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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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That said, I'll be looking forward to the "Hue to Chest" feature. Or at least I would if there were any gear variety whatsoever that would make such a thing even worthwhile. (Gear variety being an issue you blatantly continue to ignore, btw).


That's one big hideous feature. Given most JK gear consist of 3-4 models colored in different tones of brown I've already handpicked my all black gear that I was hoping to wear when they make gear fully customable. With the "hue to chest" option all of that goes out the window.


The simpler solution would be dyes and remodelling, but no, BW had to be "innovative" *sigh*



I'm glad they are focusing more certain guild features that are desperately needed than the capital ship idea. I'd rather have a functioning guild bank than a giant ship right now honestly.


You mean like guild bank, levels, ranks cloaks, skills, customization and all the other crap that pretty much ALL other MMOs offer from scratch?

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BioWare is clearly just ignoring and neglecting any talk on SGRAs, especially considering information on SGRAs was the fourth most asked question in the Q&A thread, thanks BioWare, really feel like the 'valued customer' you claim me to be.


A lot of the game feels broke....they can stick new content up the whazoo...focus on fixing what I'm paying for now.

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I appreciate the attempt to answer questions, but I hate it when the verbiage is such that you can read it different ways.


Example, in the response to the Legacy question:


The species that will be unlocked in Game Update 1.2 are species currently in the game that will become available to classes and factions where you haven’t seen them before.


So....."species currently in the game"......


Does that mean PLAYER CHARACTER species....like say rolling a Chiss on the Republic side, or does that mean NON-PLAYER CHARACTER species, like say the Cathar, who are definitely "in the game", but just not available (yet?) as Player Character choices.


Or both?


I'm sure they meant to leave some wiggle room in the answer, and that's understandable, but I wish they would at least confirm whether or not they mean "species that are already Player Character choices, just now available for the opposing faction (or same faction but new classes than before)" or if they mean "species that you've encountered throughout the game already, but now you can make them as Player Characters, whereas before you could not".


Time will tell, I suppose.

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all i got from this is WAIT FOR 1.2


jeez...Bioware should just have said above and be done....


as far as other stuff

Legacy: the important isnt what it will give....is will i be able to implament them on an existing char or not

rest:wait for 1.2;)


btw should we be bother to post at Q&A for this week or all are we going tp get 1.2 again??


oh yeah forgot: the confirm dual spec.....

Edited by IskiosG
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I am convinced that 9/10 people complaining on the forums have never played an MMO at launch. This game is head and shoulders above pretty much every game I have played at launch.


I am excited for what BW has planned for 1.2 and beyond. I enjoy playing this game, some things frustrate me, but I expect that. If this game makes you so mad, leave. I'm sure you will be running back in a year after BW is fully into the groove of things and WoW has finally flushed itself down the s h i t t e r for good.

Edited by Jasputan
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Still nothing about damage meters/combat logs and 3rd party support mods..


I wonder what's up with that.


I keep seeing all this talk about new flashpoints and new pvp junk and it's like.. I don't care in the slightest. Seriously. Don't. Care.


WoW had LUA addon support long before it had moveable UI elements in its stock client.


Not sure what to think, or do. I haven't been raiding on a schedule in this game because I've got nothing to prove by dealing with a stock UI and no combat logs of any sort.


If LUA addons are like 6 months down the road or something, I'm clearly here too early to have a chance of being happy with it.

Edited by Tarrent
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Well.... at least we learned that Dual specs will be coming some day. Then again, as a healer, I kinda feel that that is a "should have shipped with game" feature.


Trying to do solo dailies in a heal spec just isn't fun. Not at all.


But yea.... no developer ever answers a question that the community at large would like an answer to.


At least less hutball come 1.2?

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I wonder what's up with that.


I keep seeing all this talk about new flashpoints and new pvp junk and it's like.. I don't care in the slightest. Seriously. Don't. Care.


WoW had LUA addon support long before it had moveable UI elements in its stock client.


Not sure what to think, or do. I haven't been raiding in this game because I've got nothing to prove by dealing with a stock UI and no combat logs of any sort.


If LUA addons are like 6 months down the road or something, I'm clearly here too early to have a chance of being happy with it.


Why would Bioware have anything to do with 3rd party addons? Because, you know...they're 3rd party.


That's not like the party after the second, that means a completely different company or designer will do it on their own.

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I'm a bit disappointed that they didn't address low population on some servers, especially since it was in MrGerbz's question! *sigh*


Overall, I thought it was a fair mix of softball questions and the really frequently asked ones about big game issues. Two big ones they left out:


-Same sex romance

-Chat bubbles


Honestly, I'm not so worried about either of these, but a lot of people in the Q&A thread were. I mean, c'mon, you can't answer a question about something as simple as chat bubbles!?

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Daniel Erickson: We’ve been pleasantly surprised at how popular PvP is in The Old Republic and we’ve been doubling down on our efforts to bring exciting new content and systems to the PvP community. Right now there’s a new Warzone planned for Game Update 1.2 which we’re already testing internally and really enjoying. We can say it’s enabled for same faction vs. same faction play, so if you’ve been playing a lot of Huttball, expect some variety soon! Also coming in 1.2 is the pre-season of our Warzone ranking system, bringing better matchmaking which means better PvP. In the future expect a ton more PvP news as we expand and polish what has proven to be one of the most popular aspects of The Old Republic. We’ve got big plans.



This is the kind of response I feared. We already know you are making new war zones. The questions we wanted answered are about what exactly is in the works to make Ilum not suck. What is the plan for the RNG bags that make no sense?

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I fully support the game, which is why this Q&A session was a big disappointment for me. A while back, the devs said the guild summit would be a place to answer "hard hitting" questions because it would be for players of the game and not just random people who didn't know much about it, like what you'd get at the Q&A sessions at a lot of the gaming conventions.


I had hoped we'd get more of a "guild summit" Q&A, and not "average Joe gamer" Q&A. It's too bad, because this could have used a lot more specificity. Even the questions that COULD have been interesting were given rote answers. "What are you going to do for end game?" "A lot! Next question?"


You guys can do better. I hope this was just because this was the first Q&A, and not a hint at what we can expect from future sessions. Please, step it up a bit! It's not often we get to see what the developers are thinking, and unfortunately, after this? We still don't know!


Love the game, just let down by this particular PR stunt. More meat next time, guys! We're hungry for info.

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Well.... at least we learned that Dual specs will be coming some day. Then again, as a healer, I kinda feel that that is a "should have shipped with game" feature.


Trying to do solo dailies in a heal spec just isn't fun. Not at all.


But yea.... no developer ever answers a question that the community at large would like an answer to.


At least less hutball come 1.2?




They said that they won't let us swap our "advanced class" via dual spec.


So to me, their implementation of dual spec is not so useful (not like WoWs which was meaninful and powerful). See, my class (smuggler) can spec into heals, but it's a different 'advanced class' from the single point DPS one.


Maybe for some other class there is some value to being able to carry 2 specs within your same 'advanced' class, but that restriction for me is like.... eyesroll, okay whatever.

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Didn't get one question regarding the ****** fps thousands of your customers are experiencing? Yeah I believe that. Good to hear Ilum is getting more features. I'll be sure to check those out 1 frame at a time.


If they told you, "We're working on improving that" it wouldn't have been good enough for you. I'd rather hear definite information then hearing something I know they are working on :)

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I'm sure you will be running back in a year after

You might be right. I'd rather just wait a year until they have a quality product worth a montly fee.

Do you go to a restaurant with ****** food over and over in hopes that they will eventually start making fantastic food?

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