riddickcz
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At the moment, I am cheesed off that Bioware won't allow my friends and I to transfer to an Oceanic server in March just because we gave a country that is not Australia, NZ, HK or Singapore during registration.



So, when GW2 is released, I will buy GW2 just for the awesome proposed open - world, cross-server PvP alone. Heck, I will even pay subs for that, even if its $100 per month! At least ArenaNet does not split the community-they build them.


Don't underestimate the spending power of Asian gamers.

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Universe doesn't worth monthly subscription fee past a month or two after level 50.


SWTOR is mediocre game, Bioware is mediocre team when it comes past single player games.


GW was a mediocre game, Arenanet a mediocre team when it comes to MMO games.


Personal Opinions are Personal.


Plus to the other guy above, unfortunately RPGs and MMOs are so different in so many ways that having extensive experience from RPG means almost nothing when it comes to making MMO game. MMOs are about communities, which Bioware and EA fails to understand. However ArenaNet and NCSoft know this very well and thats where GW2 is heading..to create massive MMO community.


I wasn't saying that MMOs and RPGs are fully the same but Bioware is classed as one of the best RPG makers in the world and they still make mistakes in there RPGs so whos to say Arenanet won't make mistakes in GW2?

Edited by CptBrit
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