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Big wins for casuals! Dual Spec - Cross server


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To me, MMOs were worlds that you helped create. I started with UO and thats what i like and enjoy.



Now these "AAA" , big budget MMOs are nothing much more than a lobby with a queue to instances.


There are MMOs that survive without your "quality of life" features, as crazy as that sounds.

Instead you would rather have a lobby and LFG spam in general chat for hours on end? Seriously think about what you just said. In order to find a group now you have to spam chat in the Imperial/Republic fleet and hope you find a group. LFD tool lets you do whatever you want while you queue. Its better for everyone. Besides, its not likes it forces you to use it.

Edited by Ditched
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Instead you would rather have a lobby and LFG spam in general chat for hours on end?


I would start with a LFG for server, then you would lose your spam. I'd also probably merge some of these "dead" servers. EA won't do that though, not with the stigma that comes with it.


If this game is thriving as much as folks seem to think, the above should be effecient methods to get things going to start.


but what do i know, apparently i am unintelligent.

Edited by Tic-
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I would start with a LFG for server, then you would lose your spam. I'd also probably merge some of these "dead" servers. EA won't do that though, not with the stigma that comes with it.


If this game is thriving as much as folks seem to think, the above should be effecient methods to get things going to start.

I dont understand what the issue is with cross server LFD. It would be faster. The only downside I can see is that it might encourage people to troll/grief. However if SWTOR has the proper game mechanics (like not allowing certain classes to roll on certain items, and being able to kick people) then this should not be much of a problem. Seriously, it worked fine in WOW.

Edited by Ditched
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I, as well, believe the EA stockholders are indeed getting restless when it comes to this game.


WoW, seeming took only a slight hit in Q4. EA stock hasnt moved.


Casuals make or break MMO's. For good or for ill. In a non sandbox MMO even more so.


They will do things to appeal to the masses.

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I dont understand what the issue is with cross server LFD. It would be faster. The only downside I can see is that it might encourage people to troll/grief. However if SWTOR has the proper game mechanics (like not allowing certain classes to roll on certain items, and being able to kick people) then this should not be much of a problem. Seriously, it worked fine in WOW.


As i said earlier, i like my MMOs to have a sense of community. So thats one reason.


Trolling griefing, yes. The miraculous WoW still hasnt figured out how to get rid of afkers, yet i have seen very few on my server when their reputation follows them on the server.


This game has become way too much like WoW for my taste, i'm leaving anyhow, so i guess my opinion really doesn't matter. It was always very similiar, and the route they seem to be going will take away what little was different.

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I, as well, believe the EA stockholders are indeed getting restless when it comes to this game.


WoW, seeming took only a slight hit in Q4. EA stock hasnt moved.


Casuals make or break MMO's. For good or for ill. In a non sandbox MMO even more so.


They will do things to appeal to the masses.


Numbers don't tell until the next couple quarters. It's like praising the current president for an upswing that's due to something the previous president did.

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Well, casual ruined WoW by whining for convenience everywhere, they're going to ruin SWTOR too !

Not surprised here, but I'll just reiterate : if your competitor is WoW, it feels smarter to propose alternative where it's lacking, rather than just copy-paste it and offer the same experience.

People won't leave the leader to follow a clone.


Have you actually played this game?


Other than a few quality of life things (like dual spec and cross server groups)

this is the most casual friendly game on the market today.


Why do these same drones keep going from game to game claiming that people who can't/won't devote thier life to a game are going to "ruin" it?


This game was not made as a hardcore raid game, it's a story based mmo with a few group quests thrown in, as a bone, to the people who enjoy grouping.


If anyone "ruins" this game it will be the "hardcore" crybabies who will want to turn it from a story based mmo into a raid or die game.

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Just adding my two cents and opinion on the matter.


I cancelled my sub. The reason? Time sinks. There are other more casual mmos out there that I can log in, play for an hour (running back to back missions or jumping in a LFG queue) and feel like I accomplished something. This game takes a long time to get anywhere. That travel time has nothing to add to the story. Considering I work and have a life, I don't have the time it takes to play this game.


As a side note, at level 43, I have not been able to get a pug group together for flashpoints. Because it takes too dang long. Sure I've done them with my guild when people say they are running. So as far as community and running flashpoints, I don't see it outside of a guild.


What's one thing that will add to my likely hood of coming back? X-server LFG with teleport. Because it will allow me to run these things in a reasonable amount of time.


Also won't hurt getting dual spec.

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Good luck doing rated Warzone without cross-server.


Dual spec = casual... /facepalm. The game mechanic need one. Go spend 100k credits each time you want to pvp, do a flashpoint and an operation.

Edited by Guzul
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If they throw up a teleporting, cross server queue LFG system, I'm out of here.


If you played Republic and experienced how effing hard it is to get a group together for ANYTHING given the extremely low populations, you might think differently.


If you play Imperial, cya! One less person to worry about outnumbering the Republics.

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I didn't really care about dual specs too much since I play a dps commando and don't have a need to play a healer (friend plays smuggler healer) but when I hit 50 I started trying out the other dps spec. The last few days I've been switching between gunnery and arsenal and after about 5 respecs, my last respec cost was... 56,000 credits. I thought 36,500 was the max, but nope, it wasn't. So just for the sake of different playstyle I'll have both dps specs for my dual talent. It'll be nice and I'm looking forward to it.
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I find even the title of this thread ironic.


Who'd think a Star Wars MMO made by a major developer would want to appeal to "casuals"? Gee, what a sin. I mean, Dual Spec and accessibility features really hurt the sales of those other games, am i right?


Personally, the biggest drawback of this game might be the low population, where most people doing group content are just guildies. I want something bigger than that, and I'm sure BioWare does too.

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I dont understand what the issue is with cross server LFD. It would be faster. The only downside I can see is that it might encourage people to troll/grief. However if SWTOR has the proper game mechanics (like not allowing certain classes to roll on certain items, and being able to kick people) then this should not be much of a problem. Seriously, it worked fine in WOW.


being able to kick people brings its whole set of problems on its own, but maybe a neccesary evil


that said however, limiting items to classes, and the other stuff that wow had to progressivley do for months after the tool was implemented, thats takes even more work ( aka takes longer for all you twitchers) and it presents other challenges (like what about companions? maybe that guy cant use it , no one else can, and he cant use it for his companion b/c its forbiden to his class ? not all companions use the same stuff, for example, prohibitng willpower stuff from agents would negate using any drops for vektor )


how about those of us that dont want to USE the tool? why dont i have better tools to form my own group ? ( a good idea would be a galaxy wide LFG Channel, sometimes people do need runs but they dont wanna sit at fleet, seeing LFM cademimu while im questing ill go and join and port back to fleet in a heartbeat)


yes there is a way to tag yourself LFG but...no one friggin uses it so its just an icon beside your name for all intents and purposes...


i honestly dont know, this game REALLY doesnt have much community interaction to begin with, making an ezbutton LFD tool crossserver will pretty much kill any reason to interact with your community other than barrens general chat


im not trying to argue about the ease and quality of life improvement , but i do feel this game in particular does not need more stuff that gives me even more reasons to not interact with my own server...

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To me, MMOs were worlds that you helped create. I started with UO and thats what i like and enjoy.



Now these "AAA" , big budget MMOs are nothing much more than a lobby with a queue to instances.


There are MMOs that survive without your "quality of life" features, as crazy as that sounds.


I don't think BioWare/EA invested 200 million in a MMO hoping it would just "survive". They are going to be for the mass appeal and if you don't like that might as well leave now because the direction isn't going to change.

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if they put in 'dungeon finder', i'm out


Good bye then because its coming!!!!


Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?


SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.


Good luck in today's modern mmo age in finding a game with out cross server lfg tools!


To counter your quitting,. My wife says she may start playing swtor when they add the cross server lfg.

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The ninja argument is really good one. Let me see... I am sitting around now--doing nothing, experiencing none of the group content and getting no loot.


An LFG tool comes along and now suddenly I'm not standing around. I'm actually getting to experience and enjoy the group content. Oh rats--someone ninjas something.


Well--at least I a) got to do something besides spam chat and 2) actually got to have fun playing group content. Loot will drop again.


I love this guy... All the time he spends standing around doing nothing, or spamming general chat... It never once occurs to him that there are FAR better ways to get groups than to do that crap, and if he spent half the time actually talking to people or looking for a good guild as he does spamming /1 over and over, he might find that it isn't nearly as hard as he is making it out to be.


Why don't you people be honest for a change..? What you really want is to be anti-social in a social game, and use other people as a means to an end. You want the instant-pop group of people you'll never see again to rush in and mindlessly whack your loot pinata.


And when you find out that four random people can't faceroll everything with no CC and no cooperation, you'll be back on these same forums crying for everything to be nerfed because for some reason you think that your $15 monthy sub is supposed to come with an "IWIN" button.


I suspect that the main reason those people have trouble finding groups is that they're so spectaularly bad that not many people on their own server want to group with them. Now they're crying for Big Daddy Bioware to hold their hands and dump them on unsuspecting groups from another server so they can be carried.



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Personally i am glad those that want dual specs are getting them. i wont be using them so it doesnt effect me at all. But grats to those that won that fight!


I also do not pvp at all so the cross server pvp wont effect me. But i am greatly happy to see BW change their stance on cross server. Cross server pvp and SR just confirmed cross server lfg!


Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?


SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.



Glad to see BW making good choices and bringing Swtor into the mordern age of MMO design!

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Why don't you people be honest for a change..? What you really want is to be anti-social in a social game, and use other people as a means to an end. You want the instant-pop group of people you'll never see again to rush in and mindlessly whack your loot pinata.


And when you find out that four random people can't faceroll everything with no CC and no cooperation, you'll be back on these same forums crying for everything to be nerfed because for some reason you think that your $15 monthy sub is supposed to come with an "IWIN" button.


I suspect that the main reason those people have trouble finding groups is that they're so spectaularly bad that not many people on their own server want to group with them. Now they're crying for Big Daddy Bioware to hold their hands and dump them on unsuspecting groups from another server so they can be carried.




Have you seen God's face? (if you catch my meaning, of course)...


if they put in 'dungeon finder', i'm out


So you're quitting because of the LFG Tool? How pathetic, to say the least. This is like saying you're quitting your job because the new boss' face is ugly.

Edited by Orisai
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In the dev. Q&A on Feb 10th Dual Spec got confirmed and now an interview with Stephen Reid has just confirmed they are looking into a cross server flash point finder which is huge considering they said they didn't like the notion originally.




Who won? Who is next? You decide!


EDIT: For people skeptical or lazy


Simon – Any plans for an LFG tool?


SR: Definitely being looked at including cross-server Flashpoint tool. Definitely wanting to do.


EDIT 2: The above is not "word for word" and there is a podcast that you can listen to and the LFD part comes around 26:10. Under no way or form does he say LFD Is coming cross server but he confirms that they are in fact looking at it which is HUGE from their previous stance.



Hey bass! High five!

BTW on the podcast at 26:44 Sr does in fact say what is quoted.

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