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Melee-Kings of PvP


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Title says it all.


While most of you who play melee are terrible, what I've noticed in my short time spent in the level 50 bracket is the blatant separation in performance of skilled melee and skilled ranged players.


Melee classes dominate this game, which is typical for a brand new game.


Melee classes are hard to balance because of their need to chase their targets, so it is a very difficult to reach an equilibrium to where a ranged class actually has a chance of survival versus a melee class and vice versa.


Currently, melee have arguably the best CC, EXTREMELY short cooldowns on their gap closers, and some of the most reliable roots and snares in comparison to other classes, interrupts and some of the highest DPS in the game.


Ranged classes (with the exception of inqs/consulars) are lucky to have one knockback and one stun and MAYBE a snare that is NOT on demand.


What does all of this mean?


It means that in most environments, the ability for ranged to kite melee is completely impossible.


Melee are seeing likely around 80-90% uptimes on their targets which is absolutely unacceptable considering their comparatively high DPS.


TL;DR: I know it is difficult to balance melee, I've played games where melee were terrible and I've played games where ranged only served as free HKs for melee classes. This game is definitely the latter.


melee are op because only good players stick with melee while all the crappy players re-roll range for a one button spam and then complain about melees being op because someone doesn’t know how to use there many numerous CC abilities.


ps most players now play range classes on my server.

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So you're complaining that 4v1 melee lose? We should fix that right away.


And I'm no bad ranged player. I know how to handle most melee, but the good ones I can't beat due to no fault of my own.


And lol at sorcs smashing melee 100% of the time. A hybrid won't heal for that much and juggs/maras have their own healing debuff to add to the 30%. Compound that with their defensive CDs and high damage, and if you're losing to sorcs, you've got serious issues.


I guess you never played DAoC. Casters in that game could not even CAST if melee were hitting them. Every attack was a full interrupt and they had to stand still to cast too. Yet every 8 man ran with a few casters. Why? because balance beats all.


Yes 1v1 you are going to lose vs a mara/sent but a team of just melee would never win against a team of just range or a balance of range/melee. The ranged classes get better CC, and they just hit harder. Yes when melee is on you your uptime plummets, but when sorcs/BH/snipers get to free cast they do soooo much damage.


You complaining that you cant win 1vs1 against a melee as a range means you dont understand what playing in premade is. And that your teammates are suppose to peel while you kite, and if they attack one of your teammates instead you CC people and nuke others to death.

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OP you say melee have the best CC.. i want what you are smoking PLEASE...

But if you are good melee you can rip ranged apart..but like i said if you are good and most stop playing melee cuz they suck at it and want 1 button spam.

Edited by Badlander
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Title says it all.


While most of you who play melee are terrible, what I've noticed in my short time spent in the level 50 bracket is the blatant separation in performance of skilled melee and skilled ranged players.


Melee classes dominate this game, which is typical for a brand new game.


Melee classes are hard to balance because of their need to chase their targets, so it is a very difficult to reach an equilibrium to where a ranged class actually has a chance of survival versus a melee class and vice versa.


Currently, melee have arguably the best CC, EXTREMELY short cooldowns on their gap closers, and some of the most reliable roots and snares in comparison to other classes, interrupts and some of the highest DPS in the game.


Ranged classes (with the exception of inqs/consulars) are lucky to have one knockback and one stun and MAYBE a snare that is NOT on demand.


What does all of this mean?


It means that in most environments, the ability for ranged to kite melee is completely impossible.


Melee are seeing likely around 80-90% uptimes on their targets which is absolutely unacceptable considering their comparatively high DPS.


TL;DR: I know it is difficult to balance melee, I've played games where melee were terrible and I've played games where ranged only served as free HKs for melee classes. This game is definitely the latter.


1. Bind all keys to grav round

2. Roll face over keyboard.

3. ???

4. Profit

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Read the OP, ranged are turrets in this game.


There's no such thing as kiting present at the moment.


A lot of ranged just stand there because they are sacrificing DPS by running because many ranged can't do much DPS while running. And melee have methods of doing damage while they are chasing.


So kiting is rendered ineffective.


Either we are playing different games or you are trolling. Or the melees on my server suck. Because i kite the crap out of them on the reg.

And im running a powertech specced for rocket punch/flame burst/ rail shot. So most of my real damage happens at mid or close range. Kiting is still a valuable tactic and there are a lot of players who just dont know how to respond to it.

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Taking this approach is why they are complaining melee are op. Grav round build is an easy kill.


Grav round build is an easy kill.... for melees! When they get on you you may as well call it game over because you aren't going to shake them off or hit them hard enough to kill them.


In two months everyone will be a dps tank or a sorcerer.

Edited by sensiblepoast
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Grav round build is an easy kill.... for melees! When they get on you you may as well call it game over because you aren't going to shake them off or hit them hard enough to kill them.


In two months everyone will be a dps tank or a sorcerer.


My main is a Sniper, and I find tracer spammers to be easy kills


Infact, the class that has the hardest time killing a tracer spammer, is a tracer spammer

Edited by Kalliadies
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I tend to agree that it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to keep a melee class out of melee range. There needs to be diminishing returns on snares as well as better DR on stuns. It just makes no sense that someone can snare you indefinitely. Sorry but a good Marauder/Sentinel will destroy any ranged class if they are any good.


I spend half my warzones running at 50% run speed.


I think it's more about all classes than just melee. Crowd control is just out of hand. I mean even the CC breaking skills are completely useless.


One major bug I noticed is that Sentinels and Marauders are completely immune to all stuns snares and knockbacks after they leap at you. Even with a completely empty resolve bar try knocking back a sentinel right after he/she leaps at you. 9 times out of 10 they will be immune even if they have never been CC'd that match yet.

Edited by xNonphixionx
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I tend to agree that it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to keep a melee class out of melee range. There needs to be diminishing returns on snares as well as better DR on stuns. It just makes no sense that someone can snare you indefinitely. Sorry but a good Marauder/Sentinel will destroy any ranged class if they are any good.


I spend half my warzones running at 50% run speed.


I think it's more about all classes than just melee. Crowd control is just out of hand. I mean even the CC breaking skills are completely useless.


One major bug I noticed is that Sentinels and Marauders are completely immune to all stuns snares and knockbacks after they leap at you. Even with a completely empty resolve bar try knocking back a sentinel right after he/she leaps at you. 9 times out of 10 they will be immune even if they have never been CC'd that match yet.


you sure you arent being charged by a vengeance juggernaut. If so that is intended.


melee can have their snares. Find a height advantage and knock him off, snares do nothing then

Edited by Kalliadies
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I tend to agree that it's literally IMPOSSIBLE to keep a melee class out of melee range. There needs to be diminishing returns on snares as well as better DR on stuns. It just makes no sense that someone can snare you indefinitely. Sorry but a good Marauder/Sentinel will destroy any ranged class if they are any good.


I spend half my warzones running at 50% run speed.


I think it's more about all classes than just melee. Crowd control is just out of hand. I mean even the CC breaking skills are completely useless.


One major bug I noticed is that Sentinels and Marauders are completely immune to all stuns snares and knockbacks after they leap at you. Even with a completely empty resolve bar try knocking back a sentinel right after he/she leaps at you. 9 times out of 10 they will be immune even if they have never been CC'd that match yet.


The other bits have so much LOLWUT that I'll refrain from posting a response to that.


About the immunity to CC after force charging.. That's a Juggernaut talent where they gain 4 seconds of immunity to CC after Force Charge. Marauders/Sentinels don't get that(though I wish we did).


Just remember 1 Lightsaber -> Wait 4 seconds for CC. 2 Lightsabers -> GOGO CC.

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Seems like you miss infos about classes:


The best cc ? Master of cc are sorcs currently.

Maurader have, depends on the talent, one gap closer...with 8 second cd only talented

Melees need snares, otherwise some animation would hit into air but not the target

We dont know about the highest dps without any combat log



Do people who play this game not realize that that is *********** amazing? How can you possibly say 1 gap closer with 8 second cooldown like its not enough.

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Ranged classes (with the exception of inqs/consulars) are lucky to have one knockback and one stun and MAYBE a snare that is NOT on demand.

It really is amazing to me how many folks think the base class inquisitors/consulars are only ranged classes.


You know the advanced classes for those also include assassins/shadows. They are melee.

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Do people who play this game not realize that that is *********** amazing? How can you possibly say 1 gap closer with 8 second cooldown like its not enough.


Lol 8 second force charge. Now THAT would be crazy fun. Try 15s CD untalented and 12s CD talented.

Edited by Tumri
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Lol... 8 seconds... try 15.


15 seconds is still amazing, anyone who really thinks its not enough should probably stop clicking there skills and turning with there keyboard, or reroll sage/sorc and back peddle there heart out.

Edited by Ulltramagns
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Lol 8 second force charge. Now THAT would be crazy fun. Try 15s CD untalented and 12s CD talented.
Don't bother. Players who get beaten by a class that they don't play will always denounce that class as overpowered, going so far as to believe incorrect information (like an 8second Force Charge) because the alternative would mean that they were beaten fairly.


If people believe a class is overpowered, I would encourage them to roll that class and try it out for themselves. Doing so will result in one of two possible outcomes:

#1 You will find the class is not as overpowered as you thought, or...

#2 BioWare will see too many people playing a single class and take a look at it's metrics.


Either way, it'd be a whole lot more constructive than making inaccurate complaints about the class on the forums.

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Even though I am sure everyone has already pointed it out; Sentinels only get a cleansable snare, 3 second channeled(Instant if specced) stun and a rooting gap closer.

Where our real power lies is in our ability to absolutely obliterate healers.

Edited by Cayllara
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Its really a pity that Bioware made ranged class kiting so pathetically bad in this game. I was really hoping for a class like a WoW Hunter, i rolled a Sniper alt and was i ever mistaken.


I really wish they made atleast one of the 3 Sniper specs a ranged kiting class with greater survivability.

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