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MMO Vets, What do you think?


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Great business practices at work.


How to make less money.


Step 1. Ignore complaints from people who are not satisfied with your product, this way instead of 10% of your former customers complaining before quitting we can knock it down to 0%. Nothing says give me less money then ignoring your customers as they look elsewhere.


Point being, constructive feedback and suggestions are welcome. Whiny generalizations serve no purpose, and should be ignored. Also, unreasonable feedback is also pointless. To use the ubiquitous car analogy, if you buy a small compact car and then complain that it hasn't any room to haul around furniture for you furniture moving business, well...that's pointless feedback. Pointless feedback will be somewhat subjective, and the devs would have to take that on a case by case basis here.

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I'm at work and don't have the luxury or time of going back and reading 600 posts, so if I'm beating a dead horse, sorry.


To sum it all up? 15+ years experience here, and I feel this game was a victim of being pushed out too early by a corporation (see: "Golden Poo award 2012: http://www.reddit.com/tb/rt19w) that is all too eager to nickel and dime the hell out of the consumer. Its a mediocre game at best, that has had 10+ years of MMO's to study, but whoever was in charge was high at the wheel. Good game in concept, complete crap execution. Fun to play, but easy to fizzle out. Main complaints:


Things that the game did NOT launch with that there is no excuse for:

-LFG system

-Customizable UI

-Search function in the GTN

-Guild bank

-More than 2 experiences that require more than 4 people.


-Ability to incorporate harmless 3rd party addons

-Cross server anything


"Are you kidding me?":

-5 months in and STILL cant invite people from guild screen

-More Sith than Jedi? Who didnt see THAT coming? Huttball galore.

-No Player PVP ranking system?

-Legacy system full of fluff. designed to make you make more characters, keep playing longer, and spend more money

-World PVP? wat?

-Battlemaster gear - the *best* gear you can get from endless grinding is NOT the best gear to use?

-I went from fresh 50 with crap gear to loaded up head to toe (companion too) in 2 weeks flat, able to do any content the game has to offer.

-Class imbalance on a ridiculous scale

-All efort into leveling, little to nothing beyond 50.


I realize that a lot of this is being addressed, and maybe even fixed soon. However, I still feel almost insulted that it didnt launch with these things in mind.


Things I love about the game:

-leveling story was superb

-companion system

-gathering system

-compartmentalization (instancing EVERYTHING)

-1-49 pvp scaling.

-voiced everything


All this being said, I've all about quit. Going to give 1.2 a shot and hope its not a lot of empty, pretty shell. It just isnt that fun anymore.


Well said. I am a 12+ year mmo vet that has played most every MMO , ftp and ptp, and SWTOR was, after SWG, the biggest let-down. I have posted on this topic before and was not going to do so again till I read the above post! ( research Rivethed and you will see =)


I honestly cant understand why the devs at these fine development companies insist on killing their own children....




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I don't know what it is. For some reason now after defending this game vehemently I just have no desire to log in anymore... I wish there was but there is nothing I want to achieve here now. I don't have that "looking forward to logging in" feeling anymore and I can't for the life of me tell why... It's not burnout or anything like that either. One thing I do miss dearly and is probably the main thing I dislike, is that I just cannot go and explore a whole continent and get myself in trouble. I can't cross borders and see new areas rolling out in front of me. The odd time that I do find something a little fun this way ends up being closed behind me with a red force field over the entrance never to be allowed in again.


There's also very little random stuff in game. Nothing that makes me want to press on outside of the linear story. I am swallowing all of my previous posts here and saying, 'unfortunately it's over for me'.

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I don't know what it is. For some reason now after defending this game vehemently I just have no desire to log in anymore... I wish there was but there is nothing I want to achieve here now. I don't have that "looking forward to logging in" feeling anymore and I can't for the life of me tell why... It's not burnout or anything like that either. One thing I do miss dearly and is probably the main thing I dislike, is that I just cannot go and explore a whole continent and get myself in trouble. I can't cross borders and see new areas rolling out in front of me. The odd time that I do find something a little fun this way ends up being closed behind me with a red force field over the entrance never to be allowed in again.


There's also very little random stuff in game. Nothing that makes me want to press on outside of the linear story. I am swallowing all of my previous posts here and saying, 'unfortunately it's over for me'.


This is almost exactly how I feel. I call it Limbo. Dont hate the game entirely, just cant bring up any good reasons to keep playing. Everyone Ive preached to about it is now gone, and I feel like I'm right where they were, a few weeks back.

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I don't know what it is. For some reason now after defending this game vehemently I just have no desire to log in anymore... I wish there was but there is nothing I want to achieve here now. I don't have that "looking forward to logging in" feeling anymore and I can't for the life of me tell why... It's not burnout or anything like that either. One thing I do miss dearly and is probably the main thing I dislike, is that I just cannot go and explore a whole continent and get myself in trouble. I can't cross borders and see new areas rolling out in front of me. The odd time that I do find something a little fun this way ends up being closed behind me with a red force field over the entrance never to be allowed in again.


There's also very little random stuff in game. Nothing that makes me want to press on outside of the linear story. I am swallowing all of my previous posts here and saying, 'unfortunately it's over for me'.


This is almost exactly how I feel. I call it Limbo. Dont hate the game entirely, just cant bring up any good reasons to keep playing. Everyone Ive preached to about it is now gone, and I feel like I'm right where they were, a few weeks back.

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SWTOR is an experience that is largely derivative of WoW---if you liked WoW, you might like SWTOR


I burned-out on WoW after about 3-4 moinths (30-50 levels on 6 toons. Vet, yes; hard-core, no), but TOR feels like it'll be enjoyable for years. Especially if the improve the Space Combat asppect...

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1.. I like the story. It is a god send for us night shift workers who ,on a day off , get on at 3am and there's no one around .... More story. More more more.


... might I suggest you stream line your "story making" tools and keep adding quests to the main game ? Even if only one or two every patch tuesday ? I always wondered why no one did that.


2..PvE raiding is meh ! At best. Serously , I was in a wow guild where there were more max level charactars than anything else. We raided once a week , maybe , if enough people showed up. frequently they didn't. They just logged in , did their dailys , played on an alt for a while , and then back to the real world. One girl had so much time on her hands she was playing the free version of everquest on the side while waiting for the guild to get it's act together (you could hear her talking about it on vent)


... I don't imagine any kind of organized pvp is faring much better.

... group finders of some kind to match up all these solo people is highly recommended. Picking and choosing out of a population of 2000 strays is a lot easier than picking and choosing out of a population of 10 guildies currently online.


3... get with the program people ! Notice how everyone is always looking for a tank ? Have you considered rolling a tank ? Just play it up to ten and then climb the ladder of flash points , just like in wow. if you don't like the story.


... allowing you to multi spec as a tank / healer / dps will probably do more harm than good. I hate rift and thats one of the reasons. Every singe class can be a tank ? Or a healer ? yeesh !


Things I would like to see :


background stories : Basically , you pick a background out of a list , and that background is really a long quest chain of 20 or more quests spread over the entire lenght of the game. So when you replay , you can pick a different background and get a different story.


... the current class story can just become the "default" background.


More companiosn : With more quests , of course. Lots more quests. any unfair advantage or distortion of the crafting system by having extra companions can be nullified by simply having the new companions be worthless at crafting.



I wanna be able to furnish my ship any way I like. Maybe that conference room where all the companions meet the player can be reserved for bioware use only , but the rest of it I should be able to move the furnature around and put up trophies and the works.


Space combat definately needs an upgrade. Not sure a whole go anywhere thing is the way to go , but it should at least play like star fleet battles (a flat map that you move around on , and the game ends when you go off the edge) or perhaps those flight simulator type fighter games , again the maps have edges they're not unlimited , and passing the edge means you left the space combat game.


Vanity Appearances : Umm...What are those people complaining about ? When you can slap a belly dancer costume on your female companion , throw in a few upgrades to it's empty sockets so that it's as good as a suite of heavy armor , and off you go ... we already have vanity apearances. I have no idea what their beef is. It isn't exactly precisely like the vanity appearances they had in Game X that they loved so long ago ? yeah .. Not good enough.


Guild Ships : I support a guild building a ship , and then taking it off in player vs player combat against some other guild ship, with various posts manned by players (their level should be irrelevant so even lowly level 10's can usefullly man a station) , repairs should depend on players using their various crafting skills to fix it up after battle ... basically everything about it should requrie the participation of the entire guild.

Bioware , however , has only promised "guild ships" and not uttered a word as to what exactly constitutes a guild ship in their game. For all I know they're talking about a boring empty map where you can meet other guildies , and thats about it. Yawn ! Don't bother if thats what it is. Waste of time.


Cybertech : Cybertech is our swtor engineering skill , and as such I feel it's missing a few things. Like making vanity pets. Like making a companion droid (with quest lines and everything) who's summoning device is bind on equip , so you could sell it to anyone. Like ...toys. Not particularily useful in combat , but fun.

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My thoughts are in the link in my sig (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=216855). To that post, add this:


- No day/night cycle

- No swimming

- No housing

- No Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik, races, casino, etc...

- Dumbed down character creation

- No post-creation character customization

- No appearance tab/outfit system

- No high res textures

- No environmental interaction (chairs, walls, doors, etc...)

- Simple combat with static enemies

- Unconvincing and stiff animations

- Empty dead worlds with not enough NPCs moving around

- No collision detection

- No stats on resources

- No crafting customization

- Restriction in choice of starship

- No ship decoration

- Dumbed down space combat

- No multiplayer space combat

- Removal of many races

- No faction change/neutrality

- Restriction and instanced planets by faction

- Less planets than announced

- Planets rated by levels with no reason to go back

- No GM events

- Removal of choice to kill companion

- Removal of possibility to talk to other faction at all times

- No RP tools

- Nothing to do post-story

- Endgame consisting on waiting in fleet


What this guy said, and I think WoW's story is way better then swtor, just becaus the story is in a cut scene doesn't make it better, plus I hate the fact that your avatar has a voice. I want to be my chracter and not just standing on side lines. Many of side quests are the same ones repeated a hundred time with your charcter saying the same thing over and over. Also, I agree with the OP that the class story are the best part of swtor but it feels like a long grind to just unlock a cut scene. You have go through the same zone quests just to get a decent cut scenet. Also, most of the class quests are in the same location just with different dialouge. I have leveld 5 characters to 40 and I always restart because the grind becomes too much. I currently have 10 level 85 toons in wow and I can't waith to level a monk panda, hell I been spending most my gaming time grinding for stuff for my monk, so far I have 50K gold for him, a Chooper, enough matts to level engineering and first aid. I well be working on cooking and JC next. Just my thought.

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i love how bioware caters more toward the casual players instead of the hardcore that comprises only 1% of subscriber yet act as if they are the 99% majority in the forums..


bioware know from blizzard massive growth that its the casual players that will maintain an mmo subscriber population. thats alos why blizzard revamp their old world in cataclysm, not for the jaded hardcore players but for new players..


so far bioware doing everything right , pvp and endgame i cant be bothered to do since i hate that kind of stuff, i just slowly play with all type of classs and AC and enjoying every bit of the adventure.. this game is altoholic's heaven

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Everyone keeps praising the voice acting... did you not notice the environments and npcs are completely static? I'll take environmental immersion over voice acting. Age of Conan first leveling areas (where it was voice acted) - was way better (night and day, npcs doing stuff, better graphics). I can link youtube clips of 2-3 players in age of conan doing just as good of a job with voice acted cutscenes than swtor... just from in-game creativity.


Yeah, funcom actually brought great voice acting to the scene in 2008... they just didnt have the budget to go all the way.


Its free to play- check out the starter zones. Im not advocating subbing to AoC, but it only takes 3-6 hours to play that area. It may help you understand why this game is so underwhelming for many.

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Decent game , liked the story part.


Overall it lasted about 2 months for me.


Back to Everquest.


swtor will hold the same place in my MMO library that is occupied by Rift, Lotro,WoW.


Worth a try and may poke in again every now and then.


Ultimately nothing special.

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my main problem with this game which has made me rage quit for a month or two twice now is that the main questlines are awesome, however after you finish a main quest you should lvl up 2-3 lvls just to be the recommended lvl, besides that it is extremely painful for me to gain the lvls with sidequests/PVP/space missions, heroics and flashpoints are out of the question now that most players on my server have quit, gameplay is more WoWish never liked WoW much, lack of custimazation after you create your character, PVP is lacking, space combat is lacking, Two guilds cannot have a war because the Republic and Imperial players cannot interact, no appearance tab, and for me the leveling process is just terrible, I still have not reached lvl 50 on a toon because I have rage quit twice, however I keep comming back because of my determination that is crushed after 3 hours of gameplay cuz once again I relize how painful it is to lvl up, just like WoW you can have the greatest armor in the game but none of it matches, RP for me has been lacking since unlike SWG you don't have player cities/chronicles system. I would not know since I havn't reached the max lvl but it seems to me that this game lacks ALOT of endgame content. there is no variaty for ships your just stuck with one, you can not customize ships, you are not able to get a house. The majority of side quests are stale and boring. Servers are dying and need to be merged.





This is my list of likes, Main story lines are awesome, graphics are alright, scenery is amazing, Armor and weapons are awesome, companion characters are cool and a nice addition. Chat options/full voice over is awesome, some animations are really cool while others can be lacking, Titles are cool, Nice job on the sith and jedi philosophy for a huge star wars nerd like me it is hard to please but BW did a great job with them however some sith remind me more of fools who belive you can draw power from artifacts and that they lack patience/cunning/secrecy/deception/ and manipulation and are not true masters of the dark side in my opinion. Crafting is alright I was never a really big crafter anyways in MMOs I think it is ballanced well. There are some fun skills to use like a SW SJ using force push and then slicing them when their down I always liked that combo. I prefer to paly as a tank and they made the Tank's abilities fairly well.

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Please god...please let the game respond quickly and smoothly. The FPS is great, but the game is slow to respond. PLEASE LORDY LORD, please let the game actually respond quicklyand smoothly.
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My thoughts are in the link in my sig (http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=216855). To that post, add this:


- No day/night cycle

- No swimming

- No housing

- No Pazaak, Sabacc, Dejarik, races, casino, etc...

- Dumbed down character creation

- No post-creation character customization

- No appearance tab/outfit system

- No high res textures

- No environmental interaction (chairs, walls, doors, etc...)

- Simple combat with static enemies

- Unconvincing and stiff animations

- Empty dead worlds with not enough NPCs moving around

- No collision detection

- No stats on resources

- No crafting customization

- Restriction in choice of starship

- No ship decoration

- Dumbed down space combat

- No multiplayer space combat

- Removal of many races

- No faction change/neutrality

- Restriction and instanced planets by faction

- Less planets than announced

- Planets rated by levels with no reason to go back

- No GM events

- Removal of choice to kill companion

- Removal of possibility to talk to other faction at all times

- No RP tools

- Nothing to do post-story

- Endgame consisting on waiting in fleet


Could've saved a lot of typing time and just said, This game isn't SWG and that's why I'm upset.

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my main problem with this game which has made me rage quit for a month or two twice now is that the main questlines are awesome, however after you finish a main quest you should lvl up 2-3 lvls just to be the recommended lvl, besides that it is extremely painful for me to gain the lvls with sidequests/PVP/space missions, heroics and flashpoints are out of the question now that most players on my server have quit, gameplay is more WoWish never liked WoW much, lack of custimazation after you create your character, PVP is lacking, space combat is lacking, Two guilds cannot have a war because the Republic and Imperial players cannot interact, no appearance tab, and for me the leveling process is just terrible, I still have not reached lvl 50 on a toon because I have rage quit twice, however I keep comming back because of my determination that is crushed after 3 hours of gameplay cuz once again I relize how painful it is to lvl up, just like WoW you can have the greatest armor in the game but none of it matches, RP for me has been lacking since unlike SWG you don't have player cities/chronicles system. I would not know since I havn't reached the max lvl but it seems to me that this game lacks ALOT of endgame content. there is no variaty for ships your just stuck with one, you can not customize ships, you are not able to get a house. The majority of side quests are stale and boring. Servers are dying and need to be merged.



Everything you attempted to say in that run-on sentence was completely false. Try harder. Who rage quits leveling in what can be considered the most PvE friendly leveling system. Best gear in the game doesnt match? Other than you not playing end-game content, you realize the gear comes in sets right? Sets that match... /eyeroll


@everyone: The game hasnt been out four months and people are listing the reasons it's doomed. You need to relax. The fact that it runs this smoothly compared to other launches speaks volumes for what Bioware is doing. Yes, some things just outright failed - Ilum - but there are tons of cool features. I'm not a fanboy, and I've complained over and over again regarding the terrible crafting system. I just think given the solid three and a half monhs this game has seen, it has the potential.


Final thoughts - stop comparing it to WoW. What year did WoW come out? How long have they been polishing it? 'Nuff said.

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