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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Incoming changes to global cooldown UI Blog Discussion


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Wow, this is awesome - those customization options a lot more indepth than I was expecting.


The thing I don't see that might be handy would be the ability to turn off the vertical cooldown bar completely on skill-specific cooldowns for those who want to replace it with just the text timer.


And I mean that as constructive feedback to make the system even better and more comprehensive.


edit: It's not part of the settings featured in the video so it's hard to tell, but it seems like options 2 and 4 without overlay should allow you to see a skill's availability (including those triggered by chance or specific conditions) through the cooldown effect, right?


If so that's perfect and disregard my earlier statement about that option missing (clearly I was still half asleep). :)

Edited by Amarinth
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I must say I find these changes encouraging, its nice to see you've taken some of the things mentioned by the community to heart. I would like to know if its possible to get a video or some screenshots to see how the "show cooldown text" option functions over the duration of a skill cooldown effect, as this option sounds like it could be helpful.


Any word on what is being done in the mean time until this comes in tentatively on the 20th, as many of us haven't been able to play the game since it was broken on the 6th?

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Well done BW, keep listening to the crowd, it will benefit you in the end, trust me on that one.


To all the constant whiners that tend to turn up once BW actually fixes things that the same players whined about in other threads, to all you guys, go play chess or something, you suck.

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Much applause for both listening, reacting, and coming up with a solution that is option based & allows players to customise the result to their tastes. Great steps in the right direction. Love the numerical timers visible on the actual cooldown skills.


As others have pointed out, do think about colour-blind players when using particular colours for notifications. Red may not be the best choice for the numbers. However, that's very easy to change.


Also kudos for making a blog page about this so quickly and getting the message out. Communication in an MMO is important. Nicely done.


Mildly unfortunate that at least 30% of the posters here are unable to actually read it before making stupid statements, but that's today's education systems for you. <insert kids today, get off my lawn quips here>.

Edited by Grammarye
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I didn't have much problem with the new UI to begin with but i can't help but be impressed by the quick and very complete solution you found for this. There is no way not to be happy with this change. Complete control = happy customers. It's as simple as that.


Clearly bioware, you have the vision and the skills to make this mmo a big success.


I also read the answers you gave to the community in the Q&A. Very happy with the upcoming stuff. Can't wait!


Thank you bioware. :)

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The options look solid enough. I just wish I could associate the "Flash" with the abilities that are cooling down, and not just the GCD.


Did you read the blog?


Show Ready Flash: This option, when selected, will show the bright flash when an ability finishes cooldown.


Show Global Cooldown Ready Flash: This option, when selected, will show the bright flash when an ability finishes its global cooldown.


The option you want is there

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I'm highly impressed by the way you've reacted to player/customer complaints about the UI changes guys :)


Options are definitely the way forward! More options means people can customise it as they want.


Please add in more customisations like this as time goes on :)

Edited by llesna
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For me... working on this is LOST OF TIME (fix victory in warzone that doesn't count to quest)


now the 'global cooldown haters' are happy?








I will reiterate what many others have said to posts such as this one. They employ MULTIPLE teams to work on different aspects of the game. Just because one team worked out a solution to this issue does NOT mean that there isnt another team working on the issue you described.

Edited by Maizan
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