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So i dont pay 8.99 to stand on the fleet all day? is there...


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Do such things like searching for datacrons (I mean who really searches for them anyways? I bet most of those who already have all, looked the locations up, am I right?) really count as content? for me that's just tedious, like farming flashpoints and operations as a whole.

But that seems to be the catch with these sorts of games.

Many people seem to be able to overlook the fact that they are repeating the same content (fyi flashpoints=content; items =/= content (at least in my opinion)) over and over again.


I think most of the people that have "completed" raids looked the exact bosses and tactics up on the internet before hand, it would have taken a lot longer and been more fun to go i blind and work it out yourself a raid at a time.

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Problem is... starting another character is running through EXACTLY THE SAME quests again (minus main storyline). Believe me, its not that fun after a few toons. Giving us a NON LINEAR leveling path would have added a lot to the game's replay value.




There is enough content in this game to level at least three characters per faction with the only repeating content being flashpoints.


Please quit. Please. You'll make everyone happier.

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To be honest, with all of the requests for cross server LFGs and ports included it seems players don't actually want an MMO they just want a bunch of instanced 1 to 4 hour runs to play with a group of people.


Maybe the next most successful MMO will simply have no levels, a single room for everyone to log into and 30 raids in varying difficulty level to get gear. They wouldn't need to create a world, quests or a story line they could just spawn instances a mix of PvP and PvE with appropriate gear and leader boards. Maybe add a large single area for people to go and fight each other at will.


Could have saved a fortune.


I don't think this game has failed, it's just created more of a niche game for StarWars fans and RPG fans (preferably a mix of both). Hopefully there is enough of us out there to keep it running after the unsatisfied players leave.


It wouldn't have to be all raids. Guild Wars had a level cap of 20, which was reached fairly quickly, and then the remainder of the content was for a level 20 character -- pretty much all of it quests, not raids/instances. You continued to get stronger due to gear upgrades, but it wasn't by means of set levels. Of course, Guild Wars wasn't a true persistent world MMO, but I don't see why a persistent world MMO couldn't have that approach -- you just basically have most of the content be designed for a level capped character, and have most of that be quests and "regular" content, and not all raids and instanced content. It sounds like leveling by another name, but it has a very different feel, and could be one way to skin the cat of how to square fast leveling with lots of content and retention of players.

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All my guild is geared in ubrs gear, its been months and nothing from the devs. We have only 3 battlegrounds and have all the gear from there too. Why is there is not more incentive to play after so much time.



Its like DejaVu in here - all the time.


The game hasn't been out for months. It's been out for less than two months. In that less than two months we've already had a content update.


If you're going to complain at least try to stay somewhere in the realm of reality. Wait, no don't do that. Keep posting nonsense so we can write you off immediately.

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The game hasn't been out for months. It's been out for less than two months. In that less than two months we've already had a content update.


If you're going to complain at least try to stay somewhere in the realm of reality. Wait, no don't do that. Keep posting nonsense so we can write you off immediately.


I think you missed his point entirely. He was saying that these kinds of threads are reminiscent of what we saw in WoW's forums in early 2005.

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Be glad u didnt join wow at launch!!!!!! as there were NO raids just a few dungeons


WoW has absolutely nothing to do with the topic.


It's like saying "darn I forgot to buy tomatoes for my salad"

Response... "did you know WoW also didn't have tomatoes at launch?"



To the OP... meh... you're just experiencing what everyone else is... lack of endgame content for a game that is so quick to level-up in. BW needs to either add more content to appease people at max level, or make it take longer to level. Since they can't do the latter at this point, all they can do is add content. It will be a slow process. So my recommendation would be to come back in a year when there's enough content probably. But by then GW2 will be out, so who cares about SWTOR content....

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There is enough content in this game to level at least three characters per faction with the only repeating content being flashpoints.


Please quit. Please. You'll make everyone happier.


If by 'enough content'... you mean killing 10 droids on the west side of the map as opposed to the east side... then... maybe.

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Just a thought, perhaps if your that bored you might pick up the phone and call a mate. go outside for a change and do something other than troll.


So your suggestion for a game people are paying a subscription for is to stop playing?

Good one. Wonderful suggestion.

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If by 'enough content'... you mean killing 10 droids on the west side of the map as opposed to the east side... then... maybe.


No I mean like skipping the sidequest of several planets so you don't outlevel your class story.


My first character literally skipped whole planets worth of sidequests. Just doing the class story and leaving. But then, I'm actually talking about reality, you folks are making stuff up to QQ about until you go to the next game and complain.


Have at it.

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anything else i should be doing now im full battlemaster and rakata?


my guild is pretty much geared at both sides of the coin and we have literally NOTHING to do....?


bioware do you plan to add anything to keep us playing this MMO that has such potential and is wasted on voice acting that ends at 50...?


in MMO's end game is where the game starts for a large proportion of MMO players? since i have no reason to leave the fleet or nothing atall to do? what now? theres no exotic pet mounts to collect? no misc fun stuff? no gear other than what we have?


now what is my question?


i'de also like to suggest that that the raid content you provided takes less than 2 hours to complete on hard mode for both instances and a slight bit more for nightmare could i suggest a shorter lockout?


so can you atleast give me an incentive to play this game?


anything will do?


Well, what can I say that hasn't been said before? Nothing really... except: go to a place (potentially a med station) close the starting point of the other faction on some planet, strip and start dancing!


It's always good for a laugh when those Imps come by, stop, and then come in going 'What the...?' forgetting about potential NPC guards around and then get blasted to bits by them... :D


But seriously: start a new character? Potentially on a new server to make some new friends? Or at least help out the underdogs on that server?


If you have done so and are still complaining about things to do, well, put the blame on all those 'instant gratification' kiddies that made sure that leveling up your character fast is the only way to play in MMOs these days...


I suggest driving them all into the sea... given how shallow they are it won't actually raise the water level a bit ;)

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So your suggestion for a game people are paying a subscription for is to stop playing?

Good one. Wonderful suggestion.


lol not at all, just no need to hang around in game all the time. try taking some time out instead thats all. Its a great game but if you will rush your way to end game then you can only expect to wait a while for new content to come out. If the game is so boring for this guy then he should try finding other things to do with his time. That way the time he does spend on the game might have more meaning and be a little more enjoyable.

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At least the OP actually experienced all the content the game has to offer. I keep thinking about leveling my 48 jugg or 40 op to 50 and I'm like..why? What is the point?


I would also love to roll out a few republic toons, at least consular, maybe trooper and smuggler. Unfortunately I would have to be an idiot to roll anything republic on my server when republic side is dead. I tried rolling republic on the most republic heavy server I could find but I was turned off by the idea of leveling a new character at all wether I had played the class at all or not. Plus I don't really think any server has a good repub population that I would be happy with.


The Crucible Pits - 150-200 people on the fleet at average during peak time, we totally dominate Illum, stop acting like you've actually tried.

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Here we go again... Apparently this game is competing with the 2004 launch of another MMORPG.


Regardless, WoW is irrelevant and you fanboys bring it up more than the doomsayers in some stupid fallacy to distract from the main point.


There isn't enough end-game content in any form to keep players entertained. This isn't about being hardcore. This isn't about WoW. The game is lacking end-game content. Period.



^ content locust # 39484373


sorry , move on then and play another genre altogether ...



the content will be here, but it wont be here 2 months after release, coding , programing , scripting and funding ALL take time, much much much more than it takes you to "Clear " said content and become bored..there is simply no way to keep you and the other content locusts happy when you decide to invest 30+ hours a week of playtime, there is sipmply no way to keep you playing with new content forever....


i refer to my earlier post...what would you have them do then? take the game down for three years while they design 300 raids to keep you people happy?


or would you rather them use ridiculous RNG or faction grinds to "give you something to do"


take a step back , pull your head out of your butts and realize the problem isnt the game but rather YOUR expectations of it, go back to wow, i promise by next week you will be saying " i have nothing to do here" too

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we arent that hardcore? when u see the ease at which any monkey with a mouse can clear the raid content you will be surprised that they didnt add more?


That's what most hardcore gamers say. They never think that they are hardcore, and never even notice when they've passed the event horizon.

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What does that have to do with SWTOR?


nothing , but it does have to do with the point that no game company in the world can mass produce mmorpg content every week to keep people that invest 30 hours a week playing happy...


unless of course you mean RNG and faction grinds wich make you do the same instances and ops over and over and over and you call it "something to do"



srsly i dont know what people here expect....the lich king generation of ebabies wants it all now but they dont realize that NOW just lets THEM become bored and screws eveyrone else in the process...


TLDR? : That not even wow had enough endgame content on release, yet its still around after raking 150 million a month for the past 5 years...so hold on to your horses and wait for content like the rest of us, change your expectations and you wont have any problem...



helll, go back to wow, right now, and i promise you will be here in 2 weeks time saying "there is nothing to do over there"

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WoW had about the same stuff this game does at launch. WoW actually had less quests and around 50ish you kind of had to start grinding out levels by killing mobs or running dungeons repeatedly. Outside of running dungeons, doing world PvP, working on professions and doing those tricky questlines there was really nothing else to do. Molten Core I thought was in launch but that place is like dipping your eyes in acid kind of fun in my opinion. You spend like 6 hours just clearing the trash and another 6 killing the bosses.


With the slight difference that WoW's content actually gave you a feeling of accomplishment.


Most dungeons, group quests and raids back then were incredible hard to beat, and beating it provided not only a feeling of accomplishment to yourself, but yourself as part of your group. These bonds created this way were exactly what kept people playing WoW back then, even though there wasn't "much" content to begin with.


WoW, even with the lack of content (that's your opinion to be honest, WoW

back then felt far bigger than ToR ever will), was able to create a community.


ToR on the other hand (just look at your local fleet channel or the forums) is a bunch of egoists (or to put it nicely "solo players") thrown in together for occasional co-op mode. Though if that warrants a monthly fee is yet to be seen, I'd say: no - and you'll at the latest after the failure 1.2 will be (*cough*Legacy*cough*) - the subcribers will start to drop.

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