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Community Q&A – Feb 10th 2012 Blog Discussion


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No new species for the legacy system is disappointing. Shouldn't be that hard to add some with all the species that are already in the game as NPCs and companions.


"The Legacy System will take some first steps towards incentivizing players to look at what the other side has to offer" Don't care for that either as there are too many negatives to rolling an alt from a different faction on the same server since you have different GTNs and you can't email your opposite faction alts. Basically, you can't do any cross-faction alt transfers without having to move everything through the Hutt Trade Network, what a pain that would be. Combined with the limitation of 8 slots per server, it just doesn't make sense to run Republic and Imp alts on the same server if you're an altaholic.


There's already been several posts about them adding dual specs in the future so that wasn't really "news". It's really a question of "when", not "if", for that one. Just seems like it will make players even less distinguishable. For example, instead of having some Sorcs that are more dps/lightning focused and some that are more healing focused....now you'll just have Sorcs since everyone will be able to use both builds. I'd rather see more differentiation between players (being able to customize your stat increases during leveling up, players in a class taking different roles, more ability to use orange gear at end game, etc.) instead of more homogenization of characters.


All the "we can't find enough tanks/healers" stuff is overblown too. There are definitely some situations where you need a tank or healer but I see people sitting around the fleet waiting and waiting on Esseles, for example, because they "need" a full group of 4 with a tank and a healer. People can run Esseles with basically any 2 characters and their companions. Some people have the trinity system so engrained into their mind that they think they need a tank and a healer and a full group of 4 players (meaning no companions) for every single task in the game.


"Not until we introduce cross server queuing" That's fine for Warzones but I sure hope they don't implement this for flashpoints or heroics or any PVE content. First of all, the difficulty in finding groups lies with low population servers. On the higher pop servers, it's not difficult to find groups for things at all. They'd be better off merging some of the low pop servers or funneling new players to them than putting a bandaid on the situation with a cross-server que. For anything cross-server, I hope they test the heck out of it first. I can just see some warzone imploding because there are two characters with the same name from different servers in it, lol.


"The story line will continue with all of the above as well as in solo-able missions." Please, please, please provide us with plenty of updated end-game content on class storylines, companion stories, level 50 quests, etc. Unless you're planning on releasing new flashpoints and operations every 5 days, end-game "raiding" will turn into a boring grindfest for gear real fast. They can never produce enough new end-game raiding content to keep the raiders happy anyway as they'd basically have to release new stuff weekly. So hopefully the people that are into the story stuff and questing don't get completely left out in the cold for new end-game content because they are so busy trying to satisfy the raiders who will constantly scream for more no matter how much new end-game raiding content is added anyway.

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There's plenty of beef (good information) in this Q&A, it could have certainly been way worse.


People will complain no matter what. Honestly every answer given could have been:

"This is something the development/design team is considering. Look for more information in the future"


This game has been out like, 9 weeks.




I don't know if those complaining ever played an MMO from release but the game evolves constantly over time. And most significantly in it's first year until and including it's first expansion.


Vanilla WoW anyone?


I just choked on massive imbalance and lack of content. Sorry.

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BW shouldn't have released an unfinished, buggy game then.


Name 1 MMO that was ever released without any bugs??? There are none.



Not sure how you got a free game, but everyone else paid $59-$150 for an unfinished client, many spent hundreds in PC upgrades to play the game, and now pay $15/month.


I'm don't think your analogy fits.


This analogy fits perfectly. I got what I paid for and what I expected, anything further would be a bonus, such as the Q&A, additional content, etc. And as for PC upgrades to play the game, I guess in your mind those upgrades are JUST for this game and have no other function whatsoever in the computer system? You cannot blame Bioware for your lack of foresight in building your system or your failure to upgrade/maintain a system that will allow you to do whatever you want. (But then again, I build my systems to be able to handle anything that comes down the pipe.)


If Bioware takes the "good things come to those who wait" approach, they will have lost half their subs. This isn't Atari developing Pong, this is an MMO that has been in deveolpment for six years that is still not ready. There are LOTS of options for today's "instant gratification generation".


You missed quoting the main part of this statement. If you are not happy paying your hard earned 15 bucks a month for this game as it is, then go back to where you were so happy before that you quit and came here to play. And that is exactly my point, there are LOTS of options out there and noone is twisting your arm or holding a gun to your head making you pay to play THIS game.




Did you walk to school in six feet of snow, in bare feet, uphill as well?


No, I did not.


That said, I thank you for your service.


You are welcome.

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I wonder what's up with that.


I keep seeing all this talk about new flashpoints and new pvp junk and it's like.. I don't care in the slightest. Seriously. Don't. Care.


WoW had LUA addon support long before it had moveable UI elements in its stock client.


Not sure what to think, or do. I haven't been raiding on a schedule in this game because I've got nothing to prove by dealing with a stock UI and no combat logs of any sort.


If LUA addons are like 6 months down the road or something, I'm clearly here too early to have a chance of being happy with it.


mostly because I"ve read a guild leader already tell his people..."oh man, this stuff is coming and guess what? If you don't step up your dps, you are no longer with us". How does that sound? I don't care if you don't "coat the cake with icing", the problem is, is the attitude behind it. I don't want some guild leader coming down to tell me "oh man, you suxors and you are just kicked out of the guild". Don't tell me that people aren't going to do that. They will, and then they judge a book by it's cover. It's completely retarded and all this stuff does is provoke it to no extent. I want an enjoyable game. Not a game that I have to work hard for just to get nowhere.

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I'd really like to know more about what's going to happen with soloable endgame content. We've already heard them talk a lot about PVP and Flashpoints, but next to nothing about solo. At least it got quick mention here, but I seriously hope it isn't something that's going to be marginalized. That is exactly what chased me away from SWG, very little soloable endgame, and as much as I'm enjoying TOR right now, for my long-term enjoyment this is a crucial issue. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't starting to get a little concerned.
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I sure am glad there was no mention of the poor performance that came out of nowhere two weeks ago and hasn't stopped. Magenta crystals....right.:confused:


Disable AA that is what has cause alot of people performance issues. It should in my Opinion be off by default and there as a option for those with a graphics card powerful enough to handle it

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It got confirmed but you can tell what they prioritized because he mentions updates coming with 1.2. My favorite part is that they focused on me being able to change the color of my chest for 1.2 but not a good game mechanic like dual specs.


You're an idiot. The art/item team can't help the game systems team develop dual spec.

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Some of the classes feel, underwhelming in abilities in comparison to other classes of their same role, I know I feel underwhelming as an operative healer. What metrics have you developed to measure these issues in class (and more specifically, spec) balance in PvE and PvP and what if any plans do you have to resolve issues you come across?
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An actual answer on what species will be tied to legacy as part of 1.2 would be nice.


If Togruta is to be one of them then I'll hold of on rolling a consular now if it is not to be then I might just start it now.


Actually being able to plan things would be a big help though.


As for the other answers I agree with the majority absolutely zero new information to cherry picked questions.

Edited by thamightyboro
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I am convinced that 9/10 people complaining on the forums have never played an MMO at launch. This game is head and shoulders above pretty much every game I have played at launch.


I am excited for what BW has planned for 1.2 and beyond. I enjoy playing this game, some things frustrate me, but I expect that. If this game makes you so mad, leave. I'm sure you will be running back in a year after BW is fully into the groove of things and WoW has finally flushed itself down the s h i t t e r for good.




I mean seriously OMG, have you heard yourselves... So many people acting like spoilt little kids demanding things. You pay your money and play whats on offer, if you dont like it, stop paying your money.


The game has huge promise and is still in its infancy and these forums are just full of whine whine whine. Give them a B L O O D Y CHANCE! So far they have responded to issues, both with updates to the community and fixes in game, and in comparison to most other MMO's, they have done it quickly. Stop spreading negativity all over the forums.... please

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