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Everything posted by Darth_Avdima

  1. This feature is almost perfect, add me an option to change the text color (to delete the red text notification, I prefer it not to change), and I can't think of anything more. Now, I clearly see what I can use, what is off cooldwon, it's just awesome how they made it.
  2. Another one of these, thread to defend Ye Olde Republic... Seriously, we all know it's been out for week/month/two months/etc, but do you really believe they couldn't made the game more complete? Other companies could, so why not Bioware? As someone mentioned in one of these threads, if you want to compete on the market with other, already sold products, you need to at least bring your own product on the competitive level, and ToR is NOT on competitive level compared to WoW or RIFT (two MMO games I actually know quite well). It's not a bad game, I enjoy it, but that doesn't mean I don't see flaws in the game.
  3. Unload, Death from Above and Emergency Fleet Pass, Speeder Summon, Recharge and reload, Cylinder's activation time, that's what you reduce when having alacrity. Yes, no Flame Thrower. It's useless if you ask me.
  4. From what I noticed, the strongest effect overrides the weaker ones. Sprint (35%) > Hydraulic Override (30%) > Prototype's movement speed (15%) No, it does not stack in any way, I used sprint, while having the cylinder's buff, and used Hydraulic Override, nothing happened. This was less than mont ago, so maybe they did change something I missed in patchnotes or "stealth patched".
  5. Thermal Detonator is single target, and Explosive Dart is AoE, as stated before. Worth it. You can bomb someone from 30 meters away, and he will look at the red, flashing effect when he runs away, knowing it will deal rather high damage. Useful for stronger mobs too. I still use Explosive Dart for the pve mobs, but in pvp, when I see large number of players clustered together, I prefer to use Death from Above if it's not on cooldown.
  6. Standard, you watch as the whole world crumbles before you, doing nothing, waiting patiently for it to be completely destroyed, and theeen... You jump into action! Yeah! So rad! It's normal for games, that the hero is standing mindlessly when something is happening, for example, whole squad of soldiers are running to him... from different room... through long, straight corridor... being easy targets to just shoot them, but he let them surround him, point the guns, and then... starts battle and shoots them all... without any talking or cutscene, just starting fight automatically. There are more, stupidier holes if you ask me, for example, the fact that you must recruit every companion, even if you threaten to shoot him . BUT, my favorite of them all is this one, on Taris:
  7. I don't have much problems with heat (besides the fact, that when you have exactly the number of heat to use the ability, you can't use it). In short fights, pvp or elite mob (these golden star enemies, not sure if these are elites), just don't bother with heat, vent if needed. With stronger enemies or larger force, you need to manage it. Pain in the arse, but managable. Launch all your battery, at around 60-70 heat, vent, then try to maintain below 40 heat all the time, until vent goes off cooldown. I once made a build that gave me almost infinite heat, as Powertech, but it wasn't too good for burst damage, so I cahnged it, to level faster.
  8. Tracer Missile - Tracer Mi... *INTERRUPT* - AAAA! WHAT TO DO!? WHAT TO DO!? - 3 seconds... - Tra... *DEAD* Just wanted to mention, that most of the people playing mercs can't play properly, and are dead few seconds after being interrupted. Not mentioning you can pull/push them or stun too. The same applies to Commando of course. Actually, I play Powertech, so Commando example should be more appropriate.
  9. For me, "Force Pebbles" < Lightnings <<< Throwing objects from the ground. Really, ripping a rock or some metallic box out of the ground, and throwing it at the enemy looks awesome.
  10. Dual spec is a wonderful idea, I hope they will give it on around level 20, before that we really don't need it (was fine tanking dungeons and heroics with dps spec). It brings more fun to the gameplay if you ask me. I am able to fit two roles, or have two builds (for pve and for pvp for example), making the game more diverse. And advanced classes... I got used to it. It was very stupid idea and still is, to select it so early, almost without any intel on whathever the class playstyle looks like.
  11. Republic is starting war with the Empire, that almost smashed it to pieces. Thousands of Empire and Republic soldiers are dying every day in this conflict. The balance of power on almost every planet is shaken, sometimes bringing third faction into play (for example, Killiks on Alderaan). Generals, Commanders, Ambassadors, and other people in charge of the factions have hands full of work in all this political and military mess. And you want fancy holiday events? Bioware, please, don't make stupid events, that doesn't fit the game. if you wan't to design one, think really carefully if it makes any sense, to be celebrated in crisis the Galaxy is having right now.
  12. And this I call a broken concept. Companions should not gear from the same source as player characters. Additionally, companions are not as strong as player characters, so would you really need for a lightsaber for your companion, when other player could make much better use out of it?
  13. Most MMO games have system to prevent players from needing something they can't use, like RIFT, you can't need for platemail while being a rogue, that can't wear it. It's simple, but still, blocks some people from being *****. I really don't want to see someone need an item he won't use OR that is not for the spec he is right now. If tank is fine with you needing these pantaloons of defense, fine, roll, but if he needs them, just pass on that, he needs them more than you, and actually he DESERVE them for tanking the damn dungeon for you. The same goes for him of course, if he want to need on skirt of dps'ing, he should ask other eligible damage dealers in the party, before doing so. This actually happened to me, in RIFT. We were doing tier one random dungeon (tier one is one of the two tiers of end-game dungeons, before doing heroics), and the mace for tanking dropped, that I really needed, only item I lacked before going to tier two. Guess what? Healer needed too, and of course, won. I know, it's only a game, but still, I would break his fingers for that, so he won't do this kind of thing again. Why did he need it? Of course, for freaking offspec... So, to sum it all, be polite in your group, and ask before needing for something you won't use this instant, as it only angers other players, breaking some part of fun for them, and this is pointless. If someone want to cover some specific role, like healer, tank or damage dealer, don't make it harder for them, don't need for your offspec, no matter how tempting it is. If you wan't to gather off-spec items, bother to start gathering equipment without halting someone else progress, or gather group of players (guildies preferably) that don't mind running dungeon to gear you up.
  14. Man, this is even worse for Trooper. I play Bounty Hunter as my main, I have rather good understanding of delay my abilities have, before dealing damage (not that it's a bad thing, unless it differs between mirrors), so when I rolled Trooper, I wanted to kill someone that screwed half of early Trooper's abilities. For example, channeled series of shots have more damage segments on BH's side, making it proc your dot with greater chance over the channel time (more times damages = more opportunities to turn the dot on, I tested it, it really works that way), and less prone to reducing chennel from taking damage (last shot almost never hits, as you almost always take some damage before finishing channeling, and Trooper loose more damage this way). Mortar Volley (Trooper's Death From Above) have terrible delay before shooting, giving you more time to exit the shooting area, this is actually rather nasty issue, and I think (and hope) that it's a bug. Overall, it's like every ability activates later, even if it's just a tiny bit of time.
  15. What spec are they running? What gear do they have, what level? Did you do ANY research before posting this, or did you just got here after being killed several times from some level 50, full pvp geared trooper? I hope you at least know which advanced class this trooper had...
  16. Blasters, didn't seen it proccing from rocket punch. I will say, don't worry, every skill tree have pre-defined cylinder to use, and Ion Gas Cylinder launches itself from additional resources in its dedicated path.
  17. Maybe you don't have time to play at this hour, or maybe you just don't mind... Well, I do. I paid for the game, and would like not to be robbed of eight hours of gameplay, especially when I can and am willing to play. Last time, it was offline for almost whole day, I couldn't play later, so I wasted another day of my sub (first was due to problems with subscription, but Bioware don't care). As someone not sky-rocketing with level, this feels even worse, as I can't progress the story that really interests me.
  18. I consider myself as MMO veteran, but I still like this game. I understand you perfectly, but take one note: Bioware have NO experience in MMO industry, which is clearly visible in the game. I do agree, maybe they just screwed the whole game, and it will fall faster than DC Universe. What should they do before launch? Look closely to RIFT's launch, and take good amount of hints from it, as this was the smoothest launch I ever encountered, and in my opinion, being second only to WoW. But at the same time, there is still need for patience after the release. To be honest, if they don't start patching in around two weeks, I am out too. I am personally waiting for Warhammer 40k Dark Millenium, I love the setting, I love the design they used in the game. I am 95% sure I will dumb ToR the first minute I am able to play Dark Millenium.
  19. As a developer, that implemented bazillion of cut-scenes and voice-overs to my game, I wouldn't allow players to skip them. Hell, why play the game, that main selling point is voice-overs and story, when you are going to skip them? It's like when the new MMO comes in, people are starting acting like there is no other game in the universe, and the new one must have every possible option ever implemented into any MMO game that ever existed.
  20. But, at the same time, they can pay people to stay overtime to come to work at 3 am to patch the US servers?
  21. Whoa, hold your horses. You do realise this game was out for less than two weeks, and WoW for like... eight years? This makes your line about failure completely invalid. This game was not meant to be pvp heaven in the first place. Have patience. Check if they changed something via patch notes, come back in a few months if you don't like it that much. Why pay for something you don't like, and have nothing that interests you? I play, because I am interested in storyline, I don't play 24 hours per day, and am not sky-rocketing with level in few days. I want to see all the content the game have to offer so far, in slower pace. This is, so far, good game for me.
  22. Nope, charging you for few maps for pvp is stupid, when you already pay for subscription. There will be new maps, don't worry, but you will have to wait for some time to let the developers see how stable the subscriptions are, so I say, in like one or two months.
  23. I avoid standing in good passing position, I don't want to have another shortcut on my action bar, just to pass the stupid ball in warzone I personally don't like, but am throw into because I play the Empire side. This actually requires a lot of strategy and understanding of tactics.
  24. Hopefully, after around one month it will end, they all will cancel subscriptions, and we will be left with much less whining on the forum.
  25. Ion Gas Cylinder puts additional, puny dot on your enemy, that's for using Rail Shot I think. So, better answer me this: If we keep dot on the enemy for 99% of the fight, and other party members sure have own dots, why the hell does Rail Shot need it to be active? I NEVER have problem with using it, enemy always have some effect allowing me to use it, even if it's dot from Mako (I don't have my second companion yet, really badly designed progression, as you gain him on Tatooine).
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