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George Lucas Still Defending 'Star Wars' Change


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George Lucas knows you "Star Wars" fans are pissed at him. You don't need to remind him. However, that won't stop the director from defending the infamous changes he's made to the original trilogy.


"Changes are not unusual -- I mean, most movies when they release them they make changes. But somehow, when I make the slightest change, everybody thinks it's the end of the world," Lucas told the Hollywood Reporter.


Lucas, who's been doing interviews of late to promote both "Red Tails" and "The Phantom Menace 3D," even took the time to address one of the biggest "Star Wars" controversies ever: The Han-Shot-First dilemma.


In "Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope," the audience is introduced to Han Solo at the Mos Eisley Cantina, where he runs into a bounty hunter named Greedo. The original version showed Han shooting first, but in the 1997 re-release, Lucas changed the scene to show that Greedo was the one who shot first (which made Han seem like much less of a rogue). Despite the uproar, George still stands by the decision.


"The controversy over who shot first, Greedo or Han Solo, in 'Episode IV,' what I did was try to clean up the confusion, but obviously it upset people because they wanted Solo [who seemed to be the one who shot first in the original] to be a cold-blooded killer, but he actually isn't. It had been done in all close-ups and it was confusing about who did what to whom. I put a little wider shot in there that made it clear that Greedo is the one who shot first, but everyone wanted to think that Han shot first, because they wanted to think that he actually just gunned him down."


Lucas' defense will likely do little to dissuade "Star Wars" fanatics who have it out for the filmmaker. In fact, George's next quote will probably enrage them further:


"If you look at 'Blade Runner,' it's been cut sixteen ways from Sunday and there are all kinds of different versions of it. 'Star Wars,' there's basically one version -- it just keeps getting improved a little bit as we move forward."


Lucas goes on to discuss the changes he made to Yoda in "The Phantom Menace," along with his thoughts on "Hugo" and SOPA. You can read the entire interview over on THR.


If you're interested in reliving the "Episode 1" experience (or, for some, inflicting pain on yourselves), you can check out "The Phantom Menace 3D" in theaters this weeken

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Even religious texts get revised. But Star Wars is almost like a religion in itself, and is loved as such.


Some revisions were cool like adding the Outrider and Jabba in A New Hope, but most of it was unnecessary and didn't make things better like Vader's NOOO! in ROTJ

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Can't help but throw my two cents in here regarding the Han Shot first thing...


First, nobody believes shooting somebody with a gun pointed at you who just told you that they could arrange to have something taken over your dead body makes you a cold blooded killer. That's called self defense.


So, let's look at the scenario...


The way the fans want it...


Greedo sits two feet from Han... Han realizes Greedo is about to squeeze off a bolt, and at this range, there's no way he could miss, so Han preemptively pulls out his own blaster under the table and fires first, the shot hits, causing Greedo's aim to veer and hit the wall near Han's head.


The way Lucas wants it...


Greedo sits two feet from Han... Han realizes Greedo is about to squeeze off a bolt and pulls his own blaster out under the table. Even so, Han sits there and lets a shot get off, counting on the fact that this bounty hunter has such horrible, horrible aim that he can't hit a large, non-moving target that's sitting two feet away. Han's incredibly stupid gamble pays off, Greedo does in fact miss the broad side of a barn, and then Han shoots him.



Which of those is the better story? It's not about wanting Han to be a cold blooded killer, it's about not wanting Greedo to be such a worthless Bounty Hunter that he can't hit somebody sitting right in front of him, and not wanting Han to be an idiot who just sat there and let himself get shot at from near point blank range.

Edited by AcousticColors
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All this stuff he rehashes could seriously be thrown onto a DVD into the extras section. Why spend money on something you already own for maybe 1 or 2 slight differences. Oooo 3D oooo 1080p. Who cares about that stuff. We fell in love with the original movies because they were ORIGINAL. All the movies, even the horrid prequels, should just be placed in a vault where Lucas can't touch them in anyway what so ever.


Rehashing all this again and again every couple of years GETS OLD. STOP IT LUCAS, JUST STOP.

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Folks can rage all they want about Han shooting first Lucas isn't lying look at the original script, Read the June 1977 issue of Starlog...he even says way back then that Greedo shoots first but the audience misses it because the shot was too narrow.


It may work better artistically for Han to shoot first but it was never the way Lucas intended it to be.


Also moves that has been re-cut five times more than all of the Star Wars movies put together.


Blade Runner

Lawrence of Arabia

The Wizard of Oz

Knock On any door

High noon

The paper Chase

Whats up Doc


There are more but......:rolleyes:

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Its still Star Wars...the movies haven't drastically changed, its not like Lucas completely tore out a scene or anything at the end of the day there are some tweaks and edits, but the movies as a whole and the plot as a whole is still there. Some people act like the movies have completely been changed, when they really haven't. Edited by Wolfninjajedi
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Of course he is "still defending it" Its his. Its what he wanted to do. He does not owe the whiny petulent fans a goddamned thing. It is not your IP. You do not get your way.



Get over it. Over a decade of this sad nerd rage and what has it done? Given some fat fanboys a few heart attacks and thats about it.


Move on with your life. No really move on


Its not the end of the world. Your childhood has not been destroyed.

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theres nothing wrong with recutting a film. he has the right to do it (except for the new obi wan dragon yell - no human has a right to do that)


i just really wish he would shut the **** up about "this is the real vision of star wars" HEY GEORGE you have been saying that every new addition to star wars is the true vision of star wars. give it up and just be honest. tell us that you just want to change it. nobody believes your true vision stuff any more.


true visions lose their meaning after the thirty-thousandth incarnation.

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George Lucas knows you "Star Wars" fans are pissed at him. You don't need to remind him. However, that won't stop the director from defending the infamous changes he's made to the original trilogy.


"Changes are not unusual -- I mean, most movies when they release them they make changes. But somehow, when I make the slightest change, everybody thinks it's the end of the world," Lucas told the Hollywood Reporter.


Lucas, who's been doing interviews of late to promote both "Red Tails" and "The Phantom Menace 3D," even took the time to address one of the biggest "Star Wars" controversies ever: The Han-Shot-First dilemma.


In "Star Wars - Episode IV: A New Hope," the audience is introduced to Han Solo at the Mos Eisley Cantina, where he runs into a bounty hunter named Greedo. The original version showed Han shooting first, but in the 1997 re-release, Lucas changed the scene to show that Greedo was the one who shot first (which made Han seem like much less of a rogue). Despite the uproar, George still stands by the decision.


"The controversy over who shot first, Greedo or Han Solo, in 'Episode IV,' what I did was try to clean up the confusion, but obviously it upset people because they wanted Solo [who seemed to be the one who shot first in the original] to be a cold-blooded killer, but he actually isn't. It had been done in all close-ups and it was confusing about who did what to whom. I put a little wider shot in there that made it clear that Greedo is the one who shot first, but everyone wanted to think that Han shot first, because they wanted to think that he actually just gunned him down."


Lucas' defense will likely do little to dissuade "Star Wars" fanatics who have it out for the filmmaker. In fact, George's next quote will probably enrage them further:


"If you look at 'Blade Runner,' it's been cut sixteen ways from Sunday and there are all kinds of different versions of it. 'Star Wars,' there's basically one version -- it just keeps getting improved a little bit as we move forward."


Lucas goes on to discuss the changes he made to Yoda in "The Phantom Menace," along with his thoughts on "Hugo" and SOPA. You can read the entire interview over on THR.


If you're interested in reliving the "Episode 1" experience (or, for some, inflicting pain on yourselves), you can check out "The Phantom Menace 3D" in theaters this weeken


I think you mean the lifeless e-thugs that spend years crying on the internet about movies are mad at him, the rest of us adjusted adults are just fine.

Edited by TKMaster
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Of course he defends the changes. Why would he make them to begin with if he didn't want them there?


Thing is, these "additions he wanted to originally add in" were probably cut out for a reason. Making a move is a collaborative process and a lot of people went against quite a few of George's decisions while the original trilogy was being made. Now that those people aren't around, he's just going back and adding in what he wants pretty much just to give those people the middle finger. Again, its his right to make these changes, but they're so minuscule and pointless most of the time you have to question why bother to begin with?

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Can't help but throw my two cents in here regarding the Han Shot first thing...


First, nobody believes shooting somebody with a gun pointed at you who just told you that they could arrange to have something taken over your dead body makes you a cold blooded killer. That's called self defense.


So, let's look at the scenario...


The way the fans want it...


Greedo sits two feet from Han... Han realizes Greedo is about to squeeze off a bolt, and at this range, there's no way he could miss, so Han preemptively pulls out his own blaster under the table and fires first, the shot hits, causing Greedo's aim to veer and hit the wall near Han's head.


The way Lucas wants it...


Greedo sits two feet from Han... Han realizes Greedo is about to squeeze off a bolt and pulls his own blaster out under the table. Even so, Han sits there and lets a shot get off, counting on the fact that this bounty hunter has such horrible, horrible aim that he can't hit a large, non-moving target that's sitting two feet away. Han's incredibly stupid gamble pays off, Greedo does in fact miss the broad side of a barn, and then Han shoots him.



Which of those is the better story? It's not about wanting Han to be a cold blooded killer, it's about not wanting Greedo to be such a worthless Bounty Hunter that he can't hit somebody sitting right in front of him, and not wanting Han to be an idiot who just sat there and let himself get shot at from near point blank range.



what makes more sense, the gunner in the opening scene can does his job and shoots down an escape pod and the films end there or he is incompetent?


which makes more sense. Storm troopers the Empires elite all have a strange vision defection that means that none of them can shoot straight and they never ever hit anyone or they are an elite squad and gun EVERYONE down in the death star and the film ends there.


i could go on all day. but i believe the point is made. The scene with greedo and Han is not there to realistically depict how a shoot out might go down but to introduce Han as a character and yes shooting first or second in what is a heroic fantasy film and not may i remind you real life does put a massively different spin on who he is.

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Hmmm. If Greedo had a shotgun then Luke might have married his sister after all... Seems to me that there are many better things in SW for Lucas to clear or clean up rather than worrying over Han looking like a "murderer" from a bar shoot out.
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I like the old movies and that's how I remember SW.

There are a lot of things that make no sense in the SW universe and well I would not praise the movies for having a deep story with a well written plot.

How ever they are incredibly fun to watch and it's just fantasy.



I honestly don't care about the remakes and JL changing them.

JL is a nerd (no offense) and well nerds like to nit pick, blowing something small out of proportion is well normal for these people.


Wouldn't be surprised if he just kept sticking to his point just because it got such a response.

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Folks can rage all they want about Han shooting first Lucas isn't lying look at the original script, Read the June 1977 issue of Starlog...he even says way back then that Greedo shoots first but the audience misses it because the shot was too narrow.


It may work better artistically for Han to shoot first but it was never the way Lucas intended it to be.


Also moves that has been re-cut five times more than all of the Star Wars movies put together.


Blade Runner

Lawrence of Arabia

The Wizard of Oz

Knock On any door

High noon

The paper Chase

Whats up Doc


There are more but......:rolleyes:


The difference between those movies and Star Wars is that the originals are still available.

The recuts are specifically defined as such (Director's Cut, etc.).


Lucas would have us believe that his recuts are the definitive versions, the originals are not available in any format.


The problem with this is that the original versions won Oscars. George Lucas's newer versions are not the same movies that won the Oscars therefore all of his Oscars should be taken away. Its a slap in the face to all the people who worked on the original special effects. All of their work has been effectively erased.

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I just find it sad that he feeds the trolls.


Its his movie, he is entitled to do with it what he wants. Its not like he changed anything for the worse if you analyse it objectively. He is tuning the movies to keep up with the times.


Dont like it? no one is forcing you to. If you're that much of a fan you should have the riginals = problem solved and stop overeacting. If you dont like it, dont buy it. Dont grief the director into not making any more movies.

Its the exact same thing with SWTOR haters. They make this incredible ideal image of things that makes no sense except in their dreams, and then are surprised when the reality check comes.


The funny thing is, people dont seem to understand that without this "terrible"director, we wouldnt be here having this conversation and loving the star wars mythos. You owe this obcession to the man. Grow up and have a little respect.

Edited by Nemmar
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Han Solo shot first, and that's that.


I would have aswell. Some lunatic is waving a pistol in my face you can bet your *** I'd blow him away too given the opportunity. And I certainly wouldn't feel bad about it. Protecting your own life doesn't make you a "Cold-blooded killer".


Bah! Ridiculous...

Edited by izayoinotsuki
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Can't help but throw my two cents in here regarding the Han Shot first thing...


First, nobody believes shooting somebody with a gun pointed at you who just told you that they could arrange to have something taken over your dead body makes you a cold blooded killer. That's called self defense.


So, let's look at the scenario...


The way the fans want it...


Greedo sits two feet from Han... Han realizes Greedo is about to squeeze off a bolt, and at this range, there's no way he could miss, so Han preemptively pulls out his own blaster under the table and fires first, the shot hits, causing Greedo's aim to veer and hit the wall near Han's head.


The way Lucas wants it...


Greedo sits two feet from Han... Han realizes Greedo is about to squeeze off a bolt and pulls his own blaster out under the table. Even so, Han sits there and lets a shot get off, counting on the fact that this bounty hunter has such horrible, horrible aim that he can't hit a large, non-moving target that's sitting two feet away. Han's incredibly stupid gamble pays off, Greedo does in fact miss the broad side of a barn, and then Han shoots him.



Which of those is the better story? It's not about wanting Han to be a cold blooded killer, it's about not wanting Greedo to be such a worthless Bounty Hunter that he can't hit somebody sitting right in front of him, and not wanting Han to be an idiot who just sat there and let himself get shot at from near point blank range.


This covers it nicely.

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Anyone who managed to read "The New Hope" book should know by now that Han did shot first. And anyone who have read "The Empire Strikes Back" should know that Han was portraited as a quick draw master with incredibly quick reaction, that very few non-Jedi could rival.


This is perfectly shown in the scene where Han Solo confronts Darth Vader, where Han pulls off his blaster and offloads at Vader. In the book and in the movie it all happens so fast only Darth Vader manages to react, while Boba Fett couldn't even pull out his gun in time.

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