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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Official Q&A Thread for February 17th, 2012 Q&A Blog Post


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I really enjoyed how each class has their own motivation to visit each planet. It makes the game feel less repetitive and more personalized. Are there plan to similarly use the story element to make repeating end game content feel less repetitive? For example, a smuggler may have entered eternity vault for an artifact that randomly drops while bounty hunter is in it to hunt a rare spawn mini-boss.
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Will the coding of the game ever be changed to allow multiple copies of the game to run on one computer? I just want to know if I should purchase a 3rd party product to allow this or wait for you to let me run 2 instances of your game on one computer.
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Any word for plans for UI mods developed by players?


Sitting down on actual chairs, benches and so fourth is not currently possible outside of three chairs on a ship, any plans to expand that?


Swimming and enviromental changes, any plans to add swimming to the game or underwater enviroments?

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I was wondering whether in the future you guys will allow us to transfer items to characters on the opposite faction as long as they are on the same account (as a legacy perk or something)?


I would very much like to experience what the imperial storylines have to offer, but I do not want to level my crewskills allllll over again on imperial side. There have been other players who have voiced that this would be a nice feature to have, and I feel that we are being held back in a way from experiencing the other half of the game's storylines because we'd have to literally start over from scratch ; ;.


Have a wonderful day!

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My Miraluka's mask pokes out through his hood, and a lot of headgear also has clipping issues with hoods. Yet hoods cannot be toggled off, nor are they always automatically removed (as they are on Twi'leks) when such clipping issues are are present. So:


Will there be a hood toggle on/off added, and if so, when? Or, failing that, will you be adding more hood-down robes into the game?

Edited by Gwena
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As a melee player, I am left wondering what is the motivation behind root not providing resolve in pvp, and if/when you plan to fix this, as a root is as effective as a mez against me, yet I can be chain rooted, and damaged for 2 seconds of each root.
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Is there going to be an option to re-model our armor to something more appealing. As it stands now, a couple of the class sets of armor < and no offence to the devs... > are absolutely horrid looking. Juggs and ops etc have really cool neat looking armor while the Sith and primarily the inquis/assassins armor is just hideous to look at. It would be nice to have an option to remodel armor with another armor and would appease a great many people.
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Who do I have to bribe/beg/sell my soul to/promise unsavory favors of an inappropriate nature to in order to get some sort of acknowledgement and ETA on a fix to the issues with the game that is causing game crashes since 1.1.0 and the patching and launcher that is causing so many of us to not even be able to log in at all since 1.1.2? Will there be some sort of compensation for those of us who haven't been able to log in at all for days or weeks but have been paying and have not (yet) canceled in the hopes that this major issue would be quickly resolved?
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Question: A few months ago a working combat log was "one of the top priorities". Have priorities changed and do you feel there's no need for this "tool" any longer or can we still expect this to be added soon?


If so, could you elaborate on what we will be able to see (pre/post-mitigation damage, casts in progress, healing amounts, interrupts, etc?) and when do you expect to be ready to add it?

Edited by Payneintherear
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Devs have said in interviews that there is a new planet, Denova, coming in the next major content patch. Does 'new planet' imply that this is an open, explorable world with its own quest hubs, or will it just serve as the backdrop for warzones, flashpoints and other instanced situations? Edited by HyeJinx
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I was wondering on the future development on space combat. Gameplay for space combat is wonderful, but it is lacking on content and reason to play. When are we going to see something like Co-Op, PVP, and High Scores?


Suggestion: Combine space travel with mission-esque environment as an option.

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In regard to all social items. When this is implemented, and based on this weeks answer about heavy/medium social gear, can we have an option to buy all of the gear? For example, right now my operative can only buy medium armor with commendations, and my bounty hunter can only buy heavy armor, but both have companions I would like to equip who need other types of armor. So when new types of social are implemented, will you allow us to buy armor that is not our specific type? Edited by Paralassa
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