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BW announced their plans to kill server communities yesterday...


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Yea Warcraft communities is so dead over cross server Q's...oh wait...


I love doom's day sayers. :rolleyes:


Coming from a person who played WoW since 04', the community compeletly changed once x-servers were implimented. There was a time when I remembered the names my enemies and they knew mine.


Next is flying mounts and we never leave the main hub again.

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Tbh i couldn't care less if cross server WZs are coming.


however i see that Bioware seam to have given up on Open world pvp.

not one word about ilum and pvp server improvments (why do we have pvp servers anyway?). no word on engine improvment so that big pvp battles are more playable.


instead they give us cross server warzones and another hutball like game.

why do we have 2 factions and whats it with the war between those again?

guess their interpretation about war is having 8vs 8 chasing a greesy ball in an arena.



congratz bioware another star wars game that will fail so hard.

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Coming from a person who played WoW since 04', the community compeletly changed once x-servers were implimented. There was a time when I remembered the names my enemies and they knew mine.


Next is flying mounts and we never leave the main hub again.


we leave the main hub now?

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PvPers are either in Carrick or Ilum, not really any reason to go elsewhere.


And that’s where people should be. Beside the main points of x-server +/-, instant ques will not only deter people from world PvP because it’s faster just to que but faction imbalance will never fix itself.

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so many drama queens. No, cross-server pvp queing will not "kill community", don't be an idiot.


I dont want to play with random nabs i want to play with nabs on my own server so i know who to hunt/annoy in WZ:s. Also its more fun when you can easily spot good players from your own realm and stick with them in WZ:s.


So no for x-realm pvp que as it will make pvp boring and dull, but filling empty team spots with players from another realm doesnt sound that bad if it is limied to 1-2 persons in single WZ so your team would still mostly be from your own realm.

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This is sort of my point, I found my guild through solo pvp queing and getting paired with them enough times we got to know each other. Also while you can't really talk to the other faction you still get to know them and enjoy playing against them. At least I do.


Pretty much doing same but with one irl friend, we are both guildless for a reason because its more fun to actually make a name by actions be it trought pve or pvp performance, feels alot better to be picked in guild by skill rather than just being another roster filler.


And this is near impossible to achive with x-realm ques.

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i am disappoint


one of the things i enjoy about playing is the sense of server community. even when i queue solo, i know half of my teammates, i see them regularly. i've gotten to know the pubs as well, and have some great rivalries.



if they make WZs cross server, a lot of that will be lost. and this game will start to feel more and more like WoW. Which is not what people want. if they wanted WoW, theres another game out there that does that, and has noticeably better responsiveness and combat mechanics.

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I don't know about you guys, but solo pvping at lvl 50 is how I made most of my in-game friends




So AGAIN a pvp issue wants to RUIN it for the rest of us. Perhaps they should only implement this on PVE servers and leave you all out of it.


I for one am looking forward to it

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You can have a cross-server LFG for WZ's and STILL have pretty decent pvp games with friends




Simple: create a group and play a premade!!!


you can easily advertise on your general chat to form a good group, add them on skype/TSP or whatever program your using hand have fun.

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You can have a cross-server LFG for WZ's and STILL have pretty decent pvp games with friends




Simple: create a group and play a premade!!!


you can easily advertise on your general chat to form a good group, add them on skype/TSP or whatever program your using hand have fun.


People also like to play against people on their servers. They want guilds to develop friendships and rivalries. You can queue with a group of friends....but with cross-server queues, you're just playing against a bunch of random strangers. It's less fun that way.


What's more, I made most of my friends in WZs. I got lots of guild invites from people and eventually found a guild that seemed like a good fit.....because I solo queued a LOT of WZs and got to know people on my own server. After this, what will we have? Ilum? :rolleyes:


If your server sucks for PvP, go to a better one. My server is awesome. I chose it very carefully, and I chose it well. Our community is awesome. We get a good mix of WZs, and when we do get Huttball, we usually get to play against the Pubs.


This game is brand new, and they are already implementing cross-server queues. That is a HUGE red flag to me. I wish they would just merge servers for those of you who chose poorly or let you transfer to a decent server for free. I resent that my experience is going to be degraded because BW did a bad job of ensuring that the servers would have healthy populations.

Edited by belialle
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Simple: create a group and play a premade!!!


But this is the main problem. I want to know peoples playstyle and performance before i teamup with them, and that cant be done just by yelling in general/trade for premades.


The day BW impiments x-realm WZ:s will become even more boring gind feast but now you are doing with anons you probably wont see ever again or atleast very rarely.

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This morning a commando came to Ilum to try to do his daily. I could totally hold my head high and he could see my skill as he got mowed down by 5 people. /sarcasm


Ilum is broken; even for legitimate battles. On my server, there are said battles every now and again. However, if you are the first to die, you get nothing! So almost all groups are just a mass zerg of no skill. The few times where the groups are balanced leave the poor healers with nothing since they die first.


Server communities do exist. There was a repub that actually chatted with me through Ald (3 people on his team; 8 on ours). I've made a repub alt and I talk to the guy. People know the great pvpers on my server. They talk in general even as they horribly kill each other. Certain players are so known that they are focused over everybody (either for douchebaggery or because that healer is too good to leave alone or...) I joined my current guild because they recognized me in pvp and wanted me to pvp with them. (Which then branched into raiding with them).


Okay, let's say we just give you the win on that. You're right about Ilum, and I'm wrong. Fine. But how does that affect warzones? I can assure you there's no sense of community on the server I play on. Even in good games where people communicate and work together, we don't pretend we're all going to hang out at the pub afterward.

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Okay, let's say we just give you the win on that. You're right about Ilum, and I'm wrong. Fine. But how does that affect warzones? I can assure you there's no sense of community on the server I play on. Even in good games where people communicate and work together, we don't pretend we're all going to hang out at the pub afterward.


But do you know which guild tags to watch out for? Do you know who you should support in the WZ for a stronger chance at a win and who is going to be worthless? Do you know who the whiners are? Have you started to recognize the names of people yet? You know, like you see PlayerX and you know they usually have a pocket healer that follows them around and that you should kill it. Or -- you see PlayerZ on your team, and you know they're a good healer, so you know you should help peel for them.


That's what community is. No one is pretending that we're all best friends here. But when you play with/against the same people enough that you start recognizing them, you do develop a much greater sense of solidarity -- and even faction pride. That goes away with cross-server queues.


If I wanted to play a game that was essentially just a big waiting room, I'd go back to WoW. But that's not what I want. It's why I'm here and not there. The closed server setup we have right now is one of the main things that distinguishes this game from WoW. When you take that away, you strip this game of one of the only special, unique features it has compared to WoW.

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it seems like they are going to do it, I hate the see cross-server queues as well but it seems like the reality at this point


hopefully they do it in an intelligent way, for example they could make it so that they attempt to form a server only match, and if after 5 minutes or so it can't happen then they expand to pull players from other servers to form the match


there are many ways, I just hope that same server is still the top priority

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This game is brand new, and they are already implementing cross-server queues. That is a HUGE red flag to me. I wish they would just merge servers for those of you who chose poorly or let you transfer to a decent server for free. I resent that my experience is going to be degraded because BW did a bad job of ensuring that the servers would have healthy populations.


BioWare was reluctant to even give us server specific forums, which are the backbone of community growth for a server. Would it really surprise you if they didn't care all that much about it?

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Cross server PvP Yays ! Just means more people available to fight against, and more chance of getting into PvP late on at night etc. Also, wider variety of players.


Thanks Bioware you just saved PvP in most realms where there is very little PvP available due to either lack of interest or simply folks go offline or are not available to play.


Cheers Bioware way to go and keep up the good work.

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