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Give me a legitimate reason to NOT have a LFD tool.


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I wonder if anyone else sees the error in his logic? As much as people say this is a WoW clone it is a different game with a different player base. Yes there's overlaps but the mix breads a different group. That said copying another game entirely is never a good thing and so is coping World of Warcraft automated cross server looking for group system completely.


WoW's implementation of the LFD is impeccable. The way it selects the groups is unmatched and the vote kicking option penalizes vote kick abusers. It's the EXACT type of system Bioware needs to implement. They need to copy it exactly.

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WoW's implementation of the LFD is impeccable. The way it selects the groups is unmatched and the vote kicking option penalizes vote kick abusers. It's the EXACT type of system Bioware needs to implement. They need to copy it exactly.


Please say you are joking

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1) I have no interest in playing with most people I'll ever meet. It's my recreation time, I shouldn't have to play the Highschool Popularity game so I can play the Raidy-Geargrindy game I'm wanting to play.


Interesting... So if you don't want to play with ppl... What are you doing on an MMO?


Have you ever considered that your attitude towards ppl... May, remotely, have a chance to affect how much time it takes for you to get into a group?



I neither have, nor would want to spend in the event of having, needless amounts of time and energy manually recruiting for a team to do anything with. LFG tools are tools of efficient delivery as I rate them; they enable us to do that dungeon content pretty much whenever we want to hit a Queue button.


You seem to lack real hand experience with LFD tools...


...As you probably end playing a self suficient class, optimized for solo play, you will not belong to the classes that are "bottlenecking" group creation...


...If you really had experience with LFD tools you would be aware of what happens to the characters persons like you use...


...They wait on the queue. Meanwhile, the group oriented classes, have exactly 0 wait time.


When you think in terms of class pools, you see the LFD are just a placebo... Because the "party oriented" classes will finish their dailies sooner, will gear up sooner and will leave behind the current content block sooner... Than you.


It's what happens with LFD tools... They work wonders on the 1st weeks (depends on the longetivity of the current content) and then the waiting times skyrocket for the "solo classes" (Usually the DPS roles).


Usually, the solo player is not brave enough to roll a "group oriented" class, so he is blind to this effect, as for him/her, this queue time behaviour is all he perceives... Some decide to roll a "group friendly" alt and suddenly they discover the truth on what happens on social games that no queue auto system can ever fix.



There is no demonstrable evidence[...] [...] arguments.


I think the only ones not seeing the facts are the ones that do not care about those effects...


...The ones that need those tools because, as your own words say, "they do not want to play with other ppl"...


...I told you...


...You just want the loot.



It's a matter of playerbase choice... The owner of the game will choose one type of player, and the other will leave... That's why it always take so much time to implement them, because you keep both subed a bit longer by ambiguous promises and soon announcements.

Edited by ragamer
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1# A LFD tool will ruin/destroy the community.


People look at the LFD tool and claim that it goes against creating a community on the server. That's just not true at all


Wrong. It is true and that's the only reason you need to be against a LFD tool. Forming groups with familiar faces and making friends are what build communities therefore having a LFD tool DOES take away from that.


I like your other ideas though. More social events would be great.

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Here's a legitimate reason: I'm a fanboi with my head in the sand and I'm terrified of change because I came from SWG. Also, I hate WoW (although I've never played it), and someone on Reddit said that every idea WoW has ever had is stupid and that the LFD specifically killed the WoW. That's why they lost 100k subs. Seriously, within a few years, WoW will have less than 5 million subs because of this.


Haha the best post ive read in a while :)

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Here is the so called "social aspect" some idiots are fighting so desperately for:



LFG <flashpoint>





"how long is it?"



If you wanna be social, the flashpoint is great for that. LFG is better with a tool, and you don't have to travel to find people.

Edited by Dash_Fiss
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Here is the so called "social aspect" some idiots are fighting so desperately for:



LFG <flashpoint>





"how long is it?"


Not if you have more social skills than Mute at a speed-dating event.


I always try to be social in FPs, I'm not talking constantly but the odd remark at whatever is happening or helping people. (The first time I did Athiss two people in the group were trying to tank the Blood/Fire ball things on the last boss when they were attacking them)


Also when I've grouped with people who I recognise I might talk about it. X-Server LFDs will just about ruin this aspect of the game and lead to pure ********s and Elitists leaving groups because THEY think the groups gear isn't good enough, why should it matter to them? They can always get another group.

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Here is the so called "social aspect" some idiots are fighting so desperately for:



LFG <flashpoint>





"how long is it?"



If you wanna be social, the flashpoint is great for that. LFG is better with a tool, and you don't have to travel to find people.

Realy mine goes like this:

  • <Looking for Group>
  • Me
  • Invited
  • Let's go
  • <During Flashpoint>
  • Random jokes about how they left the troops on the enemy ship.
  • Did we just leave our door? I don't wanna die!!!
  • Can I salvage HK47's personality processor and stick it in my useless droid on my ship?
  • Way to go CCing that pat.
  • Hey perhaps you could use hots on those who don't take a lot of dmg often to conserve resources so you don't run out.
  • (Stuff like that)
  • <End of Flashpoint>
  • Man you guys rocked.
  • Nice work.
  • You all doing anything else?
  • Can't tonight but we can defiantly run something else another time.
  • <Add to friends list>

Mine seems more fun.

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I think the LFG tool in WoW conditioned players to be anti-social and far less considerate, the results are quite evident...I just don't see how people can deny this. So if Bioware does decide to add this tool, they should also consider adding the ability to add friends from other servers as well as cross-server chat. (I see a server-only LFG tool kind of pointless and won't reduce queue times much, I think.) This will encourage socializing again and reduce the problems with random idiots and lack of consideration. Bioware may as well learn from the flawed design of its competitor and improve it considerably. Just my 2 cents from playing WoW for so long and seeing the pros and cons. Edited by spacepuppy
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As a DPS, I honestly don't care if I have to wait 30 minutes in queue. The point here is, I would have to wait 30 minutes no matter what - but guess what I can concentrate on leveling or other tasks and not watching the stupid chat window and typing in LFG every couple minutes


I'm stuck on Tatooine wth only 25 other people (peak hours, friday night) and I can't get any of the heroics done...... LFD tool now please


Oh and don't yell get in a guild - I am, and they have all left. Only 2 or 3 other people on at any time

you know even if they add a LFD tool it wont help you get a group to do heroic quests. those are not done in flashpoints but in certain heroic areas of a planet. its only for flash points not group quests.


so you will still not be able to do those "heroics" in which you speak without socializing with people on your server and forming a group, or outleveling the content and going back solo.

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I could only see adding a LFD if it's coupled with the same kind of easy server transfer system Rift had. In WoW, the LFD was a tool turning other people into mute assistants on your journey to fulfill your daily allotment of valor points. Any socialization was frowned upon because you would never ever ever see those people again.
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Here is the so called "social aspect" some idiots are fighting so desperately for:



LFG <flashpoint>





"how long is it?"



If you wanna be social, the flashpoint is great for that. LFG is better with a tool, and you don't have to travel to find people.

actually this is a better rendition of the social aspect of the community:


LFG <flashpoint>


"ill go"

"spec are you? and come to me for a gearcheck"

pass the gearcheck, group if full

all through the instance the healer isnt healing as well as it should, 3 wipes. blames the tank with all BIS equipment. then blames the dps for not doing enough damage.


after the group all 3 of the other party members inform trade of their experience with the douchebag healer.


most of the 250 people in fleet see the chat and preemptively /ignore the crap drama queen healer.


healer in trade: LFG <flashpoint>

no response.


and this my friends is why many of you cant find groups and are begging for a cross server LFD. you have already made the mistake of ruining your reputation because you were used to being ***** in wow and thought you could do it here without repercussions. :D

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after the group all 3 of the other party members inform trade of their experience with the douchebag healer.


most of the 250 people in fleet see the chat and preemptively /ignore the crap drama queen healer.


healer in trade: LFG <flashpoint>

no response.



Got people from such events on my ignore list too. But well... looks like a good days for them are about to come.. :(

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Dude 10k internet points for you. You hit that nail squarely on it's head.


The nay-sayers seem to pine for a "Golden Age" of mmos, where (apparently) there was a thing called a "community".


Spoiler alert: that was then, this is now and now (ie; the 21st century) people want convenience. I'm willing to bet none of the nay-sayers grow their own vegetables or butcher their own meat. Why? Because it's frankly too damned inconvenient. Join the rest of us in the 21st century and embrace a LFD tool. And if you don't want to use it? News flash: you don't have to.


LFD tools are the way it is now. The vast majority of us dont want another job - we want a game.


But thats a redeundent arguement.


What you are saying is "we want a LFD because we cant be bothered to socialise in game and we dont care that our agenda will have a direct impact on those that choose not to use it"....that is not an attitude that supports the greater good or the long term health of this game.


I currently have no problems getting groups on my server, however if a McMMO xsvr LFD is implemented.....eventually I will be forced to use it, or suffer the same problems as those on low pop servers are now facing.


I say again, the pro arguement that "this will not affect you if you dont use it" is as redundent as the con arguement of "get a guild"...


For me personally, I fail to see why anyone would want to spend all of their game time looking at a single, fixed lobby screen with a few drop down boxes on it and a vote/kick button....rather than playing in an actual game woorld.



Edited by ImperialSun
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Lets be honest... people playing an MMORPG and saying they dont care to socialise are playing the wrong game.



and this my friends is why many of you cant find groups and are begging for a cross server LFD. you have already made the mistake of ruining your reputation because you were used to being ***** in wow and thought you could do it here without repercussions. :D


That is a very good point, especially considering the people who come here saying how they want the feature and dont care about anyone else.

Edited by Nemmar
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Lets be honest... people playing an MMORPG and saying they dont care to socialise are playing the wrong game.




Those individuals strike me as being an influx of gamers that originally came from hardcore twitch based FPS / PvP games and have gradually migrated over the MMORPG genre.


They are gradually dumbing down MMORPGs in order that they provide the same levels of immediate gratification that FPS games do, ala COD.


This is why we have demands for lobby screens and dual spec and this type of thing imo.


I personally hope that fashion goes full circle and actual MMORPGs become the norm once again rather than the current trend of MMORPG-Lites.


You only have to take pre CU SWG and compare it to NGE SWG for a damning example of this...the two games are barely comparable. One was a MMORPG...one was a WoW clone.



Edited by ImperialSun
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Lets be honest... people playing an MMORPG and saying they dont care to socialise are playing the wrong game.


until wow invented the cross server LFD tool and rift copied, (which are the only 2 MMOS that have it that i know of) MMOS relied heavily on the social aspects of the community. if you were a whiny kid that played bad and blamed others for your failure, you would be moderated by the community by /ignore and it limited the things you could do with a smaller pool of people that would put up with your drama.


i like the state the community is in now without LFD. accountability is worth more than catering to laziness.

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until wow invented the cross server LFD tool and rift copied, (which are the only 2 MMOS that have it that i know of) MMOS relied heavily on the social aspects of the community. if you were a whiny kid that played bad and blamed others for your failure, you would be moderated by the community by /ignore and it limited the things you could do with a smaller pool of people that would put up with your drama.


i like the state the community is in now without LFD. accountability is worth more than catering to laziness.





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But thats a redeundent arguement.


What you are saying is "we want a LFD because we cant be bothered to socialise in game and we dont care that our agenda will have a direct impact on those that choose not to use it"....that is not an attitude that supports the greater good or the long term health of this game.


I currently have no problems getting groups on my server, however if a McMMO xsvr LFD is implemented.....eventually I will be forced to use it, or suffer the same problems as those on low pop servers are now facing.


I say again, the pro arguement that "this will not affect you if you dont use it" is as redundent as the con arguement of "get a guild"...


For me personally, I fail to see why anyone would want to spend all of their game time looking at a single, fixed lobby screen with a few drop down boxes on it and a vote/kick button....rather than playing in an actual game woorld.




Nice post OP. Mail this to BW.

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I said it yesterday and I'll say it again.


People are already getting upset about people needing gear for companions that would be a big upgrade for someone in their group. If a Cross-Server LFG tool is put in, what do you think will happen there? Do you think that kind of activity is going to slow down or just stop?


It will only get worse. It will create the same kind of attitude players have in Warcraft. "I'm not going to see you ever again, I'm needing that sword for transmog that is a huge upgrade for you."


The only people I have seen in this thread so far that want Cross-Server are those who never played an MMO before blizzard put theirs in. Those people have already ruined their reputation on their server, and are too lazy to change servers and try to be polite on the new one.


This is a social game, it's built into the foundation of the game with the social rank system, if you don't like that, this may not be the game for you. It is NOT a clone of warcraft or any other MMO. A LFG tool will only destroy the purpose of the social rank system if it is made Cross-Server, and the sense of a server community.

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People are already getting upset about people needing gear for companions that would be a big upgrade for someone in their group. If a Cross-Server LFG tool is put in, what do you think will happen there? Do you think that kind of activity is going to slow down or just stop?


It will only get worse. It will create the same kind of attitude players have in Warcraft. "I'm not going to see you ever again, I'm needing that sword for transmog that is a huge upgrade for you."


The "same kind of attitude players have in Warcraft" is ALREADY PREVALENT in this community. So, too late.


Now just give me the functionality to run Maelstrom this week if I want to, without wasting my paid game time staring at Empire reflections, and I'll be happy.


I already know who I'll be grouped with - good people and a few jerks. No different than PUGs as it is in game right now.

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I said it yesterday and I'll say it again.


People are already getting upset about people needing gear for companions that would be a big upgrade for someone in their group. If a Cross-Server LFG tool is put in, what do you think will happen there? Do you think that kind of activity is going to slow down or just stop?


It will only get worse. It will create the same kind of attitude players have in Warcraft. "I'm not going to see you ever again, I'm needing that sword for transmog that is a huge upgrade for you."


The only people I have seen in this thread so far that want Cross-Server are those who never played an MMO before blizzard put theirs in. Those people have already ruined their reputation on their server, and are too lazy to change servers and try to be polite on the new one.


This is a social game, it's built into the foundation of the game with the social rank system, if you don't like that, this may not be the game for you. It is NOT a clone of warcraft or any other MMO. A LFG tool will only destroy the purpose of the social rank system if it is made Cross-Server, and the sense of a server community.


to be perfectly honest, going back through this thread im only seeing, at most 10 different posters that want a LFD tool.


how much you want to bet these are the ones that came from wow and ruined their reps on their servers because they were used to being whiny brats that cannot play well with others, unless its a guild of trolls?

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This is exactly the problem.


People that only think of themselves. You're not the only one playing the game dude. Its more than just YOUR needs.


Don't try to pretend you're any different. You don't care about any one else's game experience but your own.


Ontopic: here's my reason, the sooner I get burnt out on doing instances the sooner I unsub to the game. Running with LFG pugs is the easiest way to get burnt out on Flashpoints, just like how we all get burnt out playing PVP with AFK bots and the like.

Edited by RocNessMonster
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