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I vote no on cross-server WZ queues


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Signed. Fact is that making cross server warzones would make q's pop faster and we'd pvp more, but it would also kill the community. I've been playing from pre-release day day one and have pvped with nearly everyone on my server and recognize them all at this point. I've built friendships and reputation that i would never have gained from cross servers, i'd just be a nameless face that no one would even notice as they grinded valor.


Imo, if you really want to put in cross server pvp, make it optional. For in your selection you can choose pvp on your realm or to go venturing with complete strangers. That way you can still make friends on your realm with the option of getting faster q's if you need them.

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The day cross-server warzones get implemented is the day I'll stop doing them because there's no fun playing with complete strangers that you will never see again, and if there's no other decent PvP in the game by then I guess I'll have to quit.


It's like putting a band-aid on a gunshot wound. Consolidating the player base to fewer but more highly populated servers is the only way to go. And if you like PvP and picked the overpopulated faction it's only fair to suffer for it. Even Huttball shouldn't be same faction. There needs to be an incentive to balancing the factions.

Edited by vrok-
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I agree! I like knowing who is gonna be leaving as soon as one thing goes wrong. Also Hacks and AFKers are not that big on my server so it seems we get to deal with all the trash from other servers as bioware seems to do nothing to them...


Game is just fail!


So to shorten que times on Low pop servers and offer more versatility the game is fail?


with logic like that im sure you will go far in life bud, GL with it...


I would love cross server Wz's honestly, Bring it BW and ignore the fail trollkids...

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So to shorten que times on Low pop servers and offer more versatility the game is fail?


with logic like that im sure you will go far in life bud, GL with it...


I would love cross server Wz's honestly, Bring it BW and ignore the fail trollkids...


How far have you gone in your life? Most likely you are one of those "trollkids" and don't even live enough to tell anyone about their life success.


People on good servers don't have to care about lowpop servers. BW should just open transfers or merge them and it will solve their problems. Creating cross-server WZs is solving ones problems by creating them for others who don't want it.

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How far have you gone in your life? Most likely you are one of those "trollkids" and don't even live enough to tell anyone about their life success.


People on good servers don't have to care about lowpop servers. BW should just open transfers or merge them and it will solve their problems. Creating cross-server WZs is solving ones problems by creating them for others who don't want it.


Great wit/logic champ, Truly you're words have touched so many but fallen so far, keep trying tho and some day it might stick? k thanks...

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I agree


Wow turned into:


Queue for dungeons with people I will never talk to again. Then queue for bg's with people I will never talk to again. I've made a lot more friends in TOR in the first month then I did in WoW over a year.


That's only a consequence of you using the public tools instead of grouping with people from your own realm.


I for one can't wait for cross-realm PVP as I'm sick and tired of getting owned by the same 3 pre-mades over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over over and over and over again.

Edited by Scalare
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If we are going to do Cross-Server Warzones, why stop there?


This is a serious suggestion, do not implement Cross-Server Warzones until we have Cross-Server Zones. Everything is already instanced to hell, so why not allow people from all servers to join the same planetary instance as you? Link the GTNs, this game becomes a big community, fun ensues.

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I wish it wasn't happening, but I knew it would have to happen. You can't do any sort of effective match making without a large pool of players to match from.


Still, I was kinda hoping for some sort of creative twist to these issues.

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Yes to server merging and/or increasing server cap - no to cross server queues - like the op said you build rivalries and friendships with same server queues, this will be lost because you'll most likely be facing different opponents and guilds every game.

I wish it wasn't happening, but I knew it would have to happen. You can't do any sort of effective match making without a large pool of players to match from.


Still, I was kinda hoping for some sort of creative twist to these issues.

The servers are tiny, even on Heavy servers the population seems much smaller than other MMOs i've played

Edited by Manigma
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I could agree with the OP ... if I played Republic. But since I play Empire I couldn't disagree more (with the idea to vote no on cross-server WZ; the idea that it will destroy community if not implemented correctly is perfectly valid).


My guildies and I only do PvP at level 50 and didn't join the game to fight Empire all the time (unfortunately our server is pretty unbalanced). We've rerolled a bunch of times and I have 3 level 50s, but at the end of the day as Empire I want to fight against the Republic. If there is someway to rectify faction imbalance then I'm all for it (realistically there's not) since I love server community. Cross-server queues for warzones obviously won't solve the situation, but it may help it a bit. We've tried different servers and found some better balance, but we obviously can't transfer characters at the moment so we've simply stopped playing altogether since it's a little ridiculous. Playing against the opposing faction is as important if not more important for us than server community.

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And I vote YES. Why?


Cause my serv is freaking low pop atm. On day one everybody came crying on forums "don't come on our serv it'll explode there is already a 45min queue !!!!".


Nowadays, it's blatantly obvious there is less and less people pvping, especially on low-medium pop, and on weekend it worse :confused:

I mean, I can't pvp before 1pm when the daily is available (sucks to have to wait till this hour cause the timer is worldwide and set on USA first), and then after 11 pm - midnight, it's back to 30 min queues minimum, only to get a 5 vs 7 fight or something like that (ending prematurely and getting roflstomped)



Today we're Saturday, weekend, there should be more people... well doesn't seem so.


Fleet is 110 people (woot !), pvp takes 15 min at least... And we get huttball against another empire premade lolwut.


On top of having to wait long queues to get into warzone and only seing 10 vs 15 people in ilum (to farm armaments woot) you quickly become the guy on the kill on sight list when fighting not only your own faction but the opponent too !


Bring this cross-server wz queue already, our server is dieing at the moment :mad:

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IMO the better solution is to just merge low population servers.



In WoW I never really respected any good players I played against because I'd only play against them every 20 bgs, and never talk to them in game because they're on another server, but now there are people on my server well known because of how good they do in bgs.



The game feels a whole lot better with a sense of community, It's nice talking to players in general that you consistently play with in warzones. It's one of the main reasons I don't really plan on unsubbing despite all of the other problems this game has.


I agree wholeheartedly! But it's hard to build a great community on certain servers when the community itself of your faction is small. This is why I'm all for merging smaller pop servers together. Wouldnt this in effect also decrease costs if they merge servers together?

I've been given compliments mostly by friends, had nice talks with strangers and other people whom I meet regularly with pvp. But doing flashpoints or raids is hard without other people around with the approiate roles. I can't take on every role in the game by myself and as much as I enjoy tanking or healing aside from dpsing, I'd like to able to provide more. But if theres hardly anyone around, how can I?

Even with a decent guild, theyre not always around and even playing with the same people over and over again as much fun as that can be, it can get dull.

I'm ok with a lfg flashpoint/ops finder just make it server only and merge smaller pop servers this way we can truly build a magnificent community that we can be proud of to be part of, whether it's For the Republic! or The Empire, we all depend on each other in the end.


All in all if PVP-wise the que times cant be resolved(would be the same for a lfg system),

then a cross-server WZ queues is certainly an option. You can still group up with people from your own server regardless of whether or not this would be implemented.


TLDR: I think I'm leaning a bit towards no, but in my own interests its better to remain neutral on this issue.

Edited by Spero-Mcgee
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I dispise cross server anything, but since it sounds like i'll have to deal with it. I just hope they group the PvP servers with PvP servers and PvE severs with PvE servers.


the reason a lot of players went pve servers in TOR is because we have direct experience of pvp servers in a lot of previous mmo's


I know I only speak for our guild, but we have talented pvpers, but world pvp in other mmo's was 90% griefing while levelling the majority of the time, and looking back on our corpse camping / ganking days while we sat alone not able to do any quests was not something we particuarly wanted (albeit we did not know TOR would be implemented in the manner it has predominately splitting both sides in seperate instances/different places while levelling)


never judge a book by its cover as you seem to think "we dont want grouped with people from a pve server" which is just a tad idiotic imo


personally I do not want cross server anything, but i speak from the perspective of someone who's server (hidden beks) is heavy population and can get wz popping both on alt and 50 lvl up to 3-4 am without much of a wait time (not so much the 50's queue, that seems to go quiet around 2am on weekdays). Alt though can pvp through the night and have warzones popping.


(on a seperate note, i would rather cross server nothing. I know the good guilds/pvpers on both sides of the fence on our server and its a nice feeling having that community)

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If they add cross-servers, Im out.


Bioware despite you creating a city just like wow (afk until raid/wz), I sincerely hope you do not copy their community as well.


A great part of the star wars universe is the fact that republic and empire knew their rivals and enemies by name and title. Its also why people liked SWG (didnt play myself), because your name ment something.


When I get owned by that awesome guy on my server I dont go "DA***. I got fckin ownd. z****!" I usually go "Mother of god..*takes off glasses*.. its that guy again. And he totally ownd me again!"



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I was greatly saddened to read they were working on implementing cross server warzones. Im guessing that since WoW does, they must feel its a smart decission and do it aswell.


I can understand that the queues on lower population servers can be frustrating and beleive something should be done for those servers (such implementing cross server wz in groups of 2 low population servers). But for the majority of the medium to high population servers, please leave them as is.


After countless warzones, i know the players/ guild im going against, i get to fight them on ilum aswell. I know their style, how they play etc. I also talk to them from time to time on ilum. To sum it up, there's a great sense of COMMUNITY at the moment, which would simply dissapear with cross server warzones (as it did when it was implemented on wow).


If they must be added, please only do it for the very low population servers.


(As a small note, I play on The Shadowrunner, which isn't by any means a high population server)

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If they add cross-servers, Im out.


Bioware despite you creating a city just like wow (afk until raid/wz), I sincerely hope you do not copy their community as well.


A great part of the star wars universe is the fact that republic and empire knew their rivals and enemies by name and title. Its also why people liked SWG (didnt play myself), because your name ment something.


When I get owned by that awesome guy on my server I dont go "DA***. I got fckin ownd. z****!" I usually go "Mother of god..*takes off glasses*.. its that guy again. And he totally ownd me again!"




Bye, they aint interested of players of such a niche games as SWG. They want big player base so they have been copying WoW from start and will continue to do so.

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As long as Cross realm is for ranked queues thats fair enough as I can see why they would want to go with that (would mean the top team would be the top team and not just a top team on a server with no way other than rerolling to know if they are the best)


As for normal Wz's keep em as they are, it has bred some kind of factional pride and it's something that needs to stay.

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I'd rather see Voidstar/Civil War be same faction before we move onto cross-server. As an Imperial, I get absolutely sick of Huttball, since that's what we always get shoved into due to the population imbalance. I doubt cross-server pvp is going to change that either, since most servers are imbalanced.
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To sum it up, there's a great sense of COMMUNITY at the moment, which would simply dissapear with cross server warzones (as it did when it was implemented on wow).


This game doesnt have any community feel as WoW did and cross server warzones actually made PvP community much bigger and "real" PvPrs from different realms got popular webpages and forums to discuss about things. Since i played under old ranking system, normal BGs, arenas and RBGS at fairly high ratings i can say that cross server BGs was best thing that happened to PvP community as whole.

Edited by Forsbacka
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Bye, they aint interested of players of such a niche games as SWG. They want big player base so they have been copying WoW from start and will continue to do so.


Thats funny. The original wow plan was a copy of everquest which had great server community. WoW had great server community up until WotLK.


Also WoW had about 7mill subscribers when TBC was released. The majority of wows current community are not part of the original people who played during vanilla/Tbc.


If I were EA/BW, I would target that group. All those players who pay the monthly wow subscription because they cant find another MMORPG worth playing.


Also, you need to give people a reason to leave wow. If SWTOR = WoW then people will either say "Glowsticks.. YAY!" or "I spent 1-7years in wow, why start over?", vs. If SWTOR =/= WoW they can say "I will start SWTOR because It has this x thing which WoW doesnt ahve (anymore)". (<== the boat I am on).


If SWTOR changes to be exacly like wow, il simply start playing wow again because from an investors point of view, I invested more time in wow allready, so why start over with the copycat? :)


(And No I currently do not ahve such plans of leaving. I love SWTOR for what it currently is despite the few problems here and there.)

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