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Why are mercs so popular?


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Did everybody get sick of their sorcs?


Are they really that much better than the other classes, or just fotm?


I am curious to see why this trend is taking place. It seems no matter what group I am in now, they are always in abundance. Definitely a lot more now than closer to launch. Sorcs seem to still be the most popular advanced class, but after mercs everyone else seems to be far behind.

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tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile.
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tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile.


hmprh! you Missed Boom! missile-tracer Boom! missile-tracer

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Same can be said about Troopers for the republics though > Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds .
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You're also assuming that every Merc specs Arsenal. There's a lot of Mercs in the game that are spec'd Safeguard (healing) and Pyrotech (more gadget-oriented DPS) as well.


But needless to say, easy to master, ranged DPS "hunter" classes will always be the most popular in any MMO.


And for the record, Arsenal Mercs really aren't any better than any other DPS speciality. They have their pros and cons, too. For example, Arsenals need to be stationary to do maximum damage. They're aren't nearly as effective on the move.

Edited by ChunkCohen
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Same can be said about Troopers for the republics though > Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds Grav Rounds .


More like...sit in corner... heal heal heal heal heal heal heal. Oh, someone on me, grav rounds grav rounds heal heal grav rounds heal heal...rinse/repeat.


Aside from that can Merc DPS compare to PT or Mercs simply popular for heals with decent DPS?

Edited by AlphaBraddox
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tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile.


tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer ****, vent heat!

tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer ****, rapid shots-rapid shots-rapid shots-rapid shots-rapid shots- dead!



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Tracer Missile - Tracer Mi... *INTERRUPT* - AAAA! WHAT TO DO!? WHAT TO DO!? - 3 seconds... - Tra... *DEAD*


Just wanted to mention, that most of the people playing mercs can't play properly, and are dead few seconds after being interrupted. Not mentioning you can pull/push them or stun too.


The same applies to Commando of course. Actually, I play Powertech, so Commando example should be more appropriate.

Edited by Darth_Avdima
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I play a Bounty Hunter because when I first heard this game had them, I was like, "YES, I can be a non-Force-sensitive Jedi killer! Also, probably gadgets!"


BHs are just cool. Playing one just made them cooler to me, because the story is fun. And when I want a different kind of challenge, I hop on my Shadow.

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I went with BH because Mandalorians rule........ I went with merc because i was told it was DPS and PT was tank...... i hate tanking so i went the percieved dps route.


I would point out that i see just as many if not more sorcs than I do mercs, whereas the other classes do seem to be somewhat a rarity.

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I went with BH because Mandalorians rule........ I went with merc because i was told it was DPS and PT was tank...... i hate tanking so i went the percieved dps route.


I would point out that i see just as many if not more sorcs than I do mercs, whereas the other classes do seem to be somewhat a rarity.


Heh, almost every pug end up against, I see at least four sorc,and if I'm lucky, I see the same amount of sages, as well.

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As someone who started a Commando DPS to see what the buzz was all about after getting my Shadow to 50, I can tell you they really aren't that great. They are just much easier to play than the melee characters.


Especially considering the fact that the average player tends to forget about the commando sitting in the corner spamming grav round, which is when they really shine.

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You're also assuming that every Merc specs Arsenal. There's a lot of Mercs in the game that are spec'd Safeguard (healing) and Pyrotech (more gadget-oriented DPS) as well.


But needless to say, easy to master, ranged DPS "hunter" classes will always be the most popular in any MMO.


And for the record, Arsenal Mercs really aren't any better than any other DPS speciality. They have their pros and cons, too. For example, Arsenals need to be stationary to do maximum damage. They're aren't nearly as effective on the move.


No kidding. I specced healer, not because I grouped, but because I don't mind standing back and watching the area. It is not that we have to be dps all the time, but the fact that we can see the battlefield.


I love having a pet tank and look forward to getting Skadge even though folks here hate him.


Also, another thing that makes BH fun. Electric Dart. I know it is not a lot of dps, but it is fun seeing enemies freaking out when you put a dart in them. Great stuff Bioware.

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My main character through beta and now is my 50 BH. One thing to add as to why...


When you play all classes to level 20 you realize that the BH is probably one of the best period. The BH just tears mobs up and can eat players up in PVP as well who aren't good players so you get excited.


At level 10 death from above AOE, then at level 12 you get sweeping blasters AOE. This makes questing and leveling super fast and smooth with Mako healing. Groups of 4 mobs die without getting to move basically and die with 1 button click. With Mako you can solo a couple of gold mobs in quest gear no problem.


After level 50 and level 60 valor the Bounty turns into a "decent" character compared to others classes. Middle of the roard really, so you'll see alot of them then find out that other classes just out-shine them, have more utility and a huge force pool.


50 BH

PVP Bodyguard - Good

PVP Arsenel - Average (too much stand still for most players)

PVP Pyro - Good


PVE Bodyguard - Average (raid / HM)

PVE Arsenal - Good / Great

PVE Pyro - Average

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I'm starting to fall in love with my Bountyhunter. She is a Bodyguard Mercenary.

I don't play her, same goes for my Sage/Sorc, because there are so many of them. The class itself I find to be very interesting.


And I don't even have that Trace Missile thingy. Don't miss it either. I prefer a bit more interaction then just 1 button killing sprees.

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tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile-tracer missile.


Only bads play the Arsenal spec this way. Its a whole lot better to actually have a rotation.


Ive been in Huttballs with similarly geared mercs that spam tracer and I do 150ish k more damage than them. if its a good game, im normally sitting around 500-525k damage and i only have 2 battlemaster pieces at the moment.


Spamming tracer is for noobs.

Edited by jHats
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I tried smuggler, consular, and trooper in pre-launch. I didn't care for any of them, primarily due to the storylines. Smuggler was decent, trooper was ok, never did care for the consular. When I rolled a BH, I knew I'd found what I was looking for and spec'd pyro. It's a good all-around class, has a great storyline, and is fun to play. I play a light side hunter. I'd gladly work for the Pubs too if there were credits involved. Edited by Bamajawn
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My main character through beta and now is my 50 BH. One thing to add as to why...


When you play all classes to level 20 you realize that the BH is probably one of the best period. The BH just tears mobs up and can eat players up in PVP as well who aren't good players so you get excited.


At level 10 death from above AOE, then at level 12 you get sweeping blasters AOE. This makes questing and leveling super fast and smooth with Mako healing. Groups of 4 mobs die without getting to move basically and die with 1 button click. With Mako you can solo a couple of gold mobs in quest gear no problem.


After level 50 and level 60 valor the Bounty turns into a "decent" character compared to others classes. Middle of the roard really, so you'll see alot of them then find out that other classes just out-shine them, have more utility and a huge force pool.


50 BH

PVP Bodyguard - Good

PVP Arsenel - Average (too much stand still for most players)

PVP Pyro - Good


PVE Bodyguard - Average (raid / HM)

PVE Arsenal - Good / Great

PVE Pyro - Average


You are nuts if you think PvP Arsenal is Average. Its so solid that I see it getting nerfed. I, as an Arsenal DPS, can decide the outcome of a match almost single handed. I played arsenal for 2-3 days , switched to pyro the same amount of time, then back to arsenal. Arsenal is definitely the better spec damage wise.


You say standing around, lol. If you play Arsenal right and not just LOLTracerSpam, it has solid mobility.

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I liked the idea of dual wielding pistols, but wanted to be a bh instead of a smuggler (big fan of boba fett since i was a wee lad...which I know is also horribly cliche haha). I hated tracer spam 10 mins after I got the talent, speccd pyro, loved it. Now I'm enjoying bodyguard healing in wzs. Not everyone is tracer spam....though i believe a lot are because its fotm and some believe it is the only reliable way to dps as a merc, which I can say from experience is not true...pyro is viable...it just takes a little skill.
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I have no clue.


My Shields spec powertech is quite possibly the sexiest darn class I have ever played. I love him so much I would have his babies.


Seriously. he's made my husband jealous.


Tracer Missiles? Pffft. Jet charge and rocket punch will NEVER get old.

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You are nuts if you think PvP Arsenal is Average. Its so solid that I see it getting nerfed. I, as an Arsenal DPS, can decide the outcome of a match almost single handed. I played arsenal for 2-3 days , switched to pyro the same amount of time, then back to arsenal. Arsenal is definitely the better spec damage wise.


You say standing around, lol. If you play Arsenal right and not just LOLTracerSpam, it has solid mobility.


You are wrong, Arsenal in PvP ist only 2 things: Very good OR terrible. There is just nothing between.

If the enemy let you cast all the way, you do very good damage.

If they get you, you loose, no way around. Every similar equipped and skilled player in melee will kill you. You cant do anything about it. You are stunned, snared all the time while they hopping around and kill you, not matter ig shield, HA or whatever. You are mobile like a skyscraper and can't escape.

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As someone who started a Commando DPS to see what the buzz was all about after getting my Shadow to 50, I can tell you they really aren't that great. They are just much easier to play than the melee characters.


Especially considering the fact that the average player tends to forget about the commando sitting in the corner spamming grav round, which is when they really shine.


They bloom much earlier than the force classes, and are more interesting to play in the early levels because of it.

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As someone who started a Commando DPS to see what the buzz was all about after getting my Shadow to 50, I can tell you they really aren't that great. They are just much easier to play than the melee characters.


Especially considering the fact that the average player tends to forget about the commando sitting in the corner spamming grav round, which is when they really shine.


Same... (PT pyro Main) made a merc to lvl 20... and I just quitted out of the moment of bored simplicity and dare I say stupidity.... You do the same dps that a PT would do, just from range, which once u go melee it doesnt really compare.


Ill try mercs again if u get to cast while moving or something like that, as for now standing there spamming tracer missle to kill mobs/players is just not for me...

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