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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Sooooo unfair!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Although this post was annoying to read, I do agree... I too have started trying to pvp at 50, i have about 350 expertise from pre patch and i went into a WZ last night and an OPs killed me before the 1.5 sec stun wore off... basically just quit after that.. that was through my static shield..


Thats exactly why I started an alt. Once static barrier drops I get turned into swiss cheese period.

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Yeah you would say that as you got all you champ gear free in 1 week.


Ok. Stop. I have been level 50 for about 3 weeks now and I still don't have all Champion gear. I have read the first few pages of this post and I couldn't take it anymore. Free gear before patch? You do know the definition of random right? That means some people got gear, some people didn't. End of story. A lot of people from before patch didn't get lucky with RNG and get full Champ sets. You have 280 champ commendations and you get more every single day and you're complaining about the item drops?


Also, stop saying "you peoples get free gear for you and your companions." First, the first part of that sentence is flat wrong as EVERYBODY has told you. Second, gear for our companions doesn't mean anything. Can you use your companions in warzones or ilum pvp? No? We can't either. Most of my companions are in their starting equipment because there is no point in gearing them after level 50. So stop whining about nothing.


You have it much easier than you think you do. Sorry, but if they upped the drop chance in bags for tokens people would literally be able to farm Champ gear in two days. People wanting that make me sick.

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If you opened 40 bags after the patch you have 280 champ tokens.


Go buy a full set of gear minus your weapon.


Then buy all your alts loot with your 540 cent. tokens.


That's exactly what i was thinking lmfao...He can buy like a full set of champ gear if he truelly opened 40 bags.


Honestly...I think he probably opened 4-5 bags and got really mad that he didnt get a full set of gear yet so he came here to lie about it and make it seem like the system is broken.


The current system in game is PERFECT for Champion bags. It's still totally horrible for Battlemaster bags though seeing as how you cant even buy them. You can ONLY get BM bags from daily quests which is totally stupid. I'd love to see us be able to buy them even if they cost a ton. Would give me a reason to PVP past 60 and after doing daily quests instead of just doing it for fun. I feel very counter productive now that I'm Battlemaster.


Either way, the OP is quite obviously lieing about how many bags he opened.

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For the record, I didnt have champion gear in every slot until i was Valor rank 58. If the system was the way it is now I'd have had full champ gear by like valor rank 50. Considering 50-60 is like the same amount of grinding as 1-50, i'd say the change is pretty good.


Most people who are like valor 20 cry about not having gear. Please dont cry until you've jumped through all the hoops the high valor people have.


Next thing you know the OP will be upset over how long it takes to get to Battlemaster and will claim Battlemasters 1 shot him, even though there's hardly any difference AT ALL in stats between BM and champ gear.

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I ding 50 about a two weeks ago, and after this last patch came out they changed the pvp system, regarding the champion bags..........

I mean it NEVER drops items anymore, if it does must be like 00000.0000001%.... I've open around 40 bags...... NO ITEMS!


And all you other's before patch got FREE items all the time, you + your companions have AWESOME gear... While i need open 900 bags to get gear just for me....

I cannot belive how unfair bioware can be...


That it has champion marks too now makes sense as many got same items all the time, but to cut out the items part is well REALLY REALLY UNFAIR!

I'm so annoyed with this........................... ! ! !

I get punish for leveling later then others, and then i need grind pvp 999999999999999 more hour to finish my gear.... So unfair........................!






this is just hilarious, people bi!@# and whine when it is using a RNG system to get your gear...so they change it and then people bi!@# about the fact that they made it the way everyone wanted....lul at you whiners your'e never happy.

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Your friends were wither very lucky or spinning you a line.


Old system, I hit valor 60 with still some Cent items. Sure I had some Dup items to put on companions, but tbh they are next to worthless since your far better off gearing your companions with Columi gear which is easy as hell to get.


In fact with the mark increase columi and tionese gear is even easier to get now than it was pre-1.1. It took me an AGE to get my main companion in near full T2, after the patch I was able to grab the few reamining piece's much easier thanks to the now 20 comm's for raid progress etc.


The random bags were HORRIBLE. Hell I'm still sick with the battlemaster bag, (not quite full battlemaster yet and I'm rank 65 .. missing 4 pieces for which I need 9 marks)


The new system is MUCH better. Heck i now have 160 odd champ comm's rotting away on my character with no reason to spend them. Getting to pick your upgrade is a far better system than randomly getting something you may already have 3 of.


Concider yourself lucky that you hit 50 post 1.1 so you never had to deal with the irritation of opening another champ bag and seeing ANOTHER chest piece when you have 5 already ...

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Yeah i said i understand they added champ marks, but they did not need to nerf the drop rate on items so much.. You guys who ding before me, have full champion gear + all you companions do too.. .NOT fair...


I'm getting the idea that you are very young.


Don't you understand that under the old system you might have ONE champion piece in those 40 bags and maybe enough for 3 centurion pieces? Like the guy you quoted and didn't read... when I hit rank 60 I still had 3 centurion pieces.... and it's a common story.

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Concider yourself lucky that you hit 50 post 1.1 so you never had to deal with the irritation of opening another champ bag and seeing ANOTHER chest piece when you have 5 already ...


Not only that, but the more champion pieces you actually had the less of a chance on getting the one or two pieces you really needed - under the old system.

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Adding my 2 cents.


It's easier now to get full Champion set.


Now you don't have to pray RNG gets you all the pieces you need for a full set before you reach valor rank 60. Now it is guaranteed certain you will have it before rank 60.


'Nuff said.


/game on.

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All my friends got full gear SUPER fast in old system.. So if you're telling me it took you a long time i don't know man..

And when i said trolling, i ment people being rude and calling names etc. And trying to make me angry etc.


the only people trolling you are your "friends"


suck it up princess

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Although this post was annoying to read, I do agree... I too have started trying to pvp at 50, i have about 350 expertise from pre patch and i went into a WZ last night and an OPs killed me before the 1.5 sec stun wore off... basically just quit after that.. that was through my static shield..


This one made me laugh.


I suppose they should nerf operatives and scoundrels again.


That should fix everything for this person.



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The old system was worse so please cut it out. I've opened 30+ bags in the old system and didn't get anything. Overall I opened well over 100 bags in the old system, and never got a chest piece or legs. I got 6 ear pieces 7 implants 5 gloves... you get the point. With the new sysetm you get to choose what you want to buy. Stop crying, it's better.
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I ding 50 about a two weeks ago, and after this last patch came out they changed the pvp system, regarding the champion bags..........

I mean it NEVER drops items anymore, if it does must be like 00000.0000001%.... I've open around 40 bags...... NO ITEMS!


And all you other's before patch got FREE items all the time, you + your companions have AWESOME gear... While i need open 900 bags to get gear just for me....

I cannot belive how unfair bioware can be...


That it has champion marks too now makes sense as many got same items all the time, but to cut out the items part is well REALLY REALLY UNFAIR!

I'm so annoyed with this........................... ! ! !

I get punish for leveling later then others, and then i need grind pvp 999999999999999 more hour to finish my gear.... So unfair........................!




Hence the reason Bioware caved in and gave you the frickin champion commendations in the first place. Please at least try to make your QQ somewhat intelligent. You should have a full set of champ gear easy with 40 bags, so **** and just be patient like the rest of us to get your gear tokens without making us all be annoyed by your petulance.

Edited by Pizzaness
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Ye, keep calling me young and childish names, that shows how "grown" up you must me :p i respect people who say what they mean, thats cool. But to start saying i'm young and stuff like that has no place in my post.


Like i've said before i should be allowed to have my opinion. Also that "bioware" "caves" in is a very bad sign for me, it starts to remind me of "Blizzard" that also started to "cave in" and totaly destroyed the game, as they did EVERYTHING the whine people wanted, at least i don't "cry" about want something, rather that i did not like the new system that you guys got after endless post of whines..


And i would not had a problem with this new system IF they did not nerf the drop chance of GEAR to 0.00000000001%.....

I knew you guys who played while old system came out, and was just missing maybe 1 champion part that u could get easy now with the new system would rage at me, but understand for me who needs to grind endless now since it NEVER drops items, at least not for me, it pisses me off..


And for you who said my friends are trolling me, your funny! they are rl friends and i've seen all items they got before rank 40! If they was lucky, it means 4 of my real life friends was just as lucky, i find that hard to belive as "luck" ....

Edited by DEuZZ
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Sounds like you play an average of 1-3 hours a day. How can you complain it's unfair that players who play 8-10 hours a day are better geared than you?


You could have put the time in and been 50 for the big valor gains on patch day....you could have been there for the "EASY...not!" piece drop from champ bags.....but you weren't. Don't cry poor when you can get all your gear with out waiting for a lucky piece drop. It's just a matter of opening a certain number of bags to have all champ gear now.


I have an alt almost 50 now and I'm looking forward to dinging 50 and having full champ exactly when I want it....your in total control now....stop QQing.

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Sounds like you play an average of 1-3 hours a day. How can you complain it's unfair that players who play 8-10 hours a day are better geared than you?


You could have put the time in and been 50 for the big valor gains on patch day....you could have been there for the "EASY...not!" piece drop from champ bags.....but you weren't. Don't cry poor when you can get all your gear with out waiting for a lucky piece drop. It's just a matter of opening a certain number of bags to have all champ gear now.


I have an alt almost 50 now and I'm looking forward to dinging 50 and having full champ exactly when I want it....your in total control now....stop QQing.


Sounds what ever u like, i play around 10-12 hours everyday pvp, i'm soon rank 41. My main consern is people who got the free gear FAST, that has so much better gear then our new people who need do endless grinding to get 1 part.

And don't give me that use cent gear is good enough, if it was all would use it and not bother with champ and battlemaster gear etc.


This game is made this way, it's about stats on gear, the better gear the more dmg u do the more u survive etc, if ur good or bad player.

Edited by DEuZZ
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Sounds what ever u like, i play around 10-12 hours everyday pvp, i'm soon rank 41. My main consern is people who got the free gear FAST, that has so much better gear then our new people who need do endless grinding to get 1 part.


lol nobody got free gear fast.

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