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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

People leaving wz is now out of control.


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PVP is fun. What is the question, again?


Edit: and to be a little clearer, there's always that little *grumble* I make when I pop into a warzone and see that I obviously took a quitters place. But that doesn't make PVP not fun - knowing it will lose.


Does that make your brain hurt? :)


2nd edit, in case it's STILL unclear: I'll use an example from one of my posts many pages ago.


I was a pitcher in little league baseball 25-30 years ago. Sometimes I started as a pitcher, sometimes I was a relief pitcher. As a relief pitcher, occasionally I would have to go in and replace a pitcher who wasn't having a very good day, and we were losing. I didn't enjoy having to be the guy to replace them, but I still played my heart out and had a good, fun time doing it.



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I think the solution is easy: make warzones that are fun to play. I think a lot of people don't even enjoy them when they are winning, never mind when they are loosing and not going to get anything.


This is a video game. people play for entertainment. If people are not entertained, they leave the mode or go AFK.


I really dislike the warzones, Huttball especially. When I'm winning, I wish I was doing something else. When I'm loosing, I would rather be doing ANYTHING else.


But, I need PVP gear to stay relevant in the 50 leveled world we play in, and the fastest way i know of to get that gear, is these warzones. So, its lose lose, with the occasional cool piece of gear for grinding for hours.

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I think the solution is easy: make warzones that are fun to play. I think a lot of people don't even enjoy them when they are winning, never mind when they are loosing and not going to get anything.


This is a video game. people play for entertainment. If people are not entertained, they leave the mode or go AFK.


I really dislike the warzones, Huttball especially. When I'm winning, I wish I was doing something else. When I'm loosing, I would rather be doing ANYTHING else.


But, I need PVP gear to stay relevant in the 50 leveled world we play in, and the fastest way i know of to get that gear, is these warzones. So, its lose lose, with the occasional cool piece of gear for grinding for hours.


Why don't you do flash points, people constantly shout in fleet for party members.

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Why don't you do flash points, people constantly shout in fleet for party members.


I don't know anything about flaspoints.


The only thing I do know, is I suck at warzones. Easily in the top 5% of the worse Warzone players on my server.

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I don't know anything about flaspoints.


The only thing I do know, is I suck at warzones. Easily in the top 5% of the worse Warzone players on my server.

You should really stop making people quit!


Friendly ribbing, seriously :)

Edited by Nangasaur
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..words, words, words, words....
It was not my assertion that Battlemasters are the quitter club, or the 600 club. Read the previous 50 pages of this thread, and you'll see that time-and-time again, it's folks who admit to being a quitter, and say they do it under the following pretense, "(We) are already Battlemasters, there's no reason for (us) to stay in a losing match, because (we) can only advance our gear through winning matches and completing (our) daily to get battlemaster boxes, etc."


I argued those assertions when someone claimed that my stance on penalizing quitters must be because I am, too, a Battlemaster 600 club and only want to roflstomp people. Clearly a silly assertion altogether, when my entire stance on the subject, which I've made very clear many times, is those of us who are not quitter clubbers, regardless of expertise, stick around in losing matches because we enjoy the entertainment value of the game.


You simply cannot use the tired, old "Battlemaster" argument against me, when it was never mine in the first place. It was the quitter clubbers doing that.


Nor do I recall it being my assertion that the Battlemasters were the "quitter club" or the "600 club." If you are going to insist on ignoring what posters are actually saying before deciding what to reply with. Then you should expect to be replied to, in turn, exactly the way you have been.


You continue to attempt to lump everyone who does not share your veiwpoint into the same pile and simply highlight your unwillingness, or inability, to understand the situation. I am not sure what you have against paying attention to what is actually said, but I don't see any great need to make to many allowances for it.


Again, if you enjoy overly lopsided matches then, good for you? Other paying customers apparently do not. In fact, if the number leaving are as many as some imply, it would appear they are in fact the majority. I see no problem, as a paying customer, with not wanting to waste my time being valor farmed.


Especially when BioWare gives us no option to control which warzone we are entering, limits the pool to a relatively small number especially on light servers and during off peak hours, has no matchmaking system of any significance beyond "level," and has made few inroads into resolving the various bugs, glitches, hacks, and exploits that you can encounter within warzones.

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You should really stop making people quit!


Friendly ribbing, seriously :)


I'm without a doubt a part of the problem. To start off with, I suck at warzones. Even when I am trying, I am not that useful. I actually just got my 8th warzone loss in a row just now. The second problem is, I'm jaded with warzones right now, so when I'm out of patience, I am without a doubt a part of the problem.


I just havent found an alternative to get PVP gear yet. Ilum is laughable to me, and warzones are actually better off as they will at least guarantee something for at least showing up, where Ilum sits dead most of the day.


Someone mentioned flashpoints, but I wasnt aware of any that gave out commendations for PVP gear.


If theres an alternative, I'm all for it.

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What's really funny is, you'll never see a single quitter admit to not being very good at PVP, they just don't like wasting their time. They all claim to be absolute guitar hero rockstars in all things they do in life.
lol yeah funny that. Edited by Jargonaut
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They don't but if you don't like the pvp you don't need pvp gear.


I really enjoy open world. Voss, Corellia, and Tat for example. Running around, fighting toons of all levels is a lot of fun to me. I like the randomness of the fights, I like how people get their guild buddies to show up, its really spontaneous, and you never know how crazy it will get.


I love open world PVP, actually. I wish you could just get missions for killing other 50's in random locations in game. I don't see the need to force people into Ilum or Warzones to earn stuff. Why can't we do it elsewhere?



Also, perfect example of quiting in Warzones. In Huttball, the score is 0-1, with like 13.5 mins left. Two people on my team immediately quit.

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What's really funny is, you'll never see a single quitter admit to not being very good at PVP, they just don't like wasting their time. They all claim to be absolute guitar hero rockstars in all things they do in life.


You and your issues with accuracy...


I am not very good at PvP. I contribute, Jug Im spec, but I'm hardly racking up the kills. While I can't block like I could in WAR, I can still guard, intercede, interrupt, CC, etc, etc... However, as someone who started my online gaming with shooters, I've never considered the MMORPG version to be "real" pvp. I simply don't equate stacking this game's pvp stat with "skill." More available game time perhaps, but not skill.

Edited by SirRobin
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You and your issues with accuracy...


I am not very good at PvP. I contribute, Jug Im spec, but I'm hardly racking up the kills. While I can't block like I could in WAR, I can still guard, intercede, interrupt, CC, etc, etc... However, as someone who started my online gaming with shooters, I've never considered the MMORPG version to be "real" pvp. I simply don't equate stacking this game's pvp stat with "skill." More available game time perhaps, but not skill.

You're the first person to say it.


Any more takers?


Correction: You're the first person in this thread I've read as having said it. All others use the excuse that the rest of the team is bad, and they don't want to play with bads.

Edited by Nangasaur
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They need to incentivize (word???) staying in a losing effort. The WZ commendations aren't worth the time. Most people are trying to do dailys/weeklys and a loss is just a waste of their time as it currently stands. Either change the daily to medals, objective points, games played, etc. Or increase the rewards received for staying.
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They need to incentivize (word???) staying in a losing effort. The WZ commendations aren't worth the time. Most people are trying to do dailys/weeklys and a loss is just a waste of their time as it currently stands. Either change the daily to medals, objective points, games played, etc. Or increase the rewards received for staying.


This is the best approach. Make it worth the players while to stay, and/or increase the rewards for the people that have to play short handed.

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This is the best approach. Make it worth the players while to stay, and/or increase the rewards for the people that have to play short handed.


No its not the best approach.


How do you want to reward people in full T3 gear that are done with dailys?

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No its not the best approach.


How do you want to reward people in full T3 gear that are done with dailys?


There being no progression past BM gear is a seperate issue and not really related to this topic is it? Presumably they are still doing warzone because they enjoy them.

Edited by Jargonaut
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