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Qyzen Fess is smarter than the DPS I've seen...


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So when I'm soloing I've noticed that I can CC a mob and Qyzen doesn't touch it until after I hit Ctrl1 or I attack it. However, no matter how many times I say it or try to explain why not to hit a CC'd mob every group I've been in for every fp has had either a tank or DPS person that couldn't grasp that damage breaks CC. Mini rant over.
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So when I'm soloing I've noticed that I can CC a mob and Qyzen doesn't touch it until after I hit Ctrl1 or I attack it. However, no matter how many times I say it or try to explain why not to hit a CC'd mob every group I've been in for every fp has had either a tank or DPS person that couldn't grasp that damage breaks CC. Mini rant over.




Not to blow my own horn (and danm I wish I had a link to it)


But I said this would happen once we learned about Companions in game! LOL


Now granted back then most of us envisioned DA:O companion tactics set up


But your 100% right!


Back during 1st month of release I was in a number of PUGs where knights and warriors and what not broke my cc repeatably.

One guy actually started yelling at myself and another sage because he would break 2 ccds and die and blame us for not healing him fast enough!


They all started playing in last 7 years!


To a person!


All you can do is pick and choose those you group with and avoid the "NOT" MMO vets who seem to think more DPS fixes all.


*Im not saying all players from that other game do this btw, just the ones that do that ive encountered all have come from that other game in its chocolate with strawberry sprikles and whipped cream topping stage*

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I'm guessing you haven't gotten him to a level where he has an aoe taunt. I felt the same way until he got those and proceeds to break cc in about 2 seconds.


Edit: Yes, I do turn his aoe taunt off. I was just pointing out that once he gets that ability he really isn't any smarter than anyone.

Edited by Hestis
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So when I'm soloing I've noticed that I can CC a mob and Qyzen doesn't touch it until after I hit Ctrl1 or I attack it. However, no matter how many times I say it or try to explain why not to hit a CC'd mob every group I've been in for every fp has had either a tank or DPS person that couldn't grasp that damage breaks CC. Mini rant over.


lol I don't often agree with you Radabadu, but on this post I'll have to agree. I prefer to group with Qyzen over at least 75% of the DPS classes out there I've had the displeasure of doing heroics with. All they do is break my CC and almost get me killed. Pisses me off, and I have lost my temper on multiple occasions.

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This is my first MMO and its been a learning curve but after a couple of groups I grasped the concept of CC, DPS.. Tanking etc..asked questions if I did not understand something. Its not hard to figure out really.. Do not use area attack skills near a CC'ed mob.. simple .. Don't use sweep or bash.. it will break the CC and you will die.. Do they not realize our CC has a cool down that is long enough to notice... We can't just automatically CC when you break it.


Having played now as a tank, dps and healer.. I learned where each play in the group and how to do each role. Tank don't kill they just take the aggro.. DPS are the killing machines.. healers usually sit in the back and CC, heal.. and attack as they can but their main task is keeping the tank alive.


When you are in a group FP or heroic adapt your playing skills to suit, if you are not sure, ask questions.. Most people just want a successful run and that means all members of the group fulfilling their roles and everyone I have encountered are more than happy to help.

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I'm guessing you haven't gotten him to a level where he has an aoe taunt. I felt the same way until he got those and proceeds to break cc in about 2 seconds.


That is why you turn it off for those fights.. simple right click on those abilities disables it..



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I'm guessing you haven't gotten him to a level where he has an aoe taunt. I felt the same way until he got those and proceeds to break cc in about 2 seconds.


Uh...just turn it off. When I have to cc while soloing all my companions aoe gets shut off. Then it's no problem. :)

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So when I'm soloing I've noticed that I can CC a mob and Qyzen doesn't touch it until after I hit Ctrl1 or I attack it. However, no matter how many times I say it or try to explain why not to hit a CC'd mob every group I've been in for every fp has had either a tank or DPS person that couldn't grasp that damage breaks CC. Mini rant over.


nonsense ,

i saw many tanks cant hold their threat and boss enrage,

i saw many healers cant keep everyone alive just a simple HM,

if u only trust ur companion, fine , live in ur little well,

do HM with it,

show ur youtube to everybody to prove u can do it.

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nonsense ,

i saw many tanks cant hold their threat and boss enrage,

i saw many healers cant keep everyone alive just a simple HM,

if u only trust ur companion, fine , live in ur little well,

do HM with it,

show ur youtube to everybody to prove u can do it.


i smell a cranky DPSer

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nonsense ,

i saw many tanks cant hold their threat and boss enrage,

i saw many healers cant keep everyone alive just a simple HM,

if u only trust ur companion, fine , live in ur little well,

do HM with it,

show ur youtube to everybody to prove u can do it.


Oakamp, he never said compaions could replace well-played DPS. I think you are missing the point.


DPS classes breaking CC is a huge problem on this game. It happens so frequntly that when DPS ask me if they can join my group when I"m doing my heroic dailies I want to tell them NO (even though I'm too much of a softy to actually do it lol) because I automatically know what's going to happen... and it almost always does.


It immediately turns into a crap-storm because they keep breaking my CC and I end up having to lose my temper and command them to stop or I'm going to drop and just duo it stress-free with Qyzen, which I could easily do in most cases.

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That is why you turn it off for those fights.. simple right click on those abilities disables it..




I do turn it off, I was just pointing out that he's not any better once he gets his aoe taunt. If you have to remove the ability to use something from a character so they don't mess you up, that doesn't really make him smarter.


But thanks for being a jerk with your little /facepalm comment. It's cool if it helps make you feel better about yourself. Since you offered me some advice, here's some for you; There are people here new to the game, or to MMOs. While I did know you could turn abilities off, there are people that don't, just check out the new player help forum (on second thought, no, please stay away from there). Offering people helpful advice in a polite or friendly way will make these forums, and this game, a much better place, whereas posts like yours will do the exact opposite.

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Oakamp, he never said compaions could replace well-played DPS. I think you are missing the point.


DPS classes breaking CC is a huge problem on this game. It happens so frequntly that when DPS ask me if they can join my group when I"m doing my heroic dailies I want to tell them NO (even though I'm too much of a softy to actually do it lol) because I automatically know what's going to happen... and it almost always does.


It immediately turns into a crap-storm because they keep breaking my CC and I end up having to lose my temper and command them to stop or I'm going to drop and just duo it stress-free with Qyzen, which I could easily do in most cases.


The problem is 2 of my classes best skills have some AOE.


I'm a focus Sentinel so my best damage is done by a sweep with 4 Singularity. Now I have other skills and it's easy enough to lay off sweep, but my dps contributions suffer dramatically.


For my vanguard, it's even worse because explosive charge which I pretty much spam solo (when I have enough ammo) is an AOE. So if you CC a mob, I either can't use it or I need to pick a target well away from the CC'd mob. Explosive Charge is one of my highest DPS abilities so again my dps contributions suffer dramatically.


CC'ing is important with multiple elites and I'll aways try not to break it but it should only be used when neccessary as it hamstrings some classes. Also if you aren't use to not using your AOEs, mistakes will happen. Especially when you have to change up your rotation because your in a group that likes to CC mobs.

Edited by JerokTalram
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My own pet peeve tanking as a Juggernaut...


So I finally manage to round the mobs up into a tankable group, and if there's an Assassin, he will run right in the middle and pop his AoE knockback.


Every. Single. Time.


Every. Single. Time.

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The problem is 2 of my classes best skills have some AOE.


I'm a focus Sentinel so my best damage is done by a sweep with 4 Singularity. Now I have other skills and it's easy enough to lay off sweep, but my dps contributions suffer dramatically.


For my vanguard, it's even worse because explosive charge which I pretty much spam solo (when I have enough ammo) is an AOE. So if you CC a mob, I either can't use it or I need to pick a target well away from the CC'd mob. Explosive Charge is one of my highest DPS abilities so again my dps contributions suffer dramatically.


CC'ing is important with multiple elites and I'll aways try not to break it but it should only be used when neccessary as it hamstrings some classes. Also if you aren't use to not using your AOEs, mistakes will happen. Especially when you have to change up your rotation because your in a group that likes to CC mobs.


Then you have to talk with your tank, and say: take the big guy far from the weak adds, so I can crush them with a pair of AoE, while you CC/tank the highter mobs.


The problem of the trinity is that people don't know how to use the AoE efectively. It's very fine to crush a lot of adds, but need teamwork to make it work, and most teams (And I mean "pro" teams) don't bother with it.

Edited by MithurElb
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And how much does your "dps contribution" suffer when you break CC and die? Something for all dps to keep in mind.;)


Did you read what I said? You should only use CC when necessary. If CCing isn't necessary, breaking CC isn't going to get you wiped. However if someone CCs a mob even when it's not neccessary, I'm going to avoid breaking that CC. Which is going to make the fight last longer.

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