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Everything posted by Jaenette

  1. Well, whether they knew it or not, here are the bare facts. If 1.2 went off without a hitch I guarantee you that we would not be getting a free month. And why should they! That would've inspired confidence in their own product! Giving a free month is like saying, "yeah we f'ed up pretty hard core. Please don't leave."
  2. I think most of the silent, mature majority are already packing up for GW2 or greener pastures. Most will not stick around for this dud. Just saying....a free month will not change that. Pulling ranked war zones from the 1.2 patch notes would have been acceptable. Pulling this change almost 7 hours before the patch went lives stinks of bad business.
  3. This is the first MMO I've ever played where I am already bored 3 months in...and I've played a LOT of MMOs at release. Not hatin' just saying. Bad game is bad. I also guarantee you that for every person not liking this game on the forums, there are about a thousand more that just leave and say nothing.
  4. Considering 1.2 was technically 'supposed' to come out in March...I wouldn't hold your breath on that. lol
  5. For me....1.2 will tell the tale. If it's good enough, I'll stay. If not, I guess I'll pick up some other games I haven't beaten yet and join the long line waiting for GW2. My 2 cents.
  6. There is a perfectly good reason functions such as 'ignore' and 'do not bother' have been put into past games. The only game that seems to have done this right...was (dun dun dun) Guild Wars. No, you are perfectly right...just because I want it...doesn't mean they had to, BUT they will lose players because of things like this. Maybe not this reason exactly, but a culmination of reasons. A guild is there for you to communicate with. MMO's are about communication, else why is it even an MMO but not a single player RPG?!
  7. This just further supports the fact that Bioware has no idea how to make an MMO. In this game...it is ENCOURAGED to the highest degree to make alts to experience the story...yet, if you make friends or have a guild, they can't see where you are? That is complete hogwash. That should've been in the game since Day 1.
  8. Am I the only one that saw that an thought tities?
  9. The time of the assassin has come nigh! mwahahah
  10. I totally feel what the OP is saying and I miss games like this. Brings me back.... It's that special feeling you get when you're trying to get that one recipe or that one component you need for an item you really want, and when you finally get it..it's the best feeling. This game practically hands you everything on a silver platter with little to work for. Every day I log in JUST to PvP and raid one time a week. That is not worth a $15/month sub. And yeah yeah...I made alts, which I can't STAND to do. I hate alt'ing and I shouldn't have to due to a complete lack of content.
  11. Oh man..if that's true..which I'm guessing it is probably is. That's pretty f'ed up.
  12. Maul...have they fixed this skill yet? I largely play the Darkness tree because there were problems with positioning and using this skill.
  13. I think I speak for the community when I say that most of us are biding our time until GW2 comes out.
  14. I don't mind the money sink, other then the fact that I think it is a bit pricey to take mods out. Put money sinks in other places. Not that.
  15. Finding out your boss is a creepy skeleton woman.
  16. The only way SW:TOR is going to outlast the competition is if we take out the sci-fi theme all together slap a pair of wings on all the characters and replace all the female armor with sexy bunny outfits and a fantasy theme. I, for one, am OK with this direction. Whose with me!
  17. So pretty much the same ol' stats then it sounds like. I thought since it was more force based and less physical that it might need another stat helping with the damage.
  18. Will there ever be incentives to revisit planets via new quests, rewards or PvP options? Perhaps a reputation system where you can get different rewards from different planets? It would go a long way into spreading out the population a little bit and giving people more to do than PvP and raiding.
  19. Actually...dun dun DUN...they just came out. Linky: http://www.swtor.com/node/313694
  20. You know when they post the patch notes and other issues at the top of the main forums page? They will be up there on top I think last time they were posted at around 7 pm CST.
  21. I've not seen very many games actually implement the same-sex romance option, with the exception of perhaps Dragon Age. I'm more looking for in-depth answers regarding 1.2, UI fixes, PvP in Ilum, etc. These are game-breaking concerns for me. Also, combat logs?!?! NEED THIS NOW! lol
  22. The last Q&A, I thought, was actually pretty good. It answered some questions for me and I'll definitely stay to see how 1.2 pans out. If not for the legacy system and the additional race options for existing classes.
  23. One of the most frequently asked questions that I saw was whether they would be implementing the same-sex relationships with companions...I highly doubt this will be done any time soon if at all. Interested to see though...
  24. So I have a question that is probably retarded in nature, but I figured I would ask it anyway. I find myself spamming discharge and wither a lot in close combat situations among a large group of people and it feels like the best way to wrack up some easy medals. My question is then: What can I do to increase the amount of damage these AoE spells do? Is there any particular gear I should be looking at or stat even?
  25. So, is anyone as excited as I am to hear the answers to our most burning questions today? Any takers on what questions will get answered?
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