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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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Force user Tank Relic. Currently the Blue, Blue, Blue Force User Relic is bugged and comes out with Aim stats. It's been this way since Beta. Assassin Tanks do not have a relic with tanking stats while Powertechs and Juggs do? When will this get fixed, it's been around for a while now.
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Right now, certain advanced classes and specs are limited in the companions to use and be "optimal" for solo questing (IE: DPS suffers without a healer companion and healers suffer with a healer companion). Are there any plans on making the sub-optimal player/companion combinations more viable to allow people to play with who they want rather than who they need?
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First, thanks for reading our questions.


Regarding travel, the current mail system and our ships (which are basically our housing), are there any plans to streamline the current travel system by eliminating extra cut scenes, adding more flight and bind points and having mail on your ship?


As an example, exiting your ship's airlock for the fleet and having to wait for more cut scenes and doors elevators etc. just to get to the station for something as simple as checking your mail.


SWTOR is a high tech world, yet the amount of time we waste traveling to and from our ship to a planet or station seems excessive. Mail comes on my smart phone, it would be great if I could get it on my ship. Bind points right outside the class hangar areas would be another example of how you could make travel less cumbersome.


Please consider this, as it would make our quality of life in the game much better.:D Thanks!

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Are there any changes we can expect to Battle Master bags in the near future? I understand that there is a 25% drop rate of Battlemaster Commendations and that small sample sizes aren't reflective of actual percentage, but it is an extremely flawed system at the moment. Why not make it so either: You always get a Battlemaster Commendation from bags and cost of items are increased 3-4 times it's current price or if you guys prefer keeping it a static percent for Battlemaster Commendations why not allow us to purchase Battlemaster Bags with Mercenary and Warzone Commendations?
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Do y'all plan on adding any more minigames or even unique Star Wars PvP games. A Star Wars PvP space combat. A PvP Pod Racing on Tatooine that you could bet on. Arena system (2v2, 3v3, 4v4) Pazzak in cantinas. Maybe making the casinos on Nar Shaddaa more interesting by adding actual things you could bet on or play in there. Maybe adding "Space Combat" but on land. If so could you maybe reveal one or two that we might see down the road.
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I shall ask again since I didnt win the answer lottery last week. lol


Any plans on re-balancing the sniper/gunslinger classes to compete with other classes? Such as a 40m range increase to have an actual range advantage since 5m doesnt seem to do much difference to me, specially in PVP! ^(O,..,O)^

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Will there be a group-only Bind on Pickup item trading feature (as long as the item wasn't equipped) any time soon? I've been in situations where players wanted to trade a BoP item they won to another player in their group who (it turns out) could have used it more. This dosen't come up much in PUGs, but can happen often in guild groups - especially with players still on a bit of a character optimization learning curve. Are there plans for this? Edited by GalacticKegger
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A lot of effort and resources were put into making the planets in which the character(s) progress, but will there ever be any real incentives to revisit these planets?

It seems a bit wasteful to only be on each of these planets for about 2-3 levels before leaving, never to return. Please give us reasons to leave the fleet every once in a while!

Edited by Jaenette
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I love the Holonet on the website, particularly the Timelines. As someone who didn't know much about the history/lore of TOR, I found this a very fun and enjoyable way to learn about it. With everything else going on in the game I realize it might not be as important, but I thought I would ask anyway.. Any Timeline updates planned? thank you!
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As many people before me have asked. But it can't hurt to throw in an extra post to try and get your attention on the matter!


Do you have an ETA for same-sex companion romances? Or even a vague "We anticipate it will arrive in a few months/weeks/days" idea?

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Is an option to have hoods up or down with our helmets being discussed in BW and, if so, can we expect it as something that will be added later on?


Specifically: NPCs like Revan and Kallig look terrible with their hoods down and their masks/helmets on. Also, my player character has helmets that look terrible with my robes because the hood is automatically disabled although screenshots and footage from pre-release show these hood and mask combinations were an option that caused absolutely no clipping. I am asking for the option to choose whether to have hoods up or down with any helmet so I can make the choice myself, not have to hide my headslot because my helmet looks terrible without a hood.

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