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People leaving wz is now out of control.


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i think of it as more of the explanation for why we do the things we do, although selfish tends to have a negative connotation, self interested is a better word i think


And i call that justification, which is a common trait among people who are abusive, which again is a common trait among personality disorders.


Cool story, bro.

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The only times I've been tempted to leave due to losing (tempted, but resisted the urge) has been when I join a match where we're already losing, because someone else already quit and made that opening. That's really frustrating.


The leavers need to understand that they're hosing other people in the queue.

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I am a family man, work 2 jobs, and time is not something you worry about when playing a video game.


This post makes me feel like you want some form of self entitlement, and want Bioware to feed you with a silver spoon.


If you can't take rules in PvP, then you have no business playing a mmo then. Go play a game where there is no rules, where gear is easy to get, where life is like a butterfly.


Cause like it or not a deserter buff for people that rage quit needs implemented asap. I don't care what excuse and how lame it is when your team loses 100 times.


Fight till you get it, and stop making excuses. Bioware don't care if you leave.


Your just another sub.


No I want better mechanics.


Instead of commenting on my suggestion you have to suggest I have some sort of character flaw. Which anyone who took a college logic class would know is a logical fallacy.


Instead of addressing my argument, which is that there are better mechanics to put into place that encourage active PvP engagement you attack me on a personal level.


Placing a lockout timer or afk penalty into the game will not solve either problems because a. people disconnect from the game, b. real life sometimes takes priority, and c. because not everyone has an awesome premade going.


Instead of a lockout or penalties Bioware should use game mechanics to encourage certain behavior. Any beginner psychologist will tell you that positive rules are better than negative rules.


Encouraging people to kill the ball carrier, score the ball, stop door planting, etc, instead of penalizing non-activity is a far better way of getting rid of the AFKers and WZ leavers.


Indeed I am suggesting this system as someone who continues to leave losing WZs.

Edited by AidenPryde
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I actually like the current system. Sure, it's annoying when people leave, but sometimes *I* want to leave because we have too many afkers or I have a particularly horrible team and we're vs a premade that wants to farm rather than score that last point.


There's already a punitive measure in that you receive nothing for the time you did invest in the game. All a deserter debuff would accomplish would be to make pvp even less fun in those situations. Fixing the pvp system so those situations don't occur in the first place would be better, IMHO.


For instance, farming could be fixed by just changing how medals are calculated. Shouldn't the medals have something to do with actually helping your team win? If there's no point to farming it will stop.


This is actually a common failing of human problem solving ability. We always look to treat the symptoms (people leaving early) rather than the root cause (broken game mechanics/poor design).

Edited by hatchington
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I hope every single quitter cancels and leaves, right along with you. Quitters gonna quit, it's inevitable. You can either choose to change your attitude from selfish behavior or not, that's up to you.


Or quiters quit WZ but keep paying. Their money. They can play how they want within the rules of the game.


Not exploiting or anything, they are maximizing their time for the 3 wins. If your BM no point staying if your not winning.


Selfish? Eh, think it's more about Self Interest. Yea I don't care about the 7 random people I'm with. It's a game, not real life, so yea really care even less about those 7 if i do quit.

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lol your ridiculous. it takes over 3hrs if you stay in the losing games and all you get is under geared people with 12k health in lvl50 PVP, when the other team has all over 15k health.
Boo hoo. You spent time playing a video game and didn't win the entire time you were playing. I'm supposed to show you sympathy, why?




Everything else in your post was just the same old, recycled quitter nonsense.

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Boo hoo. You spent time playing a video game and didn't win the entire time you were playing. I'm supposed to show you sympathy, why?




Everything else in your post was just the same old, recycled quitter nonsense.


seems like your missing his point, its like me saying boo hoo quitters make you mad

Edited by LanceUpercutt
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And i call that justification, which is a common trait among people who are abusive, which again is a common trait among personality disorders.


Cool story, bro.


Really? Many people justify many things in life.


But being selfish in a computer game I paid my own money on, yea that's not a disorder. That's normal behaviour.


I'll go out of my weigh to help random people in a parking lot that have flat tire (just happened 3 times recently in past month helped diff strangers in 3 diff parking lots so why I use that) , but could care less about helping 7 random people in a video game. I have limited time, gonna maximize it. (not that I quit, like I said 5 times in past month even stayed when I joined 3-0 loosing, just saying I don't see a problem with ti).

Edited by dardack
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Boo hoo. You spent time playing a video game and didn't win the entire time you were playing. I'm supposed to show you sympathy, why?




Everything else in your post was just the same old, recycled quitter nonsense.


LOL, i don't want your sympathy, im just stating the facts that as a battlemaster there is no incentive for you to stay in lost games after 5mins.

Edited by DestyOwn
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No, because AFKer are not a problem. Even if the half team AFKs, it doesnt matter. Because:


1) The AFKER will not get anything... no wins, no reward, nothing.


2) The AFKer will only ruin that one group, all other PvP groups stay intact.


Leaving does have a sense, but AFKing doesnt. You will notice when you start doing it. :p


I am not worried about AFKers.. go ahead, ruin your own fun... lol.


And what if I sit stealthed outside of the AFK detection zone?

1. I get the win or the loss Commendations, XP, money, and valor.

2. You get slightly more for having medals, but I put forth 1/100th of the effort you did.


If they add inactivity timers, I do the same things, just add push random key every few minutes.


You report me, nothing happens. I did this through several hundred Battlegounds in wow, and I'm sorry but Blizzard has got bioware beat on customer service.

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LOL, i don't want your sympathy, im just stating the facts that as a battlemaster there is no incentive for you to stay in lost games after 5mins.
That's what quitters keep saying.


It's like the movie, "Man on Fire", when Denzel Washington says to the fat cop, "That's what everyone keeps telling me, and I'm getting sick and tired of hearing it. I'm a professional, I'm a professional, I'm a professional."


Your selfish behavior of believing the game is only about getting gear for your battlemaster and your money gives you the right to cause grief to everyone else. I've got news for you: you're not a professional. Your cookie jar is about to get turned upside down and emptied. Your days of griefing the majority of the player base are extremely numbered.


Oh, and the game isn't just about getting gear for your battlemaster. Once you open your eyes and play for fun, stop playing it like a job, and respect yourself enough to have respect for other people, you just might get a glimpse of the face of reason.

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And what if I sit stealthed outside of the AFK detection zone?

1. I get the win or the loss Commendations, XP, money, and valor.

2. You get slightly more for having medals, but I put forth 1/100th of the effort you did.


If they add inactivity timers, I do the same things, just add push random key every few minutes.


You report me, nothing happens. I did this through several hundred Battlegounds in wow, and I'm sorry but Blizzard has got bioware beat on customer service.


Dude, it doesnt matter, dont you get it?


I will have the same fun, wether you AFK or not... I will lose anyway, but I do get stuff. The only one that doesnt get **** is YOU. :)

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You don't stay around long enough to find out, that's your problem.


You guys are quick to point that finger at someone else for your shortcomings aren't you?




The rest of us, meanwhile respond in kind. If a group has several bad players that do not communicate/focus on objectives, what's the problem with my leaving? 1 Player does not lose or win a Warzone.


So instead of hopping on the forums and demanding a change, I choose to keep your problems (and all the other bads problems), your problem instead of making it mine. If you were truly after a solution that served both skilled players who play to complete, and people who just play to mess around, you'd favor a system that grouped players based upon individual skill rather than the current system of leaching with a measure to prevent good players from entering pugs.


If Bioware caves to yours and the OP's QQing, you bads will start crying that you are never winning, because the good players will NEVER go pug, instead of how it is now where we rarely go pug.

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That's what quitters keep saying.


It's like the movie, "Man on Fire", when Denzel Washington says to the fat cop, "That's what everyone keeps telling me, and I'm getting sick and tired of hearing it. I'm a professional, I'm a professional, I'm a professional."


Your selfish behavior of believing the game is only about getting gear for your battlemaster and your money gives you the right to cause grief to everyone else. I've got news for you: you're not a professional. Your cookie jar is about to get turned upside down and emptied. Your days of griefing the majority of the player base are extremely numbered.


Oh, and the game isn't just about getting gear for your battlemaster. Once you open your eyes and play for fun, stop playing it like a job, and respect yourself enough to have respect for other people, you just might get a glimpse of the face of reason.


When my daily is done, i usually stay in the losing games, because if i win it doesnt change anything... i can't get anymore bags.

Edited by DestyOwn
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Dude, it doesnt matter, dont you get it?


I will have the same fun, wether you AFK or not... I will lose anyway, but I do get stuff. The only one that doesnt get **** is YOU. :)


Why are complaining about leavers then?


AFKers get pretty much get the same rewards for staying in the match.


The quiters are the ones that get nothing. If they implement a deserter penalty then

Quitters stop quitting and become AFKers.


Quitting is the lesser of 2 evils.

Edited by Kyrandis
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And what if I sit stealthed outside of the AFK detection zone?

1. I get the win or the loss Commendations, XP, money, and valor.

2. You get slightly more for having medals, but I put forth 1/100th of the effort you did.


If they add inactivity timers, I do the same things, just add push random key every few minutes.


You report me, nothing happens. I did this through several hundred Battlegounds in wow, and I'm sorry but Blizzard has got bioware beat on customer service.

Sounds like an incredible waste of time to me. And isn't that what you quitters' main complaint is: warzone losses are a waste of time, so you quit to join a winning warzone?


Spin it however you want, dude, throwing a temper tantrum by sitting there and doing nothing is comical at best, and narcissistic at worst.

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