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Why the 'Star Wars' Prequels Are Better Than the Original Trilogy


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An excellent article that made some very salient points.


For the record, I love all six movies and I think the saga works best when viewed as a whole. The Prequels work better because of the OT, the OT works better because of the Prequels. All six movies have their flaws, but all six movies are greater than he sum of their parts.


Well said. I saw Ep 1 in 3D this weekend (had a free pass). I actually had some nostalgia moments, and really enjoyed visiting the SW motion picture universe again :). There were a lot of children in the audience seeing it for the first time in the theatre, and they liked it a lot.

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And don't put words in my mouth just to dismiss my argument, in all honesty, the Star Wars saga is not as good as people make it out to be, especially the OT, overrated as hell.

People argue about acting, if you compared the acting in Star Wars, either trilogy, to say the Lord of the Rings acting, you'd realise how ridiculous the argument is.


Then why are you here arguing a point if you think that Star Wars is overrated?


Troll much?

Edited by joeakrazo
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Then why are you here arguing a point if you think that Star Wars is overrated?


Troll much?


1.I am arguing the point that people turn into children as soon as their precious childhood memories are tarnished, much like what happens whenever Revan is brought up in an argument hence my statement that they are both overrated onto this untouchable pantheon of film.


2.When you actually understand the meaning of that internet meme, PM me.

Edited by Rayla_Felana
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Meh, I completely disagree that the PT is better in any way than the OT. And that's my (and a majority of SW fans') opinion.


Am I going to argue about it? No.



Plinkett did that for me already.


You should all ask him to run for President, im sure he would do a great job seeing as he forms everyone's opinions with his own thereby giving the notion that people can't make their own opinions and choices about things.

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My issue with the prequels was never the story, it was the writing and acting, It just wasn't great, and the original trilogy isn't exactly Citizen Kane, so it's not like the bar was super high, but Episode III was the only one to really capture the same feel as the original trilogy, from a quality perspective. I always loved the prequel story (midichlorians aside) and usually tell people that from an overview standpoint there was nothing wrong except the execution.
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Prequels focus on the Jedi/Anakin like the new aged Star Wars fans only care about force users. Where as the original trilogy captured are hearts and imaginations on a whole universe of people from different walks of life.


Han Solo was a hero but didn't hear him cry. Hell his love interest in Leia was a hell of a lot better then Anakin's with Padme. Can tell the difference in directing between both movie groups. Only one trilogy and the prequels are not apart of it.


You can keep your Jar Jar. I'll stick with my Wookiee.

Edited by Erstok
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Yes. The overall story is far more better than 4th through 6th. Palpatine is definitely the most entertaining character in the series. Its so funny how everything he did went according to his plan. He single handedly took over the Galaxy and defeated the greatest threat to him, the Jedi order.


People are so easy to sway though and since the seeds of how they "prequels suck" are set people will continue to perceive to suck. Yeah, the depth of the characters might be hard to understand thus appear to be dull and boring but there is A LOT going on I feel the movies didn't really give the story justice.


The real difference is the prequels focused on the overall impact and a much larger cast of characters over how 4 through 6 focused on a small group of characters.


However, I'm a sucker for special effects so while I also do agree the story is better I also enjoy epic lightsaber battles and cool explosions instantly making the prequels better despite how ****** the characters might be! At least the kick *** in style!

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Great post OP! I feel the same way about the flow of the PT and all the machinations of it, yea it has some flaws, but dont all movies? I personally really love the ENTIRE SW saga episodes 1-6.


Just think without the PT you never see Coruscant, the Jedi at their height of power, way more alien races, the list goes on..


And for those that complain about the CGI I say shove it! How else can you make some of those worlds come alive without it. Also the people who complain about lightsaber fights lol i mean cmon really, your going to complain about lightsaber fights lol always found that one amusing, what kind of SW fan dosent like lightsabers?

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My issue with the prequels was never the story, it was the writing and acting,


and the cinematography. and the fact that episode 1 had no real protagonist.


I actually really like episode 3. I actually rate it about equal to return of the jedi. the only thing i really didnt like about it was vader's cheesy "NOOOOOOO"

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Yes. The overall story is far more better than 4th through 6th. Palpatine is definitely the most entertaining character in the series. Its so funny how everything he did went according to his plan. He single handedly took over the Galaxy and defeated the greatest threat to him, the Jedi order.


its easy to hornswaggle the galaxy if the galaxy is filled with illogical characters that cant ask questions or think about things.


i know palpatine was clouding the judgment of everybody, but even before anakin spills the beans about him being a sith, mace windu says something like "i sense the dark side around the chancellor" - and then he doesnt do anything!


after saying "i sense a plot to destroy the jedi" like 4 times, and then sensing evil in the chancellor, he doesnt do anything. he doesnt confront palpatine, or alert the jedi order, or anything. and then when they DO find out that he is actually the Sith Lord that they know exists and have been searching for, he does what?


he tries to physically capture palpatine in person. WHAAAAT he's a sith lord capable of clouding the judgment of the entire senate, the entire jedi order, and the most powerful jedi ever. so let's go try to arm-wrestle him right?


i guess palpatine really WAS clouding the judgment of every single character that we see and do not see. every jedi, every senator, every separatist... and i guess, in-universe, that makes sense.


but you know what it doesnt make?


a good story.

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its easy to hornswaggle the galaxy if the galaxy is filled with illogical characters that cant ask questions or think about things.


i know palpatine was clouding the judgment of everybody, but even before anakin spills the beans about him being a sith, mace windu says something like "i sense the dark side around the chancellor" - and then he doesnt do anything!


after saying "i sense a plot to destroy the jedi" like 4 times, and then sensing evil in the chancellor, he doesnt do anything. he doesnt confront palpatine, or alert the jedi order, or anything. and then when they DO find out that he is actually the Sith Lord that they know exists and have been searching for, he does what?


he tries to physically capture palpatine in person. WHAAAAT he's a sith lord capable of clouding the judgment of the entire senate, the entire jedi order, and the most powerful jedi ever. so let's go try to arm-wrestle him right?


i guess palpatine really WAS clouding the judgment of every single character that we see and do not see. every jedi, every senator, every separatist... and i guess, in-universe, that makes sense.


but you know what it doesnt make?


a good story.


Well to be honest, they didn't know Palpatine was the sith lord they had been looking for. All they sensed was that the darkside surrounded him, and thought "well maybe someone is pulling strings on the guy". It would be pretty stupid of them to assume some guy is a sith lord, kill him without any proof or arrest and then all of a sudden the real guy comes out and makes the jedi look really stupid.

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I see all six as one big film, just different chapters, like Lord of the Rings, will never understand OT vs PT, just petty children from the 70s arguing with petty children from the early 2000s, I think both groups need to do some growing up.



i grew up and my dad had the original trilogy in a boxset and i'd watch them (never finished id always fall asleep or get bored... i was only little) but when the new ones came out, i loved it and always did love the starwars universe.

its like santa clause, freddy kruger and the boogey man, you dont have to see them to know about them or understand the fandom. i always had a toy lightsaber (at least one).

so yeah, i didnt read the entire wall but i understand both sides of it.

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I see all six as one big film, just different chapters, like Lord of the Rings, will never understand OT vs PT, just petty children from the 70s arguing with petty children from the early 2000s, I think both groups need to do some growing up.


and yet in all your maturity you've decided to step into the ring and flamebait both. WOW. Excellent job.


The prequels suck, because they're poorly written and forget everything taught to us in the OT. Nothing in them makes sense. They contradict the OT.


It moves from a shift in storytelling if however flawed, to marketing and flash. Even Lucas himself regretted filling the prequels with so much, that is was impossible to go back and remove any of it, because it was all tangled up so deep.


Lucas has removed everyone who questions him creatively and the prequels are the result.


It's not about wanting to hate the movies due to some purest bs. It's about hating legitimately BAD FILMS. Even non-SW fanboys acknolwedge the terrible writing, wooden acting and reliance on overly dense CGI, flat camera angles, and joyless editing.


"I failed you"

This is what Padme's decoy says to her, after the ship blows up, killing the decoy instead of Padme.

Think about that.

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It is sad that so many people here aren't even reading the OP's post, although I don't agree that they were better, I like them all, but I commend you on articulating your argument so well.


You really don't deserve most of the flaming, but some people just refuse to even try to think differently.


To the prequel haters: Remember ehen you were young and watched the original trilogy? You were no doubt amazed, but your parents were probably unimpressed, as well as other older people in your life.


Well now, your being the same way. This new generation feels the same way you did but for the prequels now, your just being grouchy. I'm not trying to offend any of you guys by any means, but that is really whats going on.

Edited by TheLonelyTusken
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I see you didn't bother to read any of my later posts. WOW. Excellent job.

I read your posts from earlier in the thread. Your argument is of the strawman variety.


Whether the OT films are poor or overrated have nothing to do with the quality of the PT films. It's funny how often the defenders of the PT films bring up the OT films. They could be the worst films ever made, and it wouldn't change the fact that the PT films are tentpole spectacles with no substance.

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I see you didn't bother to read any of my later posts. WOW. Excellent job.


Thank you for the encouragement, getting through all of it was hard work


I did.

What I found, was a bunch of strawman BS, about how the OT wasn't an award winning drama, and a bunch of self congratulatory nonsense, about how you're above it all, while wading waist deep in it all. While assuming everyone around you is too dense to get your deep and subtle points.


YES, we get it, the first ones had hokey dialogue. Even Harrison Ford told Lucas "You can write this stuff but no one is going to say it".


Stop pretending you stumbled upon the legendary Fountain of Obvious, when we all drink from it every day.


The OT wasn't great, but it wasn't complete garbage either, like the PT.

Edited by Fiachsidhe
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Poor character development

Too many family and childish themes showing Lucas's aging mind (Indiana jones and the crystal skull anyone?)

Horribly written romance scenes, bordering on twilight quality

Poor choice of characters such as Jarjar to try to take a "chewie" type role and making all the main characters jedi with no real wildcards like Han

Boring buildup including one movie that can be summed up as "yippie"

A race scene that is unexciting, because it's obvious you know who the winner must be

Badly written dialogue

Plot holes so numerous and contrived that I could drive a truck through them

A campy feel, as if you're watching a 60's batman version of star wars

The kid scenes with space fighting and even a light saber fight while jedi masters are gunned down in seconds

A scene with childbirth (sorry im sick of seeing this in movies, pet peeve of mine)

A focus on palatine who is more a charactature than a character, absolutely noone irl would muhahaha, come on

Fanbois like the OP who enjoy putting down things older than them as if anything not new is of diminished worth

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