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How not to confuse! Call outs for Civil War, and Void Star!


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Ok people everyone argues about what to call the capture points in the game. Some say call them left and right from the drop ship, call them east and west, Base it off the mini map, yada yada yada....


The Answer is.......


Grass Side, Snow Side


Look out of your ship before you take your speeder down, One Side is all snow no grass, the other side is mostly grass........


Your welcome there is no way for people to mess this up so start using it.


Also if you want to help out in void star you have something just as easy...


Shuttle Side, Fighter Side


Sometimes say Shuttle, or Fighter or just S, or F


When you drop down on defense or offense one side has a drop shuttle. (Empire or Republic it depends on what side is defending. When Empire defends Empire Shuttle is on the floor, if Republic Defend Its a Republic Shuttle.)


If you call one side Shuttle and one side Fighter you can keep the doors apart.

Edited by Gamerfett
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Good idea. I like it a lot.


East and west also works, but a lot of people seem to have trouble with that, needing to check their map to see where they are, which slows them down. At least with "snow" and "grass", it's not subjective (unlike "left" and "right"), and any fool should be able to see it with their own two eyes w/o having to slow down to check the map.

Edited by belialle
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another great way to avoid confusion is to call one side "left" and the other "right" "left" is the one to your left and "right" is the side that is to the right of you. hope this helps.


when empire fly into alderaan, left from your point of view is actually right on the map.


this is where the confusion stems from

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Ok people everyone argues about what to call the capture points in the game. Some say call them left and right from the drop ship, call them east and west, Base it off the mini map, yada yada yada....


The Answer is.......


Grass Side, Snow Side


Look out of your ship before you take your speeder down, One Side is all snow no grass, the other side is mostly grass........


Your welcome there is no way for people to mess this up so start using it.


Also if you want to help out in void star you have something just as easy...


Shuttle Side, Fighter Side


Sometimes say Shuttle, or Fighter or just S, or F


When you drop down on defense or offense one side has a drop shuttle. (Empire or Republic it depends on what side is defending. When Empire defends Empire Shuttle is on the floor, if Republic Defend Its a Republic Shuttle.)


If you call one side Shuttle and one side Fighter you can keep the doors apart.


There are plenty of ways to do it getting people on the same page is the hard part. If this is an attempt at that, Good Luck.

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  • 10 months later...
I'm still confused when it comes to calling incs for voidstar because the map seems to be opposite of where the doors really are and people always call different ways.


And the problem is that some people call out left and right from the defensive perspective even when they're on the offensive. Personally I go with east and west. since the mini-map never rotates between factions, and with a quick glance you can get your bearings.


It's also why I don't like grass/snow in ACW, sometimes fighting in mid I get turned around and from the floor you can't tell which is which. Glancing at the map doesn't help, the only option is to run up the side ramp and look over the wall (although after a year of PvP I memorized which side is grass and snow on the map).

Again with east/west I can just glance at the map, point my arrow in the right direction, then run.


I also wish people would be smart enough to figure out "3 inc e" or "2 stealth w" is "Three incoming East" and "Two steathers West". It's not THAT complicated but there's not alot of time to fight and type at the same time.


The very worst is when all I can get off is mistyping "2 wwesrt" and people spend the next 30 seconds criticizing the mispelling while I'm killed and the turret is captured without any support.

Edited by Kerensk
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Ok people everyone argues about what to call the capture points in the game. Some say call them left and right from the drop ship, call them east and west, Base it off the mini map, yada yada yada....


The Answer is.......


Grass Side, Snow Side


Look out of your ship before you take your speeder down, One Side is all snow no grass, the other side is mostly grass........


Your welcome there is no way for people to mess this up so start using it.


Also if you want to help out in void star you have something just as easy...


Shuttle Side, Fighter Side


Sometimes say Shuttle, or Fighter or just S, or F


When you drop down on defense or offense one side has a drop shuttle. (Empire or Republic it depends on what side is defending. When Empire defends Empire Shuttle is on the floor, if Republic Defend Its a Republic Shuttle.)


If you call one side Shuttle and one side Fighter you can keep the doors apart.


While it took some getting used to, Voidstar has become (minimap) EAST and WEST. Left & Right used to work, except people started confusing going left out of the cloner with mini-map left somehow. East and West, while still problematic, is unfortunately the only solution.


Shuttle and Fighter side sound like solid terminology, however I've never heard that before. And i've done about 50,000 voidstars (I have quite a few valor 70s+). So I think if I started saying that, people would have friggin NOOOO IDEA what I was talking about hahahaha.


It would take me probably 100 more instant-loss voidstar matches for me to ingrain that terminology on my server. A failure i'm not willing to accept. hahaha.


But it was a good idea anyway.


Bioware just needs to @#$@%ing color the doors, red door blue door. OR SOMETHING! Because clearly people are incapable of determining which door is which on their own.

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I tend to go with Stage Left and Left.


The theater majors always get the right directions. The other seven have no ****in idea what i'm talking about.


So you're only talking to yourself? :confused:





....oh wow yeah i just saw on page 2 this was a HUUUUGE NECRO hahahaah. How do people keep digging threads up like this?

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Ok people everyone argues about what to call the capture points in the game. Some say call them left and right from the drop ship, call them east and west, Base it off the mini map, yada yada yada....


The Answer is.......


Grass Side, Snow Side


Look out of your ship before you take your speeder down, One Side is all snow no grass, the other side is mostly grass........


Your welcome there is no way for people to mess this up so start using it.


Also if you want to help out in void star you have something just as easy...


Shuttle Side, Fighter Side


Sometimes say Shuttle, or Fighter or just S, or F


When you drop down on defense or offense one side has a drop shuttle. (Empire or Republic it depends on what side is defending. When Empire defends Empire Shuttle is on the floor, if Republic Defend Its a Republic Shuttle.)


If you call one side Shuttle and one side Fighter you can keep the doors apart.


Please tell me how you discern which side is grass and which is snow when you're fighting in the middle.


Shuttle side and fighter side I've never heard of. Sounds dumb.


Use cardinal directions. It applies for all WZs and there's no way to confuse it unless your an idiot.

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