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So i dont pay 8.99 to stand on the fleet all day? is there...


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Guys you're totally missing the point of this post. Sure he wants more content, but it's the simplicity of the content and the difficulty that is the issue. I've been 50 for a little over a week, I'm in a mediocre raiding guild and if it weren't for bugs I'd have completed EV and Kragga's by now. Finishing the two endgame raids in a week IS NOT A CHALLENGE. IT IS NOT BLOWING THROUGH CONTENT. Is it too much to ask for Hardmode raids and Nightmare raids to be a challenge? These two modes are where the difficulty should spike. These are where you have your healer checks, your tank checks, your dps checks, and your technique checks.


You know what the best fight in this game is? Mentor. He's not even a raid boss, but the mechanics of his fight are by far the best and had by far the most potential. It's a shame they burned it on a flashpoint. Love that fight, it requires movement, awareness, and an IQ above 70. I think a lot of us would be happier with a raid mode that can't be cleared in a week. I mean people are just becoming 50 and they are experiencing the "best" endgame content this game has to offer.


Also, I sincerely hope that people don't believe that the major draw to this game is playing alts. A game built around building multiple alts is just dying a slow and painful death. MMOs succeed on endgame content, not pushing people to play alts. 1.2 will make or break this game. It may not make everyone leave, but it will begin hemorrhaging subscriptions if it doesn't come through. A blow that it would probably never recover from.

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thats why I unsubbed. my guild of 80 cleared everything, everyone has their pve/pvp stuff now, and whenever i log on there are like 5 people out of 80. its not just my guild its the entire republic, a lot of names I dont see anymore


its not about being hardcore its about there just being very little motivation to do anything. heriocs? no thanks columni/tionese isnt even better than that champion gear it took me less than 2 weeks to get every single piece. rataka? whats the point? I can do all pve with my battlemaster without holding anyone back. I have rakata set, its in my bank permanently.


so why do I log on? what else can I do to improve my guy? theoretically I can optimize mods on my bm set by buying specific bm pieces. do i really care to do this? this is simply doing the 2 dailies every day and then logging off. do I want to pay for that?

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No offense, but IMO anyone who blew through ALL content (which I highly doubt) less then 8 week after release needs to get out more and probably needs a job. The fact is all MMO's have little end game content at release and they all add content as they go. Make some alts and wait for content, whining about it wont get content added any faster and just makes you look like a petulant child.
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If you blaze through all the content, especially in a new MMO, you've only got yourself to blame if you find yourself bored with nothing to do. It's the price one pays for doing so. If you're an experienced MMO player, you should've seen this coming.
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With the slight difference that WoW's content actually gave you a feeling of accomplishment.


Most dungeons, group quests and raids back then were incredible hard to beat, and beating it provided not only a feeling of accomplishment to yourself, but yourself as part of your group. These bonds created this way were exactly what kept people playing WoW back then, even though there wasn't "much" content to begin with.


WoW, even with the lack of content (that's your opinion to be honest, WoW

back then felt far bigger than ToR ever will), was able to create a community.


ToR on the other hand (just look at your local fleet channel or the forums) is a bunch of egoists (or to put it nicely "solo players") thrown in together for occasional co-op mode. Though if that warrants a monthly fee is yet to be seen, I'd say: no - and you'll at the latest after the failure 1.2 will be (*cough*Legacy*cough*) - the subcribers will start to drop.


World of Warcraft was so much easier and so much cheesier than Everquest, that nothing really felt like an accomplishment.


That ship has already sailed.

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No offense, but IMO anyone who blew through ALL content (which I highly doubt) less then 8 week after release needs to get out more and probably needs a job. The fact is all MMO's have little end game content at release and they all add content as they go. Make some alts and wait for content, whining about it wont get content added any faster and just makes you look like a petulant child.


more like anyone who doesnt have kids or a 50 hour job should be 50 by now unless they play about 10 hours a week


this is the least content mmo ever. unsubscribing from this mmo was the easiest unsub ever for me. ususally there are things like man, all those memories, all these guildies, do I really want to unsub? for TOR, theres basically nothing of that nature

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World of Warcraft was so much easier and so much cheesier than Everquest, that nothing really felt like an accomplishment.


That ship has already sailed.


have you ever actually tried the ops dungeons or even the wow raids? literally 4/5 in karaggas is a tank and spank. I cant think of any heriocs that boiled down to more than tank and spanks or at the best kill some adds or do some losing, or not stand in huge red circles on the ground or some crap like that.

Edited by Paralassa
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That battlemaster grind is quite the task unless you took advantage of being Empire on many servers during the reforming of Ilum content.


WoW had about the same stuff this game does at launch. WoW actually had less quests and around 50ish you kind of had to start grinding out levels by killing mobs or running dungeons repeatedly. Outside of running dungeons, doing world PvP, working on professions and doing those tricky questlines there was really nothing else to do. Molten Core I thought was in launch but that place is like dipping your eyes in acid kind of fun in my opinion. You spend like 6 hours just clearing the trash and another 6 killing the bosses.

That is what a MMO was about in 2004. It took months for the hardcore to get to max level, much longer for the average player.


This is 2012 now. Most MMOs make leveling insanely easy. If you are going to make leveling that easy, you need to have more end game content at release to keep people busy at max level.

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haha if you have full rat and full battlemaster then sir play some other game untill new stuff comes out. No game will push out endgame content in the speed that you and your guild is playing at since 95 % of everyone else who plays isnt even close to that speed.
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well you are playing an MMO that just launched two months ago. you powered through the content and now you have a few options: continue to pvp on your main, help guildies get geared, level an alt and get him geared, or just quit. it's not that difficult.
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I would suggest some cream for the bed sores on your behind.


An exercise program that involves an hour of walking or at least being on your feet (blood clots in your legs are extremely dangerous) per day.


oh, and if you are still alive after an hour of brisk walking, roll an alt.

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That is what a MMO was about in 2004. It took months for the hardcore to get to max level, much longer for the average player.


This is 2012 now. Most MMOs make leveling insanely easy. If you are going to make leveling that easy, you need to have more end game content at release to keep people busy at max level.


It didn't take months to get to L50 when WoW came out. Took me maybe 2 weeks, then I had nothing to do for a week or so because WoW had basically no endgame at all when it came out. I said the same thing about WoW that people say about SWTOR now.


Then I canceled before my free month was finished and went back to playing EQ1. Oh, and I was done with college working full time also, so it wasn't like I was playing 80+ hours a week to level either. WoW was just retarded easy after playing EQ1 for 5 years. TOR is just as easy, but it has a lot more endgame at release than WoW did.


And arguing that SWTOR should be released with as much as WoW has now is just silly. If that were the case, we would all still be playing EQ1 because there still isn't another MMO that even comes close to the sheer ridiculous number of raids that EQ1 has. Not to mention the enormous level and alternate advancement grind to even get to a point where any endgame raiding guild would want you in EQ1.


People complain about lack of content in every MMO I have played...go play through EQ's 16 expansions worth of raiding. It will probably take you at least a year of heavy playing. Sure the graphics aren't that great, but sadly, it's still a better MMO than 95% of the games made since.


The truth is, nobody wants to play a game like EQ1 that consumes a huge amount of time anymore. People just want their pvp playgrounds with easy to get purples. Well, now you have it...congrats.

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ain MMO's end game is where the game starts for a large proportion of MMO players?


And that right there is your mistake.


You have not considered the implication that SW:TOR is a story driven game. In its structure it resembles more a book or a movie than a repetitive grinding game like the ones you are used to.

At the end of a book you read 'the end', and at the end of a movie you have the hero shot followed by music swelling and credits starting to roll. In this game, at level 50, you have played through an incredible and hopefully satisfying story. If you have chosen to play it that way, that is. But at that point the story is over. You may return to it, like rereading a chapter in a book you enjoyed, and play your hero (or villain) again just to keep the memory alive. That is what the hard mode and nightmare flashpoints are for.


And there are 7 more books in the series, 15 more if you play through both advanced classes. Plus you get to see each story played out from a light side or darkside perspective since you have that option as well, not to mention trying to stay in the middle and all the other challenges that this game has and that you apparently ran past without even noticing in your conditioned journey to the 'end'.


If it took you two months to reach 'the end' with your first character, then there is 14 months more of content for you to play through. Or 30. Or 94 if you are planning on exploring the game exhaustively.

Surely long before that time the developers have added new things for your favourite first character to do. Maybe written a new book about him. Or added quite a few more chapters.

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wow was more accessible and had a more defining launch with misc stuff to do.


No, no there wasn't, it just took A LOT longer to hit level cap in wow, so when you finally hit level cap you had the illusion that this stuff was in at launch day 1.

Edited by ousooner
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good points actually.


Although it actually takes an extremely longtime to get full battlemaster imo, im 50 valor and put in about 100 hours on pvp alone, im not even half way.


If your already outta stuff to do then its your own fault.

Edited by KiaThas
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Well speaking for myself. I would love to see mini game's, solo dungeons that take many many hours to complete , missions that grant off the wall rewards. And just daily FUN event's to do with our buds or solo. These would really improve the game a lot.


I really hope it's not just more and more of the same being added each month.

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anything else i should be doing now im full battlemaster and rakata?


my guild is pretty much geared at both sides of the coin and we have literally NOTHING to do....?


bioware do you plan to add anything to keep us playing this MMO that has such potential and is wasted on voice acting that ends at 50...?


in MMO's end game is where the game starts for a large proportion of MMO players? since i have no reason to leave the fleet or nothing atall to do? what now? theres no exotic pet mounts to collect? no misc fun stuff? no gear other than what we have?


now what is my question?


i'de also like to suggest that that the raid content you provided takes less than 2 hours to complete on hard mode for both instances and a slight bit more for nightmare could i suggest a shorter lockout?


so can you atleast give me an incentive to play this game?


anything will do?


Get a life? You will see the game has plenty more content after that.


Also, you can always level some alts. Might also be a stretch, but maybe you could play the game cause its FUN to do so?


Oh noes i dont have a carrot to run after cause i ate them all already! QQ...


If you bothered to inform yourself about the game you would see theres more content on its way already on 1.2 and there more planned at least until 1.5 on each patch.

I know... QQ is soooo much easier innit?

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