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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


This is great news!! This must also mean that they know what causes Error Code 9000, and have decided to allow players a Grace Period(Maybe 1-2minutes?) to log back in due to this Error Code, which Bioware has obviously figured out.


*Edit* This ALSO means that Bioware has finally figured out a way to prevent players from getting kicked(Long loading screen), during a Warzone which is currently in progress.

Edited by SithEBM
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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


The strangest part is that the sentence doesn't actually make sense. 1.2 will remove the reliance on daily quests and penalties for quitters? The only current "penalty" for "quitters" is the time they wasted loading the warzone in the first place. Maybe he meant "add penalties for quitters?" One would hope because otherwise he just said nothing regarding penalties except that they were removing them.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


so Translation, warzones a screwed till march may as well not pvp till then...

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so Translation, warzones a screwed till march may as well not pvp till then...


Actually he did worse than that. He just gave the exploiters and hackers a deadline. They need to exploit and hack the system as much as they can before 1.2 goes live. So, if anything, this will actually make warzones even worse than they already were. Good game again BioWare, good game. :rolleyes:

Edited by SirRobin
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I just left my first warzone. From 1-50 people don't exploit to get extra players into the games. Occasionally you'll end up with one or two, but nobody really cares because it isn't enough to give a significant advantage.


Playing 8v11 Voidstar is in no way shape or form fun, though. They had 4 on each door and 3 in the middle that'd rush from one side to the other depending on which we pushed. By the time I left, there were only 3 people left in the Imp group (not counting me).

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There is a difference here as most people want to have a fair fight. It is not about winning every game but you want to think you start off with at least a chance. Why should I get stuck in a game that someone else was losing so they quit?

It should not stick you into games that have already started. They can't punish players for quitting when the system is broken. With unfair players numbers 8v11 and with people using hacks such as speed hacks, can't be cc'ed hacks then how is that fair to everyone.


Until BW fix these issues then I think everyone has the right to quit if the game they were stuck into has issues like that.


I hate being stuck in groups that have less than 12k health at lvl 50 and is very clear from the beginning that they have never played PVP. I would love for them to stick you together based on your valor rating. 1-10, 11-20 and so on.


I have been stuck in games without a single healer on the team and they have been a nightmare.


There are some people who do quit because they are losing and they are wrong to do so. But to punish people who are stuck in bad games due to flaws in the system and not stopping the exploiting is down to BW. I think BW has to do a lot to fix PVP and can't blame people for quitting for something that BW has messed up.

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This is great news!! This must also mean that they know what causes Error Code 9000, and have decided to allow players a Grace Period(Maybe 1-2minutes?) to log back in due to this Error Code, which Bioware has obviously figured out.


*Edit* This ALSO means that Bioware has finally figured out a way to prevent players from getting kicked(Long loading screen), during a Warzone which is currently in progress.


Don't you wish.


I suspect the biggest flood of tears after this change won't be from those of us who quit when we can't win (because obviously we're going to either keep doing that anyway or find creative ways to stay in the match but not get farmed). The biggest complaints will come from people who inadvertently leave.


On the other hand, it sounds like there might be hope for those poor players who sometimes spend days trying to get their pvp daily done at level 50, so grats to you all!

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I, for one, absolutely HATE punitive measures to dissuade people from leaving warzones.


I can't express how many times I've been doing premades where either one person doesn't take the que pop or where someone else asks to join our three-man group and in both situations we have already entered the warzone. It's very nice that we can all leave before the game even starts and not be punished to allow for our group to regather itself.


So what I'm saying is that if you are going to put a deserter debuff in, only apply it to when the game starts or just before it starts; give us a period of a minute where we might need to leave the game in order to accommodate our premades.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


Lovely, so then we have to look forward to being steamrolled by premades instead.

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Guys, this is a huge, tough issue, with no easy answer. Gamers like to win. And especially in an MMO where there is anonymity they don't see a problem quitting, even though it's poor form.


First, let's agree there are a lot of problems: the reward system for pvp, balance issues, various bugs, and some people are jerks.


Second, let's agree there is no silver bullet that will fix it overnight. We'll probably have to try some things, chip away at it, make some slow progress.


I think a 15 minute debuff is a decent idea. It's a nuisance to the quitter, but not a game-breaker for the accidental dc'er. I also think there need to be relevant rewards for staying in a losing match. I would try this one first and see what happens.


As far as balance goes, has anyone pointed out that premades are supposed to be better? It's an MMO, there should be rewards for grouping. And people with better gear shiould be better too, or else why bother getting it. I'm sorry, but while I feel your pain here, I don't think the system needs adjustment. If you're really passionate about pvp, I'm sure there's at least one guild on your server that will have you.


For the record, I have quit/left exactly once. I did it to make sure I knew how to do it. :)

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Make the deserter debuff last a day and also make you a target for players and npc's of your own side. Add the names on a bounty board with pvp rewards for killing said player.


I like this idea!! Not just as a deserter debuff / punishment but for overall world pvp objectives in general.


It would be cool to have a system where different people could be worth different amounts of valor. Like people that are out camping lowbies at med centers could be worth a nice chunk so the tables could turn on them pretty fast. Especially if there was a small droid that would follow you around and broadcast your location with a larger and larger radius depending on how "Wanted" you were!!


LOL.. Fun thought anyway!!

Edited by Sndmann
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You cant have any sort of penalty as long as players can't choose specific WZ to play. I pay 15 a month to play and if I hate to play huttball, I shouldn't be penalized for leaving said WZ. Play is supposed to be fun for everyone involved.


This is gonna be solved in 1.2 anyway, they'll add a penalty, but at the same time add the possibility to queue for specific WZ, which is fine imo.


/end thread

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So instead of me leaving the 8 vs 11, premade vs pug, clueless teamates, warzone. I will now just afk and come back in 10 mins. I will get exp, valor and from what it seems more coms. You can't even let others in because the afk people will still be in there.


This is a bad decision, that is just going to make things worse. Least before the quitters were happy they got to leave and new people came into a losing situation, so the ones that stay still had teamates. Now the 5 that want to carry on with the terrible warzone can do so with all the afkers that are avoiding the debuff. So you will have upset people that can't leave, and upset stayers, because off all the afks.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


So instead of quitters we will now have AFK'ers in Bots of the Old Republic.



Edited by fyrephly
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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


are you guys also going to fix the fact that the game glitches me into the floor in huttball then kicks me out for not being able to move, all a common occurrence when i charge at someone.

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Patch 1.2, among many other PvP changes, will remove the reliance on daily quests for your gear progression (and therefore increasing the value of the commendations you get for playing a match to the end) and penalties for quitters.


I guess that means instead of 3-5 hours to finish "win 3 warzones" players will have to spend 5 hours farming 400/400 commendations to purchase BM bag.


FYI daily ilum quest is the only reason why I still login into the game.

Edited by Pashgan
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I guess that means instead of 3-5 hours to finish "win 3 warzones" players will have to spend 5 hours farming 800/800 commendations to purchase BM bag.


Maybe, maybe not. Let´s wait and see what they make of it. I sure they´ve got some kind of a plan that hopefully will work out very well.



So instead of quitters we will now have AFK'ers in Bots of the Old Republic.


Maybe - or they might implement a better system for kicking AFK'ers. Who knows ^^

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