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10 Good
  1. Shabob

    Are BW Liars?

    Yeah, and 500 people will get 15 tokens and so on and so forth, they aren't whining though... The OP is just being a cry baby, and people are mostly resonding to the tards that say stuff like I only got 1 out of 100.
  2. Shabob

    Are BW Liars?

    ... in one breath you're right in the next you're completely wrong .75%^4 is 32% of not getting a commendation when you open 4 bags If you don't believe me go back to school
  3. You'd think people never played an MMO before... We have what we have and they'll just keep working on stuff and adding more content. Seriously get over yourselves.
  4. I haven't really noticed a bunch of bugs. There are some tweaks to some systems, but nothing real game breaking for me personally.
  5. 1 shameless bump to get a few more fews before this thread goes to the abyss...
  6. First off, lets say that this game is doing very well. I enjoy the story based quests, the PvP, the world, crafting, and the flash points. Obviously the game has some issues, but I won't address any of those. I think the rest of the forum posters do plenty of that. These ideas aren't necessarily in order of priority. #1 Space combat - a second MMO within a MMO. As it exists right now space combat is a fairly decent mini game that you can do as daily quests for some cool stuff. What space combat is and what it could be however could truly make this game stand out far above the rest. (no pun intended) If they flesh out space combat to be a PvP system with customizable ships and unique rewards and gear you'd have something that could be very unique and special to MMO gaming. What I'm envisioning are space combat PvP warzones with escorts, defense/assault, and pure dog fight engagements. I don't want to have just simply player versus player. I want to have PvP with computer controlled units joining the fights that provide additional support and targets for players. It also makes for a grand fight with the huge space battles we love to watch in the movies. Within the space combat portion of the game would be ships you could buy, customize, and truly make your own. (Don't get rid of your "rental" ship) This would be secondary to the other part of the game where if you choose to not participate in space combat you would still keep your rental ship you earn at the end of the intro quests. If someone wants to become the greatest pilot in the galaxy, rather than the greatest healer or tank, then I say this game has what you want! The system all ready exists it just needs to be greatly expanded and fleshed out to be made a true multi player experience. #2 Expanded open RvR experience. We all know that Ilum isn't doing so great right now, but I believe if they made it more like Starwars Battlefront that it could be a much better system that population imbalance could be absorbed a little more easily. Now people don't love fighting NPC's when they're supposed to be fighting players, but you can't guarantee that there will be players present and if they are it'll be equal. I'd like to see a zone where you can control of it by killing NPCs in battle, players who are worth more, and objectives that can be taken that are worth the most. The side with less players get NPC's that are more numerous and slightly stronger than the other side to even the fight out. I'd also like to see siege weapons and vehicles both player and NPC controlled. #3 Random flashpoint finder I like the "hub" at the fleet, but lets be honest this will come eventually and will be well received by most players. PvP probaly could use server groups as well. There isn't much to add, except that it's a needed feature imo. #4 Continued Story lines, flashpoints, operations This is obvious and we all know they are working on these things, but need to be continually added. What other content or updates to current content would you like to see?
  7. Um, you're not paying $15 a month for existing content, you're paying $15 a month to keep the entire Dev staff employed to make more content, fix bugs, add combat logs, etc. Come march you'll have payed $45 for the second major content patch.
  8. Sorcs are not even close to Bright Wizards. A good team with 2 bright wizards with two healers a single target DPS and a Tank to guard swap wiped the floor with anyone who dared to stand against them.
  9. Yeah right, vanguards won't have their grapple up because I guarantee that they've all ready used it to slime kill someone.
  10. I did alot of open RvR playing Warhammer. I was on a server where destruction outnumbered order, but I also was in the best PvP guild for order at the time. The thing is if you're on the outnumbered side you have to take your strategy and coordination to new levels if you want to succeed. It wasn't uncommon for us to have 1 full equivalent of an OPs group and handily defeat 3 to 1 odds. The thing is that you need to have your groups set up properly, you need to have have AoE heals and dps. You also need to have a few good single target people that can quickly take out important targets. Basically, if you're on republic side right now, you need to decide that you're going to get very serious about taking on Imperials at Ilum. That means everyone on Vent, a vocal leader, and good players on your team.
  11. It's as simple as this... It's a TIME SINK! They want you to have to spend time to get TWO sets of gear. That is the only explanation anyone needs.
  12. Well ToR is competing against the last patch of Cata. Nobody is playing WoW now, they've grown bored of it. They have about 1 year to create enough content in ToR to compete against Pandaland and that's when the real test will come. Everyone will try this game out and they'll have 1 year to prove themselves. If they can get all the features that people want in an MMO in by that time, I'd say they'll steal the markets share of business.
  13. How could they possibly change how they produce them? They have to write the code and script for these things. That takes time. The artists have to come up with every single tree, armor, weapon, landscaping, sky. They have to code those things into the game, it takes time. Also, it's not like other companies share their secrets with each other. Blizzard isn't going to just tell Bioware how to code and set up servers that allow them to send gear, characters, LFG, etc. where ever they want to. Another thing, people ought to stop with the new car comparisons because graphics wise ToR is very nice and with even better computers they could allow the "ultra" graphics you see in cutscenes to become the actual game play experience. The other features just plain and simple need time to be coded into the game. Bioware has kept their entire Dev team onboard past the launch of the game for faster content patches. This is very significant and we'll see this game "mature" faster than any other MMO in history.
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