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How far into the future do you see yourself with SWTOR?


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See myself here until The secret world,Firefall,tera or gw2 arrive (whichever comes first) Unfortunatly this game needs to change alot before it's a real keeper,I'm bored already and after playing Tera this weekend I know I will be moving on soon.
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I hate to say it but Asian mmos have such a bad taste to me atm. Aion and XIV were such let downs that I don't know if I could do it again ;(


Game however looks gorgeous.


Well thats the first Korean MMO, and it's a sandbox yay!, I am interested in it's also being westernized. I don't know too much about it but I'm definitely interested.


And now I'm getting off topic so I see myself until the next big MMO launches since the sub itself isn't a problem but I will not stay around when something better is out for me.

Edited by Chromiie
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Years. As long as the game is still producing content. As of now my main goals are to complete the stories for all 8 characters. I have done that with two, when I didnt have a job. It took me 6.5 days of in game time on each. Calculating the rest up and my hours for my new job, I figure I wont accomplish my goal for another 6-8 months, at which point I will have 8 characters to bounce around end game with, and also at which point the game will more than likely have a lot more end game.


Fact is, with a full time job and focusing on 1-49 as opposed to 50+, I get far more enjoyment from the game than most, and it will last me a long time.


Thanks Bioware, you have my support through the trying times of entering the MMO market.

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i haven't logged on in about a week


it was nice to witness a Skyrim aurora borealis during the day/night cycle, but somebody stole my sweet roll. Somebody in the know ought to do a comparison of the Creation engine as compared to the Hero engine.


presently casting about for a solid game--I left WAR prior to the latest server merge (NA) and the coming year promises to be filled with great titles--but part of gaming experience is knowing when to walk away.

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Just cancelled and have 5 days left. I may come back in a few months or so to see if the legacy system makes it any more interesting. I'm quite dissappointed but I'm so bored with the same kind of missions again and again. The same planets again and again.
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there are two types of mmo players. there are those who jump into a new game once in a while and commit to that game for a good while. And there are those who jump into to a game, max out all content in two months, then move on to the next mmo.


if enough people commit to an mmo, it will survive long enough to bring back the dabblers and content locusts. i'm in for the long haul, and i think this game can survive the post-release blues.

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Long term for me it depends on how frequently they update the story. That would keep me coming back because I enjoyed my characters' story above all else in the game so far. I'll probably start unsubbing until story updates come out then pay for a month to play through them at the rate things are going. I'm definitely going to go to GW2 for PvP because I don't think this game will ever be anything special PvP wise. Hopefully ranked Warzones can stave off my boredom until then.
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At least until GW2 / Tera come out. I planned on staying longer. But then I heard they're looking into putting LFG and dual spec into the game. In other words, the game's in it's second month and already they're going the WoW way of pandering to the lazy more and more.
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not vary much longer . loved the game fought through my ends lag to play (on sat internet 1.2kms lowest ) still didnt have a problem till last nite hammershot quit working with target nearest enemy an i started looking for answers here in the forums ..now just bummed weird because i played swg through all their bs till a year ago but this one lil thing is killing me
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At least until GW2 / Tera come out. I planned on staying longer. But then I heard they're looking into putting LFG and dual spec into the game. In other words, the game's in it's second month and already they're going the WoW way of pandering to the lazy more and more.


How can you be blind to the fact that they are going the way of WoW? Was the fact that they removed the auto-attack just that awesome? Some of us knew what was in store for this game during the headstart already.

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till 28th of April... TERA online pre-order players get their 3 day of advantage those days :D


Tera looks like a more polished WoW then anything. Prob stick out with TOR until it dies if it ever dies it has it's fan base. I loved WoW when it only had about 3 mill players then it just got flooded with whiners. I'm also digging my guns and space combat I will be patient and see end game on top of end game PvP which to me is fun even with all the bugs.

Edited by vsalcedo
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I kinda seeing myself leaving and then checking back in every so often to see if all the content I wanted at launch is in. Thats unless when I cancel my sub for a month I lose all my legacy levels then I probably wont return unless this game becomes amazing.
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Not so far with this game, its got nothing new i might just go watch the class story cinematics on Youtube. I'll probably be gone when my one month sub is over.


I might come back for a month when the new *Left for Dead like flashpoint's second part* is released but that would only be for a month.


If only WoW didn't screw up with pandas...


Hopefully GW2 will cheer things up.

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